Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
She came to me and said: ‘I have to go to him, he is a bit scared and confused!’

Should I go with?”

No, better not, not today. Give him some time.”
She kissed me on the lips and then got out.

I looked out of the window. She hurried into the guest house. I got upstairs into my study and turned on my computer monitor and switched on to the guest room camera.
Meena was looking at herself in front of the mirror as Murad came out. He had wrapped himself in a bathrobe. Meena turned to him, then she went closer and kissed him shortly on his lips.

He embraced her and asked: “Is Doctor sleeping?”

Yes. Do you like to stay a bit longer?”

No, I think better not, You know it is too much for me for one day! I mean I like you... and I loved what you did...”

Meena interrupted him: “Sit down Murad a bit, I have to explain something, it doesn't take long...”

As they were going to sit down he continued: “Yes me too I have to tell you something I want to admit... I... I...I lo...”
Meena abruptedly interrupted him again: “Murad, just listen to me...”

She took his hands in hers and gazed at his face for a long moment. He was looking at her eyes and waiting.
I think this was what she considered as a problem, and I didn't think about it.
At this moment I understood her worry. This young man was going to fall in love with her, or he was already in love with her and this was not good at all.
I was all the time busy with my selfish sexual desires and inclinations and did not think about this possibility. But obviously she knew it since I told her about his interest on her and his behavior last Sunday.
Not later than he presented his gift, the gladiolas to her, I should have known...

Meena began to speak: “I like you Murad, you know this already. I do what I did because I like you…”

Then she giggled and shamefully admitted: "And I am going to do more if you want me to do! But..."

He was silent and just looking in her eyes with open wide eyes.
Meena looked down, perhaps to capture courage. Perhaps she wanted to think about how to formulate her message, not to hurt him emotionally.

Then she abruptly looked up into his eyes and said softly: “But I love Nadir! I belong to him, my heart belongs to him and I can't love somebody else as my man. I don't speak about my husband, but my man, the man of my life. You have to understand this Murad…”

Then she looked down and continued: “Apart from this, I am too old for you, I am too old to be your girl!”

Murad said nothing. There was a long pause, then he stood up and said: ”have to get dressed.” And left for the bathroom.

Meena stayed sitting and waiting, she looked sad and she was worried, I could see this clearly in her face expression.
He came out shortly after, then took his backpack and came to Meena. She stood up and embraced him.

He took her in his arms and whispered: “Thank you Ma'am. Thank you for everything. I understand you. I like you too. I like you very much...”

Meena kissed his cheeks and asked: ‘Next Sunday?’
For sure!”

She kissed his lips, looked at his face and while smiling, said softly and in a Young, girlish voice: “I'll take care of you as long as you like and as long as you need me. I'll do this because I like you...”

My Meena would meet up with her young lover again, I said to myself quietly.
While sitting there in my study, I had to admit that actually she was managing the situation masterfully.
It seemed to me at this moment, if I am going to lose my control over the happenings, or she is taking control on the situation. I thought about it and I asked myself: Is this so because she is smarter than me! It bothered me a bit that I had not the complete overview as like as she had? On the other hand, I told to myself, she is doing everything as you want and as you wish, what is your problem?! I knew, it was my ego who wanted to have complete dominion over everything.
In the meantime Meena accomponied him to the gate and they stood there some minutes. I could not hear them, then she paid him and he left. I stood up and left my room for downstairs.

She was barely inside, took my hand and pulled me to the stairs: “Come, come my master. I am so horny, I want you, I want you to take me like never before!”....

'He cares not just about the Roses! - 25’ …

That afternoon we had a passionate sex.
Meena was mostly very active and she orgasmed two times. Fist time as I lapped her clit and a second time as we fucked, in missionary position.
Thursday evening, as we were looking at a movie on TV, I think she noticed that my mind was racing with thoughts.

Then suddenly she turned to me and asked: "Nadir, is there something? Did I do something wrong?"

No, baby. I was just thinking about the next weekend. Especially Sunday.”

She smiled and said: "And about our young Gardner?"

I am surprised that you didn't tell me what have you talked with him in the guest house. I mean it took some long minutes... And then at the gate also...”

Wait a minute, Nadir. Previously you told me that you don't want and you don't need to be informed about anything in such situations, but only when you ask about it. I am just running your commands, my lord!”

Then she kissed my lips passionately. 

After the separation, she continued: “If you want, okay, I'll tell you. I tried to clarify, my relation to him. I tried to give a message that he is not allowed to think romantically about this relationship…”

And were you successful?”

Yes, I think so, because he told me he is coming back!”

He told you really he is coming back not just for gardening?”

She giggled and said seductively looking at me: "At least I hope so, I hope my this message is well arrived. Are you satisfied?!"

Yes, almost, but just one more thing what about the short conversation at the gate?”

Now she flushed in her face and said: “He told me that he was so satisfied sexually as I sucked him. And told me he wants and hopes more!”

And what did you reply?”

I told him that I am going to take care of him! Now, you tell me why were you so bothered in the last days, Nadir?”

I was astonished that you care so about him and about his feelings...”

Ohhh... my baby is hurt and Jealous...” Meena giggled.

Now I was a bit hurt, from her such reaction!

Meena, I am not jealous, you have to let the nature play his game. You are not responsible to correct all the missteps and errors in this world, not even when you are responsible for emotional setbacks around you, or because of your behavior. Let the young boys and old men taste the bitterness of letting down and disappointment! This is the life, you win sometime, but you lose often... It is normal. If somebody falls in love with you, this is not your problem, as long as you are not in love with him. Do you understand me?”

Yes, I do. Excuse me Nadir, I know what you mean, but...”

No buts Meena. If you can not do this, then you can sacrifice yourself according to me, but without my participation...”

I felt a bit anger in my voice but I thought at that moment, this is perhaps the best way to clarify the situation.
She looked at me. I saw the disappointment and even tears in her eyes, but I do not let myself be influenced by that.
We didn't discuss about this theme more the next days. But it was obvious there was some irritation between us....

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