Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
Jeff rolled over, about two hours later to find Lizzie's note on the bed. It was simple and to the point.


Thank you for last night, it truly was a gift. I see why you say sex is one of the best things in life. Sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but I couldn't risk having you or Kerry look at me differently when you woke up. Please do keep in touch, and I hope if I need you in the future I can call -- call or text me if you want........


She had scribbled her number on the bottom and drawn a metal hand next to it. Jeff smiled and lay back on the bed taking in her scent from the pillow where her head had been. What a woman. He would keep in touch, but if he never saw her again it wouldn't surprise him. Her face would still be in his mind after all, especially the way her brows furrowed and then relaxed as she came.


"What's up, where's Lizzie." Kerry seemed surprised as he came into the kitchen to find Jeff having coffee.

"She left early this morning. I guess she didn't want to make it awkward." Jeff told his partner.

"So, that's it huh? I figured we could at least have a few days after her heat cycle ended to get to know her a little bit more. I mean we got to talk over dinner last night and finally it was kind of normal."

"Yeah, I think she just didn't want us to see her differently now that she wasn't in heat anymore." Jeff sighed.

"Jeff, did you say something to her?"

"What, no, she just didn't want to stay."

"I call bullshit on that, what did you do Jeff?"

"It was nothing."

"Jeff!" Kerry was insistent. His partner was keeping something from him, and it had to do with Lizzie, who he was really starting to care about.

"What, I may have shown her what she was missing."

"You slept with her?"

"Yeah, Kerry, so what? I just offered to, you know; show her that it could be a good thing. It wasn't pity or anything, I just hated that she thought it would be so bad always."

"Fuck, Jeff, I thought you know, I might.....Ugh, I felt bad too. I mean only one guy ever? She's 28 and sexy as hell and only one guy ten years ago?"

"I know, I mean I just couldn't let her think that was all we had to offer. Plus, the girl thing hadn't happened in like years. I mean how can a woman like that not have guys and girls everywhere? I felt bad she had this outlook like it would always be awful, so I offered." Jeff was genuinely concerned for her and Kerry could read it on his face.

"I get it, I guess I'm just pissed it wasn't me. So, tell me was it, you know, good?" Kerry asked, curious as hell. Jeff inhaled and his eyes became unfocused as he reflected back.

"Incredible, Kerry, incredible."

"I knew it would be. Did she leave a note or anything?"

"Yeah, said we could call or text and she would ask if she needed anything. So, if she does, you have to promise me you won't make it weird. I don't want her to think that we aren't willing to help." Jeff was stern, his care for her obvious.

"I won't make it weird Jeff, that's your specialty. And, of course, no matter what she needs."
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 16-02-2019, 01:59 PM

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