Adultery The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED)
Update 73 Darun & Aditi

“I had a bad afternoon and worst evening that day thinking of all that. You were to be back late by 11 in that night that day as you had called and said that. In the evening when Darun was back I was avoiding looking at him but during dinner time I was compelled to talk to him in presence of all since I was serving dinner and he dared to touch me now and then stealing appropriate moments. Once I had to give him something and had to go by his side to serve him and he had patted my butt looking in others’ face when they were concentrating on their plates. When I was washing plates near the sink, he approached me twice and rubbed his lower parts pretending to rinse his hands, yet Leena was there too. Darsheel and dad were then watching TV and Darun told Leena, ‘Your favourite serial is going on you will not watch Leen?’ ...... He was getting Leena out of the kitchen to stay near me I understood that and had all the plates to be washed at that time. I asked Leena to finish gathering the plates before she leaves but Leena innocent of Darusn’s intentions kindly said, ‘Bhai do gather the plates for me I am off to watch my serials’ and she left running out of the kitchen leaving me alone with Darun!”
Vishal smiled looking in Aditi’s face and said;
“So, you got another suitor in the house that day!! And just like I used to stay with you in the kitchen when I was at home, he was replacing me huh? So, what did he do honey? Tell me, look my dick is erect listening to all these!”
Aditi: “You find this funny? I was very angry at that time and hated him! I wanted to hit him with a utensil at that moment!”
Vishal: “Oh that was the first approach that’s why you were feeling that way, but I am very eager to know how you let him at last, anyhow I want you to go slowly and in details by relating all step by step darling so continue from the kitchen, what happened then? He was alone with you in the kitchen when all were in the lounge watching TV?!! I am excited to know what follows!!”
Aditi: “Do you think I let him come closer to me then itself?”
Vishal: “It depends! He could have blackmailed you in a certain way that he will tell all to Leena etc I don’t know anything could have happened!! I was to be back by 11 PM and he was there with you, you tell me I don’t know...come on proceed my love.....”
Aditi felt Vishal a bit aggressive with his words still she continued;
“I told him I did not need his help and asked him to go in the lounge. He waited for Leena to be seated in the lounge then he came closer to me and talked in whispers again. He asked, ‘Will Vishal be late?’ I reply arrogantly, ‘That’s not your problem.’ But he laughed saying, ‘This could be your problem, but I can stay with you till he is not back what say darling sis in law?’ I answered bluntly, ‘I am not your darling don’t dare address me that way. I am not Leena!’ He laughed a bit louder and replied, ‘But you are better than Leena, you are experienced, and I am sure you can serve me better isn’t it?’ I blushed and was feeling very angry by his words and almost shouted answering him’ ‘Will you shut up and get the hell out of here will you?’ He blushed by getting my reply but he came closer to me and tried to hold me but I stepped aside saying, ‘If you touch me I am leaving all these as they are and going to the lounge then you will answer why the plates and utensils are not washed! Do you hear me?’ He lifted both hands up saying, ‘Oh! Oh! Oh! young lady don’t get scared I am not touching you okay I will only talk; you continue washing, look I am staying here only away from you...’ he stood about a foot away and I then felt it was he who got scared and I felt victorious at that moment and laughed to myself. Then he asked, ‘so tell me how did you face Leena when I left in the day? Everything was okay? Did you question her?’ I did not answer him. He then said, ‘if you don’t tell me I will have to ask Leena, do I?’ I still did not reply. He was standing in my right-hand side, and I could feel him staring at me from tip to toe. My belly and waist were uncovered in the sari and blouse I was wearing so I knew he was looking at my skin at that moment, so I shook water from my hand and covered the part which was visible to his eyes moving my sari over there on my waist. He immediately remarked, ‘why are you depriving me of that? You have such beautiful skin, hot and sexy, much sexier than Leena if I am not touching at least let me have the pleasure to admire them, my dear.’ I did not reply again. I felt him moving a step towards me, so I lifted my head and looked at him with big eyes which made him stop where he was!”
Vishal: “HAHAHAHAHAHA! You were getting him scared Adi... poor bhai I wonder how he must be feeling at that moment hahahahaha!! So then did he touch your waist? Wasn’t he erect? His dick must be hard on did you notice that?”
Aditi: “No at that moment I was so angry that I did not check all that but before leaving the kitchen yes I noticed his hard-on!!”
Vishal: “I knew it! So, he did not say anything more in the kitchen?”
Aditi: “No. I was not answering him, so he stood watching me and the last words he said when I was leaving were, ‘I can’t stop admiring you, you are irresistible Aditi! I wish to hold you in my arms tightly!’ But I walked away fast from there and went into my room. When I got out of the kitchen, passed by
the lounge Leena asked loudly, ‘Bhabi did bhai help you to keep the plates?’ I nodded with her and got into my room.”
Vishal: “And that’s all for that night?”
Aditi: “No. That was not all baby. Listen, what he did later....... I had my shower and changed into my nighty. Now since you always wanted me not to wear my bra when I wear my nighty; usually when I was at my parents’ I was wearing my bra under my nighty but you changed that habit by telling me it should not be worn under nighty so after my shower I had my nighty on and the gown over it. I was hesitating to go in the lounge thinking of him on that particular night. But I knew he never watched TV but always stayed in his room every night, so I went in the lounge to sit beside Leena like I used to do but I was amazed to find him there!! And he was cunning to be sitting near Leena as he knew I will come to sit there! I felt disturbed. On seeing me coming, Leena moved by making space for me on the couch. And Darun moved aside in such a way that the vacant seat was in the middle. So, I got to sit in between Leena and Darun. I wished to sit on another sofa but thought papa and Darsheel even Leena will wonder why I was not sitting near Leena that’s why I got to sit there itself in between them. I sat, and Leena said, ‘It’s a very emotional movie bhabi watch!’ And soon after I felt Darun’s hand on my thighs over the smooth nighty.”
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The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 17-03-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by pro10 - 17-03-2020, 09:16 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 20-03-2020, 04:34 PM

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