After her Mother left, Julie ordered I fuck her as planned before we were interrupted. I obeyed nervously knowing her Mom was in the next room. I went behind the 18-year-old and easily slipped the fake cock into her. Desperate to get done, I fucked her like a man: hard and fast. Julie seemed to like this as her moaning increased quickly and she began talking dirty. "Keep fucking me, my pet," or "That's it my pet, fuck your Mistress."

It took much longer than it had for me to get off, but when she did she screamed loud enough for the earth to move and for her Mother to know as well. I was long past mortified, but was also long past the point of no return.

After she had finished enjoying her orgasm, my mind a muddled mess of what would happen next, she suggested we should go into Mistress' room as she was not one to wait.

I repeated mindlessly, my facial expression clearly one of utter confusion and embarrassment, "Mistress?"

Julie shrugged and responded, "It's a long story, my pet, which I'll tell you about some day. But for now, it is time to present you to her."

Still reeling in overwhelmed confusion, I repeated like a zombie, "A present?"

Julie gave a slight sigh as she explained to me, "Just do as you are told and everything will be fine." She pulled me up and took me by the hand and I obediently and nervously followed.

We entered her mother's room and I saw her mother on her bed still fully dressed, with an odd unexplainable smile on her face. Julie immediately went to the foot of the bed and kneeled. I mindlessly followed and knelt down too.

A dead eerie silence filled the room. An eternity seemed to pass before Julie's mom finally spoke.

"So my Julie, who is your new pet?"

"It's Mrs. Walker, the teacher I told you about, Mistress."

I broad smile crossed the mother's face. She looked at me and said. "Wow, my slut that was ahead of schedule."

Julie responded. "Yes, Mistress, she desperately needed to submit, even if she didn't know it."

My face went an even redder shade if that is possible, my utter shame on display.

"Is that true, Mrs. Walker?" Julie's mom asked.

I looked at her speechless, before eventually stuttering, "I-I-I don't know."

Her amused smile never left as she stated, ever so matter-of-factly, "Well it is very simple, Mrs. Walker. Did you enjoy submitting to my Julie?"

Still ruby red, I contemplated my answer. In truth, I had never felt as sexually alive and sexually needed as I did when Julie seduced me and then took me. But still, making such feelings verbally spoken, to her mother was mortifying. That said, I was naked on my knees, so really did it matter? So admitting the truth, I answered, "Yes, I did."

Julie's mother ordered her daughter, "You did well, my slut. Now come get your reward." She parted her Hooters pantyhose covered legs to reveal her shaved pussy which was in plain view, having cut a generous hole in her pantyhose.

I watched, in stunned silence, as Julie, looked at me, smiled and winked, crawled onto the bed and between her mother's outstretched legs.

I gave out a slight gasp as I watched the incestual sexual act. Julie's mom, seeing my shocked expression, explained, as Julie's head disappeared, "Mrs. Walker, it is ok. Julie is not my daughter. She is a girl I took in last year after the overdose of her real mother, a co-worker of mine."

"Oh," was all I could muster, still bewildered by the whole scenario.

"Julie is a very good girl," she moaned, Julie's tongue clearly having an effect on the big breasted mother figure. She added, "You can call me Candy, Mistress Candy."

I looked at her feeling overwhelmed as I tried desperately to filter all these mixed feelings in my head. Part of me wanted to run, rewind the past two hours and keep on living my mundane, but controllable life. Another part of me was curious about the final training Candy had mentioned earlier. Another part of me, just wanted to completely let go and submit entirely not only to Julie, but also to this unknown, but clearly dominant woman. I also wondered almost to in unhealthy obsession, who else was part of this harem, Julie had earlier referred to.

Candy, seemingly aware of the inner turmoil I was currently feeling, attempted to comfort me through a moan, "Don't worry, my pet, you need this. You want to submit to me, your mind is trying to fight it, but your body can't lie." She held out her hand to me, implying I was to wait as I watched her have an orgasm. She screamed, "That's it baby, make mommy cum. Fuck me faster, slut. Yes. Yes. Yes!!!"

I watched in fascinated silence, my pussy betraying anything my mind was repulsed by, as I felt wetness slithering down my leg.

Once recovered, she continued reading my mind, "Your mind is saying this is so wrong. It is adamantly trying to convince you to get off your knees and run. But your knees feel like they are cemented to the ground, refusing to budge. Your cunt is dripping wet right now, just anticipating your complete training, your full submission, isn't it, my pet?"

I again looked at the voluptuous woman and wanted to say she was wrong, but the fire burning down below and the undeniable yearning to submit to her was too hard to fight. I answered, full of shame, yet flushed with anticipation, "Yes, ma'am, I am very wet."

"Let's take a good look at my daughter's new pet's merchandise. Get that cunt up here and straddle me, my pet."

My knees instantly broke free of the invisible chains holding me down. I awkwardly got up, looked at Julie, who was watching me from between her guardian's legs, and climbed onto the bed. I nervously presented my vagina to this older woman.

After straddling her face, I sat awkwardly as she touched and probed my wet and vulnerable pussy. Although I felt like a piece of meat, my body felt electric shots of pleasure with each forbidden touch. When her tongue touched my cunt, I let out an earth-shaking scream and felt an orgasm already building in me. In only moments of her tongue teasing, I was cumming like a high school boy, unable to control myself. I shook in undeniable pleasure, before collapsing forward.

"You got quite the pussy trigger, don't you, my pet?" she teased.

Humiliated, I kept my face in the blankets as I tried to regain my breath. I felt a soft spank on my naked ass, and jumped slightly, turning around to look at Julie's guardian, Mistress or whatever the heck she was.

Candy smiled, "You probably should be getting home, my pet."

I looked at my watch, a wedding anniversary present from my husband, and was shocked to see how late it was and how much time had actually passed. I responded, "Yes, I should," and began to get off the bed.

Both women watched me as Candy explained, "You understand that you are both my and Julie's pet and sub, right?"

I looked her unsure as I wavered, "Um, this probably shouldn't go on past tonight."

"Really, is that what you want? To go back to your mundane hum-drum sex life you had a couple hours ago."

"Umm, I don't know, I..."I began, but was cut off.

"Every new sub must complete seven tasks to become an official sub of ours. Julie will give you the tasks over the next couple weeks. If you fail to attempt to complete one, failure does sometimes happen, I know you are not committed to being our sub. If that is the case, we will pretend this never happened and you can return to your suburban boredom and no one will know of your naughty escapades today. But understand, if you do reject this offer of submission, you can't reconsider. It is a one-time offer. Now get out of here, I need to get some sleep."

I grabbed my clothes hastily and retreated from her room a bundle of anxiety. I got dressed and was just leaving when Julie came out in a robe.

"My pet, Mistress has forbidden me to continue your training until she knows you are completely committed," Julie informed me. She walked over to me and kissed me passionately and with cunt dripping tenderness. When she broke the kiss, she whispered, "Just in case you don't submit."

Before I could respond, she turned and walked away and disappeared into a different room, assumingly hers. I stood there, a ball of goo, before finally leaving and returning home.


I woke up the next morning in bed in a dreamlike state, my body in a perpetual state of contentment. As I slowly actually woke up, last night's memories came flooding back to me. I let out a gasp as I recalled not only my submission to my 18-year-old student, but also my submission to her guardian and the decision she left me with.

To submit or not to submit...that is the question.

Is it nobler in my mind to suffer

the bores and chores of wife expectations

or to submit completely to my carnal needs and desires. To resist; to deny;

no more; and by submitting I may end

the boredom and loneliness of monogamy

That society is heir to, tis' a temptation

Devoutly to be dreamed, To resist; to deny;

To ignore; to submit instead to society's expectations: ay, there's the rub;

For in this social slumber I will surely miss my true calling. To submit...

I know that probably sounded geeky, but since I was a teenager I have used the 'to be or not to be' speech to make a lot of my decisions.

School the next day was excruciating. I knew I was different, but no one else did. Also, I would be seeing Beth and Julie, the day after two very different sexual submissions. Beth came to class like she did every day, no sense of the secret the two of us held; that just yesterday she had ate my pussy under my desk at lunch. She gave me her usual smile, her sweet smile, the one I knew said so much more. I taught class as I usually would, my nervousness fading away as I did what I love to do...teach. The last class with Julie was also anti-climatic as Julie was her usual student self. When class ended, Julie waited until the rest of her classmates were gone before she handed me an envelope and sauntered off.

I opened the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Potential Sub,

If you have decided to submit completely to myself and Julie, which I assume you have, you will attempt to complete 7 tasks in the next month. The first task is simple. Starting tomorrow you will no longer wear any underwear. That means no panties (which Mistress Julie had already ordered you do obey) and no bra. Of course, you are allowed to wear underwear when it is a feminine necessity.

Mistress Candy

I looked at the first task. I was wearing panties today, having completely forgotten Julie's order yesterday. I had never been one to go without underwear, even in my college slut phase, so this was a harder task than it sounded. I closed my door and quickly took my panties off in my classroom, trying to see how it felt. I worked in my room for another twenty minutes, or attempted to work may be a better description, before deciding to drive home. Surprisingly, after an hour or so, I got accustomed to not wearing panties.

The rest of the night was typical family stuff: supper, Big Bang Theory on TV, bedtime stories and a quickie with the hubby. Not surprisingly, while he pumped his cock in and out of me, all I could think about was Julie.


It took me forever to get dressed on Friday. Having decided to fulfill the first task, I had to decide what type of blouse to wear to hide the fact I was not wearing a bra. Now luckily, my breasts at 34b were small enough and firm enough to not need one, but I sure didn't want my nipples to end up showing through. I decided on a dark purple sweater, a black pencil skirt and, as Julie had already ordered, thigh-high stockings.

At work all day I was self-conscious. Could anyone tell that I was not wearing a bra? It seemed unlikely, but it still filled me with anxiety. That said, another part of me felt hot and naughty knowing that behind the conservative look my students saw, I was dressed like a slut.

Julie gave me a long look when she arrived at class and I could tell she was trying to figure out if I had obeyed the first task. Like yesterday, when class ended and all my students had quickly evacuated, Julie came up to my desk with an envelope in her hand.

Very quickly, before I even had time to react, Julie squeezed my breasts. "She purred, "Good girl. I can assume you are not wearing panties as well."

"Yes, that would be a correct assumption," I admitted.

"Good slut," she said and handed me another envelope. "This one you will have fun with."

Once she left, I tore open the envelope surprised at how excited I was to see my next task.

Dear Potential Sub

I am very happy you have chosen to continue on this journey. I assume you had a day of both trepidation and liberation while you taught young minds that were oblivious to your naughty obedience.

Task number two you have all weekend to fulfill. Your task is to go to a gloryhole (the attached map has the two that we know of in town) and suck off at least three cocks. A good sub slut will of course swallow the whole load. If you wish, you may ask Julie to come with you if you are nervous. Just yahoo her. Good luck and have LOADS of fun.

Mistress Candy

After yesterday's rather easy task, this one was quite extreme. Somehow I had justified cheating on my husband with another woman, or three to be exact, but sucking another guy's cock seemed more wrong to me. I sighed wondering if I was able to do such a disloyal act. I truthfully believe my hubby would get turned on if he learned I had been playing around with some hot student, but I doubt very much he would be impressed if I told him I had sucked and swallowed three strangers' cocks. I drove home in a bit of a stupor, pondering if I should follow through with task 2 and if I did how would I pull it off?

That night, while the kids were asleep and my husband was watching sports I logged into my yahoo and attempted to reason with Julie.

Nylon_lover69: You there, Mistress Julie?

TeenMistress: Yes, just getting ready to go out.

Nylon_lover69: I don't think I can accomplish this task.

TeenMistress: Why not?

Nylon_lover69: It just feels morally wrong. I would be cheating on my husband.

TeenMistress: U already have.

Nylon_lover69: I know, but cheating with another woman seems less wrong.

TeenMistress: I see. Well if you want to submit to us, you must be willing to do whatever we order, no questions asked.

Nylon_lover69: I know...but I am worried about him finding out.

TeenMistress: Well, that is up to you, but based on our conversation on Wednesday, he has been with you when you fucked another guy.

Nylon_lover69: True, but he was there.

TeenMistress: True, but the reality is he allowed u to do it.

Nylon_lover69: I suppose.

TeenMistress: In reality, he has already treated u like a slut. If u fulfill all the tasks and become our full sub, we will have u sucking and fucking other men. If that is a problem, you better back out now.

I paused and thought about it. She was giving me an out. I could just pretend all this didn't happen. I could turn back the hands of time. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew I couldn't go back in time. I hadn't felt as alive as I did when I was with Julie since my college days. And the more I thought of the gloryhole, the more I began to get wet.

Nylon_lover69: No it is not a problem, Mistress. Thank you for calming me down.

TeenMistress: No problem, I very much want u as my sub, more than I have ever wanted someone, but u must choose yourself. I don't believe in forcing someone.

Nylon_lover69: I am yours, Julie.

TeenMistress: That's what I like to hear. Do u want me to come with u?

Nylon_lover69: Would u?

TeenMistress: Of course...tomorrow night, can u get out?

Nylon_lover69: I think so.

TeenMistress: Good, I will meet u at Zanders at 9...

Nylon_lover69: OK.

TeenMistress: Dress slutty.

Nylon_lover69: Ok.

TeenMistress: We can always go above and beyond the task.

Nylon_lover69: How so?

TeenMistress: That is for me to know and you to find out.

Nylon_lover69: Grrr....

TeenMistress: I gotta go...c u tomorrow.

Nylon_lover69: Yes, Mistress.

TeenMistress: Good night.

Nylon_lover69: Good night.

I logged out and contemplated tomorrow. My pussy was already wet with anticipation. All I had to do now was think up a lie to get out of the house.


The day dragged slowly. My head flipped flopped back and forth between good girl and bad girl, but I already knew I had made my decision, as much as I pretended I hadn't. I told Jack I had a bachelorette party to go to for a girl at work and nervously drove to the seedy gloryhole.

I brought a different set of clothes to change in to. I pulled into a McDonald's first and went to the bathroom and changed into a cute sundress, I was already wearing tan thigh highs and, of course, no bra or undies. I arrived at the Zanders and walked into the adult store. Julie was not there yet, so I walked aimlessly round, looking at toys. A couple pervs were checking me out and I wondered if I would soon be sucking their cock?

"Well fancy meeting my teacher in a place like this," Julie said, pretending to be surprised to see me.

I turned around and Julie was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, the opposite of my rather slutty attire. She walked over and kissed me. I melted into her mouth, oblivious to the onlookers who I assume were getting woodies watching two chicks go at it.

Once she broke the kiss, she walked over to the counter and greeted, "Hey Sam, is our room ready?"

The balding, late 40s man, replied, "Of course, Julie, and I believe there is already a cock waiting."

"Yummy," Julie flirted and grabbed my hand, leading me to a back room.

Once inside, the full reality of what I was about to do hit me full force. There was a stool and a hole. It was seedy and something I never thought I would do. I mean I admit I have done a lot of slutty things, ignoring my teacher-student transgressions of the past few days, but nothing quite like this.

I looked at Julie with trepidation. She smiled, "Mrs. Walker, it is ok. If you want, I'll take the first cock."

I stammered, incredibly grateful, "Thanks Julie."

As if on call, a reasonably sized erect white cock presented itself.

"Hmmm," Julie purred and grabbed the stool, sat down and took the cock in her mouth. I leaned against the wall and watched Julie suck cock. Unlike myself, who tended to saviour a cock in my mouth, Julie bobbed up and down quickly, clearly trying to get him to come as soon as possible. I can't explain it, but seeing Julie, my grade 12 student, suck cock was a great turn on and suddenly my anxiety went away and was replaced with a sudden hunger. It took less than four minutes and Julie swallowed a load of cum. Once done, she stood up and said, "Your turn, Mrs. Walker."
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