29-11-2018, 10:38 AM
Whew!! Incredible tension as the moment of truth arrives!!
Didn't get a chance to read over the past few days but the updates are fabulous. I love the way you express the inner feelings of Vivek and Sanjana. Just look at the reaction from your readers...and this is only your first story. It's got me going full blast!
I was reminded that they had a long courtship and have been married for many years (I went back to read the beginning of the story).
So the minute details become extremely magnified, e.g. she put one flower in her hair and the rest in the bedroom, the meaning is ominous but also highly anticipatory. The level of detail and the back and forth deliberations, e.g. whether to have Vivek stay or go, not wanting Vivek there when she does it with Anand, her agreement to be Anand's mistress, highlight Sanjana's extreme concerns about the "date" with Anand. She is clearly looking forward to it but is also very apprehensive as their lives are about to change. And Vivek's misery is total as his natural concerns for Sanjana get violently swept away.
Similarly, Sanjana's total immersion in lust during her end of day meeting (previous update)with Anand and thereafter, sitting in her cubicle, were extremely descriptive of her mental state. To add fuel to the flame, she reacts negatively to Vivek's multiple messages, effectively rejecting his concerns and diminishing his role further. Another reader, raasug , commented on that very well indeed. I agree with him/her totally.
As we wait for the "impending doom" perpetrated by the powerful and cunning Anand, and all that will follow, I feel that the real problem is no longer about jobs, sexual favours, corporate whoring, etc. but the greater problem of being a mistress for a 60 year old who already has a daughter Sanjana's age, a long term matter that will shatter the very long and happy relationship (courting 8 years, married with 2 kids for 8 years).
Sanjana was carefully brainwashed by Anand and Sneha and left in a state of unbearable lust, culminating in her desperate and frantic agreement (no, desperation) to be Anand's mistress. Her physical and mental states were left totally starved and frustrated as the master seducer left her hanging and unfulfilled. This was brilliantly described. So even though Sanjana had to do what she had to do, her mental state of total lust immersion will crave satisfaction above all else.
Unfortunately, Vivek is not a cuckold and his mental agony will only deepen. Looking back on his reactions, we see a man under stress, a man trying to find a job without success and in total financial ruin. Same for Sanjana, under stress as to what will happen to their family and fortunes. So while they both know that Anand's proposal was indecent, Vivek's arousal can be explained by the prolonged period of stress. Stress can cause all kinds of reactions. Humans are voyeuristic in nature. For a man, watching a woman pleasuring herself, exposing herself or having sex or other sexual/erotic behavior, can be extremely arousing. And that can happen even if that woman is his wife. So this leads to fantasies of various kinds. When this is acted out in reality, the relationship will change (betrayal, anger, divorce, swapping, swinging, cuckoldism, etc. are all likely). So Vivek getting aroused by the thought of Sanjana with another man is totally plausible within the context of their situation.
Now that we are heading towards reality, he will, no doubt and naturally, be aroused but the consequences will start. They have been in a long and confirmed relationship with two children. He has lost his wife and the family life will only be a sham held together for the sake of society. While the situation may have been forced on them, Sanjana's lust and resulting acquiescence to being Anand's mistress is going to be a real issue.
Mean time, Vivek, who has actually been unable to do anything because he cannot, will be further reduced to being an imbecile as his wife satisfies her own and Anand's lust. Sanjana and Anand will conclude that he is a cuckold and continue while Vivek lives in abject misery unable to prove that his arousals alone do not make him a cuckold, that he has to accept Sanjana sleeping with Anand because of his hopeless situation, not because he actually wants it.