Adultery Wonderfull Stories - All Types by V2356pogo (90 Stories)
43 Surprise - PART I

   My sister is 4 year older than I am. We had normal brother-sister relations. Since I am younger in the family everybody loves me very much. Always treating me as a kid only. I was normal kid until I passed 13, as you must have known kid at that age having so much interest in girl/ women and their hidden mysteries. I also started to take interest in girls. I would feel electric currant in my short when I see bare flesh of any girl or women through there cloths. At that time I hadn't known what is that exactly but I liked what I feel.

   When I woke up I saw Sangita came out from bathroom. She was wearing her normal house dress i.e. skirt and blouse. She started to prepare for her collage. Since I wasn't sleeping I started to observe her. Light was on so I was sleeping with my arm on my eyes and nobody knows I am awake. After finishing her light make-up and everything she just went to cupboard at corner of the room and opened it. She took out her Punjabi dress (salwaar- Kamiz). She simply started to put that dress.

   I used to stand in the window keeping my hands on grill watching out side. Some time Didi would come and stand beside me. She just innocently presses herself on me. My hand would trap between grill and her breast. I never move my hand but just keep in it position. She would move her body talking with me giving me massage from her breast. Some time I would keep my hand by side on windowsill and when Sangita would stand beside me my hand would press against her crotch. God! I could feel hotness of her pussy there. Some time I would keep my palm outside and feel her pussy with my fingers. It was all look innocents. My sister never ever suspect I am getting touches from her. She was always like my elder sister. Never ever she realised what her kid brother is doing with her. As few months passed like this I was more obsessed with Sangita. Initially it was just putting legs in between Sangita's legs and take heat from her thighs. After I grew bolder. I would slide her skirt little up above her knees or thighs and feel her bare thighs. Some time I would put my hand in her waist and hug her lightly. She never suspects this also. In the fast sleep it wasn't unusual to put legs or hand on her or press against her. Before so many time I woke up morning with myself on top of her or my head resting on her breast or something. She would think her kid brother sleep just innocently. During middle of the night also if she wake up and found me on her. She would just sleep again in same position or if its not comfortable to her then just shift me on my back. But she never suspects anything. During that period I had my first orgasm. One night I was pressing against Sangita's thighs. My cock was hard like rock.

   I was horny that time so I was feeling more sensation in my cock. My hand was around her waist. Slowly I lift my hand and place it above her left breast. Wow! It was so soft... yet firm. I didn't move a bit just keep my hand on her breast feeling her softness. Then slowly I squeezed my finger, not much hard, one or two mm just getting feeling of squeezing. First time I touch my sister's breast so long. I liked that very much. I was so excited that my cock grew its maximum length. It was straining in my shorts and in underpants. I was getting deferent sensation in my cock, which I never felt before. And suddenly I felt like I am peeing. Something came out form my cock and it twitched in my pant. Within a minute I felt coolness and all sexual sensation had gone. I turned and lay flat on my back and after some time I went to toilet. When I saw my underpants I saw some white stuff there. I realised I had my first orgasm of my life. I clean my pant and went back to sleep. After that I used to take care not to excite too much or get hard-on too much as after it was too messy in my underpants. I got bolder as I would slide Didi's skirt all the way up to her waist and touch her bare thighs or inner thighs. Sometime I touch her crotch above panties. More sensation I was getting when I touch her pussy from her panties. God! It was so hot. It spread heat like she was breathing from pussy. I could clearly make out fold of her pussy through panties. Some time panties would stick in between her pussy lips. Like that I was feeling my sister's breast and pussy in her sleep in the night. She never knew what her kid brother was doing with her. I was enjoying this play with her around 4/5 month. I was taking every possible care not to know her or anybody. But it has to be end one day. One night I was feeling Sangita's breast while pressing my cock against her thighs. Suddenly she woke up but didn't move a bit. It was dark in the room so I couldn't realise that. She felt that her kid brother's hand on her breast and his one leg between her legs trapping her thighs. She thought that in deep sleep he must have came on her. She just stayed like that as she was in deep mood of sleep so she didn't move him from her. His weight was on her so she was feeling little uncomfortable that cause her to stay wake up. Suddenly she felt his fingers are moving on her breast. She wasn't sure but she felt like barely he is pressing them. Also she felt some thing is digging in her thighs from between his legs. Horror spread in Sangita's mind. My god! Is he feeling my breast? Is he erect pressing against me. She wasn't sure she just stayed like that, dumb found. After some time she felt that he move his legs from her and his hand from her breast. She felt that her skirt is moving up her waist. Suddenly she realised his fingers on her pussy. Oh my god! Oh my god! He is touching me there. My kid brother is touching me there. He is touching his sister's pussy.

   She couldn't believe this. She didn't know what to do. She just stayed calm. After long time he turned and stayed on his back. He didn't move afterward. He must have slept. Sangita thought about that incident and doze of after some time. Next day Sangita thought about last night incident. She wasn't sure what was happened. So next 2/3 days she kept quite and observed my night activities. Then she realised sure I was feeling her up. At first she thought to tell mother about it. But how could she tell mother that what her little brother was doing with her. And if she tells mother and mother would tell to father and after don't know what will happen? Father may hit him or worse to kick him out of house. Sure she didn't want to happen anything like that, as she loves me too many, Off course as a kid brother. She justified that in this age of puberty boy's get attract to female body even though she is his sister or mother. She read about that so many times in books. She thought she would confront me afterwards and kept quite. Slowly Sangita realised my all activities like watching her getting dress in the morning or feeling her touch hugs around the house. Feeling her body while standing in the windows or sitting on bed. Secretly she found that exciting too. After all she was just 17, exploring herself. Although she was going in the collage and having so many male friends, It wasn't easy to relate with anybody sexually. So she thought about me, her kid brother as safe partner for her sexual exploration as nobody is going to know about that. (You might be thinking how I know what she was thinking about Me. simple! She told me later on when we intimated together that what she felt or thought when she realise about me etc.) Slowly Sangita started to enjoy my exploration about her. She even started to give me full access to her body. Morning when she would change dress for collage she would take little more time to get dress giving me more chance to see her body. She would hug me or held me time to time even if there isn't any specific reason. Or while standing in the window she would pressed herself more on me giving me feel of her boobs or crotch. In the night also she started to co- operate with him by keeping silence or raising her skirt already up or anything. She really enjoys now her kid brother's obsession. And she wanted him to proceed further now. After all this whole things happening between us as if nobody knows about it. I mean I was doing with her as if she doesn't know and she was giving me all opportunity as if I wasn't aware. Didi wanted to enjoy this game with her kid brother more freely. She knew I'd not go any further unless she encourages me so she decided to take next step.

   One day we were standing in the window talking about college and collage. Mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. As usual Didi was pressing against me and I was feeling her crotch with my hand on windowsill. Sangita suddenly change the topic and asked me in low voice, "Sonu, your eyes looks so sleepy all the time. It seemed that you're not sleeping well in the night" As I heard that I got confused and mumbled, "Unn.. What Didi?" "I think! You must not having enough sleep in the night, Sonu" "What do you mean, Didi?" "You know very well what I mean, Sonu!" she smiled mischievously. "What Didi?" I still acted like innocent. "Oh come on Sonu! Do you think your elder sister is stupid or what?" I realised that my secret is opened. Slowly I removed my hand from her crotch and looked her in the eyes. She said further, "I know what you were doing with me up to now and where you were touching me. I know what you think about me, your elder sister. It's disgusting you know my kid brother is doing this to me. Think what'll happen if I tell to mother and father." Saying that she smiled devilishly and went in to kitchen. I tried to stop her but she didn't listen me. I was dumfounded. Moreover scared now. What'll happen now? Would she tell mother and father? What they'll do? They'll kick me out from house or what. All the time I was scared and tensed. I tried to talk with Sangita couple of times but she ignored me. After when Father return I was more terrified. I tried to avoid everybody, as I knew that anytime they would confront me. By the time we sat for dinner nothing happened. I was surprised when I found that every time my eyes met my sisters she would smile teasingly. What she's planning? Why she didn't tell to father? What is in her mind? I was so confused that I hardly eat anything. Night after everything finished we slept as usual. As I hit the bed I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I knew that there is no way that I could do anything with my sister again. My enjoyment was all over now. Almost 6/7 month I was enjoying with didi's sleeping body. I tried to sleep but couldn't as I was missing my night game badly. I stared blankly in the darkness. Suddenly I sensed some movement on my left side. I turned my head there. My eyes were adjusted in the darkness that I could see everything clearly.

 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Wonderfull Stories - All Types by V2356pogo - by sarit11 - 22-05-2020, 07:10 PM

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