20-05-2020, 11:44 PM
Mr. Hamilton,
I read your message and I have stopped interrupting your signal. You should have full access once again. I will not interfere anymore. There is no reason for legal action. I am not in a position to offer you a cash settlement, however maybe we could find some common ground to satisfy you and end this dispute.
Jon Williams.
Josh knew he had to word the next message very carefully. He didn't want to lose his advantage. He wanted to push the kid further so he would agree to anything so that Jon would be under their control as he dominated Denise.
Jon Williams,
I am not interested in negotiating terms. There will be no negotiating. You will either accept our offer or we will prosecute you and send you to jail and sue your parents.
Josh Hamilton Vice President
Josh waited to see what Jon's answer would be. He was already watching him on his own camera and could see the look of panic on the teenager's face. Josh knew it would only be few minutes before he would surrender.
Sure enough, Josh watched as Jon started to type on his keyboard and soon Josh had Jon's response.
Mr. Hamilton,
I am aware of my position and would ask that you send me your offer for me to consider.
Jon Williams
Josh waited for a few minutes. As he did, he watched Jon pace in his room. The longer Josh waited the more anxious Jon appeared. When Jon started to throw things around his room, Josh finally hit send.
Mr. Williams,
You will cease all pirating of our signal and feed to our servers. You will as payment for your thefts, work for Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. for a period not to exceed 1 year. Your duties are to include computer and software technician, onsite service technician, and onsite supervisor.
We at Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. recognize talent when we see it and as such want to make use of your talent. Your pay during the year of your contract, will be $20,000, and will include many perks. However, we will not tolerate any deviation from the rules and commands during the period of this contract. If you deviate, refuse to obey, or leave employment, we at Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. will pursue every legal opportunity available to us to recover any damages we see fit, up to and including:
If you agree to our terms, you will immediately bring all computers, tablets, cell phones, hard drives, and any data storage device to our office for immediate inspection.
You have twenty minutes to decide or this offer will be rescinded and we will take other legal options available.
Josh Hamilton, Vice President.
Jon sat at his computer reading the message. He was wavering and thinking about not responding. But it was the part of involving his parents that finally made his decision. He clicked reply and accepted the offer. He waited to see what was next. He waited for only a few minutes before the next message arrived.
Excellent choice Jon,
You can expect a van to pull up to your door in about 15 minutes. Please start gathering all the required equipment to be brought to our office, along with you. We want to belay your fears Jon. You will be richly rewarded for joining us in our venture. Although we got off to a rocky start we expect you will thoroughly enjoy your employment.
Josh Hamilton, Vice President
Jon read the message and started to shut down his computer and gather his portable drives. As he was finishing there was a knock at the door. He went down and opened the door. Standing in front of him were three very large men in coveralls. He motioned them upstairs and to his room.
An hour and a half later, Jon walked into the same conference room that Matt had occupied only a few days before. Sitting at the table was Josh Hamilton and Martin Roberts. He stood on the opposite side of the table and waited for them to speak.
"Jon, welcome, please sit." Martin said and pointed at a chair.
Jon nervously sat and fiddled with his shirt. He was out of his element and knew it.
"Jon, I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here and what we want you to do. Well we watched you with Denise today, and quite frankly we were impressed. So impressed in fact we want you to keep doing what you were doing, with the exception of we want to help you." Martin continued.
Jon didn't say a word as his mind was going a mile a minute. This wasn't what he expected at all.
"So, we have plans for Denise and her friend Sarah. In fact we have plans for Denise's mother too. I understand your mother knows Denise's mother. That relationship was how Denise ended up babysitting you a few years ago. Am I correct?" Martin inquired.
Jon was surprise how much they knew about him and his mother. "Yes," He answered cautiously. Denise's mother was always over to my house." Jon said, his mind wondered back to when Amanda Barkley was his mother's best friend and was Jon's first crush. She was a couple years older than his mother but looked several years younger. She was truly a MILF and Jon had more wet dreams about her than Denise.
"Well Jon, I think if you play your cards right you just might have both mother and daughter available to you whenever you want. That is both kneeling at your feet and begging to suck your cock." Josh added.
"So what do I have to do for this to happen?" Jon asked, his cock rising at the thought.
"Simply follow our instructions and let your natural talents blossom and it just might happen."
"Okay I can deal with that, but what about my equipment?" Jon asked, wondering if they would discover his other hacking endeavors.
"Don't worry Jon, your equipment; all of your equipment will be returned including your data, with the exception of a few modifications. We only want to be able to monitor your usage during the time you are employed by us. We do not care about your outside interests, but only about our projects. Your equipment will be delivered back to your house tomorrow. Will that work?" Martin stated.
"Yeah that works. What do you want me to do?" Jon asked.
"We will have you sign some papers and fill out some forms so you can get paid and then go home. We will contact you." Martin answered.
Jon nodded, stood and left the room.
Denise slowly crawled up off the floor. Her body still coming down from the orgasm Jon just forced on her. She slowly made her way over to the couch and sat down. She felt disgusted with herself for letting him take advantage of her. Denise knew she needed to stop this right now. 'God where is Matt. I really need him right now. Why hasn't he called?' She thought.
Denise was still naked and in deep thought when there was a knock at the door. Panic rushed up through her body as thoughts of Jon coming back and taking her again. She remembered his last statements to her, 'You will be naked on your knees and ready to obey when I come back.'
"Shit, I can't let him control me!" She said out loud. Denise grabbed her shorts on the floor and slipped them on. Remembering she was to remain topless or just wearing a bikini top, she frantically looked for a top. Not finding one and someone knocking at her door, she slowly opened the door, hiding behind it.
"Sarah! I'm so happy it's you?" Denise screamed.
"Wow, I didn't expect that. What's wrong?" Sarah asked.
Denise didn't want to let Sarah know what happened, she quickly answered, "I couldn't find my top and I was afraid it was some delivery man." She said as she stepped out from behind the door.
Sarah giggled as she reached out and tweaked one of Denise's nipples. "Well I guess you're going to have to leave a top by the door." Sarah said as she breezed past her friend. She was barely inside before she pulled off her tee shirt and dropped her bra.
"Did you see the latest mail? God it's so hot! I can't wait to do it." Sarah continued.
Denise looked confused. "No I haven't, how did you see it?"
"Remember, I signed up and I got the message about an hour ago. I thought for sure you would have called me." Sarah said her voice filled with lust.
Denise didn't say anything but rushed to her computer and opened her browser. She had been so involved with Jon, she hadn't heard the sounder.
It took a few moments before she clicked on the latest message from the Webmasters.
Denise and Sarah,
My, wasn't that an exciting visit to the park. Sarah you did well. Denise you didn't complete the task. So here is our ruling.
Sarah you will get all 50 points and will start on level 3. Denise, you get no points, however, we will give you the opportunity to get 50 points if you accept to wear an anal plug until the completion of level three. You must respond to this message and the plug stays in your ass 24/7 and only removed to use the restroom.
If you accept the punishment you and Sarah will be halfway to competing level 3! Congratulations on moving on. You will receive a statement of your point totals after completing Level 3.
As you know, each level is more difficult than the previous levels. The rules for this level have changed as follows. We will be assigning your tasks. You will be given a task and a time limit to complete. You must complete the task within the time or points will be withheld. Points for each task at level 3 are 50 points. You must have 100 points to move onto level 4. Sarah, you are halfway there, Denise, you will be halfway there if you accept the punishment. That means you will only need to finish one task to reach level 4!
You both will travel to Martin's Laundromat on Maple Street in Smithfield. As you know, Smithfield is about an hour away. We are doing this to protect your identity as you should not be seen by anyone you know.
Once you will arrive, Denise, you will strip naked at a washer and place all your clothes inside and wash them. You will then put on one of your new bikinis and wait until the cycle completes. Once done, you will move them to a dryer and again wait until they are dry. You will not leave the laundromat or cover your body until your clothes are clean and dry. You will take off the bikini and then dress.
Sarah while Denise is waiting, you will be in charge and will make sure she does not cover her body or hide the entire time. If at any time she does, you will take a picture and send it to us. We require at least ten pictures during each cycle.
Sarah, we will also give you an opportunity to earn an additional 50 points, if you also wear an anal plug for the duration of Level 3. You must also respond with Denise if you decide to earn the additional points.
Sarah it will then be your turn. Your task will be to do the same as Denise. You have 24 hours to complete this task.
Your time starts when you both respond as to if you will accept the punishment and extra points.
Denise looked at Sarah and groaned. Her body was still buzzing from Jon's visit and needed a distraction. "Well Sarah, are we going to do this?" Denise asked.
"Absolutely, I can't wait. I'm even going for the extra points." She laughed.
"Well that means I have to do the plug, otherwise you will move on and I am stuck at level 3." Denise groaned as she walked to the box of toys. She pulled out a plug and a bottle of lubricant. "I've never had anything up my ass before, can you help me?" Denise whispered her face red and her body trembling.
"Really, you've never done anal? Sure I can help. Get down on your knees and stick that beautiful ass up in the air you slut." Sarah giggled.
Denise quickly dropped to her knees and did as she was told. But something happened that she didn't expect something she hadn't felt until Jon took command over her. She was confused about how her body and now her mind were reacting when commanded to do something. Denise felt Sarah sliding her greased finger in and out of her ass. She moaned and pushed back on the probing finger. When Sarah added another finger her moans got louder and louder still when a third finger joined the other two. Denise was pushing back on Sarah's fingers as she fucked Denise's brown star.
When Sarah pulled her fingers out, Denise turned her head back to her friend, her eyes pleaded for her to continue, but instead, Sarah grabbed the anal plug and pushed it deep in Denise's ass. The plug was much larger than Sarah's fingers as pain shot out and went straight to her clit. She screamed but it wasn't a scream of pain but of need, need to be fucked.
Denise rolled over and looked into Sarah's eyes and whispered, "Thank you, do you want me to return the favor?"
"No slut, I read the message before I left the house and I already plugged my ass. Now go answer the message and let's get dressed." Sarah ordered. Denise looked up at her friend and nodded.
It took the two women about an hour to get ready to go to the laundromat. They pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road. Denise was driving and Sarah was sitting next to her, her fingers playing with Denise's clit.
"Damn Sarah, if you keep that up I'm going to wreck." She giggled.
"Just keep your eyes on the road and I'll keep my eyes on your dripping cunt, slut." Sarah answered.
Sarah had never called her a cunt before, but each time she did, a shiver went up her spine.
When the GPS finally had them turn down Maple Street, both women stared straight ahead. Denise was very aroused as Sarah had teased her body the entire way. She pulled into the parking lot and looked in the windows. There was only one woman inside but the brightly lit building made it impossible to hide anywhere inside.
Sarah got out first and smiled at Denise. "Come on slut, let's have some fun."
Denise slowly got out and followed Sarah inside. This was the first time the App had them get naked for any length of time in front of someone. This was a big step as she would be practically naked for over an hour before she could get dressed.
Once inside, Sarah led Denise over to the washers not far from the woman who was folding clothes.
"Okay slut, strip!" Sarah said in a loud voice.
Denise jumped at Sarah dominating tone and whispered, "Please Sarah, keep your voice down." She glanced at the woman who was now on her phone. When she looked back at Sarah she was leaning on the washer with a big smile on her face.
"Come on, get with it slut. The faster you get your clothes in here, the sooner you can get dressed again." Sarah giggled.
Denise grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her hips and finally over her head. She tossed it into the washer, then bent over and pulled her panties down her legs, her plugged ass now in plain view.
Denise was blushing down to her toes when she glanced at the woman now staring at her. She quickly started the washer and pulled out the tiny bikini and slipped it on her body. When she pulled up the micro bottom thong, she felt it push the plug deep in her ass.
When she stood and saw the woman, who was now talking on the phone, she could hear her telling someone about what was happening.
Sarah looked at her humiliated friend and gave her the thumbs up. "Perfect Dee, I wonder how long it will be before you're very popular. Now turn and show your audience your lovely body."
Denise slowly turned and faced the laughing woman. She giggled and slowly turned around, making sure she got a good look at the plug now buried deep in her ass.
For the next 35 minutes, Sarah had Denise walk around the room. Making sure she was by the large windows and exposing her nearly naked body to anyone walking by. It didn't take long before a couple young men, were inside following Denise around the room. Denise was trembling both in fear and arousal. Her pussy had soaked her thong bottom and her thighs were slick with her fluids.
The boys were starting to taunt her as they became more comfortable with the nearly naked woman and her friend who seemed to take great pleasure in parading her around the room.
By the time the washer finished Denise was backed into a corner and trying to keep from orgasming in front of everyone. She quickly grabbed her clothes out of the washer and tossed them into a nearby dryer. She stood in front of the dryer and tried to ignore the growing number of men now ogling herbody. When the dryer buzzed to signal the end of the cycle, she started to grab her clothes, but Sarah stopped her.
"Not yet slut, you need to take off the suit before you can get your clothes and get dressed." Sarah demanded.
Denise was now totally naked and the young men were getting very rowdy. She grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed. The men started to push forward when Sarah jumped between them and yelled.
"That's it boys, show's over. Now back off!" She held her hand up to stop them from following Denise as she dashed out to the car.
Sarah quickly followed Denise out the door and into the car. Denise already had it started and the two very horny women dashed down the street. Just as they turned the corner, a patrol car passed them heading towards the laundromat. Both women broke out in hysterical laughter.
They were halfway home before Denise suddenly said, "Wait, you didn't do the task! We need to go back!"
"I'm not going back there!" Sarah exclaimed, "Those boys were turning into a mob. I wouldn't survive. Besides, I already have enough point to move on to the next level. It was you who needed the points. Let's get home I want to fuck your eyes out!" Sarah said smiling at her very aroused friend.
Jon went home about 4 hours after arriving at 'Show for Dough'. It was a very enlightening visit. He was now employed and still would be allowed to dominate his sexy neighbor. He was told to wait until they told him and then go back over to Matt and Denise's house. He had specific instructions on how to handle Denise depending on how she reacted when he showed up.
I read your message and I have stopped interrupting your signal. You should have full access once again. I will not interfere anymore. There is no reason for legal action. I am not in a position to offer you a cash settlement, however maybe we could find some common ground to satisfy you and end this dispute.
Jon Williams.
Josh knew he had to word the next message very carefully. He didn't want to lose his advantage. He wanted to push the kid further so he would agree to anything so that Jon would be under their control as he dominated Denise.
Jon Williams,
I am not interested in negotiating terms. There will be no negotiating. You will either accept our offer or we will prosecute you and send you to jail and sue your parents.
Josh Hamilton Vice President
Josh waited to see what Jon's answer would be. He was already watching him on his own camera and could see the look of panic on the teenager's face. Josh knew it would only be few minutes before he would surrender.
Sure enough, Josh watched as Jon started to type on his keyboard and soon Josh had Jon's response.
Mr. Hamilton,
I am aware of my position and would ask that you send me your offer for me to consider.
Jon Williams
Josh waited for a few minutes. As he did, he watched Jon pace in his room. The longer Josh waited the more anxious Jon appeared. When Jon started to throw things around his room, Josh finally hit send.
Mr. Williams,
You will cease all pirating of our signal and feed to our servers. You will as payment for your thefts, work for Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. for a period not to exceed 1 year. Your duties are to include computer and software technician, onsite service technician, and onsite supervisor.
We at Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. recognize talent when we see it and as such want to make use of your talent. Your pay during the year of your contract, will be $20,000, and will include many perks. However, we will not tolerate any deviation from the rules and commands during the period of this contract. If you deviate, refuse to obey, or leave employment, we at Tantalizing Fantasies Inc. will pursue every legal opportunity available to us to recover any damages we see fit, up to and including:
- Recovery of monetary losses
- Notification of authorities of our intention to press charges.
- Including your parents to recover any damages necessary.
If you agree to our terms, you will immediately bring all computers, tablets, cell phones, hard drives, and any data storage device to our office for immediate inspection.
You have twenty minutes to decide or this offer will be rescinded and we will take other legal options available.
Josh Hamilton, Vice President.
Jon sat at his computer reading the message. He was wavering and thinking about not responding. But it was the part of involving his parents that finally made his decision. He clicked reply and accepted the offer. He waited to see what was next. He waited for only a few minutes before the next message arrived.
Excellent choice Jon,
You can expect a van to pull up to your door in about 15 minutes. Please start gathering all the required equipment to be brought to our office, along with you. We want to belay your fears Jon. You will be richly rewarded for joining us in our venture. Although we got off to a rocky start we expect you will thoroughly enjoy your employment.
Josh Hamilton, Vice President
Jon read the message and started to shut down his computer and gather his portable drives. As he was finishing there was a knock at the door. He went down and opened the door. Standing in front of him were three very large men in coveralls. He motioned them upstairs and to his room.
An hour and a half later, Jon walked into the same conference room that Matt had occupied only a few days before. Sitting at the table was Josh Hamilton and Martin Roberts. He stood on the opposite side of the table and waited for them to speak.
"Jon, welcome, please sit." Martin said and pointed at a chair.
Jon nervously sat and fiddled with his shirt. He was out of his element and knew it.
"Jon, I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here and what we want you to do. Well we watched you with Denise today, and quite frankly we were impressed. So impressed in fact we want you to keep doing what you were doing, with the exception of we want to help you." Martin continued.
Jon didn't say a word as his mind was going a mile a minute. This wasn't what he expected at all.
"So, we have plans for Denise and her friend Sarah. In fact we have plans for Denise's mother too. I understand your mother knows Denise's mother. That relationship was how Denise ended up babysitting you a few years ago. Am I correct?" Martin inquired.
Jon was surprise how much they knew about him and his mother. "Yes," He answered cautiously. Denise's mother was always over to my house." Jon said, his mind wondered back to when Amanda Barkley was his mother's best friend and was Jon's first crush. She was a couple years older than his mother but looked several years younger. She was truly a MILF and Jon had more wet dreams about her than Denise.
"Well Jon, I think if you play your cards right you just might have both mother and daughter available to you whenever you want. That is both kneeling at your feet and begging to suck your cock." Josh added.
"So what do I have to do for this to happen?" Jon asked, his cock rising at the thought.
"Simply follow our instructions and let your natural talents blossom and it just might happen."
"Okay I can deal with that, but what about my equipment?" Jon asked, wondering if they would discover his other hacking endeavors.
"Don't worry Jon, your equipment; all of your equipment will be returned including your data, with the exception of a few modifications. We only want to be able to monitor your usage during the time you are employed by us. We do not care about your outside interests, but only about our projects. Your equipment will be delivered back to your house tomorrow. Will that work?" Martin stated.
"Yeah that works. What do you want me to do?" Jon asked.
"We will have you sign some papers and fill out some forms so you can get paid and then go home. We will contact you." Martin answered.
Jon nodded, stood and left the room.
Denise slowly crawled up off the floor. Her body still coming down from the orgasm Jon just forced on her. She slowly made her way over to the couch and sat down. She felt disgusted with herself for letting him take advantage of her. Denise knew she needed to stop this right now. 'God where is Matt. I really need him right now. Why hasn't he called?' She thought.
Denise was still naked and in deep thought when there was a knock at the door. Panic rushed up through her body as thoughts of Jon coming back and taking her again. She remembered his last statements to her, 'You will be naked on your knees and ready to obey when I come back.'
"Shit, I can't let him control me!" She said out loud. Denise grabbed her shorts on the floor and slipped them on. Remembering she was to remain topless or just wearing a bikini top, she frantically looked for a top. Not finding one and someone knocking at her door, she slowly opened the door, hiding behind it.
"Sarah! I'm so happy it's you?" Denise screamed.
"Wow, I didn't expect that. What's wrong?" Sarah asked.
Denise didn't want to let Sarah know what happened, she quickly answered, "I couldn't find my top and I was afraid it was some delivery man." She said as she stepped out from behind the door.
Sarah giggled as she reached out and tweaked one of Denise's nipples. "Well I guess you're going to have to leave a top by the door." Sarah said as she breezed past her friend. She was barely inside before she pulled off her tee shirt and dropped her bra.
"Did you see the latest mail? God it's so hot! I can't wait to do it." Sarah continued.
Denise looked confused. "No I haven't, how did you see it?"
"Remember, I signed up and I got the message about an hour ago. I thought for sure you would have called me." Sarah said her voice filled with lust.
Denise didn't say anything but rushed to her computer and opened her browser. She had been so involved with Jon, she hadn't heard the sounder.
It took a few moments before she clicked on the latest message from the Webmasters.
Denise and Sarah,
My, wasn't that an exciting visit to the park. Sarah you did well. Denise you didn't complete the task. So here is our ruling.
Sarah you will get all 50 points and will start on level 3. Denise, you get no points, however, we will give you the opportunity to get 50 points if you accept to wear an anal plug until the completion of level three. You must respond to this message and the plug stays in your ass 24/7 and only removed to use the restroom.
If you accept the punishment you and Sarah will be halfway to competing level 3! Congratulations on moving on. You will receive a statement of your point totals after completing Level 3.
As you know, each level is more difficult than the previous levels. The rules for this level have changed as follows. We will be assigning your tasks. You will be given a task and a time limit to complete. You must complete the task within the time or points will be withheld. Points for each task at level 3 are 50 points. You must have 100 points to move onto level 4. Sarah, you are halfway there, Denise, you will be halfway there if you accept the punishment. That means you will only need to finish one task to reach level 4!
You both will travel to Martin's Laundromat on Maple Street in Smithfield. As you know, Smithfield is about an hour away. We are doing this to protect your identity as you should not be seen by anyone you know.
Once you will arrive, Denise, you will strip naked at a washer and place all your clothes inside and wash them. You will then put on one of your new bikinis and wait until the cycle completes. Once done, you will move them to a dryer and again wait until they are dry. You will not leave the laundromat or cover your body until your clothes are clean and dry. You will take off the bikini and then dress.
Sarah while Denise is waiting, you will be in charge and will make sure she does not cover her body or hide the entire time. If at any time she does, you will take a picture and send it to us. We require at least ten pictures during each cycle.
Sarah, we will also give you an opportunity to earn an additional 50 points, if you also wear an anal plug for the duration of Level 3. You must also respond with Denise if you decide to earn the additional points.
Sarah it will then be your turn. Your task will be to do the same as Denise. You have 24 hours to complete this task.
Your time starts when you both respond as to if you will accept the punishment and extra points.
Denise looked at Sarah and groaned. Her body was still buzzing from Jon's visit and needed a distraction. "Well Sarah, are we going to do this?" Denise asked.
"Absolutely, I can't wait. I'm even going for the extra points." She laughed.
"Well that means I have to do the plug, otherwise you will move on and I am stuck at level 3." Denise groaned as she walked to the box of toys. She pulled out a plug and a bottle of lubricant. "I've never had anything up my ass before, can you help me?" Denise whispered her face red and her body trembling.
"Really, you've never done anal? Sure I can help. Get down on your knees and stick that beautiful ass up in the air you slut." Sarah giggled.
Denise quickly dropped to her knees and did as she was told. But something happened that she didn't expect something she hadn't felt until Jon took command over her. She was confused about how her body and now her mind were reacting when commanded to do something. Denise felt Sarah sliding her greased finger in and out of her ass. She moaned and pushed back on the probing finger. When Sarah added another finger her moans got louder and louder still when a third finger joined the other two. Denise was pushing back on Sarah's fingers as she fucked Denise's brown star.
When Sarah pulled her fingers out, Denise turned her head back to her friend, her eyes pleaded for her to continue, but instead, Sarah grabbed the anal plug and pushed it deep in Denise's ass. The plug was much larger than Sarah's fingers as pain shot out and went straight to her clit. She screamed but it wasn't a scream of pain but of need, need to be fucked.
Denise rolled over and looked into Sarah's eyes and whispered, "Thank you, do you want me to return the favor?"
"No slut, I read the message before I left the house and I already plugged my ass. Now go answer the message and let's get dressed." Sarah ordered. Denise looked up at her friend and nodded.
It took the two women about an hour to get ready to go to the laundromat. They pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road. Denise was driving and Sarah was sitting next to her, her fingers playing with Denise's clit.
"Damn Sarah, if you keep that up I'm going to wreck." She giggled.
"Just keep your eyes on the road and I'll keep my eyes on your dripping cunt, slut." Sarah answered.
Sarah had never called her a cunt before, but each time she did, a shiver went up her spine.
When the GPS finally had them turn down Maple Street, both women stared straight ahead. Denise was very aroused as Sarah had teased her body the entire way. She pulled into the parking lot and looked in the windows. There was only one woman inside but the brightly lit building made it impossible to hide anywhere inside.
Sarah got out first and smiled at Denise. "Come on slut, let's have some fun."
Denise slowly got out and followed Sarah inside. This was the first time the App had them get naked for any length of time in front of someone. This was a big step as she would be practically naked for over an hour before she could get dressed.
Once inside, Sarah led Denise over to the washers not far from the woman who was folding clothes.
"Okay slut, strip!" Sarah said in a loud voice.
Denise jumped at Sarah dominating tone and whispered, "Please Sarah, keep your voice down." She glanced at the woman who was now on her phone. When she looked back at Sarah she was leaning on the washer with a big smile on her face.
"Come on, get with it slut. The faster you get your clothes in here, the sooner you can get dressed again." Sarah giggled.
Denise grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her hips and finally over her head. She tossed it into the washer, then bent over and pulled her panties down her legs, her plugged ass now in plain view.
Denise was blushing down to her toes when she glanced at the woman now staring at her. She quickly started the washer and pulled out the tiny bikini and slipped it on her body. When she pulled up the micro bottom thong, she felt it push the plug deep in her ass.
When she stood and saw the woman, who was now talking on the phone, she could hear her telling someone about what was happening.
Sarah looked at her humiliated friend and gave her the thumbs up. "Perfect Dee, I wonder how long it will be before you're very popular. Now turn and show your audience your lovely body."
Denise slowly turned and faced the laughing woman. She giggled and slowly turned around, making sure she got a good look at the plug now buried deep in her ass.
For the next 35 minutes, Sarah had Denise walk around the room. Making sure she was by the large windows and exposing her nearly naked body to anyone walking by. It didn't take long before a couple young men, were inside following Denise around the room. Denise was trembling both in fear and arousal. Her pussy had soaked her thong bottom and her thighs were slick with her fluids.
The boys were starting to taunt her as they became more comfortable with the nearly naked woman and her friend who seemed to take great pleasure in parading her around the room.
By the time the washer finished Denise was backed into a corner and trying to keep from orgasming in front of everyone. She quickly grabbed her clothes out of the washer and tossed them into a nearby dryer. She stood in front of the dryer and tried to ignore the growing number of men now ogling herbody. When the dryer buzzed to signal the end of the cycle, she started to grab her clothes, but Sarah stopped her.
"Not yet slut, you need to take off the suit before you can get your clothes and get dressed." Sarah demanded.
Denise was now totally naked and the young men were getting very rowdy. She grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed. The men started to push forward when Sarah jumped between them and yelled.
"That's it boys, show's over. Now back off!" She held her hand up to stop them from following Denise as she dashed out to the car.
Sarah quickly followed Denise out the door and into the car. Denise already had it started and the two very horny women dashed down the street. Just as they turned the corner, a patrol car passed them heading towards the laundromat. Both women broke out in hysterical laughter.
They were halfway home before Denise suddenly said, "Wait, you didn't do the task! We need to go back!"
"I'm not going back there!" Sarah exclaimed, "Those boys were turning into a mob. I wouldn't survive. Besides, I already have enough point to move on to the next level. It was you who needed the points. Let's get home I want to fuck your eyes out!" Sarah said smiling at her very aroused friend.
Jon went home about 4 hours after arriving at 'Show for Dough'. It was a very enlightening visit. He was now employed and still would be allowed to dominate his sexy neighbor. He was told to wait until they told him and then go back over to Matt and Denise's house. He had specific instructions on how to handle Denise depending on how she reacted when he showed up.