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Incest Ariana Marie, Bruce Venture and Holly Michaels
Happy Mother's Day

I was having this amazing dream. I was laying on a cloud and the wind was blowing over me in the most delicious way. Over and over, the wind tickled between my legs, sending shivers all over my body. I tried to capture the wind but it was so elusive. Just when I thought the wind was going to tease me until I couldn't take it, the wind started to wetly caress my inner lips.

As I slowly awakened, I realized that it was a dream, but I was really feeling wonderful wet kisses at my center. My eyes still closed, I moaned a little in appreciation. I thought about opening my eyes so I could watch you, but the warmth of sleep hadn't quite let me go yet. As you settled deeper into my pulsing vulva, you slid both of my thighs over your shoulders. My eyes closed tighter as you started to gently suck on my clit, drawing it completely out of its hood. More and more you sucked, applying more pressure. Before I knew what was happening, you had taken me completely over the edge. My body jackknifed as I screamed out your name. I was screaming it over and over until it became a dry sob and you let me slowly come back to earth.

As you slid up my body, glistening from the strength of my orgasm, you planted little kisses in spots that you knew I love for you to kiss. My pelvic bone, the underside of my breast, the nape of my neck. When you kissed me, I sucked my essence off of your lips and tongue. I know you love it when I share with you.

"G'morning, baby," you whispered into my mouth.

"G'morning, baby" I whispered back into your mouth, giggling.

"Happy Mother's Day." You started to nibble on the side of my neck and my earlobe. Your breathe tickled the inside of my ear, giving me goose bumps. "Today I am going to make you feel appreciated." You start to caress the back of my neck and give sexy little bites to my neck. "You are going to have to lay back and let me take care of you for once." I pulled your head down closer, letting you know that I wanted it a little bit rougher.

When I started to really get excited again, I wrapped my legs around you securely. At that moment, I wanted you to complete me. But, instead of giving me what I wanted, you chuckled and gently untangled yourself from me.

"We have plenty of time for that today," you tell me as you secured your towel wrap around your waist. "First, I am going to cook you breakfast and serve it to you in bed. Lay here while I run you a bath and you can relax while breakfast is cooking."

"OK," I agreed while trying to reach at your towel. "I think that will be sexy. But, can you give me a little dick right now?" I gave you the little girl pout. That always works.

You leaned down to kiss my pouty lips. "Baby, it ain't working. But damn good try." With one last suck of my bottom lip, you headed to the bathroom to run my water.

Before I can really give into being mad that you wouldn't put out, the bedroom door bursts open. I just had time to grab the comforter and cover up before the children accosted me. "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" they screamed as they jumped all over me, covering my head with kisses. I reared back in fake fear laughing.

I could hear you turning on the water in the bathroom as I shooed them off the bed. "Give me a minute to put my robe on, and I will come out and cook breakfast for you guys." With one last kiss from each child, they headed out of the room. They left just as loudly as they came.

I threw the cover off, ready to head to the kitchen and you pushed me back against the pillows. "Now, now, I already told you this was your day. Relax. I will get breakfast for the kids." You took my right ankle in your hand ever so gentle and raised it up to your lips to suck on it. "Baby, all you need to do right now is go enjoy your bath."

I was just about to ask you to go with me when you gave me a kiss and headed off to the kitchen. I could hear the pots rattling along with the children's voices as you started on breakfast.

All I could do was gasp as I walked into the bathroom. Red rose petals lead the way from the door up to the step on the side of the jacuzzi. There were rose petals floating on top of the water as well. All around the bathroom you had lit candles. My silk robe lay to the side of the tub, waiting on me to finish with my bath.

A little bit teary-eyed, I melted into the water, noticing that I could feel the oils that you added. I felt so much like a princess at that moment. You came in with a smile and washed my back and my hair for me, without saying a word. I could hear Marion Meadows playing softly on the CD player in our bedroom. When you were done washing me, you kissed my forehead and headed out of the bathroom.

I didn't know how long I was going to stay in the tub when I heard the children saying "Mommy, your breakfast is going to get cold." I took my time drying off. Once I was dry and in my robe, I headed back to the bedroom.

The children were apparently dressed for church. My son had on his best suit. My daughter had on her prettiest dress. My son presented me with the beautiful bouquet of roses that threatened to completely hide him. My daughter giggled as she gave me a box of chocolates and a sweet little bear. I thought they were going to eat breakfast with me when I heard the car horn outside.

"Grandma! Grandma!" they shouted as they raced out of the room. I could hear them opening the door to let my mom in. I could tell by the noise that they were now pelting her with love and kisses, like they did me. They dragged her into the room to say hello.

"Thank you, son," she said to you, kissing you on the cheek. "I loved the gift you guys got me this year." She smiled at me. "Happy Mother's Day! I just came in to get the kids and we are out of here."

"Happy Mother's Day, Mom." I saw in her eyes that she is really happy, so I wanted to know what you got her. I knew she can't be beaming like that from what I picked. Heck, she was the one who picked it out. I started to get up off the bed when she stops me.

"Stay put. Kids, let's go." She gave you a wink and a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about these two. I will take them to college in the morning." She waved at me and she and the children were gone like a little mini whirlwind.

I looked at you, trying to figure out what you gave my mother. Usually, she is playa hata number one when it comes to you and I having alone time, but today she was all for it. I hate it when something is afoot and I don't know what it is.

You could tell that I was about to ask a hundred and one questions, and you stopped me in my tracks. "Shhh, don't talk. I am going to feed you breakfast and we are going to spend the whole day in bed together."

The gold serving tray placed at the bottom of the bed was filled with gbangs, watermelon and strawberries. I could see that you had also made pancakes and bacon and eggs. I looked at you and couldn't help but ask, "What army were you cooking for, boo?" I couldn't believe you made enough food to feed us for the day just for breakfast.

"Girl," you chuckled, "you must not be listening. We are staying in bed together all day long." You helped me get situated in the middle of the bed and then proceeded to feed me fruits from your fingers. I could tell that you tried to chop what you could smaller, because I had to keep sucking on your fingers to get the fruit. Between feeding me fruit and eggs, you had your breakfast of pancakes and bacon.

Feeling completely replete, I lay back against the pillows. "OK, now what?" I giggled like a kid in the candy store. I almost started bouncing up and down in anticipation.

From underneath your nightstand, you pulled out "Imitation of Life", "The Color Purple", and "Soul Food". All chick movies. All stuff you don't ever want to watch. You smiled and asked me which one I wanted to watch. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Whatever one you will stay and watch with me," I said, watching your response. I knew that you had never been willing to see any of these movies before today.

You shrugged and closed your eyes. After you shuffled the movies up, you pulled "Imitation of Life" and put it in the DVD player. Once it started, you propped my head up on your shoulder and we settled in to watch the movie.

I thought you would be bored, but after the first couple of minutes, you were riveted to the screen. Except to adjust in the bed to get more comfortable, there were no sounds coming from either of us, as we watched Sarah Jane break her mother's heart. I could have sworn I saw a tear or two slide down your face as Sarah Jane ran behind the funeral wagon yelling for her mother. I tried to hold off, but by the time Sarah Jane was really into the crying, I was crying right along with her. You just held me and let me get the front of your robe all wet with my tears.

When the movie was over, you kissed me and held me close. It was so nice to have that moment with you. Once you saw I was done with the crying, you closed your eyes and picked another movie. "The Color Purple" came to life on our TV as you settled back to watch once again with me.

Crying always makes me sleepy, and before Celie could say "Mr.", I had nodded off. When I woke up, you were behind me, spooning, snoring softly. I smiled and wrapped your arm around me tighter and closed my eyes again.

I felt you poking me, searching for the right hole, before I was quite awake again. I love being awakened like this, so I became instantly wet. With a sure thrust, you were inside of me. My eyes rolled back into my head with pleasure. One hand was under my head, holding my face while you sucked on the tender flesh of my neck, the other hand was guiding my hips back against you.

I reached up to pinch and pull my nipples as you started to increase the strength of your stroke. I could tell that excited you, because you started to whisper words of love in my ear as you went deeper and deeper inside of me. I wanted to feel more of you, so I leaned forward and put my leg over the top of your thigh. My sex was more open to you now, pulsating around you, sucking you inside of me.

With your stroke strong and deep, you started to really talk to me. "Whose is it?" I got a shiver up my spine as I heard you demand to know.

"It is yours, baby. It is always yours." I was so very turned from telling you. I wanted you to make me tell you again.

"Whose is it? Tell me again." I could hear a completely primitive growl come out of your throat as you grabbed my hair and bit my ear as you asked me.

"It is all yours, Daddy." With that, you started to fuck me harder and harder. I could feel your sac hitting against my butt cheeks, as if they were spanking me. We came together, sweaty, intense and strong.

With a final groan, you fell on your back. I moved around so I could take your still sensitive head into my mouth. I wanted to taste our cum on you. I licked and sucked you until you were clean. You pulled me up and gave me a deep kiss, grabbing my butt cheeks and pulling them apart. My sex, swollen from you giving it to me so hard, tensed up in enjoyment at the feeling

We kissed until we noticed that the movie was playing the ending credits. You smiled and rolled off the bed. "Guess we need to watch this one again." When you climbed back into bed, your head was on my chest and you were absently playing with a nipple as we watched. I tried very hard not to talk with the movie, but there were a couple of times when I was quoting the movie word for word.

I apologized as we laughed together. You told me that it wasn't a big deal. You behaved and watched most of the movie quite nicely. But, when Suge and Miss Celie had their little scene, you decided to do a scene of your own.

You opened my legs and played with me intimately as we watched the movie. Well, I tried to watch the movie, is a better term. My eyes kept rolling up into my head when you pulled my clit slightly with the tip of your fingertips. I determinedly kept the moans to a minimum, until you decided to replace your fingers with your lips.

Holding me wide open, pushing my thighs completely open, you devoured me. From the tip of my vulva to the bud of my azz, you licked and sucked and poked at me. When you saw that I was ready to cum, you made me take two of your fingers in my back door and you started to really suck my clit, not coming up for air.

Just as I started to ejaculate girl cum on you, you raised up and entered me fast and hard. "Please yes! Please yes!" I screamed as you gave me what I wanted. You kept sliding against my G-spot, making me feel a more intense feeling. I could feel the sheets getting wet under me from all of the cum you were making me give you. Just as I knew you were about to come, I pushed you back so that I could flip on my hands and knees and suck the cum out of your tip as you reached your peak.

I swallowed every drop and noticed that you didn't go even a little bit soft. You pulled me off the bed and into the bathroom. You leaned over to start the water for the jacuzzi, not letting go of my arm. While the tub filled, you backed me up against the wall and held my arms over my head as you kissed me deeply.

Grinding against each other soon wasn't enough. You grabbed my thigh and pushed it up and against the wall as you entered me. Slow and sexy, you corkscrewed into me. My hips meeting yours, twirling with you. If it weren't for the bath almost running over, we could have stayed against that wall the whole night.

We had to stop so you could turn off the water and we could get in. We spent a whole hour rubbing and stroking and enjoying each other in the tub. The only reason we got out was because we were slowing turning into prunes.

We dried each other off and you lead me back to our room. With the bed so wet from our earlier escapades, we opted to lay on the silk comforter on the floor. We could change those sheets later. With me on my knees looking over my shoulder at you, we made slow sweet love. It was so intense with feelings that I cried as I came for you.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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RE: Ariana Marie, Bruce Venture and Holly Michaels - by neerathemall - 13-05-2020, 03:09 PM

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