Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"It wasn't full on sex, but like sort of. Yeah, she's still here, but it almost killed her scent after four, so... " Jeff looked at Kerry and smirked, "Oh, you didn't give her four did you? Yep still got it." Jeff's obnoxiousness showed through clearly right now.

"You are an ass you know that. I hope you didn't insult Lizzie. It's not like we are dating or anything you know, and it's not that weird given that she's in heat and all." Kerry tried to smooth things over, as he wondered what his ass of a partner had said to her. Jeff could be pretty hurtful sometimes when his pride was stung.

"I guess I get it man, you couldn't stop yourself, but twice?" He looked at Kerry with a pained expression.

"Well, one and then just you know like touching in the hallway."

"Eww...okay, that's enough. I want to be able to walk around here not thinking about you and her everywhere. I suppose if you promise that won't happen again, I can forgive you." Jeff resigned himself to being okay with Kerry, still not sure what he would do about the girl he thought he was falling in love with.

"You mean like how I won't be able to work at the table anymore. Jeff, I'm not going to promise you anything. We have an incredibly sexy woman in our bunker in full on heat. I wanted her not in heat, so I don't know what's going to happen. And, you don't exactly have your name on her, she can choose who she wants to be with. Don't make it weird."

"Fuck, I already have, I fucking called her a whore...I am an ass." He chugged the last of his beer and headed down the hallway towards Lizzie's room.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached her door. He could hear her crying on the other side of the door, and he realized he had done that to her - him and his stupid ego. The emotional thing was not his forte, but he sure as hell had to make this better. Jeff tapped lightly on the door.

"Go away, I want to be alone." Her words made him kick himself in the ass standing in the doorway.

"Lizzie, it's Jeff, can I come in and talk?"

"No, I'll be out for lunch when Kerry gets back."

"He's already back; can I please talk to you first though?" He was begging as he stood there.

"Fine, come in." He opened the door looking up at her as he ducked his head down in some semblance of shame.

"Look, didn't mean to call you a whore, it' s just..." He stammered.

"You meant to call me a whore. You don't get it do you? I never wanted to even deal with sex until I was imprinted. Then, you come along and tell me you'll show me how good it is, and here I am now with a stronger heat and I know what helps. Plus you have the nerve to call me a whore - you're a fucking man slut yourself. You hit everything with tits all over the country, Oz told me. I sleep with 6 people in my whole life and you think I'm a whore. Fuck you Jeff!"

"Shit." Jeff slumped down into the desk chair in front of him. "You're right. What can I say? I'm an ass sometimes, I don't think before the words come out of my mouth."

"I don't care what you think of me, you know. I have dealt with this for most of my life now. I have to know that I will only find one man or male whatever and I will be claimed by him, that's my destiny. I finally find some enjoyment out of this whole situation and you are going to judge me for it? I think I'm just going to leave Jeff. I can't stay here and deal with your idiocy."

"I'm sorry, Lizzie. Don't leave, though. We can get past this, so long as you just choose one of us I think it'll be okay."

"Choose one of you? Fuck you, is that what you and Kerry came up with?" Lizzie blew past Jeff heading for the kitchen where Kerry's scent came from. Her mind was racing at the thought of these two men who had been her protectors suddenly claiming her in some sort of prize fighting competition.

"Hey Lizzie, I brought home sandwiches for lunch." Kerry smiled at her as he turned, then his face fell as he saw her expression.

"Did you really participate in this choose which of you gets to fuck me contest with your idiot partner?" She fumed at him.

Jeff appeared in the kitchen then and Kerry gave him a look of apology.

"No, I did not. I told Jeff that whoever you decide to be with is your choice and no one should be claiming you. Look, I think what Jeff said was wrong, but I don't know if we can survive you being with both of us."

"Survive? You know what you two, fuck you both! I can fuck or do whatever with whomever I want to, and right now I certainly don't want it with either of you guys. How can men turn into stupid boys so fast? I mean what is the big deal? I'm not asking for a three way, and I'm not going from one of you to the other in some sort of swapping thing. I figured maybe we could be adult enough to let me get what I needed or frankly decide not to get it and just have some protection from the millions of other idiots out there with dicks."

"Lizzie, look, hang on. I know you're pissed, and you have every right to be. You're right, you're not meat or something to be claimed. You have protection for however long you need it." Kerry was even in his words dialing her anger down somewhat.

"Kerry's right, we're both overreacting. It's just a little different, and something we have to deal with. We've dealt with weirder stuff. You definitely should stay, and we will protect you. Whoever you do or do not decide to...mess with is your choice." Jeff chimed in.
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 18-02-2019, 02:47 PM

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