Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Meenakshi: Arre Madam, that’s the only name I heard among his pals and yes… yes… he told me that though Harpal was a driver by profession, he had interests in photography…. Yes, yes… now I remember… but I never thought so deeply!

Me: Hmm… then surely it has be that the other man…. Harpal…. who filmed you….

Meenakshi: What a shame…. O my God! This means that guy had seen me…. Ish… fully naked…. Ish…. So, so shameful!

Meenakshi was nodding her head very vigorously and I could realize her embarrassment.

I tried to console her by patting her back. She looked up. Her eyes were wet. Her face was red in natural shyness.

Me: You must remain strong Meenakshi…

Meenakshi: yes… yes Madam.

She wiped her eyes and adjusted her sari and sat up straight. She held my arms and gestured for my help. I just nodded and kept my right hand on Meenakshi’s hand assuring her of my fullest support.

Me: So, it is very clear that the second man… Harpal… as you assume… was hiding somewhere in the room or outside with the camera and filmed you and Mahesh on bed… Well… now what’s your plan to get out of this mess?

Meenakshi: Madam, see… previously I really had a completely different opinion about Mahesh… frankly… I liked him very much… but now… and allowing Harpal to see me in that condition… Ohh…. he is such wicked thug *@#$*

Meenakshi: He just wanted my flesh… Huh!

Me: By the way…. why did you choose me for help?

I could not stop myself from asking!

Meenakshi: Madam… I actually chose you for help because I had to take help of a woman who is completely unknown to Mahesh and also in this village area and ...

Me: Hmm… I see… very reasonable!

Meenakshi: Yes Madam… And in order to attract his attention easily I needed someone who is young and eye-catching and honestly Madam… you are the only option I had as you fit exactly my expectation!

She smiled at me and I also smiled back shyly nodding my head.

Honestly I was getting a bit restless from inside now to know more details of her exact plan.

Me: That’s okay… but Meenakshi… I mean what do I need to do? Err… you haven’t yet spelt that out…

Meenakshi: Yes Madam I am coming to that only! As I said, Mahesh stays with the other guy Harpal in a rented house. They both work in a garage which also runs a driving school. Mahesh is a teacher and Harpal is a mechanic.

Me: I see! Okay…

Meenakshi: Madam see, I will tell Mahesh that my sister… not direct… but in relation… has come from the metro in her college vacation and will stay here for some days and she wants to learn driving utilizing her short vacation as the area where she lives is too much crowded for her learning purpose…

Me: College? You want to… Are you mad or what?

Meenakshi: Com’ on Madam, you also know how much young and innocent your look is! (she smiles) Believe me! You just look like a final year college girl… young and tight! Who will say that you are above 25 and married for more than two years!

Meenakshi looked deeply in my eyes and I blushed heavily.

Meenakshi: Fact is fact Madam… I am not flattering you.

Meenakshi even twisted her lips and displayed a praising smooch for me and I had to look down in shyness such was her gesture! I could realize that her praising was flushing my face with a scarlet tinge. I giggled and took a deep breath. Like any other woman I was feeling quite contended to listen to admiration especially from a matured female.

Meenakshi: I can guarantee that Mahesh will fall for you seeing your beauty and contours! And when he will be busy teaching your driving I…

Me: But… wait Meenakshi… wait… I don’t know anything about car and driving!

Meenakshi: That’s even better madam… things will look more realistic and rational!

Me: Hmm… but…

Meenakshi: This will leave Mahesh out of the house for some significant time and the other one… Harpal does not return to home till late night I know… so it will be cakewalk for me to enter his room. And if I get a couple of days… as Guru-ji said 48 hours minimum to get the reconstruction work done… I will easily search for my photographs and the video… and then I know very well how to screw those bastards!

Me: One minute… one minute… you are missing something… how will you get the keys to his room? How will you enter?

Meenakshi: That secret Mahesh told me when we were close. Since Harpal and his timings are different for going out and coming back, they keep the key under the doormat outside their main door.

Me: Ohh… I see!

Meenakshi: Madam everything will depend on you… the way you can engage him… err… I mean the time period for which you can engage that ruffian the better… I will get those additional minutes for searching…

Me: Yes, that I can understand… but what more can I do apart from trying to learn driving!

Meenakshi: I told you naa… Mahesh is just that type… he will try to impress you…. and am damn sure… believing you to be unmarried… he will naturally be all the more attentive towards you!

Meenakshi smiled meekly and I also smiled back; honestly I was feeling a subtle ‘thrill’ about this sudden development!

Meenakshi: And that’s where you can drag things Madam for me… time is the single most essential factor here as you can also understand…

Me: Hmm… yes, that I can understand! But when he will give me driving lessons?

Meenakshi: See Madam… the more he gives time for this the better for me and frankly we have only two days… as then I will have to devote my time to ashram again… I will press for twice a day lessons… but he has his regular job also… am unsure… lets see how he responds… but am sure once Mahesh sees you he will not be citing much excuses for his job!

Meenakshi again smiled naughtily and very suggestively at me while her almond eyes roved all over my plump figure.

Meenakshi and I spent a little bit more time compiling the bits and pieces of our story so that it looked rather realistic to this Mahesh and such that there are no loose ends. Soon as per plan we went out of the ashram and went to a house in the nearby village whom Meenaski knew. That housewife looked updated and quickly arranged for a salwar-kameez for me - the newer variety, i.e. not the usual long and comfort fitting salwar kameez, but the short salwar-kameez (the kameez was short) and once I wore that Meenakshi flooded me with oozing praises. As I looked in the mirror, I was indeed looking very smart and younger too with a little bit of makeup too. The fitting of the dress was surprisingly great for my figure!
Wasting no time, we went out for the garage where Mahesh worked. Though I looked very elegant in that outfit, I was having palpitations as we neared the garage. Multiple question fragments were as if conglomerating my head! How would this man look like? How would he behave with me? How would I pretend perfectly that I was keen to learn driving? What questions could he ask me about cars and about my hometown? I took a deep breath and tried to look normal.

We reached the ‘place’ – the signboard was loud and clear “Happy Driving School & Garage”. Meenakshi inquired at one of the garage boys and he went in to fetch Mahesh. I could as if hear my own heart beat and my palms and toes were cold like ice cubes. Out came a dark sturdy middle-aged man wearing a blue apron spotted with dirt; his bearded face was quite repulsive though his physique was impressive.

Mahesh: Arre! What a surprise! Meenakshi… you? Here?

Meenakshi (with a wide smile): Actually there’s one help that I need from you.

Mahesh: Come naa… sit here in the shade and have some tea. E Chetan! Chaye lana! Teen, malai marke!

We walked towards the shade where four dirty stools and a wooden table were there. Mahesh cleaned up the mess and made them usable. As we sat Mahesh started eyeing me.

Mahesh: Okay, now tell me what dragged you here?

Meenakshi: Let me introduce her… she is my sister in relation… lives in Varanasi, has come here to me during her college vacation.

Mahesh: O I see! Hello… Ms….

Meenakshi: Anita.

Mahesh: Hi Anita... nice to meet you. Welcome to our Happy Driving School & Garage! He he he…

Me (with a smile): Hello. I… err… why is the name “happy”?

I just wanted to ask normal questions so that things look normal and real.

Mahesh: Oho! (smiles; I could see his yellowish teeth in between his almost black lips; must be an avid smoker I thought) Actually our owner’s name is Happy Singh and the garage is named after him…

Me: I see…

Meenakshi: She actually has come for a very brief visit here to me and was keen to learn driving… actually you know Mahesh… the locality where she lives is too busy to learn driving there… so…

Mahesh: O…oh! No problem… No problem at all… this is in fact a garage cum driving school (he pointed toward the signboard)

Me: Yes, I can see…

Just at that time, a teen boy brought three cups of tea on a plate and served to us. I was feeling a bit odd as I was sitting on the low stool much of my pajama was getting exposed almost to my upper thighs as the kameez was rather short. My dupatta had also slipped off my shoulder exposing my big conical boobs under my kameez and I noted that not only Mahesh but also Chetan, the boy who was delivering tea, was ogling at me. I pulled up the dupatta and also subtly tried to pull my kameez down, but failed as it was the new short variety salwar-kameez dress.

Mahesh: Please have the tea…

As I sipped the hot tea, I could well make out that Mahesh was concentrating on me; his glance was roving all over my body starting from my face till my toes. I smiled within myself appreciating Meenakshi’s accurate anticipation!

Meenakshi: But as I mentioned… the time is very short… how quickly can you make her learn driving?

Mahesh: How short is the time?

Meenakshi: Say 3-4 days?

Mahesh: Oh! That’s real short, but if the learner is real keen, one can learn driving in just two hours!

Meenakshi: Wow! That’s wonderful… Really?

Mahesh (looking at me): Yes, yes… not to worry at all… I will give you all the lessons in a nutshell so that you could at least start, stop, and guide the car a fair distance…. Will that do?

Me (smiling shyly being a college girl, unmarried): Yes, yes….

I tried to act out my best to look real.

Meenakshi: Oh! Thanks a lot Mahesh… this girl is so keen to learn driving… Ah! You relieved me! She was just eating out my head from the moment she had dropped… actually her college will finish this year and she wants to learn driving before that you know…

Mahesh: Oh I see! So you are in final year?

I nodded.

Mahesh: You can start right from today if you want…. Err… actually I have some garage work now and will be free in the afternoon.

Meenakshi: Oh! That’s great! Then when can she meet you?

Mahesh: But I need to know… I mean Anita… what do you plan to drive? I mean a Maruti model or a Tata model or an ambassador?

I was a bit confused as I was not well versed with these things at all, but Meenakshi quickly saved the situation for me.

Meeankshi: Arre her father has a Maruti 800… and she will drive that of course!

Mahesh: Okay… fine… I will then bring a Maruti 800 for your learning purpose.

I again nodded shyly and giggled like an obedient girl.

Meenakshi: Okay, then. Would 5 p.m. be okay for you?

Mahesh: Yes sure! You need not come here… as mud roads are not at all suitable for learning driving… you meet me at the main road at Gangu kuwa point… okay?

Meenakshi: Okay, that’s near to our ashram also.

We had completed our tea and Meenakshi got up from her stool saying good bye to Mahesh, we left the garage. My sixth sense was informing me that Mahesh was eyeing my big swaying ass in my short salwar suit as the hem of the kameez was just about covering my fleshy round ass. As we traversed passed his eyes to a safe distance, Meenakshi literally hugged me in excitement!

Meenakshi: Oh! You were just fantastic Madam… you acted so, so, so naturally! You looked so perfect Madam as a college girl… the tinge of shyness and giggling… uhhhhh! Just to the T! I’m confident Madam that Mahesh will not have the slightest doubt that it is all planned!

I almost blushed at her strong praises and just nodded.
Meenakshi: Madam, it’s entirely up to you how to make that rascal glued to your beauty! The longer you can entangle him in queries and taking lessons on driving, the longer I will get to search for my…. (her chin dipped)… to search for my honor!

Meenakshi held my arms and her eyes were as if begging me seeking help.

Me: Meenakshi… what’s this? Hold your head high! I will try my level best to keep that man engaged… don’t worry my dear….

Meenakshi: Thanks Madam. Thanks a lot!

We were back in the ashram and could notice reconstruction work was yet to be started as the debris was still being cleared. All the four disciples of Guru-ji along with other known faces like Pande-ji, Master-ji, Chotu, Ramlal etc. and some other villagers were engaged in the cleaning up process with Guru-ji supervising everything.

Meenaskhi knocked at my room at 4 p.m.

Me: Arre it’s only 4 p.m. Meenakshi…. He said to come at 5 p.m.

Meenakshi: Madam… you are forgetting one thing… you have to dress like a college girl and you cannot leave in that attire from the ashram… isn’t it? So we need that extra time….

Me: Ya… Right, right! I missed that completely…

She did not allow me to waste much time in my dressing and I quickly combed my hair and dbangd my sari somehow on my figure and went off with her as she wanted me to spend time on my dressing etc. at that place where we went in the morning (where I changed to the short salwar kameez).

Meenakshi: Madam this time I will not be there and you will be all alone with that bastard and I want you to kill the cat at the very first night!

Me: Meaning?

We had entered into that house where we had come in the morning. The housewife again greeted me with a smile.

Meenakshi: Madam, I do not want to take a chance… frankly I just want you to look very attractive today so that Mahesh just falls flat for you!

Me: I can understand the plan Meenakshi… I will definitely try for that…

Meenakshi: Madam, you have such a lovely figure… such big dense breasts… such a lovely round ass … such firm thighs…

I obviously was feeling quite tight to be praised like that in front of another woman as she was a complete stranger to me. My ears automatically started to get red.

Meenakshi: Madam, don’t be shy please… Kiyu re Kiran… am I exaggerating? (Kiran was the name of that woman)

Kiran: Nehi didi! You are absolutely right! Madam… you indeed have a very tight and enviable figure!

Meenakshi: See Madam… even an outsider converges with me … that’s why I am saying don’t be shy and accentuate your treasure…

Me (almost with a completely red and flushed face): Okay… okay… but I mean… how?

Meenakshi: Madam simply through your feminine appeal!

I looked questionably at Meenakshi. The other woman Kiran was still looking at my admiringly!

Meenakshi: Madam… don’t forget that Mahesh is an experienced campaigner… that bastard must not catch you that you are acting out… so you need to camouflage your shortcomings through your appeal.

Me: You are right! I am already having goosebump if he asks anything about my father’s car… the story that you have already given him! Oh no! What would I say!

Meenakshi: I know that Madam… I know that… I am not also educated to give you any details about a car… that’s the reason Madam I was stressing you for some… I mean provocative dressing so that the bastard does not get an opportunity to divert his attention and ask you questions that might embarrass you.

I closed my eyes for a while and thought that Meenakshi’s suggestion might just work which would actually enable me to avoid such ‘tricky’ questions about “my father’s car”, etc. about which I hardly had any tangible knowledge.

Me: That’s actually not a bad proposal Meenakshi… I will be quite safe that way!

Meenakshi: Trust me Madam… you will simply not face any questions regarding your home car if you can divert that rascal’s attention.

Me: Yes I hope so!

Meenakshi: Arre… Madam relax… you are so blessed…. you have such a rousing outline… kiyu Kiran?

Kiran: Ha didi beshaq!

Me: Oh! Again you have started Meenakshi….

Meenakshi: I can’t stop myself Madam… Okay Kiran, bring the dress that I have selected… we really don’t have much time! And remember I will have to get back and broke into Mahesh’s house…

Me: Where does he live?

Meenakshi: That’s the problem Madam… it’s quite far off from here… I have to take a bus from the main road. So you need to show that you want to learn and practice for a longer period of time.

Me: I see. I didn’t know that… Yes, I will surely try to do that.

By that time Kiran had brought my dress. It was a blue colored churidar suit. As she unfolded the suit in front of me, it appeared to be quite sleek in appearance with embroidery work on the margins.

Meenakshi: Madam, this will surely kill Mahesh (she smiled wickedly).

Although the kameez (the top half of the dress) did not vary drastically than a salwar suit, it is the bottom part of the ensemble that made the difference. While the normal salwar, which I am habituated to wear, is loose and features pleats thereby imparting a baggy effect, this churidar was undoubtedly more body fitting and I was actually wondering how would I get my legs inside those ‘skinny’ legs of the dress! The top half was also rather short; in fact shorter than the kameez that I wore in the morning to Mahesh.

I took the dress and went to the adjacent room to change. I removed my sari, petticoat and blouse and quickly checked and adjusted my panty to stretch adequately over my naked ass globes and inserted my fingers inside the panty front to scratch my thick bush for a while to feel ‘comfortable’. Then I adjusted my bra a bit so that my mammaries appeared more lifted and firm as in the back of my mind it was continuously playing that I had to look appealing so that Mahesh remains diverted and did not catch me on the wrong foot with any cumbersome questions regarding cars. I used my handkerchief to wipe of the tiny beads of sweat on my cleavage and then unfolded the churidar set to reexamine it before trying.

As I reviewed the pajama I was shocked to note the light texture of the fabric. It seemed to be almost see through as I hung it up in the air and extremely slim in alignment especially for a woman like me who possessed quite well rounded fleshy thighs. I could gather that it would undoubtedly stick to my legs like the modern day leggies which are worm by the teenagers.
I picked up the kameez as I was already getting a bit concerned within myself due to it short length especially with this flimsy pajama of the churidar set. Moreover it was sleeveless which would cause my whole arms to remain exposed. I held the kameez at my shoulder and tried to trace its length on my body in front of the mirror.

“Oh no!” I exclaimed within myself as I noticed the length was shorter than the usual mini kuti or a short salwar suit. I tried to stretch the dress by dragging its hem, but still it was just about covering my choot area! I was obviously upset as to what would happen when I actually wear it!

I knew Meenakshi was anxiously waiting outside and time was limited and hence I did not have any other option but to wear that. I kept it aside and started wearing the pajama sitting on the stool. It was indeed not an easy task for me to get that pajama up my fleshy thighs though my legs were absolutely hairless and smooth. As I pulled up the pajama up my legs I could easily realize that it was absolutely skin tight and I was starting to look awfully sexy. As my thighs were a bit sweaty by that time, the job was all the more difficult. When I finally pulled up and tied the pajama at my waist, I could note numerous folds forming towards my ankle area which was giving it a great look, but I could not entirely discount the flimsy nature of the fabric of the pajama. As I looked through the mirror I was honestly quite disgusted to find myself exposing like that – the anatomy of my legs and thighs were so vividly advertised through that sheer skin-hugging pajama!

“Hai daiya!” was my involuntary exclamation as I turned and bent slightly to pick up the kameez and happened to look back at the mirror. At that point of time since I was clad only in my bra on the upper half of my body, I could clearly see my pajama-covered bottoms, which generally always remains covered under my kameez when I wear a salwar suit.

And there lied the shock!

The pajama was so tight fitting that not only my big round ass cheeks were clearly outlined, but also my panty line was pretty much evident through the semi-trasnparent fabric of the pajama! I quickly got into the kameez which thankfully decently fitted me. Though it was sleeveless type, it was not too tight on my figure; though my mammaries appeared quite prominent through it, but once I put the dupatta in place I looked somewhat elegant. But for me the concerning part remained the length of the dress; the hem was horribly short and ended almost midway about my big pumpkin ass!

I stretched the kameez as far as possible on my figure with my hands and finished things and prepared to get out of the room as I could hear anxious Meenakshi knocking at the door. As I checked myself in the mirror from all angles, I noted that the cut of the kameez near my waist on two sides were so uppishly placed that almost the whole bulge of my round ass covered in that skin-tight white pajama was visible to anyone from the sides!

Meenakshi: Are you done Madam? We are running out of time…

Me: Yes, yes, done baba!

I stepped out of the room.

Meenakshi: Wow! Madam, you look so sexx…. rrr…. so appealing!

Kiran: Sach! Kisi ki nazar na laage!

Meenakshi came near me and held me by my arms; she hugged me and kissed my cheeks as a token of appreciation. Though I was still in some discomfort due to the exposing nature of this churidar-suit, but the way Meenakshi hugged me and kissed my cheeks I was blushing and giggling heavily.

Meenakshi: Frankly Madam, stop wearing the salwar kameez when you are back home and wear these sort of modern chudidar suits… you look so tempting and pleasing… if your husband sees you in this dress… he will just pick you up in his arms…

Me: Oh Meenakshi… will you stop!

I continued to blush and giggle especially in presence of the third woman, Kiran.

Meenakshi: Madam, remove the dupatta… I am damn sure you will look much more enticing without that and destined to kill that bastard….

I resisted instantly as when I was checking in the mirror I looked rather indecent with my twin conical boobs jutting out of the dress. Moreover, now coming in more light in this room I found the fabric of the kameez also rather thin and my bra outline was quite clearly visible through it. I ought to have worn an inner for this churidar suit.

Me: No, no… no way Meenakshi… I checked there… am looking err… rather vulgar without the dupatta and look at the cuts here… its so high!

Meenakshi: Madam, its not high… that’s how the modern churidar suits are cut! Just look! It gives such a beautiful hide and seek view of your big round gaaaand!

Me: You naughty!

Meenakshi: But Madam… think of the threat … Mahesh… one nail would fix him… He he he….

Me: No, no… I am already quite uncomfortable with the cut… and see the thinness of the fabric… you should have kept an inner for me… look… if I remove the dupatta the bra is so clearly visible! No, no… I can’t take off the dupatta….
Meenakshi: Madam… see if you remove it… Uhhh! Its adding such great compliments to your figure that Mahesh will instantly sink it! You are looking so stunning….

Me: Ohhh! Will you stop Meenakshi…

Meenakshi: Okay baba, let the dupatta remain… Kiran, quickly tie madam’s hair neatly in a knot… top knot would be the best… that way she will look even prettier.

Kiran: Okay.

In another 10 minutes we were out for the Gangu kuwa point after Kiran did a light makeup for me.

Meenakshi (as we walked hurriedly through the village path): Madam… everything depends on you… please keep a calm head… you are from Varanasi, if Mahesh asks even deeper… say you live at Assi Ghat… okay Madam?
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