Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Sunita Bhabie: No, no… I mean… actually…
Ritesh: Actually Anita, you know, the waves are so forceful up there that somehow Bhabie’s petticoat was swept
away and hence she is feeling ashamed. But it was the same for me also… I also lost my shorts too. What to do?
The waves are just too commanding and violent there.
Me: O! I see.
I replied very innocently and normally so that they do not feel uncomfortable.
Me: Don’t feel ashamed Bhabie. It’s us only! No one else is here.
The rickshaw-puller and Ritesh was quickly carrying Bhabie towards the shore and I followed them. As they
approached the shore, the water level was significantly down here and Bhabie’s naked ass, choot, and legs were
fully exposed to all of us in clear daylight. She was totally naked below her waist hanging in air being held by hands
and legs by two men.
The scene was just awesome! Seeing a matured married woman like that was just unbelievable! I noticed that
Bhabie had closed her eyes, in shame probably. Now we could locate a small red crab clinging to her big toe of left
foot and a blood clot in that region.
Rickshaw-puller: As I expected Sahib, it’s a crab. They are very dangerous.
Ritesh: But we don’t have any medicine here! Blood is coming out.
Rickshaw-puller: Relax Sahib! I will take care.
As they kept Bhabie on the sands at the shore, the two men seemed mesmerized getting an unhindered view of
Bhabie’s hairy choot. The slit was very long and dense silky pubic hairs ran throughout both flanks of her choot.
Anyone could recognize that Bhabie’s choot was an overused one and she definitely has had a happy married life as
the pussy lips had hung open without any external effort.
Sunita Bhabie: Anita, give me something…. Please… I can’t remain like this forever.
Rickshaw-puller: Madam, first let me get that thing out of your feet, otherwise you might get badly poisoned.
Ritesh: Absolutely. Bhabie just keep quiet and be patient. Let him get that crab out first.
Ritesh must have been enjoying the sight of a 40-year-old woman’s open pussy and he wanted her to remain in that
state in the open for some more time. He himself was naked and his lund was dangling in the air so awkwardly. He
was time and again scratching and tickling his dick seeing Bhabie’s matured choot. I was definitely feeling very odd
as naturally my eyes time and again was directed towards his lund as it swayed in the air. I sat near Bhabie’s head
and was consoling her.
The rickshaw-puller seemed an expert at this job and quickly got the crab out of Bhabie’s toe and there was
profuse bleeding from the injured spot. I was surprised to see that he did not throw away the crab to the sea, but
prisoned it in a handkerchief.
Me: Arre! Why are you keeping the crab?
Rickshaw-puller: I do not know how much poison it has injected in Madam’s body, I may need this crab later to take
out the poison.
Ritesh: Is it possible? Really?
Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib! You city people won’t know these village tricks, but I hope we don’t need that.
Ritesh: Thanks yaar. Good to have you, otherwise we would have been in trouble. Uff! Anita, you know, I got pretty
scared when Bhabie first screamed. How do you feel now Bhabie?
Sunita Bhabie: It’s paining more… the crab being removed!
Ritesh: Eh? How can that be?
Rickshaw-puller: Madam, as I said these crabs have poison in their claws and it has injected that in your body. I
need to get the venom out. Sahib, some more work left.
Ritesh: Okay, but how to do that?
Rickshaw-puller: I will suck that out. Will take some time, but Madam will be fully okay.
Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh, please… take me to a cover… I am feeling very uncomfortable to lie in the open like this.
Anita… you can feel naa…
Ritesh: Okay, okay. But where to find a cover in this beach?
Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, here is your shorts and Madam’s petticoat. Lets take her to the temple.
Ritesh: Temple? Where on earth did you get a temple here?
Rickshaw-puller: Just behind that bush. It’s an abandoned temple. No one uses it.
Ritesh: Okay. Anita, help Bhabie to wear this.
Ritesh quickly got into his shorts and I wrapped Bhabie’s lower half with that wet petticoat. She looked
extraordinarily decent as I did that after reaming without any cover on her pussy and ass for such a long time!
Rickshaw-puller: Quick Sahib! If we are late, the poison will spread.
Ritesh: Right, right.
They again held Bhabie like they had taken her out of the water and this time I aided in holding her head. None of
us noticed that broken structure behind the bush prior. It was a temple, but that has to be very long back; only
some remains of the original structure represented its entity. Bhabie was laid on the floor of the temple and she
was actually reporting some acute pain in her left leg now.
Rickshaw-puller: Don’t worry Madam, it will be okay in some minutes if you are patient. Sahib, come here once.
The two men whispered amongst each other and Bhabie looked very anxious.
Ritesh: Anita, can you do us a favor?
Me: What?
Ritesh: He says that since this is a temple and if any local person sees him here, that would be lead to a big chaos
and turmoil, as he is belongs to low caste.
Me: These things still remain here?
Rickshaw-puller: Madam, though we work in the city for our livelihood, we basically are from the village and these
things are very stringent here.
Me: Okay, I can understand. What do you want me to do?
Ritesh: You just stand outside and keep your eyes open. If you see any local person coming towards this place, just
alert us. That’s all.
I agreed and went outside the temple, but after some moments only my sixth sense was knocking me to keep an eye
on the two males. I was pretty sure that Ritesh would not leave Bhabie today without fucking, but this crabincident
seemed to have put an obstacle in his way. I immediately shifted my position from the front of the temple
to its backside and I made my way through the shrubs and bushes and tried to be as silent as possible. Soon I
discovered an opening in the wall from where I could view the spot where Bhabie was lying. I felt like patting my
back myself!
I could hear Ritesh and that man’s voice very clearly.
Ritesh: He is an expert in this Bhabie. If you do not agree to what he says the poison will spread to your body. Why
don’t you understand? Would you like to go to the hospital then?
Sunita Bhabie: No, but… Ritesh… how can I…. I am a woman afterall.
Ritesh: Bhabie! Please. Which is more important, you decide yourself – this poison proliferating in your body or your
Sunita Bhabie: That’s okay, but still… Err… he is an outsider…
Ritesh: Bhabie, will you ever get a crab bite in your life? No naaa… so…
Sunita Bhabie: Hmm… okay…but please ask him to do it fast.
Ritesh: Sure Bhabie.
Rickshaw-puller: Madam, there is no other way. As I said, I will first taste the blood from your toe and then will
taste blood from the cut I have just made. If there is a difference in taste, then you are saved, otherwise…
Sunita Bhabie: O God!
Ritesh: Don’t waste time. Proceed.
Rickshaw-puller: Okay Sahib!
The rickshaw-puller sat near Bhabie’s feet and first took her left foot and raised it significantly to his mouth level.
Automatically Bhabie’s petticoat hiked up and a sexy upskirt was in offer. I noted Ritesh was ogling at that. The
man started sucking her toe and she was visibly very uncomfortable at this action. Bhabie must be getting some
stimulation as she felt the hot tongue on her toe. Then he raised his mouth and came over Bhabie’s body on her fair
thighs. He directly raised her petticoat up her legs exposing Bhabie’s smooth plump thighs. Again her legs were
almost fully uncovered and they looked like two banana trees. The rickshaw-puller took his mouth on her left thigh
and started sucking the cut mark there. That cut mark must have been made while I was outside the room. Bhabie
now looked very sexy with just a bra and her raised petticoat and that man’s tongue licking the cut area on her

Sunita Bhabie: Oooooo….. Usssssssssh!
I could well realize that Bhabie was unable to control her expressions and like any matured woman she was starting
to moan getting a suck in her mid thighs. I noticed Ritesh was watching the whole process and was openly
scratching his stiff lund inside his shorts sitting by Bhabie’s side. It looked so very vulgar that way he was doing
the scratching through his wet shorts.
Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, hard luck! The taste is the same! The poison has already reached till this part of Madam’s
Ritesh: Oh! Anyway, go ahead. What needs to be done has to be done. Bhabie please cooperate and hopefully
everything will be all right. But oh! This time I will surely catch a cold if I continue to wear this wet thing.
Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib, get rid of that.
Ritesh immediately got up and opened his shorts very casually and got naked in front of Bhabie and that man.
Surely Bhabie was having a “tough” time – had the crab bite, lost her petticoat in the water current, Ritesh
snatched off her panty, and time and again seeing an elder male fully naked. I noticed Ritesh was standing just near
her head and Bhabie surely was getting a great view of his erect lund and his balls.
Ritesh: Bhabie you will also catch a cold if you continue to wear that wet blouse!
Sunita Bhabie: Y… yes? No, no, I am okay.
Bhabie stammered as she was attentively watching his stiff naked penis.
Ritesh: What okay? Do you want to additionally catch a fever in getting cured from this crab bite?
Saying that he sat down on the floor on his naked ass and attempted to open Bhabie’s blouse.
Sunita Bhabie: Eiiii… What are you doing? Please don’t.
Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! Everything can be seen through this… No use wearing this wet rag, I tell you.
Sunita Bhabie: May be… but still…. Ritesh, don’t open it. Please.
Ritesh: See… it’s sopping wet, you will catch a cold my dear. Be a good girl!
In trying to gauge how much wet her blouse was, Ritesh was actually playfully caressing her big round tits directly.
When he saw Bhabie was reluctant to take off her blouse, he openly grabbed her both boobs with his tow hands
and started squeezing them while Bhabie remained lied on the floor. I could well understand that Bhabie was in a
hopeless position and within minutes Ritesh was able to persuade her and stripped her off her blouse in front of
that rickshaw-puller. Bhabie now lay in her wet white brassiere and petticoat, the latter had already climbed up
alarmingly over her plump thighs.
Rickshaw-puller: Sahib shall I proceed?
I wondered what the plan was and anxiously remained glued to this very erotic setting.
Rickshaw-puller: Madam, as I said, I shall take saliva from your mouth and spread it there…
I was shocked to notice the man indicating to Bhabie’s gaand!
Rickshaw-puller: …and then use the crab to extract the venom from your body. Don’t worry Madam, have faith on
me. Actually this is a belief that goes with us. If the poison spreads into one’s body from a crab bite, the crab is
allowed to bite that person once again and we believe when the crab tastes the same blood, it in fact sucks the
poison back.
Ritesh: Hmm… seems logical!
Sunita Bhabie: But… I am really uncomfortable with that part…
Ritesh: Oho Bhabie, we just had a talk on this. You only told that you don’t want to reveal this incident to Uncle and
that’s why I suggested you just tell you cut your toe on a shell on the shore…
Sunita Bhabie: No, no, that’s all right, but…
Ritesh: But what? You want to hide the second bite from Uncle and surely if its on your hand, leg, or abdomen,
Uncle might easily spot it! I thought his suggestion was brilliant! If the cut is made on your gaand, it would be the
safest bet. That part always remains covered with your sari, salwar-kamiz, or nighty - whatever you wear.
Sunita Bhabie: I agree, but still Ritesh…
Ritesh: Arre! Again but! Then as a precaution just make sure that for the next few days you always wear a panty
below your sari so that Uncle can’t see the cut mark.
Sunita Bhabie: Uff! Will you teach me on that? I agree on that, but… can you not take my saliva?
Ritesh: Hmm. Hey you? What do you say?
Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, if Madam feels she is comfortable giving her saliva to you, certainly you can pick it up.
Ritesh: Bah! Fine. Are you satisfied now? Uff! Bhabie… The way you are behaving naa….
Saying that he openly pinched Bhabie’s juicy boob from above her brassiere in front of the rickshaw-puller. Bhabie
seemed to be quite immune to this sort of shamelessness by now!
Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, you fill your fingers with Madam’s saliva and then rub it on her gaand. Madam, you need to
take off your pe… I mean your petticoat.
Sunita Bhabie: Huh!
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-02-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by behka - 29-01-2020, 12:35 PM

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