Slave by Application - Copied

"Fuck, what does he want now?" she groaned. 

You're not naked! That is unacceptable; you will edge at the top of the hour for 15 minutes until midnight. 

Suzy was pissed; she'd just walked in the door and hadn't even sat down her dinner. She started to fire off a nasty answer, but thought about it. If she pissed him off it would only get worse. She sat down her food and took off the shirt. 

Suzy sat down to eat and looked at the clock. It was six o'clock. She groaned but knew Jon was watching. Pushing her food to the side, she spread her legs. Opening her drawer she pulled out her favorite vibrator and started to tease her already aroused kitty. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Jon was having fun playing with Suzy and her mother Gabby. He knew Suzy was going crazy after being teased all day and no relief. Now she was sitting in her room, naked with slut heels on her feet. He loved making her uncomfortable and hiding from her mother. 

Jon was surprised when Josh sent him the pictures from Gabby's visit to her stud black boyfriend. He briefly wondered how they got them so fast. He hesitated about sending them to Gabby, but when she saw them, she immediately surrendered and was obeying his every order. Now she was in her room, naked and hiding from her daughter. Jon thought about exposing her to Suzy, but decided against it. Tomorrow after Sarah got through with her, the mother and daughter would know about each other. 

Jon watched as Suzy was edging at her desk. Her food still untouched sitting beside her computer. He knew she would be out of her mind needing to cum. He picked up his phone and dialed Sarah's number. 

"Hello," Sarah answered. 

"Hello slut," Jon answered. 

"Master, I'm so happy to hear from you. I was afraid you had forgotten about me. I've been home for almost two days and haven't heard anything, not even an email with a new task." Sarah said. She sounded desperate. 

Jon smiled, she was still locked in the chastity belt and he knew Josh had been teasing her relentlessly. 

"Well I've been busy with my other sluts, but I have a new task for you." Jon stated. 

"Oh please tell me. Will I get to cum? I'm so fucking horny. Please tell me." Sarah begged. 

"We have a new slut to break in, and I want you to visit her tomorrow and explain the rules and what is expected. Of course you can play with her for a bit too." Jon explained. 

"Really, who is it? Do I know her? Is it Denise's mom? I heard you had a crush on her for years." Sarah was gushing now. 

"No, it's not Maggie, I already own her. It's a girl's mother from school. We acquired Suzy, the daughter, a couple days ago. When we installed the cameras, we learned that Gabby, the mother, was fucking around on her husband. We got lucky and just today she decided to be our newest recruit." 

"OOOHH and older slut, what do you want me to do?" she asked. 

"Well I'll text you the address and rules. You show up as soon as her daughter leaves for school tomorrow morning. We want you to take charge, explain the rules, and make her understand we are now in charge. By the time Suzy gets home tomorrow afternoon, I want her completely submissive. If you can't do it I guarantee you will be sorry." Jon demanded. 

Sarah was quiet for a few moments before she answered quietly, "Master, can you take off the belt? It would help me train her. Especially if she isn't gay," 

I can do that; meet me at school tomorrow morning around 6:45. Suzy should show up around 7 and I want you at her house as soon as possible." He answered. 

"But Master, can't we meet tonight, I really want to get this off. I would like to shave and clean up." Sarah pleaded. "I promise I won't cum." 

"No, I want your cunt nice and nasty for the new slave. The nastier the better," Jon laughed. "You can have our new slave clean you up tomorrow." 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Matt left the office just after six that day. The day was very productive. He managed to work up another coupe of applications. One that would make storage of all the video files more organized. That would optimize access times and speed up users recalling the videos and maximize storage. He showed it to Josh and Martin; they agreed and ordered him to do a beta test to make sure there weren't any bugs. 

The other application would sever all ties to the servers if something would happen at the office, like a raid by cops. All Josh or Martin would have to do is push one button and any trace of a path to the servers was erased. It would allow Josh or Martin time to arrange a way to hide the servers before the authorities would fine them. Matt got a big pat on the back for that one. 

Matt also learned where the offsite servers were physically located. He gave Josh the excuse in order to do the beta test; he needed to physically isolate a portion of the servers in case something went wrong he would only corrupt the isolated servers. He knew it was bullshit but they bought it anyways. He timed it perfectly as their attention was drawn to Denise being dominated by Amanda. 

He went back to his small apartment down the street from the office. That night he signed on to his computer opened his VPN that hid his location, IP address and identification. In a few minutes he slipped into the company's network via the backdoor he installed a few days earlier. With full access to everything, Matt proceeded to mine for the information he needed. It didn't take long before he discovered that Josh and Martin were really not just looking to enslave women to be online whores, but wanted to trap women to be sold to wealthy men around the world. He knew he had to bring them down. 

Matt mined the network, concentrating on Josh and Martin's hard drives and emails. He knew that he had to be careful so as not to leave a trace behind. He methodically went through every email from the time Denise started to use the App. It wasn't until her mother was captured that he learned out exactly what they had planned. He followed the email thread until the last one arrived just yesterday. 

Matt stared at the message and knew he couldn't wait any longer. He decided that tomorrow he would put his plan into action. He knew he wasn't quite ready, but if he waited any longer, Denise, Maggie, Sarah, Suzy, and now Gabby would be lost forever. 

* * * * * * * * 

Denise woke the next morning early. She had to be at the school at seven AM. She called Jon last night and let him know that she would be over early to wake him. Denise was afraid he would be pissed, but to her surprise he sounded like he expected it. So at exactly five fifty five she stepped out of her back door, naked, and crept over to Jon's back door. She slipped inside and slowly made her way upstairs. Again she hears Dale snoring in his room, his door slightly open. She glanced inside and saw his naked body lying on his sheets. For a moment, she stared at his large cock lying across his thigh. She mused thinking like father like son as both he and Jon had massive cocks. Not wanting to get caught in the hall should he wake, she snuck down the hallway to Jon's room. Once inside, her body reacted at the thought of sucking his cock again. Maybe today he would release her and let her cum. 

Denise slipped into bed, trying not to disturb her Master. His orders were clear; he wanted to wake up with her mouth on his cock, not her jostling him in bed. She slowly pulled back the sheet and exposed his magnificent cock. Her mouth watered as she leaned down and licked his shaft. 

Denise quickly pulled back. His cock was coated with dried cum, dried girl cum. She looked closely at it and grimaced as his entire cock was crusted over. A momentary flash of anger shot through her. He could have at least washed up after fucking one of his slaves. She wondered if it was Sarah's cum coating his cock. Denise glanced at the clock and knew she didn't have much time, swallowed and went back to work on Jon's cock. It took only a few moments for Jon's cock to respond to her licks. She was licking his shaft, balls and down to his ass. Denise was intimately familiar with Sarah's taste and this defiantly wasn't Sarah's cum coating Jon's cock. 

Denise continued to clean her Master's cock until it was clean and hard. She wrapped her lips around the head and lavished her tongue around the mushroom shaped head. When she heard him groan, she opened her throat and pushed his cock deep into her mouth. She held him there, letting her throat massage his cock, before pulling back and doing it again. This time deeper as her nose was almost buried in his groin. 

She glanced up at him and saw him watching her with a big grin on his face. A rush filled her body as she knew she had pleased her Master. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Jon was awake before Denise showed up in his room. He knew what time she was to arrive and wanted to see how she would react to his cock. He purposely didn't shower after fucking Maggie yesterday. In fact he didn't even put his pants on until all her cum coating his cock had dried. When he heard her come up the stairs, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. 

Jon loved the control he now had over Denise and Maggie. The feeling of power in having total control over someone else was intoxicating. Now Denise was about to suck her mother's cum off his cock and he knew it wouldn't be the last time she would taste her cum. 

Jon almost gave it away him being awake when Denise pulled back after licking his cock, but he managed to lay still until she went back to cleaning his cock. It was when she licked his ass and cleaned all the crusty cum caked between his cheeks that he couldn't hold back a groan and a grin. When Denise looked up at him, she had a contented look on her face. He thought about telling her who's cum she just ate, but decided to wait until she tasted if fresh from the source and see if she recognized it. 

Jon lay there enjoying his alarm clock as Denise milked his cock. She was a very good cock sucker. It wasn't long before he couldn't hold back any longer and shot his seed down her throat. He waited to see if she pulled away, but instead she kept his cock in her mouth and slowly suckled it until he couldn't stand it any longer and pushed her away. 

"Very good slave, you can go now I've got a very busy day." Jon said dismissively. He watched as she dropped her head and nodded. "Yes Master," She whispered, "Master, May I ask a question?" 

"Yes slut, go ahead," He answered. 

"Master, I'm to report to work today, will you release me. My boss is pretty strict and I don't want to piss her off on my first day." Denise was almost begging. 

"I'll tell you what, I'll have the keys delivered to her and she can release you if she desires. But you must be locked up when you're done for the day." He barked. 

"Thank you Master." Denise answered and slipped off the bed and out of the room. A couple minutes later Jon slowly got up and headed out to the bathroom. When he got to the hall, his dad was standing in his doorway. 

"I don't know how you did it, but I'm proud of you." Dale beamed. "Having Maggie fucking you every night and Denise waking you with a blowjob every morning is impressive. When will I get a piece of Denise?" Dale asked. 

"Soon Dad, today they learn about each other's submission and get to know each other intimately. From then on its open season on each of them, unfortunately it won't last as my employer has plans for them." Jon answered. 

"But don't worry; I have two more in the pipeline that will replace them." Jon snickered as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. 

Fifteen minutes later, Jon walked out of the bathroom, showered and wrapped in a towel. He picked up his phone and sent a text to Suzy. 

Suzy slut, pick out something for our slave to wear today. I'm sure you can find something between yours and your mother's wardrobes. Make sure it's sexy and slutty. I want it uncomfortable for her to wear today. She had an orgasm yesterday without permission and I want her punished. 

Jon walked into his room and got dressed, it was six thirty and he needed to leave. Jon pulled into the student parking lot at six forty, just in time to see Maggie get out of her car and run naked in her high heels into the side door of the school. He laughed as he knew she was aroused and humiliated. This evening was going to be fun. 

Jon sat in his car when Sarah pulled up beside him. She jumped out of the car and dashed over to his passenger door. 

"I made it, I was afraid I would be late, I overslept." Sarah gasped. 

"No problem slut, Suzy hasn't made it here yet. Now pull up your skirt and lean forward." Jon instructed. 

Sarah pulled up the tight leather skirt and leaned forward and put her forehead on the dash. Jon reached behind her and opened the lock to her chastity belt. Sarah groaned and quickly pulled the metal belt from between her legs and the plugs from her pussy and ass. 

"Whoa, I think you've been in the belt a little long." Jon exclaimed while holding his nose and laughing. 

"Hey it's difficult to keep clean when you can't wash properly." Sarah answered as she leaned back against the seat. 

Jon looked between her legs at her dripping cunt covered in stubble. 

"You need a shave too" He said. 

"Trust me when you show up this afternoon, I'll be clean and shaved. The new slave with handle that." She answered. 

"Alright get out of here Suzy will be here any minute." Jon barked as Sarah jumped out of the car and dashed to her own car. She pulled out of the parking spot and headed for the exit. Just as she got there, Suzy pulled in and passed her. 

Jon watched the two slaves pass each other and grinned, today was going to be an interesting day. He watched as Suzy pulled up beside his car, get out and jump in his. 

"I made it Master." Suzy said. 

"What did you pick out for our slave to wear?" He asked, making sure he said our slave. He didn't want her to know that her days as a Mistress were ending today. By tonight she would know her true place. 

Suzy pulled out the clothing from the bag she brought with her. She held up the white semi-sheer button up blouse for Jon to see. "I removed the top two buttons." She said. Jon could tell she wanted to please him. He figured she needed to cum so she was doing everything she could to make him happy. 

Jon nodded and pointed at the bag. Suzy pulled out the short tartan plaid wrap around skirt and showed it to Jon. It was only about fifteen inches long and was very small. Jon wondered if it would even reach around Maggie's waist. He smiled as he knew there would be no way she could walk around school wearing those clothes. Suzy then showed him the thigh high white stockings and asked. "Does this meet your expectations Master?" 

Jon smiled he knew that these were Suzy's clothes and obviously too small for Maggie. "How is she supposed to wear your clothes, you should have grabbed something from Gabby's closet." Jon commented. 

"I tried, but she wouldn't let me in. She's been acting very strange. Last night she fell asleep with heels on and naked. I don't know what happened but mom is sick or something." Suzy answered. 

"What are you wearing today slave?" Jon asked. 

Suzy opened her button up blouse, she wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples were hard little pebbles. She pulled up her jean skirt and exposed her naked pussy. Jon leaned forward and saw the anal plug still filling her ass. 

"Is the egg buried in you pussy?" He asked. 

"Yes Master, I am plugged and filled." Suzy groaned. "Please Master; I was up till after midnight edging. I'm so horny, I need to cum. May I take them out?" She pleaded. 

"No slut, I want both of you on edge all day. Now take the clothes to Maggie and have her put them on. She won't be able to go out of her office, so have her edge every hour. After school you and Maggie are going out for the evening. I think you both are going to enjoy it." Jon said. He then pulled out an envelope and handed it to Suzy. "Here, have this delivered to Amanda Barkley this morning." Jon said. Inside the envelope was the key to Denise's chastity belt and a note with instructions that she can release Denise and use her however she wishes during work hours, but Denise was not to orgasm and was to be locked up at the end of shift. Jon then pointed at the door and indicated for her to get out. A few minutes later, Suzy was walking into the school. 

Jon decided to go to the cyber café and watch his slaves as they start their day. 

* * * * * * * 

Sarah pulled up to Suzy's house about ten minutes after she left Jon. Her pussy was buzzing as she thought about what she was to do. Inside was a naked mother, about to learn about being a slave. She slid a finger down and tweaked her clit. It was going to be a fun day. 

She slid out of her car and walked to the front door. Jon briefed her and told her what to expect. She opened the door and walked right in. The first thing she saw was Gabby, kneeling naked just a few feet away, her hands behind her back and her head down. Suzy smiled and walked up to the obviously nervous mother. 

"Well, Slave, I see you can follow instructions. Let's see if you can continue doing as you're told. I've been sent here to train your skanky ass and teach you to obey our every command." Sarah barked, as she slid her hand across Gabby's cheek. She could feel Gabby tremble and felt a gush of power fill her body. 

"Now I'm going to explain a couple of rules that you need to follow. If you don't you will be punished, and each punishment will be worse than the previous punishment. 

  1. You are to obey every command, regardless of who gave it. 

  2. You will never do anything without permission. 


Gabby body jumped when Sarah shouted, quickly answered. "Yes, I understand." 

Sarah pulled a riding crop hanging off her belt and smacked Gabby's ass three times. 


"You will give everyone the proper respect! You are a slave. I am your Mistress. You will never speak in the first person. Now answer me again slave." Sarah growled. 

"Y-Y-Yes Mistress, this slave understands." Gabby answered again. 

"Now crawl over and lick my boots and ask for forgiveness slave." Sarah growled again. 

Gabby practically dove down to the floor and crawled on her belly towards Sarah's feet. She opened her mouth and licked Sarah's right boot, and called out between licks, "Please (lick) Mistress (lick) forgive (lick) this (lick) lowly (lick) slave (lick) for (lick) disrespecting (lick) it's (lick) Mistress (lick)." 

Sarah almost orgasmed as the cowering mother humiliated herself licking her boots. 

'Oh god this is so much fun. I loved dominating Denise, but this is so much more exciting.' Sarah thought. 

Sarah let Gabby lick both boots including the soles before she ordered the slave to stand. "We have a busy day slave and we need to cover a lot of territory before this evening. Take me to your bedroom." Sarah ordered. 

Gabby nodded and turned to the stairs leading upstairs. Sarah waited for the slave to pass and smacked Gabby's ass six times. 


"I see you have a short memory and disrespected me again. You will never just nod your head to answer me." Sarah barked then continued, "It was six this time, and it will be twelve next time." 

Gabby gasped as the blows rained down on her naked ass. "PLEASE MISTRESS, FORGIVE YOUR SLAVE FOR NOT ANSWERING PROPERLY." Gabby screamed. 

"Don't forget it slave, now where is your bedroom?" Sarah demanded. 

"Mistress, this slave's bedroom is at the top of the stairs, the first door on the left Mistress." Gabby quickly answered. 
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Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:10 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:26 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:33 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:37 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:39 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:39 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:40 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:42 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:43 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:43 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:44 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:45 PM
RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:45 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-05-2020, 12:36 AM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-05-2020, 01:19 AM
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