Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Me: Then? (I was of course getting quite inquisitive to know more of this case)

Dr. Desai: Then huh… then was another drama…

Mama-ji: Why?

By this time Dr. Desai’s hand had gone up to alarming heights! He had pushed my sari well above my mid thighs and had exposed me till there and I knew this was no check up or examination that he was doing. He was enjoying the feel of my sexy naked thighs – and that too quite openly!

Dr. Desai: I told her that I wanted to inspect if that redness was radiating to other parts of her body or not… but…. (shrugging) she was again refusing adamantly.

Mama-ji: Refusing what?

Dr. Desai: To allow me to check further and ultimately after a lot of wheedling and explaining, I could persuade her to allow me to check her buttocks.

Mama-ji: Oh! Ha ha ha…

Naturally I was not much amused by this laugh and lowered my eyelids. My lips were getting parted as I could feel Dr. Desai’s warm hand encroaching upwards along my plump naked thighs feeling its velvetiness. The worse part was that he was quite openly pressing his thumb on my exposed flesh and was feeling the entire area from my knees to my mid thighs with his “expert” hand and concurrently continuing the chat in the most normal fashion!

Dr. Desai: Fortunately Sir, my patient was wearing a panty under her sari which gave her some security probably. Ha ha ha… Anyway I did discover that the redness traveled to her buttocks too and informed the patient about that. So it was proved that it was not just warmth in her legs which a woman often experiences out of sexu…. Err… I mean thrill or excitement.

I was now slightly concerned that I never checked my legs for any redness when I felt the warmth. The chance of checking my butts was out of question. I tried to figure out that whether it was due to any excitement or not, but was not able to relate completely. Yes, when my husband is around and in mood of lovemaking, I surely generate heat out of my ass and legs, but when he is not around, still I often feel warm in my upper thighs especially before going to bath or when I lay in the bed after lunch. Should I tell that to the doctor? I was undecided as Dr. Desai was still in the mood of groping my legs very inappropriately ignoring Mama-ji’s presence completely!

Dr. Desai: It was a problem of circulation blockade for which she was having such symptoms, the treatment of which I could start only today! The action could have been prompted earlier if she had related the issue to me prior. I mean you know Sir, I always advise my patients that how much silly the issue is… speak out… tell me… let ME decide if it’s to be ignored… you know.

Mama-ji & Me (in chorus): Hmm… True.

Dr. Desai: I hope Mrs. Singh you don’t have any such issues…

Mama-ji: Yes, Bahurani, if you have anything in your mind, you might just clear that out. You will not get Dr. Desai everyday, he is such an experienced doctor at this young age!

Me: Hmm… err… yes, I know Mama-ji… (scratching the back of my neck and shoulders out of my itching syndrome) Umm… I cannot say I do not experience that, but not in a severe way of course.

Dr. Desai: Experience what Madam?

Me: I mean the warmth that you just described.

Dr. Desai: Okay, okay. I see! Umm… did you note that it occurs at a specific time of the day or after any specific activity?

Me: Umm… am really not sure… have not noticed that with precision you know… but…I mean…

Dr. Desai: Fine Madam, you just don’t have to press hard on your mind. Let me make things easier for you… You only consider those cases Madam where you felt warmth in your legs when your husband was not around. You are a… I mean… a young woman and married only for 2-3 years… so it’s not unnatural to have the feeling of warmth often in the upper part of your legs you know…

Mama-ji: Ha ha… and you know doctor our Rajesh also loves her very much.

Mama-ji was smiling looking at me and so was the doctor and obviously I blushed up to my ears in natural feminine shyness. I smiled back very timidly and thank god… now as Dr. Desai was speaking directly to me, he had ceased to move his hand on my thighs and I was naturally able to breathe easily and was less stiff, though his hand still remained in between my left and right thigh in a very indecent position.

Me: Err… Well I get the warmth when umm… I am in bed after lunch.

Dr. Desai: Your husband is away for work at that time I guess.

Me: Yes of course!

Dr. Desai: Okay. Any other time that you can remember Mrs. Singh?

Me: Well doctor I sometimes do feel it before taking a bath …. Though not always… but…

Dr. Desai: Hmm… any other time?

Me: Not really that I can remember.

Dr. Desai: Fine… fair enough. Now tell me Madam, is this warmth that you experience in your legs very significant to hamper your activity… does it keep you in significant discomfort?

Me: Neh… I mean not any discomfort but… but you know… I feel very uneasy…

Dr. Desai: I see. Then Madam I think this is surely not a physiological problem that I can address.

Me: (definitely a bit surprised) Then?

Dr. Desai: This is purely a case of arousal. He he he… You must be getting aroused for some reason… I don’t know exactly how… may be ….

Me: Aroused! (I said in a husky voice)

Dr. Desai: I should not be commenting on this, but… err… surely there’s a reason!

Mama-ji: What reason doctor? Bahurani must know that… isn’t it?
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