Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Me (almost puffing as I was virtually running to keep pace with Meenakshi): What ghat?

Meenakshi: Assi ghat… Assi ghat… Madam, in Varanasi residences are mainly on the roads that leads to the ghat.

Me: I see… Okay, I will remember.

Meenakshi: And remember this… your father has a Maruti 800 car which he brought second hand… say 5 years old. Okay? You just say to him that you have taken rides in the car with your father, but not at all aware about the mechanical part of the car.

Me: Yes, I will maintain that only … I honestly don’t know anything about cars.

I was amazed to see how Meenakshi could manage to walk so fast with such a plump figure. She was walking in front of me and the movement of her sari-covered round ass was looking awfully sexy. For a moment I thought of teasing her, but the moment I thought of Mahesh and thought about learning driving, I was dumb and my heart rate increased!

Meenakshi: One more thing Madam… if he asks anything about me, just give a vague reply as you do not live here…. only emphasizing that I am attached to the ashram.

Me: Okay as you say...

Just then we came out of the village path through the shrubs and bushes on to the main road and arrived at the Gangu kuwa more.

Me: Where is the well?
Meenakshi: There Madam, on the opposite side of the road…

I could not even look to the other side of the road that I noticed a red car standing by the roadside and Mahesh was standing by the car. My fingers and toes raced towards becoming ice cold and I almost froze for a moment, but as I felt Meenakshi’s warm grip on my hand I quickly recomposed myself.

Meenakshi (in a very low tone) Madam, this bastard has stolen my sleep… promise me to tease him to the hell Madam… he should be licking your feet like a road-side dog…

Meenakshi’s jaws were stiffening and I could sense the rage hidden within her.

Meenakshi: Madam don’t ever feel shy in front of this man as he is a real dirty man exploiting my weak moments.

I did not know what happened to me… the words of Meenakshi, her stern voice, her warm grip on my hand… everything made me very determined and strong within a moment to face this dirty man. I felt I would do my best to keep this man occupied with this driving exercise while Meenakshi would search his house for that tape. I turned towards her… my jaws had also got stiffened… had eye contact with her… and nodded positively and stepped ahead to cross the road.

Mahesh: Hello Meenakshi… Hi Anita…. I must remark that you two are very punctual… (he looks at his watch) its just two minutes past 5!

Mahesh was wearing a blue jeans and a light red T-shirt. As I looked minutely at him I noted he was sufficiently tall, had a good physique, and certainly could have looked better, but his thick untrimmed beard made him look rusty.

Meenakshi: Hi Mahesh… So this is the car in which you will give lessons to my sister?

Mahesh: Yes Meenakshi. Its one of the learner vehicles of our garage and since she (turned towards me) mentioned about Maruti 800 in her house I picked this one.

Meenakshi: You did the right thing and…. and… please make sure that you give all the lessons properly to her so that she could pick them up properly. And…

Mahesh: Oho Meenakshi… I will treat her very specially… she is your sister after all.

Mahesh now looked at me and for the first time fixed his gaze on me. I could read his eyes scanning my 28-year-old buxom figure in this ultra-tight churidar suit. Naturally I shuffled a bit looking at the road and also involuntarily tried to close the gap of my kameez cut at my waist which was advertising my white pajama-covered ass bulge rather abundantly. The whole shape and size of my macro-sized thighs and legs were so clearly publicized by this dress to this man that I was already keen to get inside the car rather than to stand and ‘expose’!

Me: Didi… you asked to remind me about some urgent work… of the ashram…

Meenakshi: Yes, yes. Mahesh, I need to make a move… how long will it take?

Mahesh: Since she is absolutely novice she can’t learn much in the dark… so will have to terminate by 7 till such time sunlight is there. Where shall I drop her?

Meenakshi: Okay… Two hours should be a good head start for her… what do you say? You just drop her in front of your garage… I will be present there…

Mahesh: Okay then… will drop her at garage.

Meenakshi: Bye Anita… be a good student…

Me: Bye didi…

Mahesh opened the driver’s sit door and squeezed inside and opened the door for me on the other side. I held my dupatta while bending and getting inside the car and was apparently somewhat relieved to get inside the car rather than to stand and promote my well-formed legs in this skin-hugging sexy churidar suit!

Mahesh: Please be comfortable… let me drive a bit to a lonely stretch as there is some traffic which would hinder our lessons. So, how do you like this place? Very different from Varanasi I suppose?

Me: Yes err… I mean…

Mahesh: You can call me just Mahesh… no problems… I’m not that old as I look with my beard… to be called an uncle… Ha ha ha…

I also smiled and could realize Mahesh was starting to get impressed by my presence already! I smiled within myself and involuntarily accentuated my breasts by sitting somewhat upright on the car seat.

Me: Okay Mah…. Mahesh (I was indeed a little hesitant to call this unknown male by name directly, but had to do it for getting familiar to him) … yes this place is very dry and rather desolate… our Varanasi is always bustling and lively.

Mahesh: Do you mean to say… err… lively like you? Ha ha ha…. (Mahesh bent past the main road and drove into a side road)

I smiled again and trying to act like a college girl lowered my eyelids getting the complement from a male.

Mahesh: For learning driving lonely stretches are the best… and it’s easy to find it here rather than in Varanasi!

Me: True… but I don’t know anything about cars… (I surrendered prematurely as this thought of facing questions regarding the car was haunting me at the back of my mind)

Mahesh: That’s odd, you must be knowing some basics as you possess a car!

Me: Not me, my father! (I smiled) And he never detailed me about his car.

Mahesh: O! I see. But you should have asked….

Me: No, actually… yes… err… I mean I am keen but my father is not like that… you know… explain and all from him is…

Mahesh: I see… okay… okay…

Mahesh drove into a lone stretch of road and the place was absolutely desolate. I looked through the window but was unable to locate even a cow or goat in the adjacent fields; humans were out of question. He stopped the car and turned towards me. I could sense that it would be a verbal session related to the details of the car. There was no other option for me but to turn towards him to listen what he was about to say. But in doing so I instantly became conscious that I was angling my big fleshy thighs directly towards him! The churidar was so indecently tight on my legs that the whole outline of my limbs was noticeable to him; more so as Mahesh had stopped driving and was looking at me. On top of that as I was in a seated posture, my short kameez had all the more reasons to rise up very inappropriately and indecently and I was forced to keep my arms crosswise on my lap to protect Mahesh from taking a direct unrestricted view of my pajama-covered crotch!

Mahesh: Anita, let me brief you quickly about …

In the next 4-5 minutes he continued to detail the parts of a car and its uses limiting his lecture to Maruti 800 model only and honestly I did not listen to it too minutely except for nodding my head from time to time. He seemed pretty honest to his job and took all the care to explain the things to me. Thankfully his gaze was constantly on my face and did not hover down my neck. The weather was also becoming cooler now as the sun was nearing the horizon and I thanked Mahesh in my mind to choose this afternoon time for the driving lessons.
Mahesh: Now Anita… we need to change positions… you be at the wheel!

Me: So quickly? I mean… do I not need to know anything else?

Mahesh: Don’t worry…. I will brief you as needed… hands on practice is the best way to learn driving!

Me: Okay.

Mahesh was quick enough to get out of the car and come to my side swiftly to open the door for me. Honestly, I liked that approach. I got out of the car and went round to sit in the driver’s seat while Mahesh took my seat.

Mahesh: Have you ever got inside a learner’s car Anita?

Me: Nope (as I sat on the driver’s seat I was more keen to stretch my kameez to cover my upper thighs)

Mahesh: Actually we have two sets of brake and accelerator in a learner’s car, but unfortunately this model is not a learner’s car…

Me: I see….

Mahesh: So I will have to use the brake and accelerator down your leg to control the car…

Me: Okay… in any case I am not educated at all to work with those.

We both smiled at each other. Though I had kept my right hand on the steering wheel I was conscious enough to keep my left hand over my lap but only to find that the entire shape and contour of my shapely thighs were getting vividly advertised by that confounded skin-tight pajama; I felt as if I was not wearing anything down my waist – such was the extent of the tightness of the churidar! Naturally my legs were looking outrageously sexy and I found Mahesh getting diverted and looking down my legs which perfectly resembled two ripe banana trunks!

Mahesh: Let me get the additional seat here…. (saying that he pulled out an additional stretch of the seat which almost reached my seat!) Ya… that’s perfect…. Now I will just put my leg…. Yes…. (he placed himself on that extended seat; very close to me, and then lifted and stretched his right leg over the gear into my side towards the brake and accelerator plates) … Ah! Fine! I hope you are not uncomfortable Anita…. This way I can control the car perfectly as well as guide you adequately… I hope you don’t have a problem?

Me: No, no… its okay.

Though I was not at all expecting this, but tried my best to remain normal. Actually I never noticed that additional seat that can be stretched towards the driver’s seat and now this man was in fact sitting just six inches away from the left contour of my bulging ass! Moreover, Mahesh being quite a tall man he must have been also getting a splendid aerial view of my whole figure from that adjacent position!

Mahesh: Okay then … lets start… am igniting the engine by keying in… like this… just observe…

Vrrr… vrrrrrr… Vrrrrroooomm…. Vrrrrroooooommmmm…

For the first time I felt a thrill… honestly… with my hands on the steering wheel for the first time in my life and the car was all set to move forward! This experience suddenly as if gave me a kick and for the moment the fact got obscured off my mind that I was pretending to learn driving from Mahesh just to keep him engaged here while my ashram pal Meenakshi could take advantage of his absence and search his room for her pics and video.

Me: Wow! A great feeling I must admit!

Mahesh: Indeed Anita… that’s the first reaction of almost every novice!

As Mahesh pressed his feet on the clutch and accelerator, the car started to move forward and he kept his right hand on the steering wheel to guide the car appropriately though I was gently holding onto the wheel with my right hand. His right hand was now gently brushing my naked arm as he held on to the steering. I was momentarily startled to feel his strong muscles on my naked skin, but instantly remembered that my kameez was sleeveless. I involuntarily and almost immediately adjusted my dupatta so as to cover my arms a little bit more.

Mahesh: How do you feel Anita now? …car moving ahead and you are in the driver’s seat?

Me: Oh! Great Mahesh! Great!

Mahesh: Ha ha ha… Just enjoy …

I could unquestionably notice an instantaneous spring of keenness in Mahesh as he moved just a shade towards me so that he could control the steering wheel better.

Mahesh: Remember the gear system which I just explained…? Now see… with a little distance the car traveling… we should switch the gear… like this… very easy to operate … these hand gears… 1-2-3-4-R…

Now as the car was picking up some decent speed, Mahesh was more serious into driving. As I looked through the windscreen I noticed that this part of the road was absolutely desolate and hardly was there any passerby also! The only thing observable on both sides of the road was vast yellow-green fields; I could not spot a grazing cow or a goat even!

Mahesh: Anita… observe me minutely… so that you can pick things up quickly…. put both hands on the wheel… (I had to put my other hand off my lap onto the steering) yes… that’s better!

I immediately noted that he adjusted his bottom more towards me and now our shoulders started rubbing and with his closeness now our legs also started touching each other. Naturally I was conscious, but Mahesh seemed rather unconcerned and he was babbling all sorts of tips for driving in a safe way. I was already breathing slightly faster with such close proximity with this ‘unknown’ male and my heavy bosom started moving up and down a shade faster inside my tight kameez. As he talked about safe driving, I noted that he at times was placing his hand on mine very casually and ‘normally’ to guide the steering wheel. I was obviously a bit hesitant initially, but portraying a modern day college girl, I did not react and did not exhibit any visible response with his touching.

Mahesh: Keep your left hand on the gear now… will show you how to change it….will increase speed slightly now…

I kept my hand on the knob of the gear and immediately his warm palm grabbed my hand in the pretext of demonstration. As soon as our hands met I automatically felt my blood running faster through my veins and dropped my eyelids; I still could pick up his bearded smile momentarily looking at my face. He must have been enjoying the tender feel of my hand. I could not move my hand also as that would look very indecent and I could clearly feel my nipples gaining strength inside my bra and raising their heads; I could feel a stir all over my body as Mahesh continued to hold and press my hand in the pretext of gearshift.

Mahesh: That’s how to do it…. Will repeat again so that you can grasp clearly…

Me: O…okay…

I almost whispered and was cursing myself for getting weak by this ‘simple’ touch. Mahesh readjusted the gear and decreased the speed of the car and again was about to demonstrate.

Mahesh: Now we will change the gear again… and then will accelerate slowly… okay Anita? Observe closely…

Seeing no reaction or conservativeness on my part, he re-grabbed my hand and this time unmistakably in a bolder way; his fingers exactly on my fingers pressing them slightly harder. This time his hand movement on me was rather lengthy and that actually made me feel more nervous and I was clearly blushing this time. His right leg was also brushing my warm left thigh quite ‘closely’ now and since he continued to hold my hand over the gear bulb (he was waiting for something I did not know what) making my condition worse. His grip on my fingers and wrist was firm and constant; he even rubbed his fingers once very subtly over my nimble fingers as if feeling the texture of my skin!
Mahesh: That’s it… did you get it Anita? Can you do it yourself?

I somehow managed to smile and nodded negatively. Mahesh had removed his hand off my hand, but I could as if still feel his warmth on my skin!

Mahesh: Nothing difficult… try it… you will also be easily able to do it …

I was indeed not in a mood to do that right then and hence tried to turn his focus.

Me: But I mean… it’s not about gear change only naa… the clutch and accelerator also …. err… I mean have their roles to play I guess…

Mahesh: Right you are! So see… you are learning fast! (he smiled) Yes… let me show you how to press on the clutch and change the gear…

Mahesh demonstrated slowly so that I could pick up how to do it. Apparently it did not seem to be tough.

Mahesh: Now you try!

I had to try it and there was no escape.

Mahesh: One minute…let me open my sandals… you also get rid off yours. That way you will get a better grip on the pads down there.

Momentarily I was a taken aback, but realized his logic and there was no choice for me but to open my sandals and to keep them aside.

Mahesh: Keep your legs on the accelerator and clutch… just lightly… yes… fine…

Then without even taking my permission he straight away put his right foot on mine pressing on the clutch to change the gear; simultaneously his hand gripped mine on the bulb of the gear. The sensation honestly was “too much” - an adult man pressing his foot on my naked foot and his hand concurrently holding my hand! The sides of our bodies were now in constant touch as the car moved on making me feel very uneasy.

Mahesh: Press on the accelerator now… yes… right… that’s the way to do it… do not press much… ya… fine…. very lightly…. so that the car gets a smooth speeding up.

The warm sole of his foot was pressing on my bare foot while his rough palm tightly gripped my hand on the gear; despite being a an ‘experienced’ housewife, I could not avoid my heart rate racing up and my nipples getting harder inside my bra in order to cope with the ‘situation’. I could realize Mahesh’s foot slowly pressing more and more on my foot to speed up the car and in the pretext of doing so his right foot was now amply rubbing my pajama-covered left leg and in the whole process he had shifted so much towards me that the sides of our thighs were glued together!

Mahesh: Wah! Good… you are picking up quite well… keep the steering steady Anita… the car is moving to the left time and again as you are focussing on your leg…

Me: Oh…okay Mahesh… yes…will hold it tightly now.

A few more trials went on with accelerating and gear change on that desolate stretch of the road with Mahesh aptly exploiting the situation to his favor feeling the whole of my foot with his foot and feeling the tightness and smoothness of my well formed thigh on his leg. During this whole session I had no way that I could cover my indecently advertised thighs (almost till my crotch!) through my skin-tight churidar as my left hand was on the hand gear and my right hand was on the steering wheel. The shape, size, and outline of my ripe thighs were so much evident that my white churidar really seemed as if a second skin!

I could make out easily that Mahesh was looking time and again down my very sexy-looking legs in the pretext of properly pressing the accelerator or the clutch as he guided the car through the deserted road. Honestly I had started feeling the heat inside me though a very nice breeze was blowing during that afternoon time.

And right at that moment something happened, which simply kept me gasping!

Mahesh (frowning and looking at the driver’s side door): Is it not properly closed? I can hear a slight noise….

Me: What?

Mahesh: Arrre… the door… am getting a slight sound with the car jerking…

Me (twisting my lips) Am not sure…

Mahesh frowned and concentrated to listen for that additional sound from the door for a few seconds.

Mahesh: Right! Its not closed properly… one sec… will fix that… do not put extra pressure on the accelerator… just keep this speed.

Me: Okay!

Mahesh: I think I did not slammed it hard enough… old cars have this common problem…

Giving me absolutely no chance to move my hands to protect my breast area, Mahesh simply reached over and opened the latch of the door and then closed it with a slight bang and in the pretext of doing this ‘action’ his right hand firmly rubbed against the front of my tight breasts. The lateral surface of his entire arm brushed against my firm mammaries for a few seconds and I had just no alternative but to allow that as I could hardly go backward due to the erect car seat. I was really not sure if Mahesh did that on purpose, but it was such a clever move, it simply left me in gasping!

He was very intelligent and did not allow me an extra second to linger on his action.

Mahesh: Now we will do from the start again… just check that if you can do all the steps systematically Anita.

As he was busy stopping the car, I closed my eyes for a moment as I was indeed outrageously charged up! I could well realize that this man, Mahesh, whom I hardly knew, had kindled quite a bit of thrill in me through his subtle movements; in fact it was a culmination of my dress – this tight sexy churidar, his closeness in the closed periphery of the car, and undoubtedly the brushing and pressing on my milk tanks moments ago while he closed the door on my side.

I tried to convince my mind that this boob pressing might not be absolutely intentional as the space between the steering wheel and my body was so narrow and the angled position of the door lock actually forced Mahesh to do that. But whatever the fact was I had started to breathe somewhat heavily and warm breaths began to gush out of my nostrils. My dupatta had also fallen sexily off my shoulder exposing my naked arm as well as my big tight conical breasts to Mahesh’s view. I had to admit that my 28-year-old matured figure was well accentuated and underlined by this churidar suit especially the skin-tight pajamas exposing the true shape and size of my well formed thighs very adequately as well as awkwardly as my kameez was indecently short (particularly since I was sitting). I had already started to feel somewhat weak and ‘slutty’ and did not even bother to pick up my dupatta to cover my bulging milk tanks properly in front of my driving teacher!

Mahesh: Okay… now that the car is at rest … you can start from the very beginning Anita… foot on the clutch… hand on the gear…. ignite the engine…

I quickly tried to get into the normal mode and obeyed Mahesh’s orders. I was amazed that I almost did all of the things right and started the car and moved it ahead though he had to help me slightly with the clutch releasing part.

Mahesh: Great! Good job Anita!

Me: Thanks (honestly I was myself surprised how I did it so smoothly!)

Mahesh obviously looked more “charged up” to help me on the wheel after that boob pressing incident and as he praised my quick learning skills he again came very close to aid me in keeping the car straight on the road. I noted that there was a turn on the road some meters away and I alerted Mahesh as I felt nervous what to do.

Mahesh: Don’t worry baby! Ha ha ha… Am there naa… you just relax… do not grip the steering wheel too hard… Bas!
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