Slave by Application - Copied
Jon stared down at Maggie, still lying on the floor coming down from her orgasms. He could see his cum dripping out of her pussy. Jon reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up to her knees. He pulled her blindfold off and scowled. 

"Slut, you were disobedient, you climaxed without permission. That is unacceptable and what happens when a slave is disobedient?" He demanded. 

Maggie looked up at her Master. Tears ran down her cheeks, they weren't tears of sorrow, but tears of joy. She never felt as complete as she did at that exact moment. 

"This slave needs to be punished Master. I lost control and failed to control my body. Please punish your slave Master." Maggie said as her body trembled at the thought of what he might do to her. 

"I told your Mistress that if she orgasmed at school, she would have to remain naked until tomorrow morning. That included going home and coming back to school tomorrow. She obeyed, but you failed. So your punishment will be to go home naked, stay naked at home, and return tomorrow morning to school naked. You will be given clothes to wear when your Mistress arrives. In addition, you will edge again every hour until midnight, but for twenty minutes each time. The same rules apply; if you stop add more time." Jon ordered. 

Maggie gasped at the thought of driving home naked. It was still early evening and lots of traffic and people still out. Her pussy pulsed at the thought and her body shivered as her arousal started to grow once again. 

"Yes Master, this slave will obey and prove her worthiness to be your slave. She dropped her head and waited for him to release her. Jon sat back and pushed her forward. He released her wrists and ankles then stood. Time for you to go home, but I have one more surprise for you. 

Maggie watched as Jon pulled out a pair of alligator clips from his pocket along with a rubber band. He slipped the band inside the jaws of the clips and attached the first one to her left nipple. Maggie gasped as the pain shot out from her extended nipple. He smiled at her and pulled the other clip, stretched the rubber band tight and clipped it to her other nipple. Maggie groaned again, but when he released the clip, the band contracted and pulled her nips towards each other. Maggie started to reach up and relieve the tension, but a quick glance from her Master stopped her. Now the clips, biting her nipples and the band keeping tension on them, Maggie was panting as the pain shot straight to her pussy. 

"Those stay on until you get home. I will text you when you can take them off. Now get out of here slave." Jon barked. 

Maggie slowly stood and staggered towards the door. Her legs still weak from her orgasm and bondage. She slowly made her way down the hall to the stairs. A minute or so later she slipped out the back door and around the side of the house. Maggie kept a close watch on Denise's house. She didn't want her daughter to see her walking to her car naked, her tits clipped. When she reached the front of the house, there was her car, but beside her car was Dale's car, and Jon's car was behind his. Her knees almost gave out as it hit her that Dale was there the whole time she was naked in Jon's room. She started to tremble and wondered if it was Jon who she actually sucked and fucked. 

'Oh my god, did I just fuck Dale, my best friend's husband? Am I nothing more than a slut as my Master calls me? Oh fuck what will I do next?" Maggie's mind was filled with questions. 

Realizing she was standing in the open, between her Master's and her daughter's houses in plain view of the street naked, she ran for her car and jumped in. 

Maggie didn't waste any time getting away from there. She tore out of the driveway and sped down the street. It was almost two blocks later when she suddenly remembered she was naked and couldn't get pulled over. She quickly slowed down and tried to get control over her emotions. Her nipples were still burning from the clips and her pussy leaking Jon's, or at least she hoped, Jon's cum. 

Maggie made it home without any problems. She pulled into her garage and shut the door. Sitting behind the wheel, she sat there thinking about what had just happened. She had walked into Jon's house, stripped naked, she blindfolded her eyes and cuffed her wrists and ankles. Could it have been Dale and not Jon who shoved his cock down her throat? Could it have been Dale that fucked her into an amazing orgasm? It was Jon who uncovered her eyes, but she wasn't sure if it was him who fucked her. Maggie wanted to say it wasn't, but she was so aroused it could have been. 

She opened her door and walked into her house. Glancing at the clock and saw it was six PM. She walked to her couch, pulled out the vibrator from her purse and started to edge once again. In seconds her body was once again on the edge. 

* * * * * * * * 

Suzy got home about 4:15; she walked home as her mother sent her a text saying she wasn't feeling well. Suzy actually didn't mind. She needed a few minutes before she had to face her mother. Her body was very aroused and her pussy was leaking down her legs. Hopefully she was in bed and wouldn't be around. 

Suzy opened the front door to her home and stepped inside. She called out announcing she was home. Hearing nothing she rushed up the stairs and headed towards her room. As she passed her mother's room, she noticed the door was open slightly. Looking inside, she saw her mother lying in bed. Her mouth flew open when she saw her mom was naked, or at least she looked naked. The sheet was barely covering her ass and nothing else. She had a full view of her naked back and legs. Looking closely she could swear there were bruises all over her lower back and upper thighs. Quickly turning and rushing down the hall, Suzy opened her door and quickly dashed inside. 

Suzy leaned up against the door and moaned. Her body was on fire and seeing her mother naked had sent feelings to her pussy she couldn't understand. Finally gathering her thoughts, she went over to her computer. Suddenly her phone buzzed, a text had arrived. She pulled out her phone and saw Jon's name. 

Slave, did you enjoy your day? How is mom? I am proud of you and how you did as ordered with our slave. Now strip. You are not to wear any clothes in your room. You can only dress when you're outside your room, no exceptions. 

Attached to the message was a picture of her sitting at her desk. 

Suzy groaned as she remembered the cameras. Turning to look at where the camera might be, she couldn't see it, but knew it was there. Her shoulders slumped as she pulled off her top and skirt. She was now naked except for her shoes. Suzy thought about it for a few moments before she slipped them off too. The last thing she needed was for Jon to have a reason to punish her. 

Her phone buzzed again and another text came from Jon. 

Good girl, now go pick out your highest heels and put them on. You will wear them whenever you are at home, regardless of what else you wear. I left you a package on your bed, if you leave your room that is what you wear, nothing else. 

Now tomorrow I will meet you with Maggie's outfit for the day. She was a bad slave and orgasmed without permission. Remember the rules and don't cum or you will be going to school naked too. 

Suzy slowly stood and walked to her closet. She went to the back of the large walk in closet and pulled down a shoe box from the very back. About a year ago, she purchased a pair of slut heels. They were black sandals that had an ankle strap and 5" heels. She only wore them a couple times, they hurt her feet. Suzy walked back to her chair and strapped them on. She slowly stood and tried to walk. Not used to wearing any heels that high, it took her several trips around her room before she felt somewhat comfortable walking. 

'How am I going to explain wearing these to mom? Oh god this is getting worse every second.' She thought. 

Suzy remembered the package and looked at her bed. There was a small white bag sitting in the middle of her bed. She hadn't noticed it before. Tottering over she picked it up. Suzy opened it and pulled out a man's wife beater undershirt. It had large arm holes and was very thin. Holding it up to her body, she was somewhat relieved that it extended to almost mid-thigh. Knowing she would have to leave her room sooner or later, she decided to put it on now and go get something to eat. Her mother was asleep and hopefully she could get back to her room before she got up. Suzy pulled the shirt over her body and gasped. The arm holes were so large; the sides of her tits were in plain view. Plus the straps over her shoulders came so far down they only covered her nipples. She might as well have been topless. Luckily the shirt came down to her thighs and covered her ass. 

Suzy knew she couldn't walk out of her room dressed like this, and pulled it off. She opened her sewing kit and shortened the straps and pulled it back over her head. Now her tits were somewhat covered, you could still see a lot of side boob, but her tits were covered. Looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed that the bottom much higher and groaned. The bottom of the shirt was now only a couple inches below her pussy. She sat down and felt the seat against her bare cheeks. 

Suzy knew she had no choice, walked to her door and slipped out of the room and down the stairs. 

* * * * * * * * * 

Gabby, Suzy's mother lay in the tub of hot water. Her body aching and her mind confused. How did she let herself get into this shape? Yeah she did cheat on her husband, but she never dreamed that she would get abused like she was today. 

It started so innocently, Adam one of the personal trainers at the club and he was so hot. He was black, well built, friendly, and had a huge cock. They flirted for a few weeks, with Adam helping her at the club with her workouts. 

With Michael, her husband gone for weeks at a time working on a major project, she was lonely, horny, and Adam was just so... perfect. It happened so quickly when it did. One day Michael had called and told her that he wasn't able to come home and probably wouldn't for an additional few weeks. Gabby grousing and feeling depressed was sitting at the juice bar at the club. She was pissed off when Adam sat down next to her. Before she knew it they were at a bar having a couple drinks. Gabby was just so pissed at Michael, horny, and a little drunk, when Adam leaned in and gave her a kiss. She melted in his arms. He took her to a local hotel and made passionate love to her, his massive cock filling her like no other. 

Gabby was soon infatuated with him. She was a stay at home mother with lots of time and no husband around. Over the next couple weeks, Adam and Gabby visited that hotel several times. She thought she was in heaven, the perfect life at home and a stud on the side. 

That was when it all changed. Adam became more distant, and wasn't answering her calls. She rarely saw him at the club and when she did, he blew her off. Gabby was frustrated and extremely horny and when she finally caught him leaving the club. She begged him to talk to her and tell her what was wrong. 

What he said shocked her, but what she did was even more shocking. She thought about that meeting. 

"Adam what did I do wrong? You've been avoiding me. Why?" She asked. 

"Look bitch, you've had your fun, but I'm moving on. Now if you want me to fuck you again, then prove to me you're worth my time. I have more than a few bitches a lot younger than you that want my cock." He barked. 

Gabby stared at him, her mind confused at his outburst, but her body wanted him more than ever. 

"What do I need to do Adam?" She asked surprising even herself. 

"Come with me." He demanded, grabbed her hand, and pulled her into the club. 

Gabby followed the suddenly dominant Adam through the club back to the locker rooms. He pulled her into a family restroom and demanded. "Strip, kneel and give me a blow job!" 

Gabby remembered it so clearly she felt like she was back in that small room. She wanted to smack him and storm out slamming the door behind her. But her hands pulled her top over her head, leaving her topless in front of him. He looked down at her and pointed at her shorts. Gabby blushed but pushed them down her legs and stood in front of him naked. She felt so small next to him as her knees buckled and she knelt in front of the black god. She opened his pants and pulled out his cock. It wasn't even erect. Gabby never felt so humiliated but her body was on fire. She slowly stroked his cock and kissing the tip. 

"Go ahead bitch, I haven't got all day!" She heard him bark. 

Gabby sucked his cock into her mouth and felt it start to grow. She never really liked to give blow jobs and certainly not in public restrooms, but from that day on, it was Adam demanding her to do increasingly humiliating things. It all came to a head today, when he demanded she visit his house. She dressed as he demanded, stripped naked on his porch and knocked. 

When he opened the door, locked a collar around her neck and pulled her in like a dog, she knew she was in trouble. There must have been six men in the living room, each had their cocks out and all were huge. Gabby tried to get up and run out of the house, but the collar and leash stopped her cold. The rest of the day was a blur as the six men used and abused her body over and over again. She remembered seeing someone taking lots of pictures and videos as they fucked her using her mouth, pussy and ass repeatedly. 

Gone was the handsome hot black man she met a couple months ago and in his place was a mean, dominating monster. By the time they finished with her, she promised to do anything they asked just to make it stop. But it was his last statement that sent shivers up and down her spine. 

"Listen up bitch; you won't say a word to anyone about this. I will call you when I want you, and you will do exactly as you're told. Got It?" 

Gabby lay in the tub and cried, thinking her life was over. If those pictures ever got out her marriage, her life, everything would be gone. A few minutes later, she sent a text to Suzy that she would have to walk home. Gabby went to bed without dressing. She was exhausted and needed to sleep and clear her head. 

Gabby was roused from her sleep by her phone buzzing. She grabbed it off her nightstand and looked at the display. There was a text message. Not looking at who sent it she opened the text. 

Someone has been very bad! 

Gabby gasped as she read the short text. She started to set her phone down again when it buzzed in her hand. She looked at the next message. This time it was a picture of her in the bathroom, naked with "CUM SLUT" and "FUCK HOLE" clearly written on her naked body. Gabby almost screamed but quickly answered back. 

'Who are you? How did you get that picture? What do you want? I'm going to call the security officer!' 

She waited and her phone buzzed again. 

Go ahead; I'm sure they will be interested in all the pictures and videos your boyfriend took today. 

Gabby stared at the phone; she didn't know what to do. 


Look, if you want to be a black cock whore, go ahead. If not, we can help. 

She looked at the message. She remembered Adam's last statement and knew he would call again and today would repeat itself all over. 

'What do you want?' she answered back again. 


Nothing much really, considering the options. Just do as you're told and we will make your problem go away. 

'Do as I'm told? That takes in a lot of territory. How do I know you will do what you say?' 

It took a few minutes before her phone buzzed again 

This is why. 

Gabby looked at the message, there were a few pictures attached. All of them were of her at Adam's house. 

'Oh my god, how did they get those? Or is this Adam fucking with my head? She thought. 

Look I'm tired of these games. We are watching you as we talk! You can either agree or not, but if you don't, I guarantee you will end up as a black cock whore and your family will be gone. If you agree, then drop to your knees, put your hands behind your head and wait for instructions. 

Gabby stared at her phone. She was torn and scared. If she didn't drop to her knees, she knew Adam would call again. If she did, she had no idea of what the mysterious person would have her do. Plus if he had all the pictures and was watching her right now, what choice did she really have? 

Gabby rolled off her bed and did as ordered. She felt stupid on her knees, naked, her hands behind her head, and waiting for some anonymous person to tell her what to do. 


Good girl, you've made a wise choice. To start, you will always be naked with the exception of your highest heels; we love a naked slut in heels, no exceptions. Tonight if you need to leave the room, you will only wear the heels. Tomorrow you will have a visitor. She will arrive shortly after your daughter leaves for school. You will obey her completely. If you decide to resist, hesitate, or disobey all pictures and videos will be released to anyone and everyone you know. Sleep well. 

Gabby knelt there for over ten minutes. She read and reread the message. Her mind was going a thousand miles an hour when she heard Suzy's bedroom door open and her walk down the hall. Not wanting to get caught naked, her body still marked from earlier, she jumped back in bed and pretended she was asleep. As soon as Suzy passed her door, Gabby's phone buzzed again. 

You have 1 minute to put on the heels, and they better not come off! 

Gabby jumped out of bed and rushed to her closet. She grabbed box after box looking for the red 5" slut heels she purchased for a Halloween a couple years ago. When she found them she ran out to her desk and put them on. She felt stupid only wearing the shoes, but what choice did she have. 

* * * * * * * * 

Suzy glanced at her mom's door as she slipped by. It was still open a crack and her mom was still sleeping, although she was now covered. She walked by as quietly as possible and down the stairs. Suzy was very nervous as the shirt made her feel more naked than if she actually was naked. Plus the heels strapped to her feet made her look like a slut. 

Suzy opened the fridge and looked for something to eat. Grabbing some lunch meat, she started to fix a sandwich. In a few minutes, her arms filled with a plate, chips, drink and cookies, she headed back towards the stairs. 

Suzy made it to the top of the stairs and again glanced at her mom's room. The door was still cracked and her mom was still inside, but something was different. Suzy looked closer when she saw it. Her mother's foot wasn't covered with the sheet and strapped to it was a bright red high heel. Suzy just stood and stared for a few moments. She knew her mom wasn't wearing shoes earlier. She was still staring when her mom moved. Not wanting to be seen, she took off and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. She leaned against the door, panting, and wondering why her mom was acting so strange. 
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Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:10 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:33 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-05-2020, 01:19 AM
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