Bet - Copied
The following days were very difficult for the slaves. It seemed everywhere they went, yellow cards would appear. Before class, after class, in the halls, at their dorm rooms. No matter where they went there were cocks and pussy waiting to be serviced. By the end of the second day, Taylor walked into her and Nicole's room, and stopped dead in her tracks. All of Nicole's stuff was gone, her clothes, posters, computer, everything was gone. The only thing left was a piece of paper on Taylor's desk.


I couldn't take it any longer. I called mom and she came up and got me. I've left college and we are moving. I hate this but it's the only way out for me. I don't know what mom said to Ky, but she removed my chastity belt and we left. All I know is that I'm sorry for you and Ash. I don't know what Ky has planned but I can't do this anymore. 


Taylor called Ash and told her to meet her at their car. Unfortunately both were caught by men with cards. It took both over an hour to get to the car. By that time they were again covered in fresh cum. They jumped into the car and drove off campus. At first they drove aimlessly not going anywhere. Ending up at a park about a mile off campus they sat the in silence, both lost in thought.

Taylor had no idea how long they sat there staring out into space, a knock on the window woke her from her stupor. Taylor almost jumped out of her seat when she felt the thump against her head leaning against the window. She turned to look, but all she could see were four yellow cards, plastered against the window.

"OH GOD NOOOO...." She groaned. "How did they find us?" She asked to no one in particular. Taylor looked over at Ash, who sat there staring at the window, her mouth wide open, and a tear running down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Ash, I'm...." Taylor tried to speak, but Ash held up her hand. "I know Taylor; you really didn't have a choice."

Before they could say anything else, another knock was heard on the window, and they could hear a muffled voice from outside the car.

"Hey, you have four minutes to get naked and suck our cocks or we're going to complain."

Taylor and Ash opened their doors and stepped out of the car. Walking over to a dumpster near the parking lot and the two started to strip. The four young men followed howling with laughter.

"You are some fine looking sluts, or should I say whores." One of them laughed.

"I want a piece of Taylor's ass. Man she has lots of padding." Another announced.

"Fuck she doesn't have any tits. I'll take her sister, at least her tits are big enough to fuck." The third man added.

"I don't care as long as I shove my cock in somewhere warm and wet. Get on your knees slut." The last man barked. Both Taylor and Ash dropped to their knees. After the last few days, there was no resistance coming from either of them. The last man grabbed Taylor's jaw and pulled it to his cock, the tip pointing at her mouth.

"Suck me slut!" He barked.

Ash was pushed to her hands and knees. With no preparation a cock filed her mouth, and another moved between her ass cheeks. A few moments later she was being spit roasted, her body sawed back and forth between the two cocks.

For the next hour, it was cock after cock showing up. It was as if the entire campus knew where they were. It was only when there was a short break that the slaves jumped up and ran to the car. Taylor put the car in gear and peeled out of the lot. She looked into her mirror and saw two cars pull into the entrance. Looking closer, both were filled with men and heading right where they just left.

The rest of the night, it was a game of cat and mouse. Every time they stopped for any length of time, a car or two would soon show up filled with young men. This went on until very early in the morning. It was almost half past four before it all stopped. Both Taylor and Ash sat there, afraid to go to sleep in the vehicle. Their clothes and bodies covered with cum.

It was about six thirty when they slowly drove back to campus. They parked the car and slipped out. The campus was deserted this early, so they slowly made their way to Ky's dorm room. It was earlier than they had ever showed up before, but they were exhausted and had nowhere else to go.

Taylor looked over at her sister. They had stripped off their clothes already and clipped their nipples. Taylor was about to knock, when Ash stopped her. "Taylor, I forgive you." She said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you Ash." She answered and knocked.

A few seconds later, Ky opened the door, obviously just waking up. "Fuck it's early. Anxious to start the day?" Ky barked.

Both Ash and Taylor dropped to their knees and kissed and licked Ky's feet. "Please Mistress, help us. We can't get away. We've been chased all night. It's like they know where we are." Ash begged.

"Well of course they do. Didn't you look at the app? When you open it there's a map showing the nearest vibrator. All they had to do was go to the dots on the map." Ky laughed.

"Oh fuck please Mistress, take them out. Please Mistress we can't go on like this. Please unlock the belts" Ash and Taylor pleaded.

"Sure I could do that, but why would I?" Ky smirked. "What's in it for me? You're already my slaves."

"Oh god please Mistress, what do you want. We'll do it. We can't be chased all day and night." Taylor was begging and licking Ky's toes like they were her favorite ice cream.

"If I unlock the belt, I'm taking it off and that opens your pussy to be fucked. No Vibe, no belt, open season on your pussy." Ky gloated.

"But that does nothing for me. For me to do that, I want you both to open a webpage and perform on cam. You will do whatever is suggested. And you will do it for two hours a day. Each and every day, and I get all you earn." Ky spat at the two splayed on the floor. "If you don't agree then the belt and vibe stay right where they are. In fact I'll bet there are already guys waking up and checking to see if you are close."

"YES....YES....YES WE'LL DO IT. JUST TAKE THEM OUT!!!" Ash screamed at Ky.

Ky looked down at the slaves still in the hall, licking her toes and begging to be online whores. She smiled and wondered how her mother was doing with Carol.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Carol's next couple days were the worst days of her entire life. Becky and her five friends kept her rushing from house to house. She was stripped, prodded, poked, fucked and sucked cock after cock. Each time she was blind folded and had no idea who she was sucking or fucking. She also ate pussy after pussy, again blindfolded. When she wasn't serving Becky or her friends, Becky had her cleaning her house or edging. She was naked so often it felt strange to be dressed.

On the third day, Becky took Carol home. As usual, Carol was naked and riding in the trunk of Becky's car. When they arrived, Becky opened the trunk and ordered Carol out.

Carol slowly got out of the trunk of the car. She cringed when she realized Becky had parked at the end of the driveway near the street. She could hear Becky laughing behind her as she ran to her front door. Carol's only thoughts were to get out of sight and into her house.

Carol rushed up to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She looked behind her at Becky who was sauntering up the walk giggling.

"Having trouble with the door?" She asked as she approached the porch.

"Please Mistress unlock the door?" Carol pleaded. The last thing she wanted was for her neighbors to see her naked, especially with Becky.

"No problem," Becky answered and turned the knob. Carol stood there shocked as the door unlocked as soon as Becky got there. She didn't use a key or remote but just turned the knob.

"How...?" Carol asked

"You see, you have a smart system now. It recognizes me but not you. If you leave without permission, you can't get back in. I have complete control over all the locks in your house. So from now on you will have to ask for permission to do anything." Becky continued.

Carol quickly followed Becky in to the house. The first thing she noticed was all the curtains, dbangs, blinds had been removed. All the windows were uncovered and anyone could easily see in.

"Follow me and I'll show you the improvements we've made." Becky announced and smiled her evil smile and headed for the kitchen. Carol followed her Mistress her stomach churning with fear.

"Now first I want you to understand, all doors, cabinets, drawers are locked, including the refrigerator. Only I can unlock them. The good thing is I can do it remotely. You just have to ask. Try them." Becky explained.

Carol tried a couple cabinets and the fridge. They were all locked. She then turned on the faucet and the water flowed.

"Oh yeah, you get two gallons of water per day. That's for bathing, cleaning, drinking, and even flushing. So if I were you I'd pay attention to how long you leave on a faucet."

Carol quickly turned off the faucet and cringed. "Mistress, how can I shower or bathe?"

"Oh you can save water. If you don't use your daily allocation, you can save the rest for the next day. In five days you could have ten gallons." Becky laughed.

Carol looked at Becky like she was from another world. How could she do this to me Carol thought to herself.

"Now look around, do you see the cameras? Of course not, they are hidden, but trust me I can see everything in the house. There is nothing I can't see or hear. Follow me." Becky barked and led Carol upstairs to the hallway.

"Now if you notice all the doors here are locked, including all the bathrooms. If you're good, I might let you sleep in a bed and use the toilet. If not, then I'm afraid it's the basement and a bucket. Go ahead and try the doors." Becky said.

Carol tried her bedroom door and nodded when she couldn't open it.

"Good, now let's take a look at your new room. That is until you earn living upstairs." Becky was gushing now as she headed downstairs all the way to the basement.

Carol followed like a lost puppy. Yesterday all she could think of was to get home and try to find a way out of this. But with the modifications to her house, it felt more like a jail instead of her home.

Becky led Carol to the small room in the corner of the basement. It now had a steel door and a massive lock. As soon as Becky grabbed the handle, the lock opened and she pulled the heavy door open.

"Inside slut," She barked.

Carol slowly stepped inside the brightly lit room. There was nothing in the room, but a bucket and a thin blanket lying on the floor. "You should memorize where everything is, because once the door closes, the lights go off until I turn them back on. The bucket is a multipurpose bucket. There is a drain under it so if you want to empty it. There is also a couple bottles of water behind it, but as I said, you need to conserve your water. There are two primary uses for the bucket. One to relieve yourself, unless you want your piss and shit all over the floor. It is also how you will be fed. If you notice there is a pipe sticking out of the wall. Just place the bucket under the pipe and every so often food will be poured into the bucket. If you miss, I'm afraid you will have to eat off the floor, or of course if the bucket is filled with something else the floor might be preferable." Becky chuckled.

"Oh god you can't be serious. You want me to eat out of a bucket that is also used as my toilet? There's no fucking way?" Carol's anger was building, her face red and her fists clenched.

Becky looked at her naked and angry rival and smirked. When Carol started to walk towards her, Becky stepped out of the room and slammed the door closed. When the massive door latched, the bright lights went out and total darkness consumed the room. Carol was disoriented at the sudden darkness and stood still. She stood there for a few minutes to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but after a while, she realized there was no light.

Fear gripped Carol. With no light whatsoever, no clothing, and no way to get out, the fear was all encompassing. She dropped to her knees and cried and cried and cried. Carol had no idea how long she cried, time as well as everything else had no meaning any longer. She was alone in silence and total darkness. Finally she crawled over to where she thought the thin blanket was and tried to sleep.

Carol tossed and turned for a long while. The darkness was so encompassing that Carol was soon confused as to where she was. She knew she was at home, but the longer she was in total darkness, the further her mind retreated into itself until she was on the verge of madness. Finally she dropped off into a troubled sleep. Her dreams of being a slave and used as a whore seemed distant.

Carol had no idea how long she slept for. She wasn't even sure her eyes were even open. She slowly started to stand, but with no possible way to see anything, she started to get dizzy. Instead she dropped to her knees and crawled over to where she thought was the bucket and water. It took a minute or so to find her meager possessions, grabbing the water she crawled back to where she thought the blanket was.

Not only was it dark, but the silence was also complete. There were no creaks, footsteps, or normal house noises. It was as if two of her senses had been stripped away. Carol took a sip of water, and started to cry again, when she heard a noise.

Carol froze, she prayed it was Becky coming back to let her out. But instead there was another noise followed by a splashing sound. Carol thought about what it might be, when she remembered her food was being delivered via the pipe in the wall. She crawled over to where she heard the sound, and found a puddle, or what was left of a puddle. Most of it had already drained down the floor drain.

Carol at first was disgusted at the thought of eating off the floor. But it had been so long since she had anything to eat other than cum, dropped her head and started to lick the floor of what was left of whatever Becky poured into the pipe.

* * * * * * * * * *

Becky sat back in her chair. In front of her was a very large flat screen monitor. She could see every square inch of that bitch Carol's house. It was now focused on one room. The green tint to the night vision camera was trained on the naked Carol huddled in the corner of the barren room. She had watched Carol for the last 36 hours. She watched as Carol went through several stages and now appeared to finally accept she was Becky's slave.

At first, Carol just cried and cried. For most of the first two hours Carol cried. Then came anger, anger seethed out of every pore in Carol's body. Her body seemed to glow at the peak of her anger, the anger dissipated and fear set in.

Becky could only wonder what was going through her captives mind as her rival's body seemed to collapse into itself. Her shoulders slumped, her head lowered and her eyes clouded with tears. She loved to watch Carol scramble to the pipe trying to capture her next meal of gruel. A tasteless soupy mix of water, bread, some chicken broth, and spiced with a squirt or two of her piss. Each meal had a little less chicken broth, and a little more piss. Becky giggled as she pissed in the pot with the bread and a few kibbles to add bulk. She would go over later and feed the slave. Right now she wanted to take a nap.
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Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:49 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:49 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:50 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:51 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:52 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:52 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:53 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:54 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:01 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:02 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:02 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:03 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:04 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:05 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:06 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:07 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:23 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:25 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:26 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:26 PM
RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:28 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:33 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by Kalyan143 - 14-02-2021, 04:34 PM

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