28-05-2020, 10:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 28-05-2020, 10:49 PM by ks6996. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Moving On
Cold water streamed down from the shower, piercing her naked body like shrills of ice. Kajal stood below, her long hair soaked by the pour and getting woven together like a mermaid's, her arms folded tightly to her mammaries while she had been standing still for almost 20 minutes in her bathroom.
It was evident from her dead eyes that her still-body was in one place and her mind in another. Not even the icy water pinching her body could revive her spirits and let her forget the events that unfolded in the last 24 hours.
Everytime she closed her eyes, moments of how Balvaar & his perverted family spoiled her flashed in her head. Balvaar's big hairy hands, Kanta's paan-stenching face, Parvesh's stinky pubic hair, all those memories resonated over her body, sending shivers down her spine.
Kajal broke out to tears. Her cold eyes finally decided to let out all her sufferings. She had gone through a tough day, after having to pay for her father's debt with her own body.
Tears flooded down her cheeks unrestrainingly, disappearing into the shower's strong flow and gushing down the sink indifferently.
But, Kajal was a very strong woman. It was not in her character to break down because of some misfortunate events. She realised that she didnt earn her 'superstar' status in the Cinema industry by backing-down when people opposed her. She literally clawed her way to the top by being a bossy bitch and by knowing how & where to hit back.
Next second, she swallowed in all her pain. She decided she wasnt going to dwell on the memory of a bunch of brutes harassing her, that she wont stay intimidated anymore and that its now her time for payback.
Her legs stiffened up. She released her hands from her chest and slid her fingers into her hair, right from her forehead to all the way backwards, making sure all the shampoo she had applied before had dissolved and cleansed the place where someone's else's stinky cum had been before.
Lifting her face up and letting it sink directly in the cold pour of the shower, she determined to act smart the next time and deal with those assholes. She decided she was not going to honour the deal she had made before with the goons, the one where they cornered her and coerced her to agree to sleep with one more person. Kajal said to herself 'No more'
She was prepared for a war this time. When those morons come knocking again, she decided not to succumb to their threats but rather hurl them back against them.
But, that fight was not today's concern. She turned off the shower nozzle and walked out of her bathroom. She stepped into her lavish bedroom with only her bath-towel wrapped around her.
Just when she started to feel like the day was already behind her, she noticed the crushed gray-sheets of the mattress over her huge queen-sized bed. That is where Balvaar was messing with her privates the previous night.
Quickly, she adjusted the sheets and took care of its wrinkles, restoring it with its elegant look.
She picked up a pair of pyjamas from her dresser and switched her bath-towel with it. After getting into her night-dress, she checked the wall-clock over the dressing-table that stood straight-opposie to the bed. The time was almost 8 PM. She realised it had been nearly 4 hours since Balvaar had dropped her back at her home.
She couldnt erase from her mind what an uncomfortable journey it was, riding on the back of a two-wheeler for hours, driven by a bastard. And not to mention the scorching sun; she had to cover herself from toe to head despite the weather to avoid getting noticed by the public.
She exhaled deeply, trying to keep her calm and not remember any more details about the day. She took herself out of her room.
The hall was deserted. The giant LED TV was running but the 3-Seater sofa that laid opposite to it had no one on it. She walked to the kitchen, which was adjacent to the dining room.
She caught her dad roaming around in there, picking stuffs from the cupboard. He had made dinner for both of them. She saw two plates over the counter that seperated the dining room from the kitchen. They were filled with Pasta, her favourite kind.
Impressed by her dad's cooking, she took one plate in her hand and sat on one of the chairs before the huge wooden dining-table. She hadnt eaten properly since the night before. And all she got in Balvaar's house was some cheap street-food, the taste of which her tastebuds didnt prefer. Hence, the colourful dish appeared like a cure for all her worries.
While she was captivated by the delicious aroma of the meal before her, her father placed a glass of water near her plate for her. Then, he took another glass for himself along with the other plate that was over the counter, and sat in the chair opposite to her.
Vimalan quietly went through his meal without speaking anything. His behaviour had been the same since she had seen him this evening, without having spoken a single word to her yet.
Kajal took it as a sign of guilt. The fact that it was because of his foolish faults that his daughter had now suffered must be killing him from underneath, she thought. Well, his guilty silence was not cheering her up either. He didnt even have the courtesy to look her in the eye. All he did was look at his plate and eat his pasta.
His silence made Kajal uneasy with herself. She was trying to move on from the past but her father's actions, or the lack of it, wasnt helping her. It made her uncomfortable to a point where her favourite food was not appetizing any more.
After only eating a couple of spoons, she began feeling like the food was making her feel heavy in her chest. She didnt seem to be hungry anymore, atleast not with a speechless father before her.
She picked up the plate and stashed it inside the fridge in the kitchen. She came back to the table and picked up her big glass of water that her quite father placed for her before. She drank all of it to the end, gargling some and then gulping it down the throat till the last drop.
Having no more business around, Kajal got back to her room. She turned on the air-conditioner and buried herself into her bedsheet, over the bed. Shutting her eyes close, she hoped to sleep. But she felt like her mind was not ready for a nap yet.
Several minutes passed, and all she did was restlessly wiggle inside her bedsheet, shifting sides, desperately trying to get comfortable and force herself into sleep.
A long hour passed with absolutely no success. Kajal just stared into the silent darkness of the room. The whirring noise from the air-conditioner felt more louder for her ears than the usual.
The darkness and the cold silence did everything other than putting her mind to sleep. It inevitably made her have thoughts about what happened earler during the day.
Though she was already over everything that happened to her, things like these take time to get erased from the mind. She knew that very well. That is why, instead of just lying there and letting her mind wander hopelessly into the past, she decided to divert her mind to other things. That has always been her way to overcome tramautic events in her life; To divert herself and do newer things so that old memories get replaced by new ones.
She immediately got her tight butt out of the bed and stormed out of the room, picking her laptop on the way.
The lights were out in the hall. So She assumed her father must've went to bed, turning off all the lights in the house.
She turned on the designer-lights that mildly illuminated the place in a dark-blue shade. She sat on the sofa, opened her laptop and googled her favourite saree-shopping website.
That was Kajal's way of escapism. She loved to shop. Nothing calmed her mind more than the thrill of browsing through pages of attires, gawking at all the pretty sarees & lingeries like a 14 year old kid. Her mind never gets bored even after scrolling through dozens and dozens of pages of clothings.
It made her remember her sister, Nisha, for a moment, who never misses the chance to make fun of her shopping addiction. Also, she recollected her mother, Sunandhi, telling her that she would be returning home tomorrow. Kajal felt it would be nice to have her mother around, especially during tough times, even though she knew she couldnt tell about any of the events that has been troubling her recently. She didnt want to break her mother's heart.
Time flew by as Kajal got pulled into her laptop's screen. Hundreds of designed clothes scrolled by while her unresting eyes coarsed through each one of them. She never cared to check the time as she loved to keep her engaged in something finally.
As she kept scrolling and scrolling, seeing if something is worthy enough to catch her attention, she ended up stumbling upon a gorgeous outfit finally.
It was a beautiful saree. Its bright-yellow colour so graceful in its look, it was an eyeful to watch. The blue blouse with red stripes,the pattern that also ran over the saree's pallu, was another attractive element that made it special to her eyes.
It was an eye-turner. Instantly, she knew it would go very well with her milky-fair skin.
Without delaying any further seconds, she searched for the 'Add To Cart' option. But, what she found instead was a one-line note in blue saying 'Sale Begins At 2 AM, Sunday'.
Thats when it occurred to her to look at whats the time then. It was about 12:15. The saree would be on sale in less than 2 hours.
The thing with such elegant designer sarees are, they are unique. Which means, there is only one of them out there. And Kajal wanted to possess the one.
After having spent more than a couple of hours in the laptop, her eyes began to strain and demand some rest. All of a sudden, she could feel her muscles loosen up, her body tense down and relax. She was on the verge of a sleep, she could feel it in her head as it gradually dizzied up. She let out a deep yawn and was ready to hit the bed at any moment and sleep for hours.
But...the sale. The saree wasnt something she was willing to lose over for her sleep. So, she took out her mobilephone and set an alarm at 1:55 AM. She wanted to click the purchase option at exactly 2:00 so that someone else doesnt precede her.
She closed her laptop, shut the mini-lights off and went to her room. The place was freezing as she had left the air-conditioner running when she had got out of the room before. The air in the room was cold enough to seep inside her pyjamas and prickle her tender insides.
She turned on the lamp on her dressing table and dropped her mobile there after looking at her figure in the mirror for a brief moment. Turning the lamp off, she headed back for her bed.
The mattress felt more comfortable than before as it softly sinked in along with her booty. She stretched her long legs over the bed and slowly dropped her head on the pillow. Relief coarsed throughout her body. She covered herself from the cold with the help of her soothing bed-sheet, as her eyelids slowly closed down peacefully. In a matter of seconds, she nodded off.
~Time Passes~
Kajal's eyelids quivered before they slowly opened up. For her, the place didnt seem any different than when her eyes were closed. It was too dark, still.
She did feel like she hadnt slept enough, so she guessed it could not have been long since she went to sleep. The only thing she could make out in the darkness was the green radium-glow of the two hands inside the wall-clock. She struggled to read the time from it but she soon figured out it was somewhere around...3'o clock?!
What? She was confused how she couldnt hear her alarm. Did she not set it right? Had she overslept?
Before anything, she wanted to get out of the bed and get her laptop running. She lifted her body up, but......she couldnt. She tried lifting it again, but her hands wont co-operate. She could only raise her head but nothing else down from there.
And soon, she realised, she couldnt move her arms either. She could feel her fingers touch the head of the bed, on both the ends with her right & left hands. The only thing was that she couldnt seem to move them from either of the sides.
And that wasnt all. Similarly, she could feel her legs being in such an uncomfortable position too, unable to move despite trying.
She began to worry. Was she in a dream? No, everything felt too real; the strain in her feet, the tightness around her arms, and the cold was the worst of all. It was freezing more than she could bear. Out of all, what made it more scarier was she couldnt see anything at all out of the pitch-black darkness.
Kajal grew agitated by the moment. She didnt know what to do; to scream, call out for help? Her mind was raging with fear.
And thats when the light came into the room through the opening-door. As the door to the room slowly creaked open, the bright light from the outside glared like a star, making Kajal's eyes shrink in reaction.
She could only make out a blurry figure walking inside the room through the door. Before her eyes could adapt to the light, the door shut close, making the room dark again.
Before Kajal could guess whats going on, she heard a click of a switch, and the room lights turned on.
The lights turned out to be too sensitive and startled her eyes. She turned her face away, squinching her eyelids. Everything was too blurry before things slowly started coming to focus.
And the first thing that caught her attention was...the ropes. Both her hands and her legs were tied to the bed firmly with rubber ropes. Her right arm stretched & tightly tied to the farthest rail on the right, making her unable to move it even by an inch. Same with her left hand. Her feet were stretched widely apart from each other, leaving her vaginal entrance unguarded, and tied to the rails at the bottom of the bed.
And the next thing that shocked her nerves was how there wasnt even a single garment covering her body. She was nude from head to toe, her fragile body lying bare to the coldness of the room.
Bewildered by everything she had noticed, and wondering how she slept through all this without even feeling a thing, she turned her gaze to the fat figure that stood beside the bed.
A short man, seemingly old from the poor hair left on his head, ogled at her nude body. Before Kajal's shivering lips was able to say anything, the man smiled, his grin filled with greyish yellow teeth.
"Ahh...you are finally awake." The man spoke in his gruffy voice, "Hello Kajal, I am Garjan". Saying this, he threw his big silly grin back again on his mouth.
Kajal was beyond terrified. The man, whom she was planning to fight with, now had her naked on ropes in her own bed. She helplessly wiggled, her naked body jumping up and down over the mattress, trying to cut away from the ropes. With Garjan's eyes hungrily leering at her struggles, she had no idea what her fate had decided for her.
![[Image: 5ecff0bc85113.jpg]](https://imgadult.com/upload/small-medium/2020/05/28/5ecff0bc85113.jpg)
~Know clearly the Difference between Fantasy and Reality. Mistaking one for the other is Harmful.~