Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"Jeff – you can go take that nice long bath now – okay?" He shook himself out of thought and gazed at her blankly as she handed him his shirt. It wasn't pure lust on his face right now, more thanks and

She turned heading out of the kitchen and down the hallway to her room. She was definitely in need of time with her vibrator right now. Once there, she went in and shut the door behind her standing with her back against it. This was going to be way more difficult than she had thought.

A tentative knock on the door behind her startled her out of her own head. She quickly walked away from the door – not wanting it to be weird.

"Come in." She waited for Kerry's face to greet her asking if she wanted a beer or some such, but it wasn't. Jeff stood in the doorway looking almost nervous – shirt still in his hands. He walked past the threshold and closed the door behind him. Pausing for a moment, he lowered his head as if he was trying to gather himself.

"Lizzie – I – well..." He continued to approach even as she tried to figure out what he was possibly thinking. He stopped when he was directly in front of her and lifted his head to look into her face. The look she saw there was that same look from the kitchen. What came next was even more unexpected.

"Jeff? What's up? This is not the time to jump me...I'm still stuck on you two trading firsts." Lizzie expected another attempt from him to puncture her will. She felt her heart rate quicken as she realized Jeff was in her room now inches from her bed and all she had to do was ...

"Lizzie...I...fuck it, I cave. I want you – every inch of you. Fuck pride and all the rest, I just want you. If that means sharing you with Kerry then so be it. I know it's temporary until you're mated, but I don't want you to not be in my life whether you're in heat or not. That's what I realized tonight. Now, before we share, please let me have you tonight." Jeff dropped to his knees in front of her and looked up. His pride stripped away there he was. She was frozen, no idea what to say to this man. He had truly surprised her and now she was temporarily stuck – not knowing what to do next. Then, it came to her.

"Stand up Jeff, come with me." Jeff stood up and waited. She grabbed two towels from the hooks on her wall and took his hand and led him out of her room and down the long hall to the shower room. The ten stalls were before her and there was Kerry drying off in the first one as she led Jeff down the row and to the first of two curtained rooms containing bath tubs. She hung the towels carefully on the wall rack that was reachable from the side of the tub opposite the faucets.

Jeff stood stupidly in front of her looking confused. He had opened himself up and she had not said anything about it to him yet. Lizzie smiled at him and then went over to the shelf opposite the showers to grab her caddy.

"Hey, everything alright Lizzie?" Kerry had a puzzled look on his face as he placed his caddy on the shelf near her. Lizzie inhaled taking in his scent and smiling.

"It's fine. Just give us some privacy for a bit, huh? I'll make it up to you later." She smiled and winked at him. Kerry smiled coyly back at her and left the shower room.

Once he was outside, Lizzie was alone with Jeff and she pulled the curtain behind her as she walked back up to him by the bath tub. He stood dumfounded in the center in front of the white pedestal footed tub with his back to it now. She loved these tubs. They were the perfect height to allow you to take a fully dipped bubble bath without splashing water out. She imagined this must be what it was like in the 20s and 30s when ladies got into their deep tubs with their hair tightly held in a bun.

Now, her lover stood waiting for her next move. She brushed past him, making sure she was close when she did it and moved to the faucets. The white porcelain knobs turned easily in her hands as she adjusted them. When her fingers went into the water to test for the perfect temperature, she was pleasantly surprised by how quickly the water got warm.

She leaned down and grabbed her bubble bath and poured some in allowing the water to instantly cause bubbles to spring forth. She inhaled deeply allowing the raspberry scent to fill her nostrils before replacing the bottle and turning to Jeff.

"Don't just stand there, strip. The water will be ready in just a few minutes." She smiled waiting to see what he would do next. Although confused, Jeff started to undress. He leaned down undoing his boots and putting them to the side. His socks were thrown carelessly on top. Standing there in front of her in just his jeans, he was reminiscent of Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Her eyes devoured him, waiting for what was next. He swallowed thickly as she stared at his neck, before she trailed a line down his chest to his pants just watching and waiting.

Jeff's eyes did not leave hers then as he unfastened the button on his jeans and slid his zipper down slowly. His surrender was complete as he silently did as she asked. When he slid his jeans down, she smiled. He had on boxers with butterflies all over them. How in the world had she picked a day with such a nice wardrobe selection?
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-02-2019, 01:26 PM

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