Bet - Copied
Ash answered:

Yes she did

Did you use it?


Turn it on again and slowly increase the intensity.


Ash opened the app and turned on the vibrator again. Taylor's entire body jumped and her hands shot down to her pussy. "Oh god not again," she moaned.

Make her drink the water with it on!

"Miss Ash please turn it off, I can't cum without permission. Please Miss Ash I'm begging you." Taylor begged and it was clear she was desperate.

"Not until you drink your water." Ash answered.

Taylor quickly took off the cap on the bottle and started to chug the water. Ash turned up the intensity again and watched as Taylor almost choked on her drink. Grabbing the alligator clips, Taylor twisted them hard.

'What are you doing?" Ash asked.

Taylor stopped drinking and moaned.

"I'm using pain to stop the orgasm. Please Ash turn it off, I'll do anything." Taylor said her voice strained from the pain and vibrations.

"Finish the bottle." Ash instructed.

Taylor put the bottle to her lips and drank the rest of the water. As soon as Taylor finished Ash turned off the vibrator. She watched as Taylor fell to the floor panting and still twisting her nipples.

No one moved or spoke for a couple minutes, when Taylor slowly tried to get back up on her knees. "Did anyone record me drinking?"

Both Ash and Nicole shook their heads and Taylor screamed. "I only have a minute," she said and handed Nicole her phone. "Record me Nicole." Taylor yelled and grabbed another bottle out of the fridge. She quickly opened it and poured the contents down her throat. As soon as she was done she grabbed the phone and sent the video to her Mistress.

Ash was amazed at her sister panicking as she tried to complete her assignment. A few seconds later Ky sent a text to Taylor.

You just made it slave. You're lucky you made it in time.

* * * * * * * * *

Taylor was still naked and covered in sweat and water. Her body was so close to a climax and her nipples were on fire. But after drinking two bottles of water in only a few minutes, she had to pee again. It hit her what that meant. Her cup was filled and the only way to empty it was to drink it. She knew she wouldn't be able to wait much longer as she picked up her phone and called Ky.

Ky answered on the second ring. "Well slave, why are you bothering me?"

"Mistress, you slave needs to relieve itself." Taylor answered in barely over a whisper.

"Is the cup empty?" Ky asked.

"No Mistress," Taylor groaned

"Well drink it down now slave." Ky demanded.

"Please Mistress, I'll puke, don't do this please." Taylor begged,

"If you puke you have to lick it up just like any piss you spill. Now I'm hanging up and you now have to wait for thirty minutes before you can call back. When you do I expect you to drink everything in the cup before you ask me again if you can piss." Ky barked and ended the call.

Taylor looked at Ash and Nicole; both were sitting on the bed staring at her. She wanted to scream that there was no way she would drink the cup of piss, but she couldn't. Ky's hooks were so deeply embedded into Taylor psyche that she no longer could refuse her. The release of the pictures and videos might have been in the back of her mind, but it was what her Mistress commanded that gripped her mind.

Taylor dropped her eyes, grabbed the cup and brought it to her lips. The closer it was to her nose, the stronger the smell. Taylor's stomach turned as the cup touched her lips. She closed her eyes and tipped the cup.

When the first mouthful filled her mouth, she gagged and some of the vile liquid dripped down her chin. But she managed to not heave and tipped he cup once again. This time she didn't gag and managed to swallow a few gulps. What made it more difficult was the she had just finished two bottles of water and not only was she not thirsty, but her stomach was full.

Taylor lowered the cup and looked up at Ash, her face showing her disgust. She blushed but again brought the cup to her lips and drank even more of her own urine. She moaned at the now chilled piss, the salty, nasty tasting liquid filling her mouth, but she swallowed and filled her mouth again and again. When she lowered the cup once more, it was over half empty.

Taylor took a deep breath and repeated everything once again. This time she finished the cup and sat it down on the floor. She looked at her stomach; it was distended from the massive amounts of liquid she had just consumed. Even worse was her bladder was overfilled and her need to pee was immediate. Taylor looked at the time. She still had to wait another ten minutes before she could call her Mistress again. She leaned back against her bed and held her hand over her pussy. She no longer cared what Ash or Nicole thought of her. All her concentration was on not losing control and pissing before she received permission.

The minutes passed by like hours. With each one her body pushed harder to relieve her bladder. She was panting now her fingers pushing hard against her pussy trying to hold back on the inevitable. Taylor glanced at the clock and she still had five minutes, when the vibrator came to life again. She screamed and fell to the floor, her body trembling and her stomach convulsing as the sensations from deep inside her body was overwhelming her mind and body.

Just as Taylor was about to lose control, her phone rang. She grabbed it like a life preserver and saw it was her Mistress


"Very good slave, you asked to please me and not to piss. I will give you relief but the same rules apply. Did you empty the cup down your throat?" Ky gushed.


"Use the cup and fill it slave." Ky barked.

Taylor's hand shot out and grabbed her cup as he got up on her knees. Her hands were rapidly spreading the cords buried in her pussy and positioning her cup between her legs. This time there was no hesitation and as soon as the cup was close Taylor released her bladder and piss gushed out of her slit filling the large cup once again.

Taylor closed her eyes as her body shivered and waves of pleasure filled her being. It was the closest she could come to an actual orgasm without having one.

The next couple of hours were torture for Taylor. She had to drink her piss twice and remained naked for the entire time. Every so often Ash would turn on the vibrator but in the end, Taylor managed to make it to 10:30.

"Ash I have to go, my Mistress told me to be there early. I can't be late. Please I need you both to be there at eleven." Taylor said as she slipped on her shorts and tee shirt. Fifteen minutes later she arrived at Ky's dorm room. Ky answered and laughed out loud. Taylor stood in front of her a total mess. Her hair was a mess. It was uncombed and stuck to her face. Taylor's makeup was streaked down her face and her clothes looked like she had worn them for days on end.

Ky stepped back from the doorway and waited as Taylor stripped off her shorts, tee shirt and shoes. She already had the clips on her skin and dropped to her knees. Taylor looked up at Ky as she crawled past her Mistress into the room.

When Ky shut the door and walked over to the bed and sat down. Taylor dropped down to her belly and slithered over and started to lick Ky's feet.

"My aren't you a well-trained slave." Ky gushed. "I think I'll keep you." She laughed.

"Now let's get you ready for when Ash and Nicole get here. You smell and look like shit. Follow me and we'll get you cleaned up." Ky said and walked out of her room and down the hall. Taylor followed her like a pet, naked, bound, and plugged. She stared at the floor all the way to the bathroom not daring to look to see if anyone was watching.

"Hey it's thunder thighs." She heard.

"Fuck look at her, the slut is a mess." Another comment rang out.

"Hey Ky can I fuck her when you get her cleaned up," Came a male voice from somewhere.

With each statement Taylor pulled further into herself. She no longer fought back. She was a slut, and she was a mess. She knew deep down that if Ky told her she would fuck whoever said that. It wasn't until they made it into the bathroom could Taylor look up.

Ky pulled Taylor over to the showers and turned on one in the common area. Taylor stepped into the water and yelled, "Oh, Mistress the water is cold!"

"Yes it is, sluts don't deserve warm water. You're lucky I'm not taking you outside and using a hose." Ky answered.

"Yes Mistress," Taylor answered and started to wash her body. Ten minutes later, Ky led Taylor back to the dorm room and ordered her to kneel just inside the door.

"Now slave, I'm going to untie you and remove your plug and vibrator. When we go downstairs to the basement, I want you in the middle of the room we're going to use. It has a settee and a bench. Make use of both. I want you to use all your talents to tease Ash and Nicole until they break and fully participate with you. I want both of them to eat your pussy and make you cum. Isn't that what you've been begging for all week, to be allowed to cum?"

"OH GOD YEEESSS! I NEEED TO CUM!" Taylor yelled.

"Do that and I'll allow you to cum all you want, just make sure it's at the hands of your sister and friend." Taylor's mind had fixated on her Mistress's words that she was allowed to cum with Ash and Nicole. "Please Mistress can we go down now?" Taylor body was shaking with desire. Right now she didn't care if it was her sister, mother, father, or brother. All she could think of was how to meet her Mistress's demands and see how many times she could orgasm.
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Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:49 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 05:52 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:26 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:33 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by hirarandi - 25-05-2020, 06:39 PM
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RE: Bet - Copied - by Kalyan143 - 14-02-2021, 04:34 PM

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