Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Meenakshi: Be steady my dear… You are shuffling too much… Ahhh… okay, it’s… its done.

Meenakshi stood up with the tube and carefully placed it in a closed beaker type apparatus.

Meenakshi: Natasha… one thing. You don’t have to make a mention about this to any of the other disciples… you know…. since this because this is purely a feminine process and you would feel awkward also… so just keep it to yourself.
Natasha: Obviously aunty! How could I relate this to a male… no way!

After some more casual chat Natasha went to her room as her sister Sudha was alone there.

Meenakshi: Madam, your work is done!

Me: Uhhh! Meenakshi… thanks a lot! I don’t have words to express my gratitude!

Meenakshi: Madam I will keep my finger crossed till Guru-ji clears you… I must be very watchful!

Me: Right, right! But… but you were mentioning about some blackmail.

Meenakshi: Yes Madam. Now that the work is done, I can share with you. Actually a few months ago this man, who is blackmailing me, came to Guru-ji for horoscope and some other purposes. He was a frequent visitor and Guru-ji was fond of talking to him. In the process he also chatted with me when he got the opportunity and… and in fact I also liked him initially. He was a young man with a good physique and Madam though I am Guru-ji’s devotee…. you know… at times…. with advancing age an affinity automatically grows towards young males. I could not restrain myself…

Me: I can understand Meenakshi.

Meenakshi looked at the floor and nodded her head. I stepped forward and placed my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Then?

Meenakshi: He invited me to meet outside the ashram. Honestly I was somewhat frustrated with the strongly enforced ashram rules and… and I committed myself in this not even knowing that this thug was….

She clenched her lips and was vigorously nodding her head. There were hint of tears in her eyes also.

Me: Meenakshi… I will be with you to get out of this… don’t worry! Please continue…

Meenakshi: Thanks Madam. I am already feeling better with your verbal support. (she paused for a while) Huh! We started meeting outside may be once in a week without the knowledge of anyone in the ashram and Madam, unsurprisingly I was getting refreshed till the time I was with him…

Me: Hmm. what’s his name?

Meenakshi: Mahesh!

Me: Umm. Meenakshi & Mahesh?

Meenakshi: He is now just a dirty pervert to me Madam… just a dirty thug!

Me: Then what happened?

Meenakshi: Then with time he indulged me into … (nodding vigorously) I never ever could realize for a moment that he had such filthy plans! You know Madam I was so pleased initially that he did not have those hungry looks at my body and he did not show any great keenness also to touch me when he got the opportunities. That added to my faith as well. We went to see a movie down the village and it was so much fun after a long time for me! I really felt refreshed with him, but… but (Meenakshi again started nodding her head vigorously)… it was all planned! Huh!

I softly held her hands and tried to give her some support.

Meenakshi: Then the plan hatched! One day he proposed me to visit the town for a big fair there. It was a trap. I never realized.

Me: Trap? How?

Meenakshi: I took a day off from ashram and went with him. We were pretty tired traversing the whole fair on foot and he proposed to take rest in a small roadside dharamsala where we could have bath also to get fresh.

Meenakshi’s chin dropped and a tinge of redness covered her face as she was about to touch the climax of her story.

Meenakshi: It was a single room and the setting was such Madam…

Me: Hmm… I can understand… but its natural also Meenakshi… you both liked each other…

Meenakshi: Yes at that point of time I was blind… Huh! The trap was set and…

For the first time I could see hint of tears in Meenakshi’s eyes. Naturally I was anxious to know what exactly happened to her.

Meenakshi: Madam that bastard had set an automatic camera there and captured all my intimate moments with him… plus myself in undressed or almost undressed conditions!

Me: What?

Meenakshi: Yes Madam, now he threatens to share that with Guru-ji and the villagers also!

Me: My God! What a dirty scoundrel! But… but you did not realize that…

Meenakshi: Madam… I was so engrossed… you can understand probably…

Me: Hmm… I can!

Meenakshi: I never could gauge his intentions…

Me: What does he want?

Meenakshi: Enjoyment… aur kya!

Me: Uff! These males…. and you cannot deny him due to ...
Meenakshi: Exactly Madam… he is blackmailing and milking my body based on those photographs and… and am quite helpless… (she dropped her chin and was looking at the floor; she was indeed tearful)

Me: I would love to help you to get out of this situation… but how? How Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: Madam, when you said that you will extend your help to me I instantly coined a plan to pin down that crook.

Me: How?

Meenakshi: Madam, let me plan it a bit more concretely as I must get out of his dirty clutches. I will tell you everything, but not now. I am getting late to Guru-ji, but be rest assured that blackmailer would not be able to harm you in any way.

Me: Okay, okay… then hurry to Guru-ji… that’s of utmost importance.

Meenakshi: Right Madam!

Saying that Meenakshi went out the room with the swab she had collected from Natasha’s vagina. I rested for a while and had my dinner early and went to bed. Indeed I was awfully tired and thinking of how to trap that blackmailer, I fell asleep.

Next day when I arose it was quite late and as I noticed the clock it was 09:00 a.m.! I quickly got out of the bed and went to the toilet. I was feeling wonderfully fresh after the deep sleep I had and as I washed my face I felt delightfully charged up and full of energy. I was already informed that I needed to attend Guru-ji by 11 a.m. and I should not take a shower as I would have to take that during the “nirmalta parikshan”. I was naturally tremendously hungry and so gulped down my breakfast pretty fast and went for a walk around the ashram so that I was absolutely refreshed before I attended Guru-ji. Concurrently I was also anxious to know if everything was okay from Meenakshi.

“Good morning Bhabie!”

I stopped and turned back. It was Natasha; her sister Sudha was also with her.

Me: Arre you! Good morning!”

It was good to see that they were also clad in ashram colors, though not a sari, but a decent looking ghagra-choli. As I came closer to the two girls I thought Natasha should have used a chunri/dupatta as the conical shape of her twin upright breasts in her tight choli was quite eye-catching!

Natasha: Taking a morning walk Bhabie?

Me: Yes, sort of. So how was your first night at the ashram? Did you sleep well? And… and what about you? (I indicated to Sudha)

Sudha: Yes Bhabie, had some good sleep.

Me: And how do you feel like… I mean here?

Sudha: Just great…. No gichgich… no chipchip of mom.

Both sisters were smiling and I could see the reflection of “independence” on their faces being outside the periphery of their mother’s guidance.

Me: Hmm… that’s good to know (smile). You look pretty similar… actually I didn’t notice yesterday in the dark… I mean face-wise… what’s your age difference actually?

Natasha: Am only two years elder than her. Am 19 now and Sudha is 17.

Though the gap was only two years, Natasha appeared much fuller physically and looked pretty matured. Sudha still retained the teenage innocence in the true sense of the term and her body was somewhat petite compared to her elder sister.

Me: I see!

Just then I saw Nirmal coming towards us hurriedly.

Me: The joker is coming... (I said in a whispering tone)

As both girls looked back they were naturally quite amused. Nirmal was a short man and the way he was walking, trying to walk fast, made it quite a comical scene.

Nirmal: Madam… Guru-ji is (puff) … is calling you now.

I noticed the nitwit eyeing the tight tits of the young girls, especially Natasha.

Me: But he said to meet him at …

Nirmal (this time looking up at me): Yes Madam… that’s for the “nirmalta parikshan”… but now he wanted to talk to you on some other issue…

I was stiff and alert then and there! “Other issue” – what could it be? Was Meenakshi “caught” regarding my vaginal swab? My goodness! No, no, can’t be!

Me: O! Okay! Na… Natasha, you two carry on, I will…

Natasha: Sure Bhabie. No problems.

Nirmal: You two… you also get back to your room and stay ready… Guru-ji will call you soon.

Natasha and Sudha nodded to Nirmal and we all started walking back towards the ashram. I already was having palpitations inside and stepped into Guru-ji’s room with an extremely anxious face and a pounding heart.

Guru-ji: Ah! Come Anita come.

I quickly adjusted my sari pallu once over my boobs and stepped towards Guru-ji who was sitting on the small settee placed at the room corner.

Guru-ji: You look absolutely fresh my dear!

Guru-ji sounded very calm and seemed to be in a light mood today.

Me: Yes Guru-ji, had a very deep uninterrupted sleep (smile) Err… Nirmal was saying that…

Guru-ji: Yes, actually you know, I felt I should say “sorry” to you!

Naturally I was quite surprised hearing that and frowned at him though unable to utter anything! I was still apprehensive that if Guru-ji had caught the trick that Meenakshi and I had planned.

Guru-ji: Beti, now that you have stayed in my ashram for a few days you know every well that I have to stay within the rules of the ashram and I cannot violate that on any condition… hence though I knew that your vaginal swab would not reveal anything… I had to pursue with it. I checked the swab which Meenakshi collected from you and it was negative for any sexual stains.

Me: Oh! (I was so relieved that I could not stop that “sigh of relief” coming out of my mouth!)

Guru-ji: Beti, though I was sure about your abstinence from sex I had to execute that test… so actually I thought of saying…

Me: Guru-ji… please don’t say that…. Please! You are such a respected person… I will feel very small if you apologize to me for such a silly reason. It’s absolutely okay and I am… in fact glad that everything is okay.

Guru-ji: yes, yes… everything is okay and we will next proceed to Nirmalta Parikshan. And I am confident that you will pass that with flying colors too as well as the concluding part of the Maha-yagya tonight.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji.
Guru-ji looked so calm! His gaze fixed on my face. He was wearing only a saffron dhoti and uttariya (shawl like cloth covering the upper part of the body) and had one of his legs folded on the settee. I could see his hairy legs peeping out of his dhoti, which had indecently hiked up his muscular legs due to his posture. As I looked up his partially uncovered legs, my heart beat stopped thinking of his monstrous cock hidden under his dhoti!

Instantly I remembered the grand fuck that I had in his hands – Ah! It was so refreshing! How can I forget his tight embraces, his strong body odor, his big masculine physique, and of course his monstrous cock and the superb ramming! I enjoyed every bit of it! I was naturally flushed by my naughty thoughts.

Guru-ji: Umm… Anita…

I was almost startled as I was getting deeply immersed in the thoughts of those moments I spent with Guru-ji!

Guru-ji: What happened Anita?

Guru-ji looked at me questioningly and I was visibly fumbling!

Me: Nope… err… no… nothing Guru-ji!

I tried to smile and act normally.

Guru-ji: Okay! Seemed you were immersed in some deep thoughts…

Me: No, no Guru-ji… its… its…

How could I tell him that I was engulfed in the thoughts of “him” only! I almost trembled in momentary excitement as I closed my eyes once thinking about the long and shameless intercourse session that I had with him. I could feel the known discomfort already inside my panty!

Guru-ji: Okay, okay! But Anita I wanted to ask you that whether you experienced any side effect to the herbal medications that you consumed? Even anything minor?

Me: No, no Guru-ji. Its absolutely fine with me. I diuretic not experience any.

Guru-ji: That’s good to know and… and actually you should feel a change in your energy level also. These herbs do significantly address that aspect also.

Me: Yes… surely Guru-ji. That change I can feel. I am much more energetic than I was previously. (Otherwise how could I sustain three fucks in a day!, I said to myself!)

Guru-ji: Good, good. That’s only expected. And with the continued and appropriate use of these herbal mixtures and oils you will surely flourish more as a woman Beti. Your relation with your husband would thrive as well and you will have a merry mind always, which in fact is a fundamental prerequisite of conceiving you know…

Me: I also expect that Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Don’t worry at all Anita… I have complete faith on my meds and Linga Maharaj! And today with the conclusion of Maha-yagya you will just be on the right track! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Ji Guru-ji! Jai Linga Maharaj!

We both offered a pranam towards the deity of Linga Maharaj in the room. Guru-ji lowered his leg to the floor and got up from his seat.

Guru-ji: Can you please call Sudha and Natasha… I do not want to delay with the “Nirmalta Parkshan” process.

Honestly I was a bit curious about this process and could not stop inquiring Guru-ji.

Me: Guru-ji… err… ye “Nirmalta Parikshan”… I mean what’s the….

Guru-ji easily read my mind and interrupted me.

Guru-ji: Beti… since there has been an interlude in the Maha-yagya and you had been out of the ashram for a significant period of time… this process will again orient you to the yagya process in addition to help purify your mental and physical state. Now you can go and call those two girls.

The last few words were quite affirmative and self explanatory that Guru-ji was not expecting any more questions. Guru-ji’s smiling face rapidly turned into his usual stern emotionless face. I nodded and quickly turned back and went out for Sudha and Natasha.

Myself, Sudha, and Natasha were in the Diksha Room. There were pictures of various gods and goddesses all round the walls. There was a throne-like structure where Linga Maharaj statue was garlanded with lots of flowers and leaves. Several thick and fragrant agarbattis were burning in the room and the whole atmosphere was quite smoky already! There was a furniture or something like that covered by a big dark cloth. I could not make out what was that actually. Guru-ji was standing in front of the throne with his eyes closed and hands in prayer form about his chest. As I looked round I could not find any other disciple of Guru-ji!

“That’s surprising!”, I murmured within myself. None was there in the room – Sanjeev, Nirmal, Uday, Rajkamal, not even Meenakshi!

I stood behind Guru-ji and offered a prayer to Linga Maharaj and naturally Sudha and Natasha followed suit. Guru-ji was in his usual “diksha” attire – an orange dhoti and an orange uttariya. His hairy chest was clearly visible through his uttariya and in fact one of his nipples was out of the cloth. As I offered the prayer I could not stop eyeing that – his Guru-ji’s nipple was very evident amidst his very hairy chest! I was amazed to see his dark chocolate colored areola as it was appearing so clear and prominent among his chest hairs as if someone drew it! I already had a “racing heart” and I could clearly feel a gentle stir within my blouse with my own nipples subtly getting a tinge stiffer.

Guru-ji (completing the prayer): Ah! You are all here! Great! I would also not waste any more time and go directly into the Nirmalta Parikshan.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. (Sudha & Natasha remained silent)

Guru-ji: Let me first elaborate about the reasoning for this process. Nirmalta as you can easily understand denote purity and cleanliness. And, Parikshan refers to examination. So all of you three will undergo some course of action which would lead to this assessment and of course during this phenomenon your body and soul would get pure. In fact Nirmalta Parikshan has several routes… I mean a number of ways are there to purify body and soul… tantriks and sadhus use the way they have learnt from their Gurus… I will use the one which I have inherited. Am I clear?
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