Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
Lizzie lay in bed with Jeff, his arm dbangd over her smiling as she basked in their silence and cuddling after such an amazing time together. She thought he was asleep, but found herself only able to drift lightly as she held onto his arm that was dbangd over her side.

"Are you awake?" Jeff whispered, rousing her slightly. She did not respond as she was on the edge of her sleep not wanting to wake herself from the fluffy cloud feeling enveloping her.

"Good. I can't tell you this while you're awake, but Lizzie I think I'm in love with you." Jeff confessed in a whisper before nuzzling into her.

Her mind had snapped to reality at his words and she wasn't sure how to handle it. Luckily, before she could force herself to speak she heard a faint snore come from Jeff. He had drifted off. She couldn't stay then, not sure how she ever could again after his confession. So, she pulled herself out of the bed and sneaked across his room. Her towel was somewhere in the bed with them and she couldn't find it right now and risk waking him, so she made her way out of his door and tiptoed towards her own room.

"Lizzie, why are you walking in the hallway naked?" Tomas' voice startled her. She turned bright red in the face and put one hand over her breasts and one over the apex of her thighs.

"Tomas, scared the hell out of me. Let me put some clothes on and we'll talk." Lizzie ran the rest of the way to her room and once inside scrounged some clothes together. Tomas appeared inside in another minute looking at her in a questioning manner.

"My towel was lost, why?" She tried to be coy.

"You are lying to me. I saw you leave Jeff's room, and you were naked. I presume you had intercourse with Jeff."

"That is none of your business Tomas." Lizzie rolled her eyes sitting on her bed.

"Lizzie you know that I care about you, and I brought you to these men last year because I hoped they could protect you without succumbing to the temptation to be with you. I have told you that I will protect you until we know who you are to be mated with. Tell me has Jeff forced this on you?"

"Tomas, don't act like you aren't watching and listening, you know he didn't force anything."

"I have been tending to matters in heaven for the last year, so no I have not been listening. Does this mean that Jeff can no longer be trusted?"

"No, Tomas, it means that I decided that I should enjoy parts of my affliction if I have to bear the burden. Jeff forced nothing, and neither has Kerry." She almost smacked herself in the head - why had she even mentioned Kerry.

"Wait, have you had intercourse with them both? I must admit I am ashamed of them. I believed that you would be safe here, and now they have both violated my trust in them."

"Ok, first can you stop saying intercourse, it just feels weirdly disgusting coming from you. Second, Jeff was very polite when he asked last year and I wasn't even in heat. And Kerry, well, I jumped Kerry - he would probably never have done anything. Tomas, you aren't my Dad, so please don't give me any shit over this." Lizzie sighed not able to make eye contact with him.

Tomas sat down on the bed with her and lifted her head.

"Lizzie, I may not understand what you are going through, and I certainly don't understand the complexities of human sexuality, but I don't know that this is a wise decision." His blue eyes burrowed through her.

"Look, I know I can't fall in love with them, but I can have some fun right? I mean at least I'm safe here and they won't hurt me Tomas."

"What about the bruises I saw on your hips then?" He was confused as usual. She loved him though, he was her protector.

"Those are good bruises believe it or not. Jeff just gets a little excited." She smiled a little.

"Do they understand that you are with them both, but cannot be a proper girlfriend?" His awkward question made her have to think for a second.

"If you mean do they know that I am enjoying sex with both of them, then yes, which is somehow still okay surprisingly. And, as far as proper girlfriend, they know that I am not with them, it's just sex." She lied to him then, Jeff obviously was having feelings she hadn't yet figured out.

"I know you are lying to me, but I'm not sure why." Tomas caught it immediately.

"Can I just go to sleep tonight? Stop asking so many questions." Lizzie sighed and nestled herself in bed, passing out almost instantly.


The following day passed uneventfully by all estimations. The extended enjoyment with Jeff had left her satisfied and with a minimal scent throughout the entire day and into the evening. Lizzie was beginning to wonder why she hadn't discovered this rather easy cure years ago and why she hadn't implemented it. She presumed that she had not found men she could trust like these two.

It was very refreshing to go about their routine, especially because Jeff was oblivious to the fact that she had heard his confession the night before. It was a small favor, and not one she intended to push her luck on. Kerry did eye her strongly as she was heading to bed for the night, but thankfully did not act on it. A nice calm day was all she needed.

"I am definitely exhausted and going to watch some t.v. in my room and pass out peacefully, hope you two don't mind." Lizzie sighed getting up from the library table with them to walk down the hallway.

"Hey Lizzie, hang on a minute." Jeff's voice had her stop as he approached behind her. She was only hoping that he would not mention his confession of love from the night before.

"What's up Jeff?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I mean you left a little abruptly last night." He was quiet in his voice not wanting to have Kerry overhear.

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm not really used to the whole sleeping next to someone all night. I guess I just still like my space a little." She smiled leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"That's cool, honestly you wore me out yesterday. Oh, and um...thanks for cleaning my room. It's kind of awesome. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight you sexy beast." She pulled on his shirt forcing him to stay put as she planted another kiss on his lips.

"Argh...if I thought for one second you'd want company." He smiled, his sexiest smile making her acutely aware that her heat was creeping back in.

"Go, spend time with your partner and rest up. Never know when I'll need that body again." She scampered down the hall with a smile on her face as she heard Jeff laugh softly behind her.

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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-02-2019, 11:02 AM

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