Wife pays for husband's sins (blckml,humiliation of innocent housewife)
Jyoti unlocked the door and quietly stepped inside. Using both hands to close the door gently, Jyoti caught her breath when she heard the click, but there were no other sounds within the house. Jyoti tiptoed towards her bedroom.

"Mom, I didn't hear you come ho..." Disha said coming out of the kitchen. "Oh-my-god, what happened to you?"

Jyoti froze. Her daughter was looking at her in disbelief. Jyoti had to think fast, but her brain wasn't working. She was still dazed by all that had happened. Jyoti just dumbly stared back.

"Mom, what happened? Are you all right? Were you in an accident? Should I call the doctor?"

The last question brought Jyoti out of her stupor. She couldn't have a doctor examine her. He would know she had sex in both her pussy and ass. He would probably know more than that as well.

"I-I did have an accident. Well, not really an accident," Jyoti corrected her lie thinking that would require a doctor. "You see, well, I, um... Disha, you wouldn't believe what happened."

Jyoti was stalling.

"Please Mom, tell me."

Disha thought for a while and then said, "I fell. I fell into a big hole. It was a construction site. Yeah, and I fell and got all dirty."

"But Mom, what's all that stuff in your hair and everywhere?"
Jyoti froze again, but now found lying to her daughter easier. "Some boys threw eggs at me. They thought it was funny. I was climbing out of the hole and they saw me. They had grocery bags so I guess they were doing shopping for their mothers. Well, they took the eggs out of the bag and began throwing them at me. I couldn't do anything. When they were out of eggs they ran away."

"Damn boys," Disha said. "Just like them to do something stupid like that. Are you hurt?"

"No, just upset and real dirty. I need to wash up. I feel awful."

"Yeah, I bet. Can I help?"

"No, but thanks."

"Mom, why are you walking funny?"

Jyoti's ass and pussy were still sore from the abuse they had received. "I pulled something in my leg
when I fell."

"Oh. Are you sure you don't need a doctor?"

"No, just a hot bath."

Jyoti continued walking to her bedroom. She felt her daughter's eyes on her, but thought Disha had believed her farfetched story. Jyoti ran her bath and undressed in the bathroom. She climbed into the bathtub and soaked.

Of course Disha told her father about the "accident" and the egg throwing prank. Ajay was very sympathetic and held Jyoti all night while they watched TV. Later, when they were in bed, he continued to hold her and the contact caused him to get an erection. He wanted to fuck his wife so he pulled her hand to his hard-on and moved his between her legs. Jyoti flinched when his fingers entered her sore pussy.

Ajay jerked his hand away and was about to ask Jyoti what was wrong. She knew what he was going to ask and also knew she couldn't allow him to touch her there or enter her without grimacing. Thinking fast, Jyoti leaned over and wrapped her lips around her husband's cock. It was the first time she had ever done that to him and he didn't complain. Ajay immediately forgot about his wife's earlier reaction to his touch and just fell onto his back, savoring the moment.

Jyoti's tongue swirled around her husband's cock while she moved her head up and down. By now she was a good cock sucker and knew what to do. Jyoti held Ajay's cock in her hand while her mouth and tongue attacked the sensitive head. Soon Ajay's hips were bucking, trying to move his cock between the lips pressed around it. Jyoti gagged a few times, but Ajay didn't stop, that is not until he climaxed. Without warning, Ajay filled his wife's mouth with his sperm. Jyoti automatically swallowed it, just like she had been trained.

"Jyoti, I'm sorry I came," Ajay apologized when he realized what happened. "I'm so sorry, I should have warned you."

"It's okay," Jyoti said, licking her lips to get the few drops that dripped from her mouth. "I didn't mind."

"You didn't? Wow! Why'd you do it?"

"Are you sorry I did?"

"No! Oh no! I loved it. It's just that... well, you never did before. You never wanted to. What changed your mind?"

Jyoti had to think fast. "I guess I liked the way you held me tonight. I really needed it and you were there for me. I wanted to do something nice to you."

"You sure did. I loved it. Do you want me to do you?"

"Ajay, I'm so tired and sore. I really just want to go to sleep."

"Okay, I understand." Ajay kissed his wife on the forehead and watched her turn onto her side, facing away from him. "Thanks Jyoti."

Jyoti mumbled a "you're welcome" and fell asleep -- humiliated, exhausted, sore, and with the taste of her husband's sperm in her mouth. Ajay, on the other hand, lay awake with a huge smile on his face. He stared up into the darkness thanking God for whatever had changed his wife.

The next night at dinner Ajay informed his family that he would be leaving the next morning on a two week business trip. He had never been away that long and all showed their surprise. They would have been more shocked if they knew why Mr. Misra was sending Ajay away.
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RE: Wife pays for husband's sins - by sam1981 - 23-01-2020, 11:03 AM
RE: Wife pays for husband's sins - by Renjith - 23-01-2020, 11:23 AM
RE: Wife pays for husband's sins-Updated (blackmail, humiliation of innocent housewife) - by sam1981 - 26-03-2020, 02:47 AM

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