Bet - Copied
"Mistress took her out of her room early this morning. I don't know where she took her. God, I hope she makes it back." Taylor cried as tears ran down her cheeks. "I hate myself. I did this to both of you. I'm so sorry." She cried.

"Oh, shut the fuck up Taylor. Yeah you fucked up but that's in the past. So, let's make sure we survive and get through this." Ash barked and walked out of the room. Taylor sat there for a few minutes wondering why Mistress hadn't come for her. She was worried about her mother and decided to go check. Slowly she slipped out of her room and down the stairs. 

Taylor wasn't sure what to do but knew Mistress was up to something. She knew that mom was the weakest link of the three. Ash and she had been under Ky's thumb for a long time before Becky took over Carol's life. Even though they had suffered terribly, somehow it made them stronger. They each had learned to escape somewhere deep inside themselves when all hope seemed lost. It enabled them to survive such terrible things and still keep their sanity. 

Becky had broken mom by confining her in total darkness. It affected her, broken her spirt. It wasn't like her and Ash's slow journey into depravity. Mom's psyche was fragile which left her easily manipulated and broken. Taylor knew their mom was the one who would break and end up back in prison unless she could find a way to rescue her.

Taylor slipped down the hallway towards Mistress' office. The door wasn't totally closed and she could hear Mistress Gladys speaking to someone on the phone. 

"You know what to do. Make sure she is covered. When she loses it and runs away, I want everyone to know she has broken her probation." Mistress said into her phone.

There was silence for a few moments, when Mistress spoke again.

"So where is she now?" She asked. "At the club?"

Silence again. "Okay I'll wait for 30 minutes before I call my buddy at the station to send a zone car over by the club. That way when she runs out, they will find her..."

"Okay call me if there's any change. Bye."

Taylor heard Mistress hang up the phone and dashed back upstairs. She prayed Mistress hadn't heard her as she rushed into Ash's room.

"Ash, mom's in trouble. Mistress is having her abused at the club. She is going to have her busted and sent back to prison. We have 30 minutes to save her." Taylor said her voice scared.

"What? How do you know that?"

"I went downstairs and heard Mistress on the phone. Now let's get out of here and save mom." Taylor barked. For the first time in months she actually felt like her old self.

Ash looked at her sister and nodded. Seconds later they slipped out the backdoor of the halfway house and down the street.

"What do we do Tay? We don't have any money, car, friends, nothing. How are we going to save mom?" Ash asked as they walked down the street. Taylor looked at her sister and barked. "I don't know but I know I'm going to try." 

They stood there for a minute or so when Taylor suddenly walked across the street and up to a teenage boy.

"Hey, can you help me?" She asked.

"Who me?" the boy asked.

"Yeah you, I lost my phone and I need to make a call. May I borrow your phone?" Taylor asked.

The boy looked at the two women, dressed in short skirts, and tight tops. "Are you hookers?" He asked.

"No, we're not, but our mother is in trouble and we need to get help now or we might lose her." Taylor explained as she grabbed the phone out of the boy's hand.

"Hey, I didn't say you could take it." He yelled.

"Shut up and wait." Ash screamed at him.

Taylor turned her back to the boy and Ash as she placed a call. She talked for a couple minutes before she turned around and handed the phone back to the boy. 

Taylor grabbed Ash's hand and took off running down the street. "Taylor where are we going? Who did you call?"

"We need to try to get to the club as quickly as we can. Don't worry about that, just hurry." Taylor said as she sprinted down the street with Ash close behind.

Luckily the club was only about a mile away and even though the sisters were out of shape, they were still able to get there in about ten minutes. When the club was in sight, Taylor stopped and pulled Ash to the side. 

"Look Ash, I don't know if help is coming, but I know that we can't just let mom go down alone. We either survive together or go down together. Now I figure that Mistress is about to call for the security officer to show up in a few minutes. So, I'm thinking mom is inside being abused. I think they are having her suck cocks and coating her with cum. I don't know what they are going to do to make her run out of the club. But we need to be there when she does. All we can do is grab her when she does and try to hide her. If she isn't found by the security officer maybe we get another day of freedom. All we need to do is survive the day and tomorrow we're free." Taylor explained.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Carol's day started like every day since Mistress Gladys took over their lives. She was pulled from her bed, abused physically and sexually until some men took her. Only this time it was different. Instead of a motel room, some private residence to fuck numerous men, she was taken to a strip club. Carol knew that tomorrow their time was over at the halfway house and they would be free from the cruel mistress. All she had to do was survive the day and it would be over. But this felt different. A shiver ran up her spine as she was led into the club and down to the basement. As usual she was stripped and pushed to her knees. 

"What is happening? Why am I here?" She asked. 

"Shut up slut and put your mouth to good use." The man barked as he pulled his cock out of his trousers.

Carol opened her mouth as she had been trained and soon his cock was down her throat. It didn't take long before the man pulled his cock out and painted her face. Carol didn't have but a second to recover before another cock replaced the first. It wasn't even eight o'clock and she was already on her second cock. By nine she had lost count and now her face and chest were covered with cum. By ten she was hardly functioning and was on her back. One man was between her legs and another was buried in her mouth. By 11 she was pulled to her feet and someone put some smelling salts under her nose.

"Look whore, if you're going to pass out then we might as well lock you up." The man barked.

Carol shook her head as the salts cleared her head. She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm and screamed. In front of her was a room. A room that brought back nightmares. A dark windowless room with a steel door. Her mind flashed back to Becky locking her up in the room in the basement. The very room that broke her mind and spirit. A shot of adrenalin filled her body as she suddenly jerked her arms away from the men and ran. She didn't know where she was running, only that she couldn't go in that room. She ran up the stairs and down the hall, not even realizing that no one was chasing her. The panic that filled her brain only knew she had to run. At the end of the hall was a door. She hit the door and rushed out on to the street. 

Carol didn't even know where she was and didn't see anyone. She only ran. It wasn't until she was suddenly grabbed and tackled that it hit her, she was out of the club, naked and covered with cum. She was crying hysterically and struggling against the arms holding her down, when she heard Taylor's voice.


Carol looked around and tried to come to grips with what was happening. She finally focused and saw Taylor and Ash holding on to her.

"Oh, god they were going to lock me in the room." She cried. 

"I know mom but you're safe now, but we need to hide. We can't be seen out here." Taylor explained.

Carol nodded as she was pulled to her feet. A few minutes later they were in an alley hiding behind a dumpster.

It wasn't long before they heard sirens coming closer. Carol looked at her daughters. She had managed to calm down some and asked. "We're fucked, aren't we?"

"Not yet I hope. I made a call and I can only hope it worked. But if we go down, we go down together." Taylor said.

Ash slipped from behind the dumpster and sneaked down the alley. She disappeared from sight for a few minutes. Taylor and her naked mother stayed behind the dumpster. There was no way they could go anywhere with Carol naked. 

Ash showed up a few minutes later with a ragged, dirty, torn shirt and handed it to her mother. "Here this is all I could find, but at least you're somewhat covered. The sirens sounded like they were right on top of them before they stopped. The three frightened women cowered behind the dumpster and waited to be found. There was no place to run, and nowhere else to hide.

It must have been about an hour before two security officer officers found them. They cowered and cried when they walked up to them. After weeks of abuse by their mistress and her uniformed guards, they figured that it was only going to continue. 

"PLEASE DON'T HURT US. PLEASE WE WILL OBEY." They cried when the officer approached them as they held each other closely.

It took them all by surprise when the officers didn't grab them and put them under arrest. Instead they took off their jackets and covered Carol.

"Shhh calm down we won't hurt you. We're here to help." The one officer said as the other one was on the radio. Within seconds there was an ambulance there and several more officers. Carol, Ash and Taylor were coaxed out from behind the dumpster and led to the ambulance. As they walked the few yards to the back standing there was Nicole and Holly her mother.

Taylor broke away and rushed up to Nicole and hugged her like her life depended on it. 

"Thank you." She whispered. 

Nicole hugged Taylor back and whispered. "I am still your BFF." She cried.

The next few days, Carol was in the hospital recovering from her ordeal. Taylor and Ash were put up in a cheap hotel until the security officer finished their investigation. By the time Carol was released, the three women were given the money they earned and set free. 

Taylor, Ash and Carol stood outside the courthouse and it hit them. They had nowhere to go. They had no home, no friends, and not a single relative had spoken to them since everything went public. "What do we do now?" Ash asked.

"I guess we need a place to stay. Let's find a hotel and look for a place to rent." Carol answered. Each had a Visa debit card with $8,500.00. It was their deferred pay for their stay in the halfway house. That was when a Mercedes pulled up to the curb. The darkened windows made it impossible to see inside. Just as the three women started to walk down the street, the door opened and out popped Nicole.

"Hey Sluts!" She yelled.

Taylor turned and saw Nicole and ran up to her. "Oh, my god what are you doing here?" She screamed.

"Well after everything that has happened, mom and I decided that you might need some help. So, we've been watching and knew you were to be released today, and thought you might like a ride, or maybe more?" Nicole explained.

"Oh, hell yes, but why? I mean I got you both trapped by that bitch Ky and her mom. Why would you even talk to us?" Taylor asked.

"Because I went through what you did, maybe not as much and I know what it feels like to be used, alone and afraid. I just couldn't leave my best friend behind. Come on we have a surprise for you." Nicole gushed and opened the back door of the car.

As soon as the four women were inside, all five women talked at once. It was mass confusion before Holly demanded they all shut up.

"Look I know things are tough for you. Your lives have been torn apart and you've lost just about everything. But today is the start of a new life for all of you. Now we have decided that you should stay with us for the foreseeable future. At least until you sort things out. We have an apartment above our garage that you can stay in until you find suitable work." Holly explained.

"We couldn't impose on you." Carol said. We have some money we earned while at the halfway house. At least let us pay you some rent."

"Nonsense, I won't hear of it. For at least the next week you will be our guest and then we can decide where you go from there." Holly said flatly.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet. Ash and Taylor talking to Nicole with Holly driving and Carol sitting in the corner quietly looking out the window.

When they arrived at Nicole and Holly's house, the women piled out of the car and into the house. Soon it was just like old times with the three girls rushing up to Nicole's room talking up a storm, while Holly and Carol sat down and talked.

The first thing Holly noticed was Carol was a different person. Before all this happened, she was gregarious, outgoing, and definitely a type A personality. Now she sat there passive, answering questions and hardly looking Holly in the eyes. The longer they talked the more Holly realized that Carol was broken. Her spirit gone. She no longer controlled the room but simply responded to questions.

Holly and Carol talked for about an hour with Carol detailing what all had happened to her and the girls. At first Carol was hesitant to answer, but when she did Holly realized that Carol's entire mindset had been rewritten. She was totally submissive. During a break in the conversation, Holly decided to see how submissive she was.

"Carol, stand up." She barked.

Carol didn't hesitate but quickly stood, her feet shoulder wide apart and her hands clasped behind her back. Holly couldn't believe what she saw. Carol didn't say a word but stood the silent looking down at the floor. 

"Turn around Carol." Holly demanded again.

Carol slowly turned around until her back was to Holly.

"What are you Carol?" She asked.

"I am a slave." She answered.

"Are you owned?" Holly inquired.

"I don't know. Becky was my Mistress but she is in Jail. Mistress Gladys was next but again she is in jail. I'm kind of lost right now." Carol whispered, her face blushing.

Holly sat there looking at the once strong, intimidating, and powerful woman in the county, standing in front of her completely lost and without direction. For a bit, she felt sorry for her, but then she remembered what the real Carol Smith was like. She was all those things, but also vengeful, mean, and ruthless. Seeing her as she is now brought a small smile to her face. 

Holly wasn't sure how to proceed. Part of her wanted to reach out and give her a hug, but another part wanted to see what the submissive woman would do on demand. All the while Holly is thinking, Carol was still standing where Holly said, her legs still spread and her arms still behind her.

"Tell me about being Becky's slave." Holly said trying to put a bit of authority in her voice.

"I did as I was told, M-M-Mrs. Holly." Carol answered.

"Tell me more?" Holly gushed despite herself.

Carol noticeably shivered when Holly spoke. "Yes Mrs. Holly." Carol answered and for the next twenty minutes or so proceeded to tell Holly how Becky loved to humiliate her. Strip her naked, tease her so much it almost drove her to the brink of insanity, and trained her to be a slut.

Holly gasped when she heard Carol say that. Carol stood there for a few minutes when Holly asked, "So who is your Mistress now... Slut?"

Carol's knees almost buckled hearing that question. She slowly raised her head and for the first time looked her in the eyes. "I'm lost right now Mrs. Holly." She answered with a clear voice.

Holly sat there for at least a minute before she again spoke. Her mind was going a mile a minute digesting all she heard from Carol. Carol was never a close friend. In fact, she wasn't really a friend at all. They never socialized, had the same friends or any real contact. That is except for a run in they had a while back. That ended badly for Holly as Carol humiliated her at a block party organized by the homeowner's organization. Her only other contact with her was through Nicole and Taylor. Now she was faced with a moral dilemma, does she offer support and help her try to recover from the trauma? Or go to the dark side and take over from her previous Mistresses? Holly thought about it and remembered all the times Carol had humiliated almost everyone she knew and made her decision.

"Slut kneel." She barked. 

As soon as the words left her mouth, Carol dropped to her knees, her arms behind her head and her legs spread wide. "Yes, Mistress Holly." She quietly spoke.

Holly looked at the once powerful woman, kneeling in front of her and wondered if her daughters were also broken and submissive. She remembered what Carol said about how Becky broke her by locking her in a dark room and shutting off the world, and remembered a closet they had in the basement that could serve as a substitute. "Strip and follow me slut," Holly said as she stood and headed for her basement. She looked behind her and smiled as Carol quickly removed her clothes followed her on her hands and knees.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

Ash and Taylor sat on Nicole's bed and Nicole was sitting at her desk. At first, they were talking a lot, but after a bit, the conversations died down and now there was an awkward silence. Nicole watched the two sisters closely. She knew at least some of what they had gone through and had seen the changes in Taylor first hand. She wondered how deeply Taylor and possibly Ash had surrendered to Ky. 

"So, when I last saw you both, you both were wearing slave collars. Are you still Ky's slave?" She asked expecting vehement denials to come out of their mouths. But neither said a word at first. She watched as they looked at each other before Ash spoke. "I don't know. I mean as long as she isn't around, I feel free, but in the back of my head, if she would walk in right now, I don't think I could stop myself from dropping to my knees and bowing down to her." 

Taylor dropped her head and looked at the bedroom floor. When Ash finished, she quietly whispered, "I am a slave." 

"Really Taylor, but Ky isn't here and she won't me for a long time. Whom are you a slave too?" Nicole asked.

"Right now, I don't know. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ky changed me. I don't know if it was her training me, or if it was something buried deep inside me, but when I was on my knees as her slave and she would whisper "Good slut," I would almost climax. I hated every task she gave me, but my body was constantly on edge, and when she allowed me to cum, the orgasms were incredible." Taylor explained and blushed. Ash sat next to her and nodded her head. For the next several minutes no one said a word. The two sisters sat there quietly looking at the floor. Nicole looked at them and especially their bodies. Both of them were flushed. Neither were wearing bras and their nipples were hard as pebbles and poking out from their tee shirts. 

Finally, Nicole spoke, "What is it you desire right this minute?"

Taylor looked up at Nicole and whispered, "I want to be controlled. I want a mistress to take charge and make me safe."

Nicole looked at her BFF and smiled. Stand up Taylor and strip, then kneel in front of me." Nicole said her voice strong and firm.

Taylor practically jumped up and in seconds was naked and on her knees. Her hands behind her head and her legs spread wide.

Holly smiled as she watched Taylor comply with her demands and looked at Ash. Ash was still sitting on the bed, fidgeting. Her lips parted slightly and slightly panting. "Is that what you want too, Ash?" Holly said.

Ash nodded and followed her sister's example. Soon both sisters were on their knees. naked and in the same position. Nicole sat there for a few minutes and gawked at her two friends in front of her. She remembered what it felt like submitting to Ky. She hated every second, but she remembered what she saw and how she felt when Taylor submitted to her and Ash. The orgasm she had when Taylor was begging to serve her was overwhelming. Now she had two beautiful submissive women, naked, and ready to submit to her. The feeling flowing through her body was incredible. It was the power of having control over them. She wasn't sure what to do but wanted to ask her mom and see if Carol was the same. "Both of you lay on the floor and don't move." She barked and watched as both quickly complied. 
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