Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Dr. Desai: Wha…. I mean what happened? Did I say anything weird?

Me & Mama-ji: Yessss!! (chorus again)

Dr. Desai: But what’s so fearful about a hospitalization?

Me: No way! No way doctor! I can’t go there!

Mama-ji: Yes, yes. No way!

Dr. Desai: But…. but please understand… I don’t have adequate tools here to treat this condition and its just a half-day admission and Madam… I mean you will be discharged in the evening only!

Me: Out of question doctor… I will have to get back by evening time!

Dr. Desai: Get back? Get back where?

Mama-ji: Listen… listen doctor… My Bahurani has to get back to a place which is quite far off from here and that schedule cannot be altered under any circumstance.

Dr. Desai: O! I see! (visibly quite surprised) But… err… I mean I have limited resources to combat this allergic condition here. Do you get that point?

Me: Doctor… please do something. I really do not have so much time for hospitalization… Believe me! I have no other option but to get back within that timeframe… but…. but yes, I obviously want to be fully cured before that.

I as if started having palpitations because of this development and it was… it was so unexpected for me!

Dr. Desai: Look Mrs. Singh, it’s not very easy to clear out this reaction without hospital help… I am not saying it’s impossible, but would be very cumbersome you know…

Mama-ji jumped up in joy like a small boy and held Dr. Desai’s hand!

Mama-ji: Doctor if you are saying it’s not impossible… please do the treatment here… we really don’t have the option to go to the hospital.

Dr. Desai: Okay… but am really not comfortable treating Madam further here because the requisite clinical apparatus and drugs are unavailable here!

Mama-ji: Please doctor, for God’s sake… do it here.

Dr. Desai visibly was looking unhappy and surprised the way myself and Mama-ji were pressing him, but he ultimately settled to treat me in-house.

Dr. Desai: Fine. But… but it won’t be easy for you to comply with it I am telling you Mrs. Singh…

Me: Oho doctor! Don’t worry about those things… I will adjust … but please get me completely cured.

Mama-ji: Yes doctor. I want Bahurani to be completely healed before she leaves.

Me: Exactly doctor.

Dr. Desai: Umm… okay…. though I am not fully convinced… still I take your words and will treat you here.

Me & Mama-ji: Thanks a lot doctor (in chorus)

Dr. Desai: Please be patient and give me a few minutes’ time so that I can prepare the antidote for your oral system.

Me: Okay doctor.

I immediately had a brisk eye contact with Mama-ji and we both nodded and felt much relaxed that we could avoid the hospitalization. I had to get back to the ashram by evening time and Mama-ji also knows that very well and now that the doctor had agreed to treat me here, we both breathed normally.

Dr. Desai was ready with his antidote within a few minutes and it was a yellowish liquid that he prepared in a test-tube.

Dr. Desai: This is the remedy which you will need to keep in your mouth as long as possible Madam for best results.

It seemed simple enough to me and I readily nodded.

Dr. Desai: This solution when get mixed with your saliva and the other parts of your mouth cavity will clear out the remainder oral infection.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, don’t waste time and…

Dr. Desai: No, no… Don’t haste Sir… this will be a slow acting process. We are not even doing it through the regular agent. So… you just be patient. First… Madam, you must check whether you can keep this in your mouth for a long period of time or not?

Me: What?

Dr. Desai: This drug….

Me: O… okay.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed and Dr. Desai was standing beside it while he was preparing the medicine.

Dr. Desai: (coming very near to me) Open your mouth Madam. I will trickle two drops for tasting purpose.

I opened my mouth wide for Dr. Desai to trickle the liquid.

Dr. Desai: Okay… bilkul perfect!

As soon as he said that phrase “bilkul perfect” in that setting, I immediately remembered my early teenage days when a compounder used to come to administer some vaccine drops and invariably he also said “bilkul perfect” whenever I opened my mouth wide for him to trickle the droplets of that oral vaccine.

I vividly remember the incident because that old compounder did something additional which kept me “alert” all day after he left! I used to call him “compounder-chacha” and I was only 13-14 years of age and was quite innocent to gather what he did while administering the vaccine. He invariably held my shoulder when he asked me to open my mouth and when he brought the vaccine bottle close to my mouth he himself bent and slipped his hand off my shoulder to my arm. It was probably a 10-12 drop dose, but that man took a long time as he trickled only one drop at a time. My mother always remained present there, but she probably concentrated only on the arm administering the vaccine and must had been quite ignorant about the other hand of compounder-chacha.

Compounder-chacha used to hold my arm just above my elbow and his thumb would invariably poke and rub my perky tit over my top or whatever I wore. At that age when I was at home I did not wear a brassiere and since compounder-chacha used to come to our house to administer the vaccine, he always would find me in a braless state. My breasts though at that age were naturally pretty small, but were developing and rubber-tight in nature. Moreover, in those days the tops that I used to wear were pretty thin and when compounder-chacha poked his thumb deep and strong on my nimble tits, I felt as if he was touching my naked breasts! I used to feel hot, my ears got red, and my tiny nipples would raise their heads inside my dress. And… compounder-chacha would unmistakably trace my nipple over my dress at one go and pressed his thumb right over it while he trickled the vaccine in my mouth.

Though on initial days, I got scared and coiled in, my heart drummed so loud that I feared that my mom would listen to it! But… but unknowingly I also liked the whole sensation! It was naturally a taboo for me, but as soon as his thumb pressed on my tiny tit, I started feeling “great”. The whole period of time his thumb pressed and moved over my small breast, the feeling was simply indescribable. And even after compounder-chacha left, the whole day that feeling used to surround me! But since the vaccination process was once in 2-3 months, the effect was fortunately limited.

But one day things just got worse for me because when compounder-chacha came to administer the vaccine, it was raining heavily. My mother closed the windows of my room while compounder-chacha had already opened his vaccine bottle. As I heard “bilkul perfect” while I opened my mouth wide for him, honestly I was clearly anticipating chacha’s thumb any moment on my breast area. Right at that moment my mom requested compounder-chacha to carry on while she would close the other windows of the house as it was raining quite heavily by then. As I heard footsteps of my mom going out of the room, I immediately felt chacha’s thumb of my left breast. In fact I was anticipating it too!
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-02-2019, 12:18 PM
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