Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
The remainder of the day continued on, and somehow seemed normal now that her heat was in check. Lizzie and Kerry spent hours in the library before Jeff joined them hoping for dinner. They ordered pizza and over a few beers seemed to thoroughly enjoy each other's company.

They were like three peas in a pod as they sat on the couch. Jeff on the left with the remote, Kerry on the right and Lizzie curled up on herself in the middle. It was a Three Stooges marathon, so the boys laughed mercilessly while Lizzie tried to just enjoy the company of two friends. They both were set to head out in the morning to help some agents a few hours away that were dealing with whatever this possible hybrid thing was. It meant a relatively calm night and potentially a quiet safe space for a few days at least.

Without realizing how tired she was, Lizzie dozed off during a show sliding until her head rested on Jeff's shoulder and her legs moved to be on Kerry's lap. She had chosen a pair of yoga pants and a basic t-shirt after her adventure with Jeff earlier, leaving much to the imagination, which was about the only thing stopping Kerry and Jeff both from drooling as her heat increased while she dozed.

She was having a rather pleasant dream about some hunky actor and it had caused her temperature to shoot up as her scent grew. The smell of the two men she was around not helping to abate anything. It was something about sleeping that seemed to heighten everything, and she certainly hadn't meant to fall asleep with the boys this close to her.

"Jeff, can you smell that?" Kerry whispered to his partner.

"What, her, hell yeah, but being here near you is helping to cut the edge. She's goddamn intoxicating though. Hey sorry about earlier, I just really like her Kerry."

"Well her feet aren't shifting in your crotch. I really like her too Jeff, with or without the heat. I don't think she intends on picking either of us though, so should we just make a deal or something."

"What do you mean? I had her first, and last actually, so I guess dibs if that's what you mean. Her feet may not be in my crotch, by the way, but her moaning is definitely in my ear." Jeff threw a cocky smile at his partner.

"Dibs? You are actually going to call dibs? You're unbelievable. Fine, though, if you think that's going to work then have your dibs, but I have to go fix my situation so I can sleep, goodnight. And for the record, she told me earlier that she did not intend to pick anyone, so maybe she wants me too." Kerry shifted Lizzie's feet off of his erection, which was more than showing in his mesh shorts and walked out of the room. His partner was unbelievable.

"Lizzie, hey, hey...wake up gorgeous." Jeff shifted whispering in her ear.

"Sorry, did I drift off?" She stared upward into his beautiful face admiring the kind wrinkles at the sides of his eyes. Jeff truly was a beautiful man.

"Yeah, and I think you might have been dreaming about me." He smirked ruining his beautiful with that smugness.

"I wasn't actually. I was thinking about Kevin Costner." She sighed, she had actually been thinking about the actor. He was so gorgeous, and his older films with how masculine he was made her mouth water still.

"Well, whatever you were dreaming of, you smell great. What do you say we go and satisfy that appetite of yours again?" It was then that she noticed the outline of him through his pants.

"Oh, Jeff, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Guess you'll have to take care of your own problem, but Kevin is waiting for me in my dreams." She stood making a point of swaying her hips as she walked out of the room and towards her own. She heard Jeff huff and it made her grin. It was still nice to get one over on the guys. The thought of them leaving was far from a loss in her estimation. In fact, she was kind of looking forward to a dissipation in the atmosphere, plus now she knew Jeff would be thinking about her while he was gone.

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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 19-02-2019, 01:37 PM

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