Those 6 days at Goa
I jumped on the bed and lay on it as soon as we returned to the room.Dad sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Mom sat on the other side of the bed and started applying lotion on her arms.

“Can’t you take off from work till we are here?” Asked my mom to Dad.

“No. I can’t.” He replied briefly.

“But why , Dad? It’s a vacation. ” I asked him. I was really annoyed. I had expected that I would spend this little vacation with both of my parents.

“It’s a vacation for you guys. I'm not here vacationing. I’m working here and I’m in the middle of an important phase of a God damn project.” He replied in a voice louder than usual. His voice suggested that he had started to be frustrated. And my experience said it was not wise to incite him more.So I decided to stop talking to him and I looked at my mother.

“Don’t ruin the boy's mood. I had told him that it was not the best time to visit here but he was so much excited and insisted too much that I had to book the tickets. And you know that.” Mom came to my rescue.

“Look dear, I’m so sorry but I’m really stuck with work here. I’m a supervisor over 200 workers here and I really can’t leave the site. We will go somewhere when I return in the evening.” He softened up somehow and said.

“Leave him, we will go to Candolim tomorrow.”  said  my mom looking at me.

Going to nearby Candolim beach was far better than staying in the room.So I nodded feeling disappointed and concentrated on the TV.

Day 2

The next day in the morning, we went downstairs to the restaurant of that resort for breakfast.Mom and I were wearing the same clothes in which we slept. I was wearing a loose T shirt and a black bermuda and mom was wearing off white kameez and salwar.Dad woke up early and he was all prepared to go to work. 

Like the dinner on the previous day, it was a buffet breakfast with many cuisines like Dosa, Idlis and Chole Puri along with different kinds of biscuits with tea and coffee. We took our plates and stood in the same corner as the previous night.

“Hi” Pratap uncle approached us with a mug full of coffee in his hand. 

“Hi “ Dad replied, looking at him.

“So what's the plan for today?” He asked dad. 

“Nothing at all.I’m going to work. But Shweta and Aman will go to Candolim. I will take them to dinner in the evening when I return.” Replied my dad while eating the Idli.

“We are going to Baga. Your family can also join us if you don’t mind.” Pratap uncle said to my dad.

Dad glanced over where Pratap uncle’s son Sumit and his wife were standing and then looked at uncle’s face.

“Are you all going? I mean you, Sumit and Nidhi.” Dad asked him.

“No”  Uncle replied almost immediately.

Dad was confused. He kept staring at the uncle’s face.

“My little grandson will also come.”  Clarified uncle.

My mom could not stop herself from laughing.I too smiled. 

“Yeah, of course.” Dad felt embarrassed and it was all he could reply.

“So what do you say?My daughter in law Nidhi will also find a company in Shweta ji.” He again asked my dad.

Dad didn’t reply and continued to eat breakfast as if he was thinking  what to do. I also found that idea great. I looked at dad hoping he would agree to his offer. Dad looked at me staring at him.

“Ok, no problem,” Dad said to Pratap.

“We’ll be leaving in an hour,” Pratap uncle said while looking at mom.

After breakfast  we returned to our room. Dad went to work. We took a shower and changed. 

I wore a white-colored T shirt and blue bermuda. Mom wore yellow kurti and green leggings. Her kurti was short-sleeved. The sleeves of her kurti reached till her elbows. Kurti had a decolletage neckline so a major portion of her neck and its lower part and her collar bones could be seen. It had a hook behind her neck.There were green colored patterns printed on all over the material of the Kurti. She had tied her hair in a bun that was held by a hairpin. She had removed the small earrings and except the wedding ring in her left hand, she didn’t wear any jewelry. 

She then took my backpack and emptied it on the bed and stuffed two towels in it.We were ready to go. We waited for uncle in our room. After a few minutes, his son Sumit knocked on the door and said that they were going. My mom and Sumit’s wife Nidhi greeted each other. She was carrying her kid in her hand.We followed them downstairs.

Pratap uncle had hired Ertiga and was waiting for us.He was sitting on the front seat. As Nidhi had her son in her arm, Sumit helped her open the door. Mom and I were standing behind them. Nidhi then climbed in the middle seat along with her son.Then she moved on the seat and made space for Sumit. Sumit also started to settle there. My mom told me to settle on the back seat as she moved to open the door on the other side of the middle seat. She had to move around the front of the car to reach the other side. I saw the head of Pratap uncle also moving, following my mom. She then sat on the middle seat beside Nidhi and I adjusted in the back seat.

“Hello shweta ji” Pratap uncle turned his head towards mom and said.

“Hi” She replied briefly.

“I hope my grandson doesn’t bother you.” Uncle said looking at his hyperactive grandson who was sitting on the lap of Nidhi.

“No no, it’s ok” Mom replied.

“Yes, bear with him. Baga is only around 5 km from here.It’s only a matter of a few minutes.” Uncle said and turned his head and started looking from the windshield.

Then my mom and Nidhi started talking during the way. They talked about kids and stuff. Nidhi was worried about her son’s hyperactivity and she asked my mom’s opinion. Mom said it was perfect for boys at this age to be hyperactive and also gave her some advice on what to do or how to behave with hyperactive kids. I was surprised how come my mom knew so much about it. I mean I was not hyperactive so she was not talking from her experience. Luckily, Nidhi asked her whether I was also hyperactive. Mom denied and said that she had read about all kinds of scenarios when she was pregnant with me.

Finally, we reached Baga beach. Pratap uncle hired two beach lounge chairs and put the backpacks on the sand near the chairs. Pratap uncle and his son Sumit were wearing T-shirts and Jeans. Nidhi wore simple Tee and jeans. Her jeans reached till her midcalf.

Both father and son put their mobile phones and purses in their respective backpacks and then took their T shirts and jeans off. They were wearing bermudas under their jeans.They had their vests on.Mom didn’t bring her mobile phone with her so we didn’t have to worry about it.

“Let’s go,” Uncle announced. He sat on his knees and made his grandson sit on his shoulders. Then he stood up and started to move towards the sea.

I also started following him.I looked back and saw Sumit , Nidhi and my mom were also coming behind me. I ran and caught up with Pratap uncle.

“Hey , Don't go too far.” I heard the voice of my mom coming from behind me when the water was at the level of my knees.

“Don’t worry. I’m with him.” Uncle turned his head and replied to mom.

Uncle then caught the leg of his grandson who was sitting on his shoulder and caught my wrist with his other hand and said,


“YES” . I shouted. I was ready like hell. It was so exciting.

Then we moved further down till water was around my neck and when a wave came, it surpassed my head. It was an amazing experience. Once the wave had passed, I would poke my head out of the water and be ready for another wave. Uncle had firmly gripped my wrist all the time.

Then he left my hand and said,

“Enjoy the water but make sure to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Don’t let the wave move your feet from the ground. Understood?” 

I nodded. He then took his grandson and started to move him on the surface of the water.We spent a crazy amount of time in the water.

When I looked back I saw the trio- my mom , Nidhi and Sumit having fun in the water.They would take the water in their hands and start sprinkling on one another. They had not come as far as us but they were little behind us.

After having much of the fun , uncle started moving to the shore with his grandson sitting on his shoulders.I too followed him. Soon we all gathered around the beach lounge chairs.We all were completely drenched in the water. Nidhi took the towel out from her backpack and started wiping the head of her son.Mom also gave me a towel. She too wiped the water from her head and face.

Uncle went to the nearby beach shack and came with five bottles of sprite and a small water bottle between his hands and chest. He handed the Sprite to all of us and the water bottle to his grandson. It felt good when the soda went down my throat. 

“Thanks” said my mom who was standing beside Nidhi. 

“Arrey, what thanks.” Replied uncle.

“Let’s play volleyball.” Sumit Suggested with a ball in his hand.

We all went to the sea. When a wave came, it wetted our feet. Uncle decided to play boys against girls. So Uncle, Sumit and I were in one team and Nidhi and my mother were against us. Nidhi’s son was playing with sand near us.

Nidhi and mom were ready with their fingers intertwined. Nidhi stood in front of Sumit and mom was standing in front of uncle on the opposite side. I was beside Sumit. 

Sumit first serviced the ball and threw it on the opposite side. Nidhi jumped and hit the ball so it came in the direction of Pratap uncle. Uncle hit the ball with his right hand and sent the ball to the direction of my mom. Mom stretched both of her hands above her head to hit the ball. 

I realized for the first time that her kurti had clung to her body completely as it had become wet. Its material was thin so It had become transparent.She had worn a yellow colored padded bra. As her bra didn’t cover the whole of her breasts, the cleavage could be seen through her Kurti.She had worn her leggings just below the navel. So her skin from the waistline of leggings to her bra was on the show. 

She missed the ball.She then threw the ball on the other side towards Pratap uncle.He flawlessly hit the ball and sent it back towards mom. I looked at him. He didn’t hit the ball as hard as the previous time. Mom once again stretched her hands above her head to hit the ball. I looked at Pratap uncle from the corner of my eyes.  He was standing there motionless and staring at my mom constantly.

I felt too much embarrassment. I didn’t like him staring at her.I hoped mom realized that her Kurti had become transparent as soon as possible but she didn’t. They continued to play. I hit the ball very few times. Mostly it was Pratap uncle and mom playing. Whenever she ran or jumped, her breasts bounced.I felt Pratap throwing the ball intentionally towards my mom.

I looked at Nidhi.She also was wet but the material of her T shirt was thick and it didn’t become transparent like mom. Her breasts also bounced when she ran or jumped. Strangely I liked to see her.

Surprisingly Nidhi was the first to back out from the game.She said she was tired and could not play anymore. She took her son who was playing with the sand nearby and went to the lounge chairs. We all followed her and sat on the lounge chairs.

Sumit sat beside Nidhi and their son on one chair. Pratap uncle and mom sat on the other. I just sat on the sand near them. 

“You played well,” Uncle said while looking at mom.

“I like volleyball very much. I played in my school team. We won a statewide medal” She replied.

“Wow.” He exclaimed.

“Dad, fetch us something to drink.” Sumit ordered his dad while sitting beside his wife.

“What do you mean by fetching us? You just go and bring the drinks for us.” He annoyingly answered his son.

“No, I won't go. You go.” It was Sumit again.

“Ok Ok. Calm down. I’m going” Said my mom and started to stand up.

“No. You sit Shweta. I will go.” Pratap uncle caught her hand and made her sit. 

He then threw an angry look at his son and went to the beach shack and brought water bottles for us.

“Let’s go to Jetski,” Nidhi said, looking at the sea.
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Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 28-03-2020, 12:02 AM
1 - by Drubyu - 28-03-2020, 12:13 AM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by kittepo - 28-03-2020, 05:38 PM
2 - by Drubyu - 28-03-2020, 07:49 PM
RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Twilight123 - 28-03-2020, 08:50 PM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 29-03-2020, 02:35 PM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 01-04-2020, 11:08 PM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 02-04-2020, 10:55 AM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 02-04-2020, 11:52 AM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 10-04-2020, 08:39 PM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by fasterboy - 10-04-2020, 07:05 PM
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RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by boner - 01-01-2021, 10:34 PM
RE: Those 6 days at Goa - by Drubyu - 02-01-2021, 12:28 AM
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