Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"I have read that it sucks with some guys though because it doesn't last as long, but you know eating a pussy doesn't have time constraints like that." Lizzie spilled giggling a little.

"Whoa, so you have...gone down on chicks before." Jeff was clearly excited by her words.

"Fuck yea, there's nothing like watching a beautiful woman cum with your mouth on her. I mean my last girlfriend used to whimper and moan and I could eat her for hours." Lizzie's mind reflected back on her time with Jenny. What a woman.

"Wow. Wait, weren't you worried about penetration with women?" Kerry was clearly becoming more intoxicated or he wouldn't have asked a sexual question like that.

"Oh no, I was a top and with bottoms or subs, whatever you want to call them. So, it was me penetrating usually." Lizzie giggled again.

"On that note, I need some alone time, goodnight Lizzie." Jeff stood up palming at his erection and heading to his bedroom.

"Do you ever feel sad that you are stuck with this destiny Lizzie? I mean it seems a little shitty that you are just freaked out about the wrong person biting you and being kidnapped and all this." Kerry was so sweet as he spoke.

"Yeah, but Tomas says I am really important, so I guess it's a small sacrifice considering. I've never really thought about it. I mean I lost my virginity and he freaked out. Plus, it sucked, so I just realized it wasn't worth it." Lizzie sighed.

"I think I'm turning in to, but I will definitely see you tomorrow for sparring again, right?" Kerry asked standing up.

Lizzie took another drink alone before heading to her own room. Her mind felt calmer after the drinking and talking with the guys. She was about to fall asleep when a scent creeped into her nostrils. It was a smell she knew, Kerry excited. She knew Jeff had probably jerked off to the thought of her with other women, but she couldn't smell him any longer. Kerry's smell, though, was almost overpowering as she sat in her room considering jerking off herself again.

Instead, she got up, curious about what Kerry was like when he was jerking off. She made her way out of her room and towards his door. As she stood outside his door, she heard soft noises. Her courage surged then as she knocked softly.

"Uh, just a second." Kerry called out from inside. She waited patiently and another minute later, he answered the door in a t-shirt and pajama pants.

"Hey." Lizzie said standing there trying to act normal.

"Hi, what do you need?" Kerry asked also trying to be normal.

"Kerry, this may be weird, but you've always been so open. Can I ask you for something?" Lizzie asked embarrassed that she was at this point, blaming the alcohol for her reduced inhibitions.

"Whatever you need, just ask." Kerry said brushing a hand through his hair hoping to calm down the obvious reaction he was having, especially since Lizzie was in his room now, and her smell was filling every one of his pores.

"I was wondering...I hate to ask...Kerry, I've never actually seen a know. I was just wondering if you would be willing to let me watch while know." She stammered it out rubbing her palms together as she tried to keep from looking at him. The alcohol and her embarrassment had her cheeks burning.

"Wow, I...Lizzie that's...I thought you were with at least one guy before." Kerry asked not sure how to respond to her. She was so adorable right now, and pretty drunk. He wanted to give her what she was asking for, but a part of him wondered if she would regret asking in the morning.

"Yea, but he and I didn't do much, except you know the one time. And, he came inside me and frankly I barely saw his face because it kind of hurt a lot. I know it's stupid, but I was just curious what it looked like in real life, like not porn." Lizzie tried to make her request sound more practical, as if that was possible with what she wanted.

"I don't know if I can Lizzie...I mean it's not like I've ever jerked off in front of someone else." Kerry tried to make an excuse, not sure if he could really do this for her. He was having feelings he couldn't really explain, and they weren't entirely sexual. Her smell wafted into his nose, making him hard again despite his faltering erection from the potential embarrassment from her knocking.

"I get it Kerry, just forget I asked. I was just thinking I may never get to see in person, and I felt...well safe with you. Like, you wouldn't expect anything else." She smiled embarrassed for even asking and turned towards the door.

"Do you promise never to breathe a word of this to Jeff?" Lizzie froze when she heard his words, her alcohol haze lifting.

"I won't say anything, I swear." Lizzie stood with her back to him at the door.

"I'll try. Lock the door though in case." Kerry wasn't sure he could do this, but he would really do anything for Lizzie and he didn't want her to leave right now.

Lizzie locked the door and turned around. Her gaze met his as she walked towards the bed where Kerry sat.

"Where...where do you want me Kerry?" Lizzie asked suddenly shy in front of him.

"Loaded question much?" He laughed and then pulled out his desk chair putting it at the end of the bed. Kerry turned back to the TV, where he had some late night show playing to cover his own masturbation session and he turned it up another notch.

Lizzie sat down and watched Kerry's face in silence. He reached over to his drawer and pulled out his lube. Lizzie was intrigued watching him. He shifted his pajamas down to his mid-thigh, exposing his cock. She was surprised to see how large he was. She remembered feeling him the other day, but without seeing him, it was unclear how big he actually was. Now, without any covering over him, Kerry looked huge.
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RE: Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty - by Ramesh_Rocky - 16-02-2019, 01:56 PM

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