Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"Hey boys, let's kill us some vamps huh? I have the place all staked out and if we hurry we can get there before dusk and give them the jump." Paul was eager as ever standing by his ride and holding his hat like he was a wild west gunslinger.

"Hey Paul, sounds good. So, how many are we talking about?" Jeff was out of the car and already headed to the trunk as Paul stood by the passenger side holding a blade in each hand.

"It's not far up the road right here, and I think it's probably 10 or so. ...Oh man, do you guys ever air out the car? It smells like straight up sex in there." Kerry had gotten out allowing Paul a whiff of the interior.

"Uh, long story, anyways, let's kill some bloodsuckers, we could both use the release." Kerry rolled his eyes heading to the trunk so they could get weapons.

The killing was a nice escape; however, still leaving them covered in blood and exhausted. Although Paul was positive they had gotten everyone, they decided to stay the night and double check in the morning. It was something Jeff called his spidey sense that made him believe that they had more lurking in town.

A quick shower and they were all on their way to enjoy some time at the local dive bar. Kerry had finally changed his jeans, although secretly he hid them in the hotel bathroom so he could get a nice whiff later and release some of his tension.


"So, who got lucky in there, because wow! I mean I've had my share and all, but the Torino reeked today." Paul was eager to hear the juicy details of a conquest. Plus, he was half way into his first beer and already feeling pretty good.

"Unfortunately, there has been no sex in Stella for a while; it was actually Kerry's fault it smelled because someone couldn't keep his hands to himself this morning." Jeff shot him a glance still bitter about the ride there and smelling Lizzie's sweet intoxication.

"Hey, I just wanted to let her know we were leaving, it's not my fault she finds me irresistible." Kerry chimed back.

"I knew I should've woken up sooner and gotten to her first." Jeff grumbled at him.

"Whoa, wait a minute guys. I'm about ten steps behind, but it sounds to me like you are dating the same young filly, which is a recipe for disaster." Paul gave his usual sage yet odd advice. He still had a Texas accent when he drank a little bit, and it definitely came out as he was speaking tonight. He looked up to the two men across from him. They were practically legends and even as he waited on getting a new partner, he hoped that whoever was assigned might compliment him half as well as Kerry did Jeff.

"We aren't dating." Both partners chimed in unison causing Paul's eyebrows to rise.

"Okay, now you have to fill me in." He sat up trying to figure out the latest point of contention the partners were wrestling.

"Her name is Lizzie, and we're protecting her. She's special - as in not human really, and she has an affliction which has made things difficult." Kerry tried to be pc and protect her dignity.

"What my partner means is she goes into heat once a year and we are keeping her safe at the bunker. Unfortunately, she can't seem to decide which of us is better suited to help her deal with the situation." Jeff tried his best to be respectful but his sharp intake of breath as his eyes glazed over gave a different message.

"So you guys are messing with a Capsa, the girl Oz mentioned last year? Aren't they only supposed to mate for life?" Paul asked with a slight giggle as his last beer was emptied.

"Wait, what do you know about Capsas?" Kerry asked stopping the conversation.

"Only that they are these incredible celestial vessels, which are created to birth special beings. I thought they were a myth though. Who would ever think a perfect female creature who goes into heat would even exist? I kind of thought it was a science fiction story gone wrong. " Paul rambled, slurring his words slightly.
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-02-2019, 11:04 AM

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