Slave by Application - Copied
Maggie opened the door to the restroom and walked in. She heard something in the last stall and glanced that way. What surprised her were the two legs sticking out from under the closed stall door. The long tanned legs with the extreme high heels surprised her. Maggie looked closer and could see another set of feet, also with very high heels sitting on the toilet, legs spread wide. It was obvious what was going on. 

She stood there in shock. Everything inside her said to run, but she had no time to go anywhere else. But what shocked her were what her body was feeling and her mind thinking. She wanted to be on that toilet and having the woman servicing her. 

Maggie decided to go to the stall beside the two women having sex. She slipped out of her clothes and dropped them on the floor between the two stalls. Sitting on the toilet, she placed her phone on the dispenser and turned on the video camera. Pulling out the vibrator, she licked it and looked at the phone. In moments she was fucking her pussy, shoving the large dildo deep inside her. Soon moans and groans filled the room as all three women were fully engaged in eating and fucking their cunts.

As Maggie was stroking her plastic cock deep inside her cunt, her body was trembling with arousal. She was experiencing things today that were affecting her deeply. Today was a one long masturbation after another. It started as soon as she woke and continued from the time she arrived at school until now in a public toilet. Her mind and body were under constant sexual attack. She no longer resisted her urges and welcomed every sensation and awakening something inside her she never knew existed. The idea of masturbating in a stall in a public restroom would have never entered her mind only a few days ago, but now it excited her to no end. Plus with the two women having sex right beside her only increased the eroticism and pushed her to fuck herself even harder.

As she pounded her dripping core, the squishing noises and the moans from the next stall, filled her ears and mind with erotic dreams. As she stared at her phone recording her performance, her mind drifted into an erotic dream of Jon, her Master, filling her body with his magnificent cock. So far she had only sucked his cock and swallowed his seed, completely under duress. But after today, all she could think of was crawling up to him and begging him to take total possession of her and filling her needy cunt. No longer did she think of him as her student or best friend's son. He was her Master and she was his slave. She knew she could not refuse him any longer and it wasn't because he could ruin her life, but it was because she wanted, no craved him. 

With Maggie, her work was the most important thing in her life after Denise. The events of last few days had changed her fundamentally. Now it was her needs and cravings that dominated her mind. Her anonymous blackmailer had pushed her down this path, but after Jon got involved, she was well past the point of no return. 

As her body climbed that mountain to an orgasm, in Maggie's mind it wasn't a dildo pounding her but Jon's cock. She was on the precipice when she heard the door open to the restroom. She froze panting as at least two women walked into the room. Maggie was panting and seconds from a massive orgasm, the dildo still buried deep inside her. 

The two women next to her either didn't care or didn't hear the women enter, until they heard, "What the fuck!" come from outside the stalls.

Maggie sat there unable to move. Her clothes on the floor beside her as wave after wave of humiliation threatened to push her over the cliff. It took every ounce of her strength to not climax and make the entire situation even worse.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? You fucking sluts, go get a room!" The voice called out. Maggie was praying they were only talking to the women next door. 

"Jesse, look in the next stall, she's naked too! My god I can't believe what's happening in here." The second woman called attention to Maggie's stall.

Maggie looked down at her own body and realized that with her clothes on the floor, and her feet stretched out and spread wide, she too was putting on a show, even with the door closed. A moan escaped out from somewhere deep inside her as she knew she was about to be exposed to the world as a slut.

The two women quickly dashed out the door and Maggie quickly pulled the dildo out of her core. She grabbed her clothes, dressed, turned off her phone and rushed out of the stall. She knew that security would arrive soon, so with only a glance at the mirror she rushed out the door and out the nearest exit of the mall.

Maggie quickly walked away from the exit not caring where she was. She just wanted to get out of sight as soon as possible. She walked around the exterior of the large mall until suddenly her body relaxed and all the emotions exploded out of her. She broke out into hysterical laughter. This was the most intense experience she had ever encountered. She wanted to be outraged and disgusted, but instead she felt more alive than at any time in her life. She approached a bench and sat down. In a few minutes her body stopped shaking and she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. It was only a few minutes after leaving the restroom, but the clock on her phone showed thirty minutes. She had not only completed her task, but had gone well over what was required. She smiled and was almost relieved the women had walked in, otherwise she might have orgasmed and failed.

She gathered her bearings and glanced at the time. It was almost 2:30 and she only had a little over an hour before she had to do it again. She stood and decided that she would do it in her office. Deep down inside her, she prayed Jon would show up.

* * * * * * * * * *

Denise knelt between Sarah's legs. Her body on fire and covered with Sarah's fluids. The entire day was one intense adventure after another. She looked up at her friend and Mistress. Her eyes veiled with lust and her body trembling. Together, they had done things that only a couple weeks ago had never entered their minds. Now they were in a public toilet having intense sex while another woman in the stall next to them was masturbating. The entire situation so bizarre it would have been unthinkable. Now it almost seemed to be a normal happening. She wondered if their Master Jon was watching.

Denise pushed Sarah's legs further apart to allow her access to her tight brown ring. Her tongue was lightly caressing it causing Sarah to moan loudly. She slid her fingers up to her clit and pinched it between her finger and thumb. 

Sarah gasped as her body exploded with her third orgasm. Denise closed her eyes and drank her Mistress's fluids gushing out of her gaping slit. 

"What the fuck!" suddenly filled their ears. Both women froze as the real world exploded around them. 

"What the fuck are you doing in here? You fucking sluts, go get a room!" The voice called out. 

Denise looked up at Sarah, she didn't know what to do or say. Sarah face was filled with fear but she managed to put a finger to her lips telling Denise to not say a word.

"Jesse, look in the next stall, she's naked too! My god I can't believe what's happening in here." The second woman called attention to the unknown woman in the next stall. 

Denise heard the women dash out of the restroom and struggled to stifle a giggle. The woman next door grabbed her clothes and in seconds followed them out the door. 

Denise looked up at her Mistress and both started to laugh hysterically. It must have been combination of fear, arousal, humiliation and relief but it was what both of them needed to clear their heads. 

"Denise, get up and get dressed. We need to leave now. We can't be here when those women come back with security." Sarah barked between gasps for breath.

Denise nodded and grabbed her clothes. Soon both were dressed and walking out the door. They started down the corridor when at the far end, the women and two security guards walked around the corner.

"There they are! That's the sluts! I'd know those shoes anywhere," Echoed down the corridor. Sarah grabbed Denise's hand and took off running. They burst out the door and into the parking lot. 

Denise was panicking as their car was nowhere near where they were, But Sarah pulled them between two large vans and told her to be quiet.

Sarah peeked through the darken windows as the security guards burst out the door and looked around. The women quickly followed screaming at them. They stood there scanning the area but not seeing anyone around, soon returned to the mall with the women barking after them.

Sarah and Denise slid down the side of the van and sat on the pavement. Both were out of breath and shaking like a leaf. No longer in danger of being arrested, they sat there calming their nerves. Ten minutes later, they found their car and drove home. 

* * * * * * * * *

Maggie walked to her car and headed back to school. Along the way, she stopped at a Speedway and slipped into the restroom. She actually giggled when she walked inside. It seemed like her entire day was spent in one restroom or another. Her pussy actually pulsed thinking about visiting another stall. She grabbed some paper towels, wet a couple and slipped into the first stall. She cleaned her legs and tried to stem her pussy from leaking. Finally, she took one towel, wadded it up and slipped it just inside her dripping slit. The last thing she needed was to leak all over her skirt before she made it back to her office. 

'I can't believe I'm doing this. I feel like such a slut. I wonder if Jon would love it, he would probably make me put it in my mouth if he found out.' She thought as her body shivered.

After cleaning up her face and fixing her hair, she walked back to her car and five minutes later she pulled into the faculty parking lot. Maggie sat there gathering her thoughts. She had walked out of her office early this morning, and now she was returning with only a few minutes before the end of the day. Maggie had never done anything like this before, but right now the only thought in her mind was to get in her office, strip and edge once again. Again the visions of Jon and his majestic cock filled her brain. 

Maggie glanced at the clock on the dash. It was almost three fifteen. She needed to get inside before the last bell. The last thing she needed was to be just coming in when the last class of the day ended. She took a deep breath and walked to the main entrance. 

She exhaled when there wasn't anyone around and quickly walked into the main office. Suzy Olson was sitting at the reception desk as Maggie walked by. She glanced at the young co-op and noticed a strange look on her face. Before Maggie could get to her office door, she heard Suzy speak.

"Ms. Morgan, I have a couple messages for you, and several people stopped by looking for you." Suzy called out.

"Oh thank you Suzy," Maggie answered and turned to get her messages. She reached out and took them from Suzy. Before she could look away, she noticed Suzy sniff the air and give a smile at the nervous Principal. 

Maggie quickly turned to go to her office when Suzy called out again.

"Oh Jon Williams stopped in and asked to see you. I told him you were out. He asked if you were expected back but I told him I didn't know. We hadn't heard from you since early this morning." Suzy said.

"Thank you Suzy, if he should stop back let me know." Maggie answered, trying not to sound eager to see her Master.

"Sure thing Ms. Morgan." Suze said with a slight giggle. Jon had quite the reputation around school as a player. 

Maggie sat down at her desk. Her body was still very aroused from her trip to the mall. She leaned back and closed her eyes, her hands drifting down her stomach to the top of her skirt. She opened the top button and slid it down to her kitty. It wasn't quite time to start but right now she needed relief. 

When the last bell rang, Maggie jumped. It was three thirty and the normal chaos of hundreds of students rushing out the doors filled the air. Maggie pulled her hand out of her skirt and tried to calm down. She looked at one of the cameras in her office and smiled, her thoughts were of getting naked and pounding her pussy.

Maggie signed on to her computer to check her mail. She didn't really care what was there, but it beat staring at the clock waiting for things to calm down so she could edge once again. She held her head in her hands trying to remain calm as the minutes slowly passed. Finally at three forty five, she pulled her dildo out of her purse and sat it on the desk. She walked to her door and peaked out. The only person left was Suzy sitting at her desk talking on the phone. Maggie knew she would be leaving any moment and headed back to her desk, unbuttoning her blouse as she did. By the time she was back to her chair, her blouse and skirt were scattered about on the floor. At first she started to sit in her chair, but a thought occurred to her. Jon might stop by and she wanted to please him. She grabbed the large dildo, walked back in front of her desk and dropped to her knees. If he walked in now, she was in the position he always demanded. She smiled, closed her eyes and pushed the head of the cock shaped dildo inside her core, wishing it was Jon's cock.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jon walked down the hall; his concentration was on the video that Josh had just sent him. He smiled at what had transpired at the mall. Mother and daughter masturbating and eating pussy, side by side and not realizing the other was there. He was heading for the main office hoping Maggie was there. The halls were almost completely empty and only a few stragglers heading for the door.

Jon stepped into the office and notice Suzy sitting at her desk with her phone at her ear. She was gathering her things and was about to leave for the day. He waited for her to end her call before she spoke.

"Hey Suzy, how's the sexiest girl in school?" Jon said with a smile.

Suzy blushed and giggled, before she answered, "Oh you say that to all the girls." 

"Yeah but with you it's the truth." He flirted back as he leaned over the counter. "So when are we going to hook up?"

"I don't think so stud. I'm not going to be a notch on your belt." She bantered back her eyes glancing down his body.

"How about we slip away from here and talk about it." Jon pushed it further. "Hey did Ms. M come back?"

Suzy nodded and leaned over to whisper to Jon. "Yeah she showed up a few minutes ago. She was gone all day, and when she walked in she headed right for her door. I hardly had a chance to give her, her messages." 

Jon smiled as he listened to Suzy speak. "Is that all?" He asked.

"No, when she got close, she smelled like..." Suzy looked around the room making sure no one was around, "like pussy!" 

"No Shit, Who would have thought Ms. M., was a slut." Jon whispered back.

"She's been acting strange all week. So why you so suddenly interested in Ms. M?" Suzy asked still whispering. "Are you hooking up with her or something?"

Jon laughed and slid his hand over Suzy's. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He answered as he watched her blush.

"Shut up, don't bullshit me. There's no way you're fucking Ms. M." She said and watched for his reaction.

"I didn't say I was fucking her, I just asked if you would like to know?" Jon bantered back as his mind was thinking of how to get into her pants. "I'll tell you what, you go with me down the hall and show me your tits and I'll tell you." 

Suzy pulled her hands back and gasped. "No fucking way. I'm not showing you my tits and you just tell me nothing." Suzy answered

Jon listened to her and smiled. What she didn't say was no, just she wanted to make sure it was something worthwhile if she was going to show her tits.

"Okay, I'll make a deal with you." Jon replied.

"Okay, what's the deal," She answered. 

"How would you like to have Ms. M. in your pocket? You can write your own ticket and she would agree?"

"Okay you got my interest. What do I have to do, and what if you don't come through?" Suzy warily answered.

"You come with me in Ms. M's office. If in five minutes I can't get her to promise to do anything you say, I'll be your slave for the rest of the month. That's almost three weeks." Jon proposed.

"Really? You think you can get her to do that? What will it cost me?" 

"If I do, then you are my slave." Jon answered. "But remember, if I do, you might be my slave, but you get Ms. M." Jon continued.

Suzy looked at Jon. He could see she was actually considering his offer.

"What do you mean be your slave, and for how long?" She asked.

"What do you think?" Jon answered and knew he had her. "As far as how long, it goes till the end of the school year," He stated with confidence.

"No way, that's too long." Suzy was negotiating now.

"Oh I think that's a fair price. Have you thought about what all you could do with Ms. M in your pocket? What you could get away with. Who you could get back at? What I'm asking is very fair. In fact, if you think about it, you can't lose." Jon knew it was only a matter of time before she agreed.

"Okay, five minutes and if she doesn't promise to obey me you're my slave for the rest of the month." She barked.

Jon smiled at her and looked her over. She was probably the prettiest girl in school. She was tall, almost 5'8" tall, slim bordering on skinny, except she had the nicest tits and fabulous ass. Her long brown hair almost to her ass and a mouth that was made to suck cocks, only completed the package.

"Agreed, but you have to do what I say exactly, no questions asked." Jon said and held out his hand.

Suzy looked down and hesitated for a second. Slowly her hand reached out and grasped Jon hand. "Agreed," She answered.

"Good, now I want you to go to the restroom and take off your bra and panties, and come back here quickly." Jon ordered.

"Wait, that wasn't part of the deal." Suzy barked.

"Oh, yes it was, you agreed that you would do exactly what I said, so get going, we don't have much time." Jon barked back.

Suzy looked at Jon for a second, then turned and dashed out the door and across the hall to the girl's restroom.

Jon smiled as he watched her bubble butt scoot across the hall, his cock getting harder thinking about having Suzy, Maggie, and Denise naked on their knees in front of him.

It was only a minute or so before Suzy walked back across the hall, her tits bouncing under her thin tight top. She walked up to Jon and handed him her bra and panties. "Here you go and this better be good or your ass is mine."

"Now here is what you do," Jon stated, "We're going to her door; you will stand right behind me as close as possible. I don't want her to see you until I say. When I reach behind me and give you the thumbs up sign, you step out from behind me. Got it?" Jon said his face firm.

"Y-Y-Yes," Suzy answered, she was obviously nervous now.

"Good now follow me." Jon said and headed for Maggie's door.
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Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:10 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:26 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 11:33 PM
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RE: Slave by Application - Copied - by Kalyan143 - 14-02-2021, 04:36 PM
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