Adultery Across Rooftops by misterwho
Across Rooftops - The Tutor

He was asleep and she let him get his rest. Sheila had napped just before Sham had shown up at her door. She quickly discovered that she had been spotted in her little pleasure garden on the rooftop. It did not take her long to figure out why he had called on her. The young man, all of nineteen years in age had his blood surging with hormones and wanted to see if he could strike up a friendship or more with this woman he had spotted from his roof top.

She has played and pleasured herself with her usual wild abandon on the assumption she could not be seen. Actually, Sham had seen her play with her breasts and use the water hose to bring herself to orgasm. And before she could gather herself and freshen up, there he was at the door.

The expert seductress that she was, she sized up the boy wonderfully well. Her own self-control of the last few years did not help. Trying to bring up her own teenaged son in a better environment prevented him from indulging herself in young males the way she had for years before. In Sham she sensed opportunity to indulge her carnal craving without compromising on the home environment she wanted. In any case, in her hunger she justified everything she wanted to do to herself.

And so, after several years, Sheila found herself in a familiar situation: that of a teacher. And here was her student, lying knocked out but not down – for his erection was unabated. She had still not seen it any state but that.

The first round, of initiating him to sex was quick but consisted of more than one round of actual copulation. His untrained and urgent approach tired her out sooner but that was also because she was unused to vigorous sex; and Sham was vigorous if anything.

She allowed it. First bring him in and allow him to feed in frenzy. Then he would be calm enough to be tutored in the art of pleasuring Sheila. To be honest, she too fed on him with frenzy. For a woman used to a string of lovers the prolonged celibacy proved too much. She rode him initially, intending to take her full pleasure but he could not hold out. Then she had him pound her but it lacked the finish she was used to.

So, while she was ragged with the fucking, she was hardly satiated. In fact, the idea of having to teach him the details of pleasuring her drove her wild as she waited for him to wake up. She went over the details of all the things she needed to teach him. She wanted him to learn to eat her to orgasm. He also had to learn to fuck her from behind; it felt so wonderfully animal and forceful. And then there was sixty-nine.... All of these had to be taught one by one, but punctuated by better kissing, riding, fucking and foreplay.

So much to do! And Sheila knew the young man might not be able to stick to her sequence of lessons. Nor she to her intended script. Two wild people: it would be a long series of lessons, detours included.

All these thoughts raised her body temperature to one of intense sexual fever. She needed him. She needed that the orgasm to end all orgasms: the one his tongue could bring. She eyed the clock. How much time had she before her son returned? The boy would have to out before then. And the maid who came in for an hour to do the house? The maid was by herself not such a big problem for her own bedroom was out of bounds for the servants. This part she maintained by herself. There were just too many valuables and she could not be bothered with locking up things in this room which was her haven from the whole wide world. It was a room where she did not have to think of anything or anyone. This was where the real Sheila lived they way she wanted to live.

She thought all these thoughts and her hand idly slid down her tummy and she twirled her pubic hair. Her hand moved up and down her torso, occasionally venturing further than the pubic hair, as she contemplated sliding her fingers in. Her tummy was damp with mild perspiration from the exertions of their session. As she patted around to find a sheet or towel to dry herself a bit the doorbell rang.

Sheila threw on her caftan. She thought a bit about it and then locked her room and slipped the key into her pocket. What if some circumstance presented itself and the maid accessed the room? She could not let her find this young Adonis lying nude, erection and all, in her bed.

She rapidly went down the stairs. It was the maid. She let her in. No instructions. Sheila's house was kept to order. The clothes would be in the wash basket. The vessels would be in the sink. Takeaways of yesterday's leftovers for the maid would be found in their allotted place. And Memsahib Sheila's space was out of bounds as usual. That was Sheila. Perfect in keeping house.

Leaving the maid alone as she often did, Sheila ran up the stairs quickly and found herself quite sweaty by the time she reached her room. She had already been warm; the quick walk down and back up the stairs made her really hot.
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Across Rooftops by misterwho - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-02-2019, 01:10 PM
RE: Across Rooftops by misterwho - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-02-2019, 01:29 PM

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