Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
The salesman had tasted blood and was now openly squeezing Bhabhi’s nangi breasts. He now came very close and started licking the reddish nipples! With his left hand he twisted Savita Bhabhi’s one nipple and licked and kissed her other nipple with his lips. The scene was so erotically represented in the comic strip that I left out the magazine and started squeezing my both mammaries with my hands ogling at the sexy depiction. The irony and burlesque of that scene was a picture of Savita Bhabhi and her husband on the marriage day could be seen on the wall just behind them.

There was no stopping after that and I just skimmed through the tons of sexy illustration of Savita Bhabhi and the salesman in compromised poses hugging each other, the salesman holding her waist and kissing her naked boobs, sucking her upturned hard nipples, Bhabhi moaning and groaning in ecstasy, and finally the salesman pushing Bhabhi onto the couch and getting ready to fuck.
I turned through the pages and gazed and stared at the beautiful sexy illustrations of the salesman getting all over the matured lady’s body and geared up for a grand fucking session. Just then Savita Bhabhi initiated a very intrepid and bold move. She offered to give an oral service to the salesman’s cock! I was flushed and was almost trembling in excitement seeing the pictorial representation of Savita Bhabhi sitting on her knees on the floor opening the zip of the salesman’s trousers, carefully taking out his thick large cock, and then sucking it with her luscious red lips like a stick ice-cream. This cock sucking scene continued on and on making me go wild stretching my legs to the fullest, having my finger scratching all over my panty, leaving me utterly gasping and I had no other option but to open my bra hook to breathe properly. I threw the magazine and lifted my kameez to expose my belly area and then took my hands to the back and quickly unhooked my bra and immediately my heavy bosom jigged and moved very sexily inside the loose bra cups. I gave a couple of very long and deep squeezes with my hands on my mammaries over my dress and really felt much better. I could sense drops of juice tickling through my pussy into my panty. I just could not wait any longer and pulled up my kameez and loosened my pajama string so that I could insert my hand inside my panty and started self fingering myself.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sssssssssssshhhhhhh…

It was such a great relief! It was so satisfying! As I was ogling through the remaining pages of the magazine featuring the grand fucking scenes of Savita Bhabhi and the salesman I never realized that Mahesh was back! Since I was so much engrossed in the story and the place was throughout desolate, I just did not care to look round every minute to check if Mahesh was coming back. I could only realize his presence when I heard the sound of the door opening beside me!

Mahesh: Good to see that you are not asleep at least Anita!

I simply froze for the moment! I was not even in a position to quickly recompose myself. Since I was totally unaware about his presence and he just opened the door beside me, I was in an absolute mess! I was so confused that I even forget to move and merely sat in that totally compromised state – my right hand still around my jiggling copious boob flesh with my bra unhooked inside my kameez and my left hand inside my pajama caressing my choot inside my panty with my “pajama nara” dangling outside!

I was caught and that too absolutely red-handed with the porn magazine open on my lap!

Mahesh: Well… well…

I was so confused regarding my clumsy state that I just sat like a duffer in front of my driving teacher.

Mahesh: Umm… naughty girl! This is not for college girls my dear… this magazine is for married ladies… don’t you know that?

Saying that he gently picked up the Savita Bhabhi magazine from my lap and gazed at the page where Savita Bhabhi was fucked by the salesman on the sofa; I continued to sit like a statue, naturally feeling extremely ashamed and embarrassed being caught like that by Mahesh! But I realized that it was the best opportunity to recompose myself somewhat as he was looking at the magazine. I instantly sneaked out my arm off my panty and pajama and kept it over my lap; my dupatta was still lying on the next seat and I naturally looked awfully sexy without my dupatta with my heaving boobs jutting out through my kameez with an inch of my heavy cleavage clearly advertised; the condition was more miserable for me as my bra was unclasped inside. I indeed was totally confused now. I tried my best to restrict my movements as much as possible (I could not stop my breathing though) as I obviously did not wished Mahesh to know that my bra was open inside my churidar top.

Mahesh: Though you are unmarried… but I can tell you… as you are quite matured Anita… these stories are fabulous… especially the beautiful artwork…

I was still looking down and was not in a position at all to converse with Mahesh.

Mahesh: You seem to be enjoying this quite a bit… Eh? Quite natural for your age! He he he he…

I was silent. I was feeling so mortified listening to the soft laugh and could well realize that he was well and truly enjoying my clumsy situation.

The next thing what Mahesh did was so shameful that I felt thunderstruck and as if completely frozen. He had the magazine in one hand and was half bending towards me and from that posture he just lifted my kameez slightly and picked up my loose hanging “pajama nara”!

Mahesh: What’s this? Good Lord! What were you doing Anita? Ummm?

Me: Eiiii… err… umm… No…

I really struggled to substantiate any suitable reply to Mahesh. I felt as if like a timid student in front of a persuasive teacher! My face grew red, I started to breathe deeply, and was feeling so, so humiliated the way he was probing things! I was unable to raise my eyes in shame and was just feeling miserable though my body was indeed in a very much heated condition. I could easily feel that my nipples were still hard and my pussy was wet and I was unwilling to even close my legs, which were placed shamelessly wide apart even in front of Mahesh! In fact I had started to feel an uncomfortable hurting in my groins as my panty edges had seated quite deep inside as my thighs were parted for a considerable period of time now.

Mahesh: Arre… why only satisfy yourself by seeing these lifeless pictures… (he whispered the next few words in my ears) Anita… look beyond this magazine…

Mahesh held my wrist gently. His cold touch felt so good on my ‘hot’ skin! I was confused and looked up at him. He smiled.

Mahesh: Arre kya hua? Sharma gayi! Com’ on sweetie! These are not for you… once you get married… you read these… okay? Ha ha ha….

I was thoroughly confused at what he was up to and looked at Mahesh with an absolute puzzled gaze.

Mahesh: Oye… what happened? Com’ on Anita… we are getting late… Get up! …get up! Let’s continue our lessons…

My clothing condition was so clumsy that I was pretty much unwilling to move from the driver’s seat as that would expose me in front of him very blatantly.

Me (very hesitatingly): Err… You… will you drive now?

Mahesh: Oh right! Why should I ask you to get up! You are learning naa… seems am also carried away by those steamy pics… Ha ha ha….

Though I grinned foolishly I was desperately trying to find out a way to fix my bra and tie my pajama.

Mahesh: First have some water and then we will carry on!

Me: Thanks.

This water was much needed; I had a dry throat and my body was also “heated up”; I needed some cooling effect. I quickly gulped down half the bottle of water before handing it back to Mahesh.

Mahesh: One thing I was noting Anita… time and again… you seemed to be too much nervous while driving… I am sitting right beside you… why did you look so unconfident?

Me: No… err… I mean… it’s the first time…

Mahesh: What first time? Driving for the first time?

I just nodded. Despite drinking the water, I still was unable to recover from my “heated” state.

Mahesh: But… but am siting right beside you! Even my foot is on yours… so… I mean what’s there to feel so nervous! And how could you miss that whole buffalo is still puzzling me!

Me: Tu… I mean true, but… err… yes, am slightly nervous… I can’t deny… holding the steering… err…. for the first time like this!
Mahesh: Just drive bindaas naa… Moreover there’s hardly any traffic here! Are you finding me unfamiliar to be easy?

Me: No… no… not.. not at all.

Mahesh: Then? Driving should be fun… but it seemed to me reading your face that it was if an examination for you! You are young… college going… so you should try to extract fun and excitement out of it!

Me: No, no... am quite thrilled … believe me! And… and you have guided me so very nicely…

Mahesh: But… (shrugging) but I found you quite stiff and anxious throughout the time the wheel was in your hands!

I looked up for a moment and met his eyes, but had to drop my eyes quickly as I noted Mahesh was directly staring at my big round mammaries. I could well realize that as I was breathing now the upward and downward movement of my big tight tits was obviously much more prominent as my bra hook was open, which obviously made Mahesh more attentive towards my milk jugs. There was no way I could hide that either! I bit my lips and was obviously feeling increasingly uneasy.

Mahesh: Okay… there’s a way we often use for teenage learners… to inject confidence, fun, and self belief…

I looked questionably at him.

Mahesh: Yes… but Anita it’s just a fun process for practicing and testing a learner… you need to accept it that way only… okay?

I nodded eagerly like a fool knowing nothing about that “process” as I was more than happy to see the conversation ending.

Mahesh: It’s a completely new and different style you know… though mostly restricted to teens… but I think to make you free on the wheel…. I can apply that for you!

Me: I… I see… (I almost whispered; my throat was getting dry time and again thinking of my condition - sitting in front of this matured male with an open bra and untied pajama!)

Mahesh: This particular process for learners is called lap driving …

Me: Lap driving! Never heard anything of that sort!

Mahesh (with a smile): Surprised by the name I guess!

“Lap driving!” I was indeed quite surprised by that name, but never could guess the bamboozlement that was waiting for me during this new learning process.

Mahesh: Anita see…. lap refers to knees and legs basically… the learner sits between the legs of the trainer and drive… that gives huge confidence to the learner actually you know…

I still could not read what he meant and simply looked like a dupe!

Mahesh: It naturally adds fun and excitement in addition to quick learning… He he he…

My body was so much stimulated still and my mind yet to recover from the Savita Bhabie magazine - I was not able to comprehend fully what my driving teacher intended and simply gave the nod.

Mahesh: Fine! Anita… you need to just push yourself up a bit in your seat… so that I could squeeze in there…

What did he mean? We will both share the same seat?

Mahesh hardly gave me any time to ponder about this new idea of lap driving and virtually pushed my shoulder to get me going. I pushed my heavy ass up and shifted a little bit on the seat towards the steering wheel and he virtually jumped inside the space thus created behind my back and the backrest of the seat.

Mahesh: Yeah! That’s perfect!

Me: Eiii! Mahesh…. What are you doing? How can we seat like this?

Mahesh: I told you naa Anita… its called lap driving and the learner sits on the lap of the trainer and drives…. Okay? And you need not worry dear… let me ignite the engine… and you will see how easy it becomes to go ahead in lap driving.

I hardly got a chance to react or protest about this posture and proximity and he quickly turned on the engine of the car and placed his feet on the clutch and accelerator plates. My legs were literally squeezed and pressed in between his strong and muscular legs as he started driving the car forward changing the gear.

Mahesh: Arre Anita… why are you so stiff! Relax and enjoy the driving!

I already was able to feel a thing growing against my ass and that was his erect cock! Naturally I was instantly stirred up more so as I was already “heated up” through that porn magazine and with boobs freely bouncing in my open bra.

Mahesh was sitting right behind me – his legs surrounding my fleshy thighs, his arms on the wheel nearly embracing me over my arms, his face was right behind my head and his chin on my shoulder; thus I could even feel his breaths very, very clearly on the side of my face and neck, and the worst part was his crotch was pushing directly and very indecently on my big tight ass as if he was humping me from behind!

Mahesh: Fine… now you take control Anita… I will just assist…

There was no way out for me and I had to obey my instructor’s orders. I placed my feet on the clutch-accelerator-brake plate and held the steering firmly. Thankfully the road was more of less straight, but still my attention was greatly getting diverted by this muscular man’s intimate touches.

Mahesh: Good… now you drive along slowly Anita… I will take a small test … He he he… just to ensure you grasped everything properly.

Me: Thesst… I mean test??

Mahesh: Arre! Don’t panic Anita! I am there with you naa…. That’s the fun of lap driving… the trainer is always there… right behind you to help! He he…

I was really not able to think much further as the pressing of his legs on mine and his embrace in the name of holding the steering wheel from both sides was making me feel extremely uncomfortable and virtually taking me from the frying pan to the oven.

Mahesh: I am sure that with me on the same seat …. You are no more nervous Anita…

Me: Ye… no… I mean no… I’m not! But…

Mahesh: Great! I can already sense confidence in your voice Anita!

I wondered how he could trace confidence in my voice! On the contrary I was more shaky than previous as my whole body was “heated up” and I breathing very heavily. Moreover, I started to feel rather embarrassed now as my big round boobs were virtually bouncing and jerking every now and then inside my dress in a very sexy way when the car jerked as my bra hook was open. There was no way I could hide that and being a heavy-breasted woman it was all the more embarrassing for me to have my big juicy tits bouncing freely inside my dress with a male breathing literally over my neck!

Mahesh could not have missed that and he must have been eying the sexy bouncing of my mammaries inside my churidar suit; fortunately I was unable to see his eyes as he was right behind me. In no time I started to feel a firm thing poking at my hip area very offensively and unmistakably it had to be Mahesh’s growing hard cock! He quickly adjusted his sitting posture probably to feel comfortable, which in effect made his cock press more through his trouser-front onto the softness of my large round buttocks.

My goodness! What was he up to!
Mahesh: Well for the lap driving test the rule is very simple! Neither you will talk nor I. I will only instruct you through signals to execute various options while driving… and you just need to carry them out.

Me: Aahhh… err… o… okay!

Mahesh: To keep things simple I will use only six signals which you need to remember and execute. But remember… I will not have my hands on the wheels. Of course I will be assisting you with brakes, clutches, and gear as needed. Okay?

I just nodded. The car moved ahead slowly. We were into the twilight zone as the sun was about to set and the light outside was diminishing greatly.

Mahesh: #1 Signal from me would imply for you to turn left … so if you sense signal #1, you need to turn the car to the left … okay?

Me: Okay… But… but what’s the signal?

I almost whispered. Mahesh kept his hand on mine on the driving wheel and brought his mouth very near to my ear and imitated my whispering tone.

Mahesh: Here’s the first signal… if I touch your belly on the left side you need to turn left. I think its simple enough?

I could not stop smiling listening to the signal type! Mahesh tilted a bit to the left side and glanced at my face.

Mahesh: Good to see a smile on your face… you look so beautiful when you smile… I think you should smile more often than not!

Straight flattering and hitting me below the belt - I giggled shyly and obviously liked his comment.

Mahesh: Anita…. now please be a little more relaxed my dear … you are still stiff!

Me: Am trying to get relaxed… believe me…

I relaxed some of my muscles, but by doing so my body pressed more onto his body. The scene was of course getting rather hot and sexy inside the moving car! I could as if immediately sense a spring in his cock getting more hardened and poking me more! The touch and the feel was so, so evident!

Mahesh: If I touch your belly on the right side you need to turn right… that’s signal #2… pretty easy to remember… isn’t it?

I found it quite amusing, simple, and exciting too! By that time I obviously was enjoying his body warmth and closeness quite judiciously. I noted that the hindrance in my mind of Mahesh being a total stranger was evaporating quite rapidly!

Me: Okay… seems simple and uncomplicated.

Mahesh: Yes, that’s the motto! Signal #3 and #4 are related…. Signal #3 is to accelerate and that’s when I place my hand on your left leg... so you know you need to accelerate when I keep my hand on your left leg.

Though he was referring to my “leg”, but the part of my leg that he would access was actually my smooth juicy thighs. I smiled within myself seeing the boldness of this driver.

Mahesh: Signal #4 is when I touch your right leg… then you need to decelerate. Okay?

Me: Hmm… seems reasonable! Right for acceleration and left for deceleration.

Mahesh: Right! Isn’t it fun?

Me: Sounds pretty ho… I mean err… interesting.

Mahesh (now slowly placing his hands right over me and holding both my hands on the steering wheel): Yes this lap driving concept is designed to have fun while learning and practicing. But the last part is at times a little bit uneasy for women … but I think there’s no other appropriate options left… so they have designed it that way!

Me: Meaning…?? What are the last two signals?

Mahesh (lowering his voice and keeping his lips very near to my left ear; his warm fingers already playing with my tender fingers on the wheel): Since the legs and the stomach parts are used for signals 1, 2, 3, and 4, lap driving refers to blowing horn in a rather analytic way.

Mahesh paused briefly. I was feeling extremely uneasy as I could feel my breasts growing and my nipples getting rock hard as he was caressing my fingers and concurrently pressing the front of his body onto mine. His chin was at times almost resting on my shoulder. His embracing hands were pressing the sides of my body making me feel almost in a hug from the back!

Mahesh: As in older days the horn of a car resembled the horn of a lorry... you must have seen… a bulging round rubber head for the lorry driver to press as the horn… it resembles very much like the female breast you know… so in lap driving the instructor indicates the learner to blow horn likewise…

I was already bowled over – first by the very sexily depicted Savita Bhabie story and then listening to this idea of lap driving, and now with the fifth signal explanation from Mahesh being whispered in my ears; I honestly felt like closing my eyes in anticipated ecstasy!

Mahesh: I know it’s a little bit cumbersome… but if you take it as a fun activity I think it will sink better… yes, it’s a problem for matured women… especially who are married…married women are more shy and expressive… if during lap driving I indicate to blow horn by touching their breasts, they might take it otherwise… very old school of thought you know… they can never match a vibrant college girl like you! Don’t you agree Anita?

What should I say? Mahesh acted like a sly fox placing his logic to the T! I had to nod to look like a ‘vibrant college girl’! Naturally I was tight-lipped and almost red to core in sheer embarrassment.

Instead of tightly slapping this man for this perverted dirty idea, I found my heart to be pounding in thrill and expectancy!

Mahesh: See Anita… just like the left side and right side of the stomach… 5th and 6th signals are also based on the left breast and the right breast. Okay? (a little pause; he straightened the steering wheel so that the car remained firmly on the road, and then started caressing my fingers more intimately and pressed his chin very seemingly on my shoulder) So the 5th signal is blowing the horn… if I touch your right breast… it means you need to blow the horn and if I touch your left breast, you need to change the gear. Just see the logical angle Anita… since the gear is on the left of the steering, left breast means changing of gear! Really well thought of… isn’t it?

Me: Huh!

I felt so clumsy and discomfited listening to such rules that my ears were emitting heat! I just nodded and obviously was not in a position to react at all. Mahesh very craftily took the license from me for touching my intimate parts and my physical condition was such that I did not have the mental strength to object to it either!

Mahesh: So all is clear Anita? Can we start?

Me: O… okay…

Mahesh: Mind you… no talking till I conclude your test… if I need to put brakes on for any emergency purpose I will do that… so don’t worry… just relax and enjoy lap driving.

Saying that he again adjusted his posture on the seat which basically was a thrust towards my tight ass through his crotch and concurrently pressing the sides of my body through his ‘embrace’ before he took off his hands of the steering wheel.

Mahesh: So mum’s the word Anita!

I just smiled dryly and he started instantly!
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-02-2019, 12:41 PM
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