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Incest Ariana Marie, Bruce Venture and Holly Michaels

Jack the Nurse
by Author Obscure (address defunct)


A young man's mother is in a car accident and is laid-
up for a while, needing her son's help to recuperate.
(MF, inc)


"Jack," Sue called from the bathroom. "Can you come
here for a minute?"

Jack rose from the TV chair and sauntered over to the
bathroom door, trying to watch the football match as he
walked away and inevitably shouldered the corridor
wall. Muttering quietly he pushed the bathroom door
ajar and called out:

"What's up Mom?"

"I need a hand in here," she called back desperately.

The previous afternoon, while driving home from work,
her car was hit by a rogue four wheel drive. She lost
control after the impact, drove her little car into a
power pole, and broke her right arm. Although she was
covered in seat belt bruises, she escaped otherwise
unhurt. After an overnight stay in the local hospital
Sue had been allowed home again with her arm in a bulky
plaster cast.

Jack, who had enjoyed his eighteenth birthday just days
before, was horrified when the security officer rang to tell him
about the accident and raced over to the hospital. His
father worked interstate and would not be home for at
least four months, leaving Jack as the "man of the
house". He sat by his mother's side for most of the
night before returning to bring her home next morning.

He entered the bathroom, looking bashfully at the
floor. Sue sat in the steaming bath, her broken arm
resting on the edge to keep it dry. A tear trickled
down her cheek from the frustration of trying to make
do with one hand. Her left arm was so badly bruised
that she could not rise from the bath without

Taking a fresh towel from the rack, Jack gently covered
his mother's shoulders. He slipped out of his sneakers
and stood in the bathtub behind his mother, encouraged
her to trust him with her weight, took her under the
arms and gingerly helped her to her feet.

She groaned as her bruised torso straightened up, but
having finally made it, tried vainly to cover herself
with the towel. Her son still gripped her tightly to
help her over the edge of the bathtub. Slowly she
raised one leg over the edge, leaning back for balance
as she did so. Jack's hands moved slightly forward,
touching the sides of his mother's breasts. As she
painfully stepped clear of the bath, she could feel the
unmistakable hardness of Jack's growing erection
against her back.

Jack was embarrassed by his involuntary erection. He
had never thought of his mother in a physical way. She
was... well, she was his MOTHER. He also realized for
the first time that his mother was a very attractive
woman, despite reaching almost forty years. Her body
was taut, her breasts were firm and full. Hell, she was
a VERY attractive woman.

She was also dripping wet, and in her present
condition, there was no possible way she could dry
herself. Jack tried to allow her to preserve some
modesty by taking a second towel from the rack, and
approached his mother to dry her down. Neither spoke a
word. The son's nervous anticipation and the mother's
anxious embarrassment made communication difficult.
Jack had never seen his mother naked before.

"Don't worry Mom," he finally whispered. "I'll dry you
off in no time."

She smiled wanly at her son. He was really coming
through for her now she needed him to take control.
Jack started from the back of her neck, toweling
briskly down her back, her buttocks and legs. He worked
his way around the front of her legs, skipped her pubic
area completely and rubbed her stomach gently. For a
long time he just quietly rubbed her belly, uncertain
what he should do next.

Clenching his teeth, he moved the towel upwards, gently
massaging the underside of his mother's breasts. Her
eyes shut tight. Her head hung back. Her damp hair
cascaded down her back. She could not believe the
reactions coursing through her body. The broken arm and
the bruises were banished from her consciousness. Her
entire being was focused on the firm and gentle hands
working on her breasts. Her nipples betrayed her. They
hardened against the roughness of the towel at each
gentle stroke.

An eternity passed. Still no word was spoken. Jack's
breathing was ragged. His erection was now plainly
obvious in his board shorts. His eyes followed his
hands, taking in the beauty of his mother's body,
flinching each time she flinched when he touched a raw

The first towel slowly slipped from her shoulders,
finally falling to the floor. Jack reluctantly moved
upwards from his mother's breasts, to her neck and
finally patted her face dry. Tears flowed freely down
her face, but she made no sound. Her embarrassment gave
way to confusion as she tried vainly to understand the
emotions which filled her mind and the wonderful
sensations which flowed through her body.

She felt no pain now, just the ecstatic joy of her
son's gentle touch. Her response, though quite
involuntary, was becoming obvious. Her nipples stood
firm, and her juices oozed down her inner thighs.

Jack patted the tears away and spoke softly to her.

"It's ok Mom," he assured her. "The pain may be bad
now, but it will soon get better."

"Jack, my darling," she stammered. "If only it was the
pain from the car crash..."

She reached across her body to grasp the towel, and
quickly patted dry the area her son had missed. She
knew that she needed Jack to dress her again because it
had taken forever to remove her clothes before the
bath, and she still ached from the strain. Jack
anticipated her need, and gently dbangd her gown over
her shoulders as he took her damp towel.

He led her from the bathroom and ushered her into her
bedroom. The clothes she had worn from the hospital
still lay on the floor.

"Stay there a minute," he commanded. "What clothes do
you want?"

She stopped by the bed and pointed out where he could
find her underwear, a winter blouse and an old-but-
comfortable tartan skirt, reasoning that her choice
would make it easy to dress and undress. Jack
systematically selected the clothing she specified,
placing everything neatly on the edge of the bed.

She stood quietly where he had left her, shoulders
hunched, her good arm clutching the robe tightly around
her, shivering and sobbing quietly.

"Oh, Mom, you're cold."

"Not really, Jack. I'm more embarrassed than cold. I
wish you had not seen me like this. I'm so sorry to be
asking you to do these things for me."

Jack took his weeping mother in a big bear hug and
kissed her tenderly on the cheek, tasting her salty

"You silly thing," he admonished her. "You didn't ask
to have some Looney force you off the road, and you
certainly had no control over getting your arm broken.
Now stop worrying. In a few days the bruising will be
gone and you will be able to look after yourself again.
In the meantime, I'm going to make sure you are
properly cared for. Now stop feeling embarrassed. You
know you don't have anything which I haven't already
seen on most of my girlfriends."

Although she guessed that Jack probably had experienced
sex with his girlfriends, he had never spoken about it
or acknowledged it in any way until now. Visions of her
baby boy slowly evaporated as she pictured him with his
latest girlfriend.

Jack got down to business, now feeling fully in control
of the situation. The sexual tension he felt before
vanished as he concentrated on the simple task of
dressing his mother.

Selecting her pink panties, he stood before his mother,
allowing her to keep her modesty by leaving the gown
on. She placed her good hand on his shoulder for
balance, lifted one foot and then the other, letting
Jack slip the panties up her legs, separating the gown
as he moved up.

As her pubic hair came into view, it was obvious that
she was very wet. At first it never occurred to Jack
that the cause was anything other than bad drying, so
he apologized profusely for not drying her properly and
rushed off to the bathroom to pick up a towel.

She had not moved when he returned. Her gown hung
slightly open, her bush in full view, and her panties
hung just above her knees. It was while he was drying
her off that Jack began to realize that his mother's
wetness had nothing to do with bath water.

"Why, Mom! I think we have a little problem here," he
mocked. "Have you been thinking naughty thoughts?"

Sue hung her head, shamed by his discovery. How could
she tell him that being held and dried off by her own
son had been a gigantic turn-on for her? Her breasts
still tingled from the toweling and she longed for
more. Her reverie was broken by her practical son.
Putting aside any feelings of embarrassment, he simply
pushed her legs apart with one arm, and used his other
hand to briskly towel the damp insides of her thighs
until they were dry, working the towel firmly into the
folds of her vaginal lips until he was sure that they
too, were properly dry.

Sue squirmed, hating the wonderful sensations which
wracked her body. As Jack dried her off, she whimpered
very slightly, biting so hard on her lower lip to
stifle the sound, that she actually drew blood. Trying
to keep her body still while it was being so deeply
aroused was almost impossible. Her hips thrust
imperceptibly at each of her son's towel strokes, but
he gave no sign that he had noticed, finally pulling
her panties the remainder of the way up and releasing
the waistband with a snap so that she squealed.

He laughed with her, reaching for the bra.

"This could be tricky Mom. I'll do my best not to
disturb your bad arm."

Casually casting her robe to one side, he carefully
held the plaster cast, removed the support sling and
slid the bra strap over her injured arm. That
accomplished, he replaced the sling and worked her
other arm into the other side.

She marveled at his gentleness. Her bra hung from her
shoulders, and Jack was now preparing to ease her left
breast into its cup. A terrible self conscious feeling
overtook her now that she realized that he was about to
handle her breast and would clearly have to notice the
erect state of her nipples. She bit into her lip again
and looked down.

Jack hesitated, took the breast in one hand and brought
the undergarment up to it with the other, repeating the
process with the other side, and moved smoothly behind
his mother to secure the snap fasteners. If he noticed
her nipples at all, he was too much a gentleman to say

The intimate work was over, and both of them relaxed as
Jack methodically helped her into the blouse, dbanging
it over her plaster cast, and belted the skirt around
her waist. She thrust her feet into her slippers,
sighed deeply and smiled in relief.

"Come on Mom, it wasn't THAT bad," he teased.

She pulled a face at him but didn't reply. Why couldn't
she simply ask him to remove her clothing again? Her
aroused nipples felt as though they were burning. Her
panties were already soaked again. She followed him
meekly back to the living room and accepted his
invitation to sit. Her eyes followed him across the
room as he prepared her a snack and a coffee.

For the remainder of the day, they made small talk in
front of the TV. Jack kept his mother amused with a
string of anecdotes about college life, country trips
with his football team, and so on.

Sue had one bad experience during the day, when she
found out how hard it was to reach around to her rump
with toilet paper. The pain from her bruised arm was
excruciating, but she was determined not to call for
Jack's help in this most intimate of tasks.

For much of the day she dozed, aware of her son's close
attention as she drifted into the twilight of half
waking, half sleeping.

Jack saw his mother in a completely new light. For the
first time in his life, he saw her as a sexual being.
He marveled at her shapely legs, barely covered by the
loose fitting skirt, and the rising and falling of her
breasts as she breathed. She was, he realized, a very
beautiful woman. How could he not have noticed this
before, he wondered idly. Her eyes opened slowly,
trying to focus and finding her son gazing back at her.
They smiled at each other as they made eye contact.

"I think I'd better go to bed, Jack."

"Yeah, Mom, me too."

He walked to her chair, and held his hand out to help
her to her feet. She tried to rise, but her aching body
refused. She looked pleadingly at her son.

"I'm sorry, Jack...." She started.

He cut her off with a finger across her lips, then
gently reached under her arms to help her from the
chair. She cried out as he took her weight, but he was
strong enough to easily bring her to her feet. He held
her in a tight embrace, making little comforting sounds
to ease her pain. Sue clung to him helplessly. Her legs
felt rubbery and her upper body was almost numb.

Easing himself carefully to one side, Jack placed his
mother's good arm over his shoulder and carefully
stooped to lift her without placing undue strain on the
broken arm. She winced as he straightened up, but he
made the journey to Sue's room without apparent effort,
negotiating the doorways without contact. Gently he
laid his mother on her bed and considered his next

He had to get her upright again, even if only to peel
back the bed covers. He should really change her
clothes also. Reluctantly, he helped her into a sitting
position, inwardly sharing her pain. He pulled back the
covers, and unbuttoned his mother's blouse. He removed
the blouse and the skirt, speaking to her gently all
the while.

"My nightgown is under the pillow," Sue volunteered.

Jack unsnapped the bra and as he removed it from his
mother, he realized that with her plaster cast on,
there was no way he could dress her in a nightgown. Sue
was starting to emerge from the pain and almost giggled
at her predicament as the realization hit her, too.

"I'll just have to sleep topless tonight, Jack," she

She looked at him earnestly. He was mesmerized by her
breasts, watching them move as she moved, marveling at
their beauty. A deep purple bruise stained one side, a
legacy of the seat belt which had protected her from
further injury in the crash. He reached out and gently
traced his fingers over the bruise.

Sue flinched at the initial touch, but as Jack pulled
his hand away she said:

"It's ok Jack, it didn't hurt. I was just a bit
surprised, that's all."

She took his hand and returned it to her breast,
watching his strong fingers gently trace the outline of
the bruise. She shuddered slightly as his fingers
ventured further, tracing a circular pattern which came
ever closer to her nipple. All the exquisite feelings
of pleasure she had felt earlier in the day returned
with a rush. Sue felt no pain any longer, but a longing
for those probing fingers to reach her burning nipple.

Jack stopped suddenly, supporting his mother's back and
lowering her gently onto her bed until her head rested
on the pillow. He started to pull the covers over her
when she took his hand again.

"Don't go."

"Mom, we don't know where this will go. You need your
sleep. I really should leave you now."

Please, Jack. Stay with me a little longer."

Her grip on his wrist tightened and he weakened.

"OK," he agreed. "Just for a while."

Sue felt relief. For just a moment, she thought she'd
lost him. She was afraid this moment might never be
recaptured, and slowly, quietly, placed her son's hand
back on her bruised breast. His finger tips resumed
their gentle journey, outlining the bruise, slowly
working toward the nipple. She flinched as his fingers
finally touched their target, and feared that he might
stop again.

Jack saw her reaction and hesitated, uncertain whether
to take her flinch as a sign to stop. He slowly worked
his first two fingers over the nipple, feeling it
harden slowly under his touch. He rolled it, gently at
first, then increasing the pressure until he pinched it
between finger and thumb. Sue murmured unintelligibly
as he cupped her other breast.

Sue shifted slightly to turn towards him and give her
son better access. He leaned forward and kissed the
nearest nipple gently, holding it up between his thumb
and forefinger. She groaned in appreciation. Her eyes
closed, and she pressed her head back deeply into the
pillow. Jack let his gaze wander to his mother's face.
Her lips were parted. She looked serene. He leaned over
her and kissed her, gently at first, and responding
when she opened her lips to him and let her tongue work
its way across his teeth.

She felt his mouth on her nipples again, sucking at
them, tugging at them, tearing them from his hands as
he roughly pulled her breast from his mouth. Feelings
of pleasure she could not remember radiated from her
nipples through her whole being. She felt her moist
panties clinging to her as her juice flowed freely, and
longed to feel him inside her.

Jack knew there was no going back. He had lost control
of the situation a long time ago and knew it well. The
beautiful woman responding to his touch was not his
mother any more, she was the sole object of his love
and attention. His hands glided down her bruised body
and slowly eased her panties down over her feet.

Gently, very gently, he let his hands wander up the
inside of his mother's leg, feeling the smoothness,
pressing it towards him and slowly spreading her open,
then down again to her feet, and repeating the process
with the other leg. His hand came close enough to her
pussy for him to feel the hair, but always stopped and
worked its way down again.

Sue was whimpering with frustration. One of Jack's
hands had returned to her nipples, alternating from one
to the other, while the other had slowly worked her
legs open so wide that her pussy was gaping. She was so
wet that her juices had marked the sheet. She moaned
constantly as Jack worked her over, grinding her hips
up to meet his hand as it approached, but never making
contact. He was still dressed, his baggy shorts and
ageing tee shirt covering his raging hard-on.

Despite her frustration, Sue sensed that Jack was
uncertain about the next move. She was nearing
desperation. Painfully, she reached forward with her
good arm and tried to drag Jack's shirt off. It was the
confirmation he needed. In less than a second his
clothes were flying across the room and he carefully
moved forward to kiss his mother again.

"Aww, Mom," he murmured as he pressed his lips to her.
"I love you so."

She shifted slightly towards him, longing to reach down
and touch him, but unable to do so. Instead, she held
his mouth to hers, and slowly worked her lower body
across until she was almost underneath him. She felt
his hardness against her leg, spread even wider than
before and breaking the kiss, moved to position herself
so his cock could enter easily.

"Are you sure Mom?" he queried anxiously. "It's not too
late, you know."

They both knew he was lying. His body weight was
already moving as he spoke, and they felt his cockhead
spreading her wet cuntlips to enter her. He tried to
move slowly and gently, but Sue could wait no longer.
With a triumphant cry, she thrust her hips forward to
meet him with all her might, burying his shaft into her
right to the hilt in one savage thrust.

She screamed as the pain from her arm hit her. Her
sudden move shifted the plaster cast. Jack heard her
cry but for him there was no turning back. He withdrew
slightly and slammed his cock back into his mother's
womb with equal savagery. She grunted as she received
him, moving her own hips to meet him, shutting out the

They rode each other wildly, thrust for thrust. The
day's build up guaranteed that their climax was not far
away. Jack felt it coming.

"Uugh, I'm cumming Mom!" he roared.

"Give it to me Baby," she screamed back at him. "Give
it to me now. Give it to me NOW!"

There was no pain now, but only fulfillment. Each lover
reaching to the other, thrusting, begging, receiving,
giving, crying until both crashed over the peak of
their orgasms, spent and trembling. The cum boiled from
his loins as he pumped it into his mother. She felt his
sperm enter her, felt it spraying deep into her womb,
reveled in receiving it from her beloved son.

Jack lowered himself gently to his mother's good side,
cradling her head as he kissed her again.

"Mmmm," she murmured. "This is great therapy, Jack. I
don't think my arm will ever mend."

He snuggled up against her and held her close,
wondering how he could have lived with this woman all
his life without realizing until now just how deep
their love for each other could be.

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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RE: Ariana Marie, Bruce Venture and Holly Michaels - by neerathemall - 13-05-2020, 03:16 PM

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