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Interested in real incest chat
(22-02-2020, 04:37 PM)xyshiva Wrote: Incest and Consanguinity – Genetic Sexual Attraction
Incest means having sexual relations with kith and kin, members of close family. Brother-sister, father-daughter, mother-son cannot marry. However, if they have sexual relations then it is a social crime. Marrying a maternal uncle’s daughter or sister’s daughter and paternal aunt’s daughter is a common practice in South India. Marrying Paternal Uncle’s daughter is preferred in ---c culture where as in ***** culture it is taboo.
           In ancient India there was matriarch social system. Gradually it changed to patriarch social system. It means father is the head of the family. Family decisions, hierarchy and allied powers lye with the father and they pass towards the son. Contradictory to this if the family rights lye with the mother and transferred to the daughter is called matriarch system.
Nair Polyandry: In Kerala, India theNairs used to practice polyandry reminiscent of the Pandava-Panchali relationship, a custom that can be traced to Tibet. The following is a summary of the custom as recorded by L. K. A. Iyer in his Cochin Tribes and Castes. II, 39:  "At ten or twelve years of age of a girl, her mother begged someone of their relations to marry her (the daughter) and they did so by tying a marriage badge (tali).  Then the bridegroom would leave her and go away without any consideration of his new relationship (often back to the army and the battle field).  She might also remain with him if he wished.  If she was not inclined to do so, the mother would then go about seeking someone else to take her daughter to live with him.  If the girl happened to be pretty, three of four Nairs would agree to live with her, and the more lovers she had, the more highly she was esteemed.  Each man had his appointed time from midday to the next day at the same hour, during which some sign was placed at the door so that the others might not enter. She was at liberty to dismiss whomever she disliked ... The fathers [of the children] were named by the mothers.  It is said that the kings made this law in order that the Nairs might not abandon their service.  According to this system, the fathers were not succeeded by their sons but by their nephews (sons of sisters)."The Nairs matriarchal system of family was called Tarawad orMarumakkathayam family
           When the aborigine man started to live in clans at that time the size of the clan was counted. If the clan was big means it could able to face any disaster and better for collection of food. Therefore, to increase the size of the clan was the main objective of the woman (mother) of the clan. Naturally the mother of the clan who was having maximum children was named as the leader of the clan. Men were subordinates in these clans. In such society there was no family system like today. Nor there were any relations like father, husband, brother or sister. The notions of these relations were not known to the aborigine man.Such a society was called Arsha society. In this society there was freedom of group marriage or sexual relationship among men and women. And therefore, mother was a naturally the superior member of the clan. With consent anybody could have sex with anybody. Such was the free and liberal time was that.
There is evidence to believe that mother-son incestuous paring had been part of the fertility magic ritual of prehistoric Palaeolithic man, and that such incest was common enough to impact significantly in human evolution, especially with regard to juvenilization of the human species. The circumstantial evidence for this conclusion is not only in the widespread myths of mother-son incestuous divine pair in early historic Mediterranean world, but also from a detailed examination of the heterosexual dualistic philosophy of fertility cults. It would appear that the intensity of inbreeding associated with incestuous cultic rites had played an important role in the stabilization of the human genetic pool.
            In ***** Mythology, Puranas and Ithihasasuch Arsha systems have been reflected. In Mahabharata, in the 66th adhyaya of Adiparva, it has been said that Daksha Prajapati had children from his own sister. In other words at that time there was no family system. In the second Adhyaya of Harivansha daughter of Vashishta Prajapati after attaining maturity marries him.Same interpretation is given by the MatsyaPuráńa, in which the incestuous passion of Brahmá for Śatarúpa, his daughter in one sense, his sister in another, is described; and by her he begets Viráj.
           If a daughter begets a child while staying in father’s house, she was called kanin. These are the stories of prior to the advent of patriarch system.One more example of the Mahabharata is that in 40 to 46 Adhyaya of Karnaparva Karna tells Shalya that in Madradesha father, son, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, maternal uncle, aunty, son-in-law, sister, brother, grandson, friends, guests, servants, maids etc. all indulge in sexual activities. In this country women with their consent could have sexual intercourse with men they like. For that they need no introduction also.
        Apart from the incest in such an Arsha society the intercourse in open, public places was common. It was legal and ethical. That was why nobody felt taboo about it. For example, the temples in Khajuraho, Ajanta-Ellora or similar other temples/caves in India can be quoted.
           Similarly there was a mention of Brahma, who had a relation with his daughter Saraswathi. Yami, sister of Yama, seeks sexual pleasure from her brother. Kunthi, gave birth to Karna from Surya before marriage, Dhramaraja from Yama, Arjuna from Indra and Bhima from Vayu after marriage to Panaduraju. Madri second wife of Panaduraju gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva from Ashvini Devatahlau, sons of Surya. The example of Draupadi, also known as Panchali (wife of five men) as wife of Pandavas is well known. Little Know fact is that all Pandavas are not step brothers. Nakula and Sahadeva were step sons of Karna. Hence Druapadi cohabited with three step brothers and their stepsons. Draupadi hence has incestuous relations with fathers and sons, which was accepted by the society. It was also mentioned in Mahabharatham, that Draupadi also desired to have sex with Krishna. Karna, and Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna and Subhadra.Rama, avatar of Vishnu married Sita, who was the daughter of Bhudevi as per epic Ramayana. Bhudevi was the wife of Vishnu. It implies that Rama married his daughter. As per ***** Puranas, once a man dies he will go to Svarga or Naraka as per the balance of good deeds (punya karmas) and bad deeds papa karma). He can coagulate all deva vesyas like Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka, Tilottama etc. It is apparent then generations of Grandfather, Father, Son and Grandson once they die and go to Svarga they can copulate with deva vesyas.
           Like India in other countries and civilizations once upon a time there was practice of incest.
Jocasta complex
The Jocasta complex is named for Jocasta, a Greek queen who unwittingly married her son, Oedipus. The Jocasta complex is similar to the Oedipus complex, in which a child has sexual desire towards their parent(s). Oedipus and Jocasta were unaware that they were mother and son when they married. The usage in modern contexts involves a son with full knowledge of who his mother is.
In Greek mythology, Jocasta was a daughter of Menoeceus, a descendant of the Spartoi, and queen consort of Thebes. She was the wife of first Laius, then of their son Oedipus, and both mother and grandmother of Antigone, Eteocles, Polynices and Ismene. She was also sister of Creon and mother-in-law of Haimon.
After his abduction and bang of Chrysippus, Laius married Jocasta. Laius received an oracle from Delphi which told him that he must not have a child with his wife, or the child would kill him and marry her; in another version, recorded by Aeschylus, Laius is warned that he can only save the city if he dies childless. One night, Laius became drunk and fathered Oedipus with Jocasta.

Jocasta handed the newborn infant over to Laius. Jocasta or Laius pierced and pinned the infant's ankles together. Laius instructed his chief shepherd, a slave who had been born in the palace, to expose the infant on Mount Cithaeron. Laius' shepherd took pity on the infant and gave him to another shepherd in the employ of King Polybus of Corinth. Childless, Polybus and his Queen, Merope raised the infant to adulthood.
Oedipus grew up in Corinth under the assumption that he was the biological son of Polybus and his wife. Hearing rumors about his parentage, he consulted the Delphic Oracle. Oedipus was informed by the Oracle that he was fated to kill his father and to marry his mother. Fearing for the safety of the only parents known to him, Oedipus fled from Corinth before he could commit these sins. During his travels, Oedipus encountered Laius on the road. After a heated argument regarding right-of-way, Oedipus killed Laius, unknowingly fulfilling the first half of the prophecy. Oedipus continued his journey to Thebes and discovered that the city was being terrorized by the sphinx. Oedipus solved the sphinx's riddle, and the grateful city elected Oedipus as its new king. Oedipus accepted the throne and married Laius' widowed queen Jocasta, fulfilling the second half of the prophecy. Jocasta bore him four children: two girls, Antigone and Ismene, and two boys, Eteocles and Polynices.
Natural Insemination
NI and Incest has been there since Vedic period. Kunthi had sons by NI having sex with preferred males. Kunthi, gave birth to Karna from Surya before marriage, Dhramaraja from Yama, Arjuna from Indra and Bhima from Vayu after marriage to Panaduraju. According to the Vishnu Purana, Yama is the son of Sun-god Surya and Sandhya, the daughter of Vishvakarma.  Kunthi had sex with Surya and his son Yama. Madri second wife of Panaduraju gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva from Ashvini Devatahlau, sons of Surya.
The incest of Draupadi, also known as Panchali, wife of five Pandavas is well known. All Pandavas are not step brothers. Nakula and Sahadeva were step sons of Karna. Hence Draupadi cohabited with three step brothers and their stepsons. Draupadi had incestuous relations with fathers and sons, which was accepted by the society. It was also mentioned in Mahabharatha, that Draupadi also desired to have sex with Krishna. Karna, and Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna and Subhadra.
Krishna had Radha his maternal aunt and 16,000 Gopikas as lovers who were the wives of other men. Krishna and Balarama lived in incest with their sister Subhadra and shared.
King Dasharatha was unable to impregnate any of his three wives, ultimately he seeks the help of a Sage, who donated sperm which he gave to his wives. King's wives Kousalya, Sumithra and Kaikeyi had sons through IVF - sperm of a donor induced. All three wives get pregnant and he becomes the father of four sons. In the ancient times, the procreation of children was the magical power of the God and today it is the magical power of the science and technology.
Rama, avatar of Vishnu married Sita, who was the daughter of Bhudevi as per epic Ramayana. Bhudevi was the wife of Vishnu. It implies that Rama married his own daughter.
Brahma is the creator of the universe. Saraswathi, who became the wife of her own father, was actually the daughter of Lord Brahma. Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswathi direct from his vital strength or seminal fluid. Some texts also prove that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma’s semen in the pot gave birth to Saraswathi.
On seeing his beautiful daughter Padma(Saraswathi, Bharathi), Brahma was sexually excited. He wooed his daughter and wanted to copulate with her. How could a daughter give consent to her own father? Padma refused. Brahma could not give up his desire. The Vedic verse in Sanskrit which justifies incest and which was quoted by Brahma:
“MatharaMupathya, susaraMupatithe, Puthrartheetha.
Sagamarthi, Napathraloka, nastheethath.
Saravamparavovindu ha, dasmathPuthrartham.
–  Veda, cited in Puran

It means, For the sake of a child one can enjoy his own sister or daughter, without any sin attached to it. ”
Brahma and his daughter Saraswathi lived as husband and wife indulging in incest. They had a son Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the incest of Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters.
King Shantanu had two sons Chitrangada and Vichitravirya from his Satyavati. He saw a beautiful woman Ganga and asked her to marry him. She agreed but with one condition: that Shantanu would not ask any questions about her actions. They were married seven sons were born to them and were drowned by Ganga. When Ganga was about to drown the eighth son, Shantanu confronted her. Ganga explained to King Shantanu about Brahma's curse given to Mahabhisha and her. She told him that their eight children were Eight Vasus who were cursed by Vasishtha to be born on earth as mortal humans and told them that they would be freed from this curse within a year of their birth as humans. So she released the seven of them from this life by drowning them all. However the eighth child Bhishma, was cursed to live a long life and to never have a wife or have children. But the sage also gave a boon to him that he would be virtuous, conversant with all the holy scriptures and will be an obedient son to his father. that she will take him to the heavens to train him properly for the King's throne and status. With these words she disappeared along with the child.

In the process of finding a bride for his half-brother, Vichitravirya, Bhishma abducted princesses Amba, Ambika and Ambalika of Kashi from the assemblage of suitors at their swaymvara. Salwa, the ruler of Saubala, and Amba were in love. Amba confided in Bhishma that she wished to wed Salwa. Bhishma then sent her back to Salwa, bitter from his humiliating defeat at Bhishma's hands, turned her down. She retired to Vichitravirya who refused to accept citing the rules that what once given cannot be taken back. Disgraced, she approached Bhishma for marriage. He refused her, citing his oath. Enraged beyond measure, Amba vowed to avenge herself against Bhishma even if it meant being reborn over and over again.
The other two princesses, Ambika and Ambalika accepted Vichitravirya as their husband. Vichitravirya was endowed with the prowess of the devas and could steal away the heart of any woman. He lived seven years happily in their company. However, he was attacked by tuberculosis and died.
After the last funeral rites were performed for Vichitravirya, Satyavati wept and lamented for her deceased son. Satyavati approached he step son, Bhishma requesting him, the wives of your brother, Ambalika and Ambika, desire progeny, and under my order you should procreate children by them to continue this dynasty.

Bhishma replied to his stepmother, I have taken a vow of lifelong celibacy and I will never renounce. A . should be invited with an offer of wealth, and let him raise children by the wives of Vichitravirya.
Smiling brightly, Satyavati said, I understand what is to be done in this connection. One day the great sage Parashara came and requested me to take him across the river. While I was rowing the boat, the sage became attracted to my beauty and requested fulfillment of his passionate desire. The sage brought me under his control and satisfied his sensual desires and was very pleased with my submissiveness.
Before that time, Satyavati continued, a fishy odor emanated from my body, but after the Rishi's touch, a celestial aroma radiates from my person. The child born of our union was the eminent erudite sage, Vyasadeva. If you are willing, Bhishma, I will call him this very moment to fuck your brother's wives to impregnate them.
When Bhishma had given his consent, Satyavati immediately thought of her son, Vyasa and the great sage appeared before her said O mother, I have come to fulfill your desire. Command me at once, and I shall carry out your order.
Satyavati replied, recently Vichitravirya, the King of this world, expired leaving no descendant. I request you to conceive children by Ambika and Ambalika , wives of Vichitravirya to continue the Kuru dynasty.

Vyasadeva, replied, Since Vichitravirya is my brother, born of your womb, I shall give birth to children. Let the queens observe the vows I indicate for one full year. Satyavati expressed her urgency, There is very little time for vows. The earth is without a king, and the citizens, being without a protector, will certainly perish.
If conception must take place this month, Vyasadeva replied, then the queens of Kashi must be willing to bear my ugliness, strong odor and matted locks. If they can perform these austerities, then they will give birth to noble children. Let one of the queens, dressed in clean clothes and bedecked with ornaments, wait for me in her bed chamber.
Satyavati then approached Ambika, explaining to her the situation. When the right time came for conceiving a child, Satyavati took Ambika to the bed chamber and told her, Vichitravirya had an older brother who has been, until this time, unknown to you. He will soon come here and conceive a child by you that will perpetuate our dynasty. Wait for him here without dropping off to sleep.
Ambika then waited in her room contemplating the person to be Bhishma or one of the other Kuru elders. Suddenly Vyasadeva entered the room, and Ambika, seeing his matted locks, ugly features and grim visage, closed her eyes in fear and did not open them once during the time of conception. Vyasa came out of the chambers told his mother,  because the princess has closed her eyes during conception, the child shall be born blind. Satyavati wondered, How can a blind king rule this earth?  You must again conceive another child that can act as a King. Vyasadeva agreed and went away. Ambika gave birth to a male child who was blind, Dhritarastra.
Satyavati was anxious to beget another male child who could rule the world, and after receiving Ambalika's consent, she called for Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva came as promised and approached the chambers of Ambalika. Ambalika, seeing the repulsive features of Vyasa, turned pale with fear. After conception, told his mother, Because this queen has paled upon seeing my austere features, the child born will be white in color. His name, therefore, will be Pandu,  Ambalika gave birth to a Pandu. It was this child who would become the future father of the Pandavas.
Sometime after this child was born, Satyavati approached the beautiful Ambalika, again asking her to conceive a child by Vyasadeva. The princess felt she could not bear again to see the ugly features of the sage, and thus she sent to her chambers one of her maid servants who had heavenly beauty. When Vyasa entered the chambers, the maid servant offered respects to the sage, treating him kindly. She took her seat near him when asked. Vyasadeva was well pleased with her, and upon leaving told her, You shall be a slave no longer. Your child will be justice personified and esteemed among intelligent men on earth.
After leaving the queen's chambers, Vyasa met his mother and informed her of Ambalika's deception, and how he had begotten a son by a shudra woman. The child born of the maid servant was named Vidura. He was an incarnation of Yamaraja.  Thus from the wives of Vichitravirya, Vyasadeva begot two sons, Dhritarastra and Pandu, who would save the Kuru race from extinction.
The Birth of Pandavas & Kouravas
Upon the birth of Dhritarastra, Pandu, and Vidura, the earth prospered. Maharaja Bhishma raised the three children, In due course of time Pandu became King, for Dhritarastra was blind, and Vidura was born of a maid servant. Therefore, neither of them could accept the throne.
Bhishma decided that three princesses were worthy of being married to Pandu and Dhritarastra. They were Gandhari, the daughter of the Gandhara King, Pritha, the daughter of King Surasena, and Madri, the daughter of the King of Madras. Bhishma had heard that Gandhari, the daughter of King Subala, was granted a benediction by Lord Shiva that she could have one hundred sons. Bhishma, the grandfather of the Kurus, sent messengers to the father of Gandhari. King Subala at first hesitated, hearing that Dhritarastra was blind, but taking into consideration the blood line of the Kurus, he consented to marry her to Dhritarastra. When Gandhari heard that her future husband was blind, she voluntarily blindfolded herself and took a vow to remain so for the rest of her life. Shakuni, the son of Subala, then took Gandhari to the city of the Kurus, Hastinapura, and formally handed her over to Dhritarastra.
The chief of the Yadu dynasty was Surasena. He was the father of the Vasudeva. His daughter Pritha was adopted by King Kuntibhoja, who had no children. This was an agreement made previously by the two Kings. They agreed that if a girl was born to Surasena, she would be handed over to King Kuntibhoja who was childless. Thus Pritha, who later became known as Kunthi, lived in the palace of King Kuntibhoja and looked after the duties of greeting important guests and . s. Once, during her youthful years, she pleased by menial service, Durvasa Muni. The muni gave her a benediction that she could call any celestial god to produce children of the highest quality. Kunthi, while still a virgin girl, once called, out of curiosity, Surya, the sun god. The sun god immediately appeared, I have come before you, O lotus-eyed lady, to fulfill the purpose of the mantra. Kunthi was stunned and told the sun god, I simply tested the mantra given to me by Durvasa Muni.  Surya replied, Once I have been called by this mantra, the result cannot go in vain; it must bear fruit. You will bear a son by me.
Kunthi placed the child in a basket and set it afloat on the Ganges. The child was eventually picked up by a carpenter and chariot driver named Adiratha and he took the newly found child to his wife Radha, who was childless. Together, both mother and father began to care for the child named Karna considering him a gift of providence.
Kunthi in svayamvara  arranged by her foster father, Kuntibhoja, placed the wedding garland around Pandu's neck, and thus she accepted the Kuru prince as her beloved husband. Pandu took his new wife Kunthi to Hastinapura and gave her the opulence she deserved.

Sometime later, Bhishma went to the kingdom of Madras. There he obtained Madri, the attractive sister of Salya brought her to Hastinapura where she was united to Pandu in great pomp.
After establishing his power over the earth, King Pandu retired to the forest along with his two wives, Kunthi and Madri. There they lived in opulence and enjoyed the beautiful wooded areas at the base of the Himalayan mountains. One day, Pandu, while roaming about the forest, saw a large deer that seemed to be the leader of a herd. It was engaged in sex with its female companion. Pandu pierced them both with five sharp arrows. The animal was not actually a deer but a Rishi's son of great ascetic merit, who was enjoying his mate in the form of a deer. When pierced in this way, the deer fell uttering cries like a human being. Because you have killed me while I was enjoying my wife, certainly your fate will be like mine. When you approach your wife for intercourse, premature death will overcome you and your wife.
After the sage's death, King Pandu requested Kunthi, for the world's protection and to preserve the Bharata dynasty, I want you to procreate children by a highly advanced . . Without powerful children to maintain the Kuru dynasty, the whole world may fall into ruin. In the same manner that Vyasadeva conceived me, I want you to conceive children by the semen of some great Rishi.
Kunthi happily agreed and told him, When I was a young girl,  Durvasa Muni bestowed upon me a mantra by which any demigod I summon will give me children. She did not tell her husband that she had a son by Surya before marriage.
At this time Gandhari had been pregnant for one whole year. Kunthi repeated the incantation that Durvasa Muni had imparted to her and summoned Yamaraja appeared. By him she conceived a child. This first son of Pandu  named as Yudhisthira. Kunthi then summoned Vayu the wind god. Vayu impregnated  Kunthi. She had Bhima. On this same day that Bhima took his birth, Duryodhana was also born from Gandhari.
After the birth of Bhima, Pandu desired more children. He told Kunthi to summon Indra. Kunthi had Arjuna from Indra. The celebrated Pandu was overjoyed and approached his wife aspiring for more children. Kunthi warned, the woman who has intercourse with four different men is called a prostitute, and with a fifth she is called a harlot (a woman who has many casual sexual relationships). Therefore, please do not ask me again to bear more children. But Kunthi had already intercourse with four.
Pandu requested Kunthi to teach the mantra to Madri so that she could also have children. Madri had of the twin Ashvini-kumara demigods, sons of Surya. They gave her two children named Nakula and Sahadeva. Thus five children were born to Pandu.
Gandhari also gave birth to children. She received a benediction from Vyasadeva that she could have one hundred sons. Sometime thereafter, Gandhari conceived, and she bore the pregnancy for two years without delivering. When she heard that Kunthi had given birth to a child, she was angered and violently hit her womb. She then gave birth to a piece of flesh that was hard like an iron ball. When she was about to throw the ball of flesh away, Vyasadeva appeared. Without disguising her feelings, she angrily cried, When I heard that Kunthi gave birth to a child who was radiant like the sun, I struck my womb. You have promised me a hundred sons, but here is a ball of flesh.
O daughter of Subala, Vyasadeva replied, my boons will always bear fruit. I have never falsified a benediction even in jest. You should now arrange that a hundred pots full of clarified butter be brought instantly. In the meantime sprinkle cool water over this piece of flesh.
Gandhari was pacified and began sprinkling water on the ball of flesh. It separated into 100 pieces, each about the size of a thumb. Each piece of flesh was then placed in a pot of ghee and covered. Vyasadeva told Gandhari that a child would be born from each of the pots. He then left for the Himalayan Mountains.
Duryodhana was born on the same day that Bhima was born. Within a month's time all the one hundred pots of ghee had produced a child, and in addition to these one hundred, Vyasadeva produced another pot in which a female child named Duhsala was born. There was also a vaishya woman who used to serve Dhritarastra very faithfully. By her the King conceived a child named Yuyutsu. Thus one hundred and one sons as well as one daughter were born to Dhritarastra.
One day King Pandu was wandering about the woods with his wife Madri. Pandu forgetting the curse of the Rishi forcibly embraced her. Madri tried to resist the advances of her husband, but it was no use. Impelled by fate, the great King, overwhelmed by passion, ended his life, trying to enjoy his beautiful wife.
Embracing the dead body of her husband and weeping aloud, Madri called out for Kunthi. Kunthi heard her cries and came to where Madri lay with Pandu. Viewing the dead body of Pandu, Kunthi fell to the ground lamenting. She was overpowered by separation, and she chastised Madri repeatedly for not resisting the King. Madri related to her all that happened and how she tried to stop Pandu's advances. Kunthi then decided, I am the eldest wife, and therefore the religious rites of Sati belongs to me.  Kunthi, it is I who should enter fire with our lord, Madri replied. He approached me for enjoyment, and his desires being unfulfilled, ascended to the heavens. As Pandu's body burned, Madri entered the flames and attained the same destination as her husband.
Lord Brahma harassed and banged his own 6 year old daughter Saraswathi (also known as Padma, Vani, Vidya, Bharathi, Sarada, Vageshvari, Veenadhari,  Satarupa). According to Hinduism, this act of pedophilia was the starting point of universe. Brahma later married Saraswathi and they lived together.  They had a son Swayambhumaru.
On seeing his beautiful daughter Saraswathi, Brahma was sexually excited. He wooed his daughter and wanted to copulate with her. How could a daughter give consent to her own father? Padma refused. Brahma could not give up his desire. He began to quote the Vedas to convince her that there was nothing wrong in having sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere for the sake of giving birth to a child.
"Brahma's daughter Saraswathi said to herself, 'After begetting me from his own body, how could he copulate with me? I know, I’ll hide myself.’ So she became a cow. But he became a bull and copulated with her. From their union cattle were born. Then she became a mare, and he a stallion; she became a female donkey, and he, a male donkey. And again he copulated with her, and from their union one-hoofed animals were born. Then she became a female goat, and he, a male goat; she became an ewe, and he, a ram. And again he copulated with her, and from their union goats and sheep were born. In this way he created every male and female pair that exists, down to the very ants." --- Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 1:4:2-6
Vedic verse in Sanskrit justifying incest:
MatharaMupathya, susaraMupatithe, Puthrartheetha.
Sagamarthi, Napathraloka, nastheethath.
Saravamparavovindu ha, dasmathPuthrartham.

Translation: For the sake of a child one can enjoy his own sister or daughter, without any sin attached to it.Father daughter sex is what made the god Agni. Prajapati and his daughter Ushas

Lord Krishna lived in an incest relationship with his younger sister Subhadra who he often shared with his brother Balarama. Krishna and Subhadra had an age difference of at least seventeen years. Lord Krishna  married her off to their cousin Arjuna. Subhadra and Arjuna have a son,  Abhimanyu. Not long afterwards, the celebrated game of dice ensues between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The Pandavas leave Indraprastha to spend 13 years in exile. It is decided that Subhadra and her infant son must spend the period of exile in Dwaraka. Krishna continued to have sex with her even after her marriage.
In Holy Rig Veda, Pushan had a physical relationship with his Sister Shurya. In Holy Rig Veda, Agni had sex with his own sister. The brother-sister duo Savitar and Ushas produced the gods Ashwini Kumaras who then went on to marry their own sisters Surya and Savitri.
Yama and Yami, Manu, son of Vivasvat and his sister Sraddha, Pushan and his sister Surya, Sukra and his three sisters, Suka and Pivari, Satrajita and his TEN sisters, Nahusha and his sister Viraja, Purukutsa's queen Narmada after her husband's death, obtained a son through her own brother.
Drupada married his own sister to get Dhrishtadymuna and Draupadi. Kousalya wife of Dasharatha was also his sister.
Krishna had illicit relations with Radha, wife of his maternal uncle, in addition to 16100 Gopikas. He had eight wives, Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra and Lakshmana.
Krishna's son Samba slept with Nandini - his step mom. For this incest, Krishna diseased Samba with leprosy and had his wives kidnapped and banged by Abhira robbers.
Lord Shiva
In one of the puranic description about Shiva on a certain occasion Shiva and Parvathi were so engrossed in having sex with each other that they remained hidden from everybody for over thousand years and at the height of their sexual prowess, fucking. Their passion shook the mountains to the utter embarrassment of other Gods and Deities. After the earth started shaking and hills started slipping, other gods prayed to them to come back. It was then when lord Shiva bowed down to his original mother and wife for being powerful enough to handle him.
Once Lord Siva visited to Tarugavanam and meet Birunthai Rishi. Lord Siva saw Rishi’s very beautiful wife and planned to bang Rishi’s wife and in midnight Lord Siva made the voice of cock. Birunthai Rishi thought that was dawn and went to River Ganges for bath. Lord Shiva changed his shape as Birunthai Rishi and entered the cottage. Rishi’s wife did not refuse for the sex and Lord Siva enjoyed sex with her. Birunthai Rishi confused himself and feel that time must be midnight. Rishi immediately returned to his cottage and saw his wife enjoying sex. Rishi got angry and gave Sapam (Curse). 'The penis bangs my wife must be destroy immediately.' The penis of Lord Siva detached from him and come down to the earth like an arrow. The Devas requested Lord Siva’s wife Parvathi to save the earth from the danger of Lord Shiva’s penis. Parvathi (adishakthi) herself accepted the penis of Lord Siva into her vagina as like lock and key method. Lord Brahma gave base support to the sexual organs that is linga Peetam. Only the sexual organs of Lord Siva and Parvathi is known as Siva Lingam.
The Apsaras, celestial nymphs are  Rambha,  Menaka,  Urvashi,  Tilottama,  Ghritachi, Mishrakesi, Vapu, Viprachitti, Purvachitti, Sahajanya, Karnika, Punjikasthala, Viswachi, Rithisthala, Umlocha, Pramlocha, Swayamprabha, Janapadi, and Adrika are eternal virgins. The constant sexual indulgence has no effect on their youth or beauty. The main task of these nymphs is to indulge in sex with those men who had attained heaven by virtue of  the merit of their good deeds.
According to Shiva Purana, Parvathi took aAbhyangana Snana (naked bath). This is a form of bath taken by applying oil to the whole body,  massage until the whole oil gets into the body and then apply Sunnipindi (green gram flour) called 'Nalugu' to body  and massage so that the flour peels of taking all the dirt. While performing the bath Parvathi devi prepared a boy with the flour and instilled life into it. The child is born and she asks him to be guard at the front door as long as she is bathing and tell him not to let anyone enter the house.
Ganesha is created from Parvathi's bodily substances, from the scurf or residue, which she rubs from her limbs and phallus to create a son. She is the sole creator of her son. “Either Shiva is too far away, as when Parvathi makes Ganesha to relieve her loneliness during his long absence, or he is too close, as when she stations Ganesha at her door to keep him away.” Either way Ganesha’s creation always plays a role in his mother’s sexuality, whether guarding it from his lustful father, or satisfying it with his intimate and loving presence. Ganesha was found in bed with his mother Parvathi resulting in Shiva cutting off his head and replacing it with Elephant's head.
Krishna had eight wives, had sex with his own Aunt - Radha, with his sister Subhadra, with 16000 Gopikas and with Devadasis (Prostitutes).
***** Shiva banged many married women resulting in his Phallus (Lingam)being cut off by Brahma as a punishment and also to stop him for longing to have sexual gratification from any of the bangs. Brahma Sexually molested Parvathi Devi, ejaculated at the sight of Parvathi's thighs. He banged his own daughter Saraswathi and is holding her captive and claiming her as his wife .
King Dasharatha, Rama's father did not have any sexual gratification either, hence he gave his wives to three ***** sages for a night and they fucked ejaculated impregnated three wives of Dasharatha  from whom Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrughna was procreated.
Rama's birth is miraculous and it may be that the suggestion that he was born from a pinda prepared by the sage Shrung is an allegorical gloss to cover up the naked truth that he was begotten upon Kousalya by the sage Shrung, although the two did not stand in the relationship of husband and wife. In any case his birth, if not disreputable in its origin, is certainly unnatural.
According to Valmiki, Sita was the daughter of the king Janaka of Videha and therefore not a sister of Rama. This is not convincing for even according to Valmiki she is not the natural born daughter of Janaka but a child found by a farmer in his field while ploughing it and was presented by him to king Janaka and brought up by Janaka. It was therefore in a superficial sense that Sita could be said to be daughter of Janaka.
In ***** Mythology there was a mention of Brahma, who had a sexual relation with his daughter Saraswathi and married her. Yami, sister of Yama, seeks sexual pleasure from her brother. Kunthi, gave birth to Karna from Surya before marriage, Dhramaraja from Yama, Arjuna from Indra and Bhima from Vayu after marriage to Panaduraju. Madri second wife of Panaduraju gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva from Ashvini Devatahlau, sons of Surya. The example of Draupadi, also known as Panchali (wife of five men) as wife of Pandavas is well known. Little Know fact is that all Pandavas are not step brothers. Nakula and Sahadeva were step sons of Karna. Hence Draupadi cohabited with three step brothers and their stepsons. Draupadi hence has incestuous relations with fathers and sons, which was accepted by the society. It was also mentioned that Droupadi also desired to have sex with Krishna, Karna - her brother-in-law, and Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna and Subhadra. Rama, avatar of Vishnu married Sita, who was the daughter of Bhudevi. Bhudevi was the wife of Vishnu. It implies that Rama married his daughter. In the Ramavatar, Rama marries Sita, who is born from the earth (Bhudevi), thus making Bhudevi the mother-in-law to Rama.
As per ***** Puranas, once a man dies he will go to Svarga because of their good deeds. He can copulate all deva vesyas like Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka, Tilottama etc. It is apparent then generations of Grandfather, Father, Son and Grandson once they die and if they go to Svarga they can copulate with deva vesyas.
          In the Middle America it was a practice among Red Indians to have sex with one’s own daughter. In Borgio clan this system was there, where as in certain royal families the system was quite popular. In the royal family the bad blood should not mix and that was why in ancientEgypt and Iran brother used to marry his sister. First Ahems of Egypt and first Omenhorep had married to their sisters. Cleopatra had married to her brother Ptolemy.  Born out of such relationship queen Hatsepson had married to her brother. Once upon a time the practice of brother marrying his sister was a popular and common practice In Egypt. After 200 years A.D. the practice of brother marrying his sister was in vogue inEgypt . Most of the marriages were accounted in this category only.
           Among Romans this system was common. First Claudius married to his niece. Lott had married to his daughter and had children. Abraham had incestuous relations with his half-sister. Nahor had married to his cousin sister and Anon had banged his half sister.
           From this it is revealed that among ancient aborigines and civilized people the system of incest prevailed. Mongolian, Russian, Corsicans, Irish, Sayamis, Meeds, Cambodians, American Red Indians, Vedas, Eskimos and Teteens and many more creeds the system of incest prevailed.
           At the same time in many clans, creeds and countries the incest was acceptable. In Fiji Islands or north of Nile in Bogoza territory the incest was acceptable. Celicon people were under impression that with such relation the crops are not grown. Such relations were the cause of the earthquake was the understanding of Galleries people. The Mindanao people in Philippines were of the opinion that such relations cause floods in the rivers, whereas such relations causes plague, flood, and draught etc. calamities were the feelings of the natives of Borneo. Till recent times the farmers in France were of the feelings that if such relations occur godly wrath would destroy their crops and cattle where as the Elutes clans of Alaska were of the opinion that the child born out of such relations had tusks like elephant.
           The notion that parents should not have incestuous relations with their children is also ancient. See the incident in the Bible. Because Lot was afraid to in Zoar, he and his two daughters moved up into the hills and lived in a cave. The elder daughter said to her sister, Our father is getting old, and there are no men in the whole world to marry us so that we can have children by him. That night they gave him wine to drink, and the elder daughter had intercourse with him. But he was so drunk that he didn.t know it. The next day the elder daughter said to her sister, I slept with him last night; now let’s make him drunk again tonight, and you sleep with him. Then each of us will have a child by our father. So that night they made him drunk and then younger daughter had intercourse with him. Again he was so drunk that he didn’t know it. In this way both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their own father.  
           One more incident would prove the above fact. The Roman emperor Caracula had a beautiful mother. Mother of Caracula, once, became naked in front of him. Caracula saw the beautiful body of her mother. He said that if the law permits I would like to have you! Then mother said you are the emperor. You can make the law. Thereafter she copulated with her son and became his queen. It is evident both the mother and son were attracted to each other and wanted to have sex with each other. Mother becoming naked in front of her son  reveals that she was seducing her young son. In this incident if law permits is the important. Legally such relation was not permitted.
           Many clans look at the incest with hatred. For example Basago clan from north of Nile were not following the practice. If they found any criminal, they used to give him strict punishment.
           In Australia there are certain primitive clans. Every man joins his father’’s clan. He never keeps relationship with a woman of the same clan. In few clans men join their mother’s clan. There also he never keeps relationship with the woman of the same clan. To marry the woman of a same clan is banned. Such relations were looked down upon with contempt. If a girl found having such relation then her brothers and relatives used to beat her. The criminal would be taken to the leader of the clan and he gets the punishment of beating. That was why illegal children are almost nil in this clan. In certain cases if a couple found committing the sin then they would not only get beating but sometimes they would be killed also.In north Borneo such relationship was seen with contempt. They treat the offence as serious and punishment of hanging was there.
           The most interesting thing about incest is that in the Bible, in the Leviticus 18 the acts of incest have been elaborately narrated.
           The Lord gave the following regulations to Moses. Do not have sexual intercourse with any of your relatives. Do not disgrace your father by having intercourse with your mother. You must not disgrace your own mother. Do not disgrace your father by having intercourse with any of his other wives. Do not have intercourse with your sister or your step sister, whether or not she was brought up in the same house with you. Do not have intercourse with your grand-daughter; that would be a disgrace to you. Do not have intercourse with a half-sister; she, too, is your sister. Do not have intercourse with an aunt, whether she is your father’s sister or your mother’s sister. Do not have intercourse with your uncle’s wife; she, too, is your aunt. Do not have intercourse with your daughter-in- law or with your brother’s wife. Do not have intercourse with the daughter or granddaughter of a woman with whom you had intercourse; they may be related to you, and that would be incest. Do not take your wife’s sister as one of your wives, as long as your wife is living.
           This means that prior to the Bible time in Egypt and Jerusalem and in other Asian countries all these forbidden practices of incest were prevailing. That was why the Lord had to advise Moses.  
  Elizabeth Archibald In her book, Incest and the Medieval Imagination, dedicated a chapter, on Mothers and Sons. This chapter on mother-son incest (the most serious kind for the Middle Ages) considers two main types of plot. When the incest is consummated, the issue is whether the protagonist(s) will confess, do penance, and be saved. Saints' lives sometimes include a story of incestuous birth, and also double incest (unknown in classical stories), where the incestuously conceived son later unwittingly marries his mother, and sometimes kills his father too. The discovery of this sin drives him to penance, and later he becomes a pope (Gregorius) or a saint (Albanus). Here the Oedipus story finds a spiritually happy ending. In the case of Judas, however, the incest and parricide cannot be absolved. In exemplary versions, the mother is the protagonist, and knowingly sleeps with her son, but confesses in the end. In near-miss incest stories (often romances), the son and mother recognize each other in time, and a family reunion is the happy ending.
       The social scientists and the psychologists found the subject of incest as a challenging. Let us see what the renowned scientists say about this.The instinct of incest in man is by birth. When the sexual feelings arouse in the child first it sees at his/her mother/father, brother/sister etc. Many psychologists say that before the society and family system started such relationships got ethical in nature. Every man or woman has got secret attraction towards his/her father/mother, brother/sister. And it is perfectly alright as per biology and psychology.
           Psychologist Sigmund Freud writing on incest says while considering secret feelings of the mind the incest like feeling has a major role to play. This includes attraction towards mother/father/ her/sister. Such feelings are deeply rooted in the heart. You cannot ignore it.Freud further says that we all know that the incest is contemptuous in our society. On this subject many opinions have been expressed. How these relations are banned we all know. For reproduction man and woman get together, but due to incest there is fear of weak generation or destruction of the human race. Few people say that since children are grown up amongst the relatives the feeling of incest does not have aroused. But this does not happen.
           Psychologist Havelock Ellis in his book Studies of the Psychology of Sex says the way brothers and sisters are groomed in the family there is no question of sexual attraction between them. Since childhood they are together there is little chance of getting attracted towards each other. That’s why after becoming young also the brother, sister do not feel sexual attraction between them. However, if they are separated for a long time and at the time of reunion there is possibility of getting sexually attracted. Otherwise there is no scope of sexual attraction between them.
           The theory of Havelock Ellis is not tenable because since ancient times the instances of incest are occurring. Even today we read in the newspapers that father banged a daughter, brother has incest with sister, mother has sexual relations with her son etc. British judge McCarty once said that in this court of law there are many cases are run where father banged a daughter or brother has sex with mentally retarded sister and the sister become pregnant!
           This is history of incest! As the man became developed, civilized he discarded many unwanted and unsuitable traditions, rites and practices to live on this earth with pleasure and to protect the mankind. Incest is one of such practices. Here man tried prove that he is different from any other animals on the earth.
The feelings of incest do not fade away and incestuous relationship exists everywhere, in all societies all over the world in different forms secretly but not in the open. The circumstances, close proximity, desire, love, and physical attraction prompt incestuous sex.
In India, especially in South India a man can marry his sister’s daughter, his maternal uncle’s daughter, and paternal aunt’s daughter. Hence a girl can marry her maternal uncle and also maternal uncle’s son.
Consanguineous Marriages
That marriages between blood relations might lead to health issues for the child has been suspected for several years. Now, a detailed analysis of the issue involving over 11,000 children, born out of consanguineous marriages, revealed congenital anomalies in 386 of them. This figure of 3 per cent contrasts with the 1.6 per cent in children born of out of non-blood-relations unions. DrEamonn Sheridan and associates from leads, U.K. analysed these babies termed “Born in Bradford” to obtain these results. Bradford is a small area in the UK where Pakistani '.s constitute 16.8 per cent of the population. A close knit group, they practice consanguinity; 75 per cent of them marry first cousins.
Three percent of Babies born out of such wedlock could have a multiplicity of congenital problems. Heart problems top the list, followed by nervous disorders, limb anomalies and so forth. Sheridan and colleagues also studied the lifestyle, smoking and drinking habits, income and poverty and other factors that might contribute, and found that consanguinity is the leading culprit. They have published their analysis in the July 4 issue of The Lancet.
The problem in such close relative marriages surfaces when one of the partners carries a defect in any of the genes associated with some form of illness. When you marry within the community with one who may also have such a family defect, the child inherits two copies of this faulty gene, and thus has the defect. But when you marry outside the community, you bring in genes from a much larger gene pool, and the odds that the child will inherit the problem reduce remarkably.
Of course, the prevalence in Bradford is but 3 per cent. Most of the children are normal and as healthy as those born from non-cousin marriages. Also, lest someone conclude otherwise, this does not reflect against either Pakistan or .,. The researchers found the Bradford group to be a large enough and inbred group where a study of this kind would have statistical significance. And while 37 per cent of Pakistani marriages in the U.K. were between cousins, it was only 1 per cent of all marriages in U.K. (A single swallow a summer does not make but here was a large flock of swallows). Similar studies, with smaller “catchment populations” have been done with Gypsies, the Arabs in Jerusalem, the Parsis and even on South Indians (largely *****) by DrKumaramanickavel (then at SankaraNethralaya, Chennai) in 2002 (Community Genetics 2002, 5:180-185) with similar results.
We in South India too have communities that practise consanguineous marriages. Gotram (ancestral lineage) is taken seriously and marriage does not occur, generally, between a man and a woman of the same gotram. Thus a brother does not marry his own sister. But he can (if even used to be “should”) namely, first cousin. Using the same logic, an uncle-niece marriage is allowed and practised too. Recall what a daughter-in-law refers to her mother-in-law as in Tamil (Mamiyar, wife of my mother’s brother)
The gotram system is formally thought to keep a genetic distance, and thus thought to be “safer” from consanguinity point of view. True, the “genetic distance” is a little wider here than with own siblings, yet there is a genetic relationship, and thus thought to be “safer”. It is however not the same as a boy marrying “outside” the community or region form where the family never had a marital or genetic connection.
Social contracts
Marriages are social contracts. They are meant to produce genetic products or families. Families have practices, properties, fortunes, faiths, beliefs and biases. It is these that by and large determine who will marry whom. Think about why the Egyptian Pharaohs practiced brother-sister marriage. Think for also for a minute about the marriages in the Parsi community, or the Ashkanazim Jews of Russia. If you marry outside the community, you are excommunicated (even there, gender bias is seen in some cases). And notice how the population of such communities has dropped over generations. The abhorrent, loathsome system called khap, practiced in certain parts of Haryana, sanctifies “honour” killing of a couple that marries against traditional practice. Are such sociological practices to propagate and maintain genetic purity, or property, beliefs and self-imposed ‘honour’ and exclusiveness’? What does biology have to say about this?
Making babies is easy for many microbes. You simply divide and make two, then four, eight and a whole generation is born. You do not need a partner, the whole thing is asexual. But when “sex” came in as a factor in evolution, variety was introduced. In essence, shorn of all romance, mating is mixing of genes. With new genes added, new traits are acquired. It is this variety that gave organisms newer abilities. Thus biology would like more and healthier genes in the offspring. That would mean no restrictions on who you mate with — it would simply suggest “go forth and multiply”. Variety is the spice of life. Marriage and conventions about it are however sociobiology. They establish traditions and rules about who you may marry and who you may not - these are facts of life!
Whatever you have written is not correct completely.   You have missed many things and facts are manipulated to suit your idea.  Brahmma eyes his own daughter and goes after her but when objected by sons as it being immoral he leaves that life (that brahma is dead) and takes a new birth.  Since the new brahmma is not the father of her, he marries her.

Many rumours have been spread about radha and krishna and their relation.  I haven't seen any reference in any of the writings by any of the sages.  If you have any reference please provide them.  

Same is the story with draupadi.  she did not have any sexual liking for karna or krishna.  Draupadi rejected karna during swayamvara and said she will not marry him even if he wins in penetrating the fish with his arrow.  A condition that  needs to be fulfilled  to marry  her set by drupada.  Its just a myth created to demean her. No mention of drupadi expressing sexual desire for krishna.   If you have any reference mentioned in mahabharata written by vyasa please quote it.  

Now about kunti.  Kunti had a boon for begetting children from Gods.  You are representing a boon as sexual intercourse.  I think Gods are powerful enough to give a child without sexual intercourse.  If you have any verse stating that kunti had sexual intercourse in mahabharata please quote it.  

In the case of ramayana, you have misunderstood putra kamesti yagam.  The yaga phalam was pasayam and it is not semen.
Sita is not daughter of bhudevi.  Since she is found while tilling the land, she is considered as bhudevi's daughter but .she is not in reality.  

Quote only from Mahabratha by sage ved vyas because he is the original author.
Vedas have been mistranslated by many authors.
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