Adultery My Struggles with Trupti by urbanslut
My Struggles with Trupti Ch. 04

I wake up, sweating and with a rapid heartbeat, as if I have just been working out. It's dark in my bedroom. The radio clock says 3:41 AM. I look around. No one. And then I hear noises. Muffled noises of skin slapping, and grunts and moans, male and female. Coming from the living room I think. As I get off the bed, I notice I am still naked. I wrap a robe around myself and tiptoe to the bedroom door. Open it slightly and peek out. The noises get louder.

The living room is mostly dark. But some street light is streaming in through the curtains. Silhouetted against that light is the naked body of Trupti, on top of someone on the fold-out couch, riding him hard, as her hair flies around.


Trupti is screaming loud enough for the whole building to hear. And she is bouncing up and down like she is possessed. From where I am standing, I can only make out two sturdy male legs stretching out from under her, and two palms on her ass. I can't make out who the man is, but my guess is the pizza delivery guy regretted his decision and came back. Watching Trupti get fucked so thoroughly turns me on and for a moment I consider going out there and joining in. But only for a moment. I close my eyes and return to bed. I try to go to sleep, but the loud noises make it difficult. It's a long time before I am finally in dreamland again.

I wake up a few hours later. My body aches. My head aches. It is a little past 9 AM. I am still naked under my robe. I get up, slip on underwear, sweat pants, and a t-shirt, and replay the previous night's events in my head. I am ready to give Trupti a piece of my mind and kick her out of my life. She stripped me naked in front of a cabbie, almost had me seen naked by the pizza delivery guy, smoked illegal drugs in my apartment and gave me a second-hand high, and merrily fucked a guy on my beloved pottery pen couch-bed while I slept. I do not need her destructive influence in my life anymore.

I walk out into the living room, and am aghast to see it is a mess. The place mats from the dining table are scattered around the floor, one chair is knocked over, and I notice some crusty dried stuff on my usually clean table. Yuck! I don't even want to know what that was, although I have a sordid guess. There are a couple of pillows strewn around. There are a couple of dildos, velvet handcuffs and a whip on a chair. Pizza crusts and pieces of cookies are scattered all over the floor. But the biggest shock is when I walk to the couch bed. Not only is it open and a complete mess with dirty crumpled sheets, but there is someone sleeping on it. Completely naked on their stomach, full round butt cheeks on display. Face on its side visible with drool spilling out from the lips. And it isn't Trupti.

It is Malay!

I snap! This is the last thing I need. This guy was the one in my apartment, on my couch, fucking the brains out of the woman who is messing up my life? I really do not need this.

"Hey you!" I shake him by his shoulder.

He just mumbles something and rolls over on his back. It takes me a couple of seconds to pull my eyes away from his dick. Even in a limp state, its obviously generous proportions are evident. Cradled on top of his balls, it looks like it is resting confidently.

"WAKE UP!!" I yell and shake him again, taking care to avert my eyes from his crotch.

"Hmpff?" he opens his eyes halfway. "Whuh...what time is it?"

"It is time..." I say in a seething calm voice, "for you to get the FUCK out of my apartment! NOW!"

Malay sits up, rubbing his eyes. My eyes drift to his impressive dick again.

"And cover up your privates, you fucking pervert!"

"Pervert? What are you..." he says, wrapping a sheet around his waist and getting up off the bed.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anything!" I flash him an angry look and take a couple of steps towards the phone "If you're not out of my apartment in one minute, I am calling 911!"

"Okay okay! Jesus! Relax!" he says, holding the sheet around his waist and advances towards me.

"DON"T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" I scream, reaching out and picking up the first thing my hand can grab to use as a weapon. It turns out to be the remote control.

"What the fuck would I want to touch you for, you crazy bitch?" Malay glares back at me. That question stabs at my heart a little as somewhere inside me a voice says, that's right, he was here to be with Trupti, not you. He may have shown some interest in you in the past, but you can't compete with someone like Trupti.

Malay points behind me.

"You can stop brandishing remote control weapons. I was just coming to get my clothes which are near the door, not coming to touch you or anything."

I see that he is right. His clothes are bunched up there close to the door. I guess Trupti jumped him as soon as he walked in. A glimpse of that image flashes through my head, as if I had actually been there. I fight it off, and walk away from where he is. I turn away from him as he starts dressing.

"I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole after this." I hear him mutter as he pulls on his pants.

"Just get dressed and leave." I say wearily.

"You know, when I saw you at all those events around the country, I thought sure, she seems weird. But then I am weird too. And you seemed cute under your frumpy matronly exterior. But now..."

"Stop babbling and leave." I yell.

"Listen, this whole Trupti thing seemed like a lot of kinky fun initially. But now it's getting really..."

"I will deal with the Trupti thing on my own, thank you. Will you just shut up and get out?"

"I am about to." he is kneeling down, tying his shoelaces.

"And don't come back!"

He lets out a hollow laugh.

"As if I'm masochistic enough to come back here! That couch mattress is a lumpy ordeal." he says as he opens the door and steps out.

I walk to the door, feeling angrier. Say what you will about me, but don't you dare insult my furniture!

"Yeah? Well, next time you want a roll in the hay, go to that ghastly basement shithole, you asshole!"

He is walking away, giving me the finger. I slam the door shut.

I start cleaning up the mess in the living room when the bathroom door opens.

"What was all that ruckus?" Trupti walks out, wearing a robe and brushing her hair.

"YOU!!" I glare at her and gesture to the mess in the living room "What the fuck is all this?"

"Hehe." she laughs. "We got a little too rowdy last night. Sorry about that. I was going to clean it before you woke up."

"Don't bother. Just get dressed and go home. I need a long break from you."

Trupti ignores me and sits on a chair next to the dining table. She smiles as she notices the dried gook on the table that could only have come from her loins or his loins. Or both.

"So you sent the talented Mr. Singhal packing in rather forceful terms I see. Thanks. I was getting sick of him."

"How do I send you packing?"

"Don't get me wrong. He is a nice guy. Great in bed. Ready to try anything. And as you must have noticed, quite well hung. He just...I don't know..."

"I don't care. Go away!"

I say this as rudely as I can but it just bounces off Trupti's assured exterior.

"He was getting very lovey-dovey after our fifth romp of the night. Talking about feelings and sentiments and all that crap."

"Fifth?" I am amazed. The most I have ever had in one night is two times. But I stay on point. "Doesn't matter. You need to go."

"He seems your type. Next time, you should ride him. And have him mount you. And go down on you. And..." she giggles again, "you'll find out."

She gets up and disappears in the bedroom. Then she comes out wearing a pair of my jeans and a t-shirt.

"Borrowing your clothes. I'll return them later. The little number I wore last night..." she points at what look like a couple of rags tucked between the couch cushions "..well, it didn't survive our experiments."

Then, without a word of farewell or goodbye, Trupti steps out of the door and leaves. Good riddance, I think to myself and lock the door behind her.

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RE: My Struggles with Trupti by urbanslut - by Ramesh_Rocky - 17-02-2019, 12:41 PM

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