Lawyer Submit to Black Cock - Copied
Mandi and Heather, my twin girls, were both freshmen in college and sweethearts on full scholarship rides. They would be mortified to see their prudish mother right now. Yet, I pushed them out of my mind, as at the moment, I wanted nothing more than to feel him shoot his cum in my mouth or bend me over the table and pound the shit out of me.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked, "Are you a nigger lover?"

"Yes," I admitted without hesitation, looking up at him with lust, wanting that beautiful, black cock, glistening with my saliva, in my mouth.

"Say it!" He ordered, as he tapped my lips with his cock.

The words no longer seemed racist and wrong as I answered, "I love big nigger cock."

"And you're a white slut for nigger cock?" He continued, sliding his cock in my mouth further than I had sucked him.

I gagged briefly as he pulled back out and looked down at me waiting for a response.

I again answered like a cheap slut, which tonight I had apparently become, babbling like a coed bimbo, "Yes, I am a white slut who was born to service thick, long, delicious, stiff, nigger cock."

He slid his cock back in my open mouth and began to fuck my face, something that I hadn't had done to me since college. I concentrated on not gagging as his long cock reached new depths in my mouth.

"White bitches are made to serve," he said, as he pumped his cock in and out of my mouth. His breathing increased and I knew I was about to get a load of his cum in my mouth when he pulled out and said, "Open wide."

A rush of disappointment hit me at the realization he wasn't going to come in my mouth and then a chill of embarrassment at the reality he was going to come on my face like I was a cheap whore. A couple of seconds later, I felt the first spray of cum hit me right in the forehead, followed by three more solid squirts of white goo hitting my eyes, nose, cheek, mouth and chin.

I closed my mouth and swallowed the little sample that was shot in my mouth and instantly wanted more. I opened my one eye that wasn't covered with cum and took his cock back in my mouth to retrieve every remnant of his dark seed.

He chuckled, "Once you white MILF's get a black cock in your cocksucking mouth you can't get enough of it."

It was tough to argue his white slut for black cock theory with my mouth wrapped around his cock, hungrily retrieving his cum and my face coated with it.

After another minute or two, he pulled out and said, "Come back with a different colour of nylons and I will fuck the shit out of you."

"Okay," I said, disappointed he wasn't going to fuck me.

"You really want some black cock in that tight white pussy of yours, don't you?" He said, obviously catching the disappointment in my tone.

"Yes," I admitted, looking back at his still very erect cock.

"First, I need a picture for my wall of white sluts," he said.

"What, no!" I exclaimed, not wanting any evidence of my indiscretions and sexual weakness existing.

"You want my cock?" He asked.

"Yes," I admitted again.

"Then do as you're fucking told and smile," he said firmly, reaching for his phone.

So desperate to have his cock in my burning cunt, I reluctantly obeyed, smiling as he took a photo of my cum covered face. I felt so ashamed to so willingly allow such a humiliating and incriminating photo to be taken of me.

"Good slut," he complimented, just as his phone rang. He answered it, "Hi, just getting ready to leave Bill's home in you too." Hanging up, he said, "I guess I will have to take a rain check on destroying that white cunt of yours." He pulled up his pants as I just knelt there...disappointed.

Looking at me, he smiled, "It's okay, slut, there are lots of other men who will fill that white cunt of yours. But don't you dare clean your face of my cum until you get home, is that clear?"

"Yes," I agreed, even though the thought was mortifying.

"I will be asking my boys if you obeyed," he warned. "And if you want this cock one day, which we both know you do, you will obey like the good nigger lover you are."

"Understood," I replied, standing up, my knees sore.

"Good," he said, walking out of the room and leaving me embarrassed yet hungry for more...a conflicting oxymoron.

I stood dazed and confused for a minute as I replayed the craziness that was the past ten minutes and gasped at the realization of my having allowed my photo to be one moment of weakness I had risked my career. I cursed and decided I had to leave before I got myself pulled any deeper into this sexual submission. I headed back downstairs to find Samantha or Candace.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I saw a pair of heels peeking out from under a table. Making eye contact with the black man sitting at the table, he smiled and winked. I quickly turned away and saw Samantha at the bar with Bruce.

I went to her and said rather urgently, not even looking at Bruce, "We've got to go now."

"Why?" Samantha asked all innocently, smiling as she saw my cum-coated face.

I leaned in and whispered, "I am not sure I can control myself."

"I know, that's the point, they are utterly irresistible," Samantha said.

Bruce asked, looking me over and seeing my cum covered face, "So your first black cock was Jimmy?"

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Making a woman walk around with his cum drying on her face is his thing," Bruce explained, before adding, "I need a thing." 

Samantha put her hand directly on his crotch and said, "I think you already have a thing and it is very well known."

"True enough," he chuckled, looking over to me with a sexy smile. 

Samantha asked, the only way she knows, bluntly, "Did you enjoy sucking off Jimmy?"

My face burned blood red as I stammered, "S-S-Samantha!"

"It's written all over your face," she quipped back, which made Bruce's hearty laugh explode.

"Written all over your face...what a pun," Bruce responded, between laughs.

"I'll take your lack of denial as a yes," Samantha smiled.

I countered, deciding 'fuck it' I would play along and just let whatever happens happen, "His cock was delicious."

"Slut," Samantha quipped.

"Takes one to know one," I countered back.

"Well, I think it is time to make you a complete black cock slut," she added.

"Where is Candace?" I asked, trying to direct the conversation off of me.

"Still enjoying her first DP I imagine," Samantha answered, rather flippantly.

"Why don't we go up to my room and have a drink?" Bruce said.

"Great idea, Bruce," Samantha said excitedly, standing up and saying to me, "Let's go."

"I can't," I whispered, trying to stay morally strong (ignoring, apparently, that I already sucked a stranger's cock and was wearing his cum on my face like a scarlet letter), even though my pussy desperately wanted to be filled and I was curious what twelve inches of cock looked like, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist and was scared to end up being like Candace...even as I wondered what it would be like to be DP'd.

"Just come for a drink," Samantha said. "We won't make you do anything you don't want to."

Bruce smiled, "Come on Mikaela, you are safer up in my room than down here with all the predators that see you as fresh meat to break in."

Samantha added, "Yes, you're fresh white meat, virgin meat."

Looking around, a few men were obviously checking me out; I realized they were probably correct. Part of me wanted to run out of the building ASAP, while another part of me wanted to just give in and get fucked by some big black had been so long since I gotten laid...yet twelve inches seemed unfathomable to fit in my long neglected pussy.

I decided what the hell, and was about to go with Bruce and Samantha when I heard my name called out.

I instantly recognized the voice and was paralyzed by the sudden realization that Mr. Cocksmith of Cocksmith, Bard and Walters, the law firm I most often went head-to-head against, was here. "Mrs. Crutcher."

Slowly, I turned around and said, my face burning red with humiliation, as I looked at the handsome black man, "Hi, Mr. Cocksmith."

"What a surprise to see you here," he said, an unreadable look on his face.

"I can explain," I said, in panic, realizing my explanation would not be overly credible with my face coated in dried cum.

"No explanation needed Mrs. Crutcher," he smiled. "It's just a shame that I didn't know this sooner."

I stammered, "T-t-this is my first time, sir."

"I know, the beige stockings say so," he smiled. Looking at Bruce he asked, "Is she yours?"

Hearing myself referred to as property was both insulting to my feminist side and a strange turn on I couldn't explain...was he thinking of fucking me? Was I willing to let him? My burning cunt said yes, as did the reality that my job meant everything to me and I may have to use my sexual wiles to keep it.

Bruce answered, "It is up to her."

Mr. Cocksmith said, his tone implying it was not up for negotiation, "Mrs. Crutcher, come join me."

"Yes, sir," I replied.

He took my hand and led me to a nearby table where there were two men I knew. One was Judge Harmon, a black judge who had presided over a few cases I had defended, and the other was, Matt Parker, a prosecution lawyer for Mr. Cocksmith's firm whom I had gone head to head with many times. Even after all that had transpired today, this was a new low in humiliation.

Both Judge Harmon and Matt smiled as they saw me.

"Mrs. Crutcher, what a pleasant surprise," said Judge Harmon.

Matt, whom I had defeated many times in cases and had rejected his sexual advances even more times, added, "Yes, a very nice surprise."

I stammered, "N-n-nice to see you both."

Mr. Cocksmith asked, "Judge, can we take this special evening back to your condo?"

"A grand idea," Judge Harmon said. "We should bring her friend, too."

"I'll get her," Matt said, standing up.

It was so surreal to hear Samantha and I treated as pieces of meat, and yet somehow liberating to just be told what to do. Being a lawyer in many high profile cases has always been very stressful and I often was perceived as an ice queen, partly because of my strong, no nonsense demeanour. Yet, the idea of letting go, not being in charge, was strangely liberating.

Judge Harmon stood up and said, "Let's go Mrs. Crutcher, we have a lot to talk about."

"Yes, judge," I replied, petrified that my career was over.

I followed Mr. Cocksmith and Judge Harmon out of The Pit and to a limousine. A white female driver, whom I instantly recognized as a person Matt defended and won the case for a few months ago. I wondered instantly just how complex this white slut syndrome was. 

We got inside the limousine and waited for Matt and, maybe, Samantha, to join us.

"I assume this is your first time at The Pit, Mrs. Crutcher," Judge Harmon correctly assumed.

"Yes, judge," I answered, feeling completely uncomfortable.

"It's okay, Mrs. Crutcher," the judge smiled. "You are not the first lawyer we have caught at The Pit."

"I-I-I'm not," I said, curious if other of my colleagues or adversaries have been in a similar predicament as I currently was in.

"God no," the judge laughed boisterously. "It seems most of you high-strung, overworked white women end up at The Pit sooner or later."

I didn't like his implication, even though I had thought the exact same thing about myself just a few minutes ago.

Just then the door opened and Samantha joined us. "You weren't going to leave without me and have all the fun on your own, were you?"

She sat beside me as I remained speechless, unable to come up with a sentence that could answer that question. Was my career in jeopardy? It seemed less and less likely based on the judges' words and the addition of Samantha in the limousine. Matt also joined us and the limousine began taking us somewhere.

Judge Harmon continued, "Now, Mrs. Crutcher, we can't have you going out in public places like The Pit with cum all over your face searching for black cock."

"I'm so sorry," I said, breaking down.

He laughed loud again. "It's okay, Mrs. Crutcher, your need for black cock is natural, it is what all white women crave...although most would never admit it or make their dark fantasies a reality."

Between tears I said, "I had never fantasized about black men before today."

Samantha interjected, explaining the evening and how I ended up at The Pit.

"Do you still have no fantasies for black cock?" the judge asked.

A couple hours ago that answer would have been yes, but now, after sucking Jimmy's big cock, hearing about Bruce's big cock, I could no longer honestly say yes. I answered with a smile, "I plead the fifth."

"Everyone who pleads the fifth is guilty," Matt interjected.

"That is only an assumption," I countered.

"No, it is always the case," Matt continued.

"Stop badgering the witness," I playfully answered.

"We'll let the jury decide," Judge Harmon smiled.

"Decide what?" I asked, no longer sure where this conversation was going.

"If you're guilty of being in denial of lusting after black cock," he answered.

"I'm guilty," Samantha said as she dropped to her knees in front of the Judge and asked, "What is my punishment, Judge?"

"Guilty of what?" He asked coyly.

"Being a slutty white bitch who craves black cock," she answered without hesitation, a hunger in her eyes that you can't fake.

"Hungry enough to obey every order we make of you tonight?" Judge Harmon asked.

"Yes, Master," she answered, my mouth dropping open at the use of such an extreme word.

"Don't you mean Masters?" Judge Harmon clarified.

"Of course, I meant Masters," Samantha said with a giggle, "I'm such a silly white slut."

"Kiss Mikaela," Judge Harmon ordered.

My mouth would have dropped open, but I hadn't closed it since the 'Master' reference.

Samantha moved to me and without a word put her lips on mine. Even after all the surreal events leading up to this moment, having my best friend kissing me in front of three significant black men was the most surreal yet. Her lips were so much softer than any man I had ever kissed and, as her tongue slipped into my mouth, I let go and embraced my first lesbian moment. Like never seriously considering a black cock, I had never seriously considered being with a woman...particularly my best friend. Yet, like when the black cock was first presented to me and a sudden insatiable lust for black cock hit me, as our tongues danced in each other's mouths I didn't want it to end.

The kiss lasted only a couple of minutes when the limousine came to a stop and Judge Harmon suggested, "Let's move this party inside."

"Yes, Master," Samantha said, breaking the intimate tender kiss.

Being drawn into the act of sexual submission, I replicated her answer, "Yes, Master." Saying the words were surprisingly liberating and flowed easily from my lips as it led to an instant dampening of my already wet panties.

Two minutes later, we were in the elevator and as soon as the door closed, Judge Harmon ordered, "Sluts, on your knees and get my guests cocks nice and hard for your white cunts."

Samantha instantly dropped to her knees and quickly fished out Mr. Cocksmith's cock.

"You too, Mrs. Crutcher," Judge Harmon ordered as I watched Samantha in a daze.

Matt added, "Yes, Mikaela, it's time to learn your place."

His attitude pissed me off, I never liked him, his smug and pretentious attitude in court a major turn-off, yet I felt myself dropping to my knees. I glanced over to see that Mr. Cocksmith had a big thick cock and Samantha was really going to town on it.

"Get to work, slut," Matt demanded.

I silently fished out his cock and was surprised to learn that apparently not all black cocks were monsters. His was only a bit bigger than my bastard ex's. I smiled at his inadequacy and almost commented on it, but instead leaned forward and took it in my mouth.

"I've thought of this moment for a long time," Matt said, his tone implying he was very happy to see me on my knees.

I could truthfully say I had never considered this moment, yet there I was on my knees, in an elevator, sucking black cock. Although theoretically I should have been humiliated, a rush of exhilaration at the naughty exhibitionist act of submission coursed through me as I slowly bobbed back and forth on Matt's semi-erect cock, feeling it grow in my mouth.

"Faster, slut," Matt demanded and I obeyed, bobbing back and forth eagerly, wanting to take all six inches in my mouth.

I almost had it all in my mouth when the elevator slowed down.

"Let's finish pet Mikaela's training inside," Judge Harmon said.

The word 'training' continued to compound the continual degradation of my life as a high profile lawyer.

Matt pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked, "Want this in that white box of yours?"

"Yes, sir," I answered without hesitation, my desire to get fucked overriding any consequences and my dignity.

"Only sir," he questioned, putting his cock away.

"Sorry, I meant Master, of course," I apologized, still on my knees.

The elevator opened and I quickly stood back up. Samantha grabbed my hand and led me into what appeared to be a room that was the whole top floor.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Judge Harmon said.

"Holy shit," Samantha said, clearly impressed by the massive spread. This wasn't a condo, but more like a luxury hotel suite that you see in the movies.

"Thank you," he smiled, before adding, "Why don't you two undress each other."

"Yes, Master," Samantha agreed, moving to me. I just stood still and watched as she undressed me, my head still spinning. Soon I was only in thigh highs, panties and bra. She unclasped my bra and tossed it to Judge Harmon who approved, "Those are some nice white titties."

Samantha agreed, as she took my left nipple in her mouth, "So very nice."

I moaned, my nipples ultrasensitive, "Suck my nipples, slut."

She laughed, as she bit my left nipple playfully before moving to my right nipple.

A moment later, she moved lower, her tongue never leaving my body, as it slithered its way down to my burning pussy. "Shit Mikaela, your panties are drenched," she properly assessed as she tugged them down. I lifted my feet and she tossed my soiled panties to Mr. Cocksmith.

I watched as Mr. Cocksmith put my panties to his nose and said, "Mmmmmm, I love the scent of white cunt."

Again, a slutty side of me took control, as I asked, trying to sound as sexy as possible, "Want to get my scent directly from the source?"

He laughed, "Finish getting your friend naked."

"Yes, Master," I replied, feeling completely subservient. 

Samantha added, "And I am your Mistress, Mikaela."

I looked at her, surprised by her expectation, yet responded, again giving into the night, "Yes, Mistress, make me your lesbian slut."

"Are you thankful now that I dragged you to The Pit?" she asked, her finger tracing my pussy lips.

"Yes, Mistress," I admitted.

"Come and undress me, my pet," she instructed.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, enjoying letting my morals, my mind go and just giving into the moment.

I undressed her, replicating what she did to me by taking her erect nipples in my mouth before sliding down to her pussy. Unlike me, her cunt was completely shaved and after I slid her panties to the floor, Samantha ordered, "Go ahead, slut, lick my cunt."

I looked up, again surprised by her words; yet again I obeyed, moving to her cunt. I paused briefly, before leaning forward, extending my tongue, and licking my best friend's pussy in front of three black men. I had no idea what to expect when I first tasted her, but it was a pleasant surprise...a sweetness I wasn't expecting and instantly enjoyed.

"That's it, Mikaela," Samantha moaned, "eat my cunt. Become a good little pussy pleaser just like Candace."
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