Adultery The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED)

Update 77 Aditi questioning Leena
Aditi took a deep breath and still looking fixed into Leena’s eyes asked;
“Have you ever had sex? Are you a virgin still or?????”
Hearing this Leena blushed hard. Bent her head down. Looked up at her sister in law then looked aside and took a deep breath to answer.
She was so friendly to her that she did not feel discomfort to reply to her although she was blushing. She tried to break the reigning tension on her face by being childish saying;
“Oh! bhabi how and why today this question came to your mind? Tell me my body does it look like a non-virgin huh?”
Aditi smiled at her saying;
“Don’t try to escape the subject I want an answer now!”
Leena: “Okay okay I am going to tell you, so listen but you will keep this secret okay promise me first, then I will tell you all the truth.”
Aditi promised her that she won’t tell anyone. So, Leena spoke;
“No bhabi I am not a virgin.”
Aditi was already aware but pretended to get shocked and asked;
“Oh my God. You are not? So, tell me, you are my friend nah? So, come on explain to me who is the guy with whom you enjoy sexual relationship?”
Now Leena had to lie, she could not tell her about Darun. She took a pause and whispered;
“Well, I do have a boyfriend bhabi! When I go to the sewing course, we see each other secretly.”
Aditi: “Such a beautiful girl like you deserve to have a boyfriend, its okay but why don’t you bring him home, we can get you married to him.....”
Leena lied again;
“No bhabi there is a problem, he is a married man, but I love him; so we have to maintain our relationship as it is and continue to meet secretly only.”
Aditi was amazed the way she was lying and hiding her affair and protecting her elder brother. And she even wondered either she also has someone whom she sees when she goes for her sewing course. Neha decided not to question her further and expected she will open herself to her gradually. But that night they did not talk more of it as Leena said she was feeling sleepy so went to her room kissing Aditi goodbye.
Days went by and Aditi found Leena in Darun’s company more often. And Darun was continuously after Aditi to lay her. She was doing her best to avoid him and played her tricks well to keep away from him, still, whenever he got opportunities, he was never letting that go to touch and caress Aditi.
Thus, one night around 11.30 he opened Aditi’s bedroom as Vishal was to be back much later. She was in her flimsy nighty with no bra as usual and was shocked feeling his hand running over her body, she jumped out of bed and requested him to go away. Darun gave a mischievous smile and said;
“I want to show you something tonight, come with me slowly.”
Aditi replied; “No I am not coming anywhere with you, just leave please.”
Darun approached her near her make-up mirror where she was standing with her back to it and said;
“Okay so listen, if you believe that Leena is a good girl and only, I have been sleeping with her, just come and see whom with else she has affairs!!”
Hearing this Aditi was perplexed and wanted to understand what he meant so walked behind him bare feet. Darun walked in front of her and both walked in the dark corridor. Darun turned back to tell her in whispers;
“Don’t make any noise do not talk with your voice out, talk in whispers if you have to say something”
Aditi felt her heartbeats racing inside and she gasped for air yet walked behind him expecting to go near Leena’s bedroom but she was amazed to see Darun stopping near his father’s room. Aditi stopped and looked at him through the light coming from the kitchen where the light was left on as Vishal was not yet back. Darun turned to look at her and signaled her to keep quiet by placing his finger to his lips.
Darun had a secret place from where he could see into his father’s bedroom. He stood there peeped inside and asked Aditi to come and peep in. Aditi moved two steps ahead, looked in his face again and asked in a whisper; “What is it? Tell me first then I will see!”
Darun said; “just have a look at your young sister in law into action my dear!!”
Aditi shocked asked; “what? You are kidding, isn’t it? You want me to stand there and you will come close to me!”
Darun smiled and said; “Okay, look I am standing a metre distant here, now you come and peep through this hole!”
Aditi moved ahead and placed her head to the indicated place and closing one eye opened the other to peep inside the bedroom of her father in law!! She was astounded to see the father in law fucking Leena on his bed, both were completely nude, Leena was moaning under her father caressing his back, both her legs spread and his big dick going to and fro in her pussy!!
Aditi’s breath became heavy and she felt like her head spin she placed her palm against the wall and tried to look at Darun, but she felt she will fall and in fact, she was falling when Darun held her from behind......
As soon as Darun held her she murmured in a feeble voice;
“I am feeling weak and my heart is beating fast take me to my room please, I can’t walk!!”
Darun felt hitting the jackpot and he lifted her in his arms and gladly walked back towards her bedroom. Aditi had crossed her arms over his shoulders and he was sniffing her scent over her neck and from her hair which was flung open hanging, swaying while he walked carrying her.
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The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 17-03-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by pro10 - 17-03-2020, 09:16 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 20-03-2020, 04:39 PM

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