Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
He went out to open the main door and I swiftly glanced at my sides and back to check if my bra strap was visible outside the blouse or not. I lay down on the bed properly so that the doctor did not find me in an indecent posture or in disorganized clothes. I was naturally a bit nervous, as I always had remained very uncomfortable in front of male doctors. For this very reason I avoided male physicians when I was not getting pregnancy and I was so skeptical about this issue that I even requested my husband not to consult any male gynecologist for our problem!

Yes, I must admit that after coming to the ashram things have changed drastically for me and the way I was “handled” by several males in the last few days was simply unthinkable! I adjusted to that pretty briskly and honestly I have started “enjoying” the whole phenomenon of arousals, teasing, and sex now! Guru-ji’s step by step treatment surely had made me more mature and adventurous, the latter quality had always been very latent in me, which he had extracted out of me very successfully.

Mama-ji: Come, come doctor!

As I looked towards the door I found a very handsome looking guy coming towards me. As the doctor came nearer, I noticed he was middle aged, around 40, but looked pretty dashing and I could also make out that he takes good care of his health! He was fair-colored and smartly dressed with ironed clothes and polished shoes. Overall, a very impressive look; in fact hardly was I expecting someone so smart as the local community doctor!

Mama-ji: Here is your patient. I am really puzzled what’s happening and where from this rash suddenly developed!

Dr. Desai: Don’t worry Sir now that I am here. You called me just in the nick of time, otherwise I was going out to attend a call some kilometers away. Hello Madam!

I just nodded, as I still was somewhat “preoccupied” by his smart presence. He kept his briefcase on the bed and sat on the chair placed for him.

Mama-ji: Let me brief you again… All these headache, itching, redness, and chest tightness started may be 20 minutes post lunch. I really have no clue as we shared the same food and surprisingly I did not have anything out of it, but my Bahurani…

Dr. Desai: Hmm… Hmm… Anything prior to that?

Mama-ji: We went out for shopping. And… and as I told you she does not even stay here… so I am all the more concerned …

Dr. Desai: Did you consume anything on way or at a street shop?

Mama-ji: No, nothing at all!

Dr. Desai: Fine! Let me investigate now.

Saying that he opened his briefcase and took out a prescription pad and a pen along with a stethoscope, a thermometer, and a small digital machine, which I could not make out what for. I was lying on the bed and Dr. Desai was sitting by the bedside near my belly area. I was a bit anxious, mostly due to my history of nervousness to be checked by a male doctor. I was already breathing a shade heavily and my blouse-covered big conical breasts were already going up and down faster. I was time and again looking down towards my bosom to see if I was looking decent or not. I noticed that my sari was stretched over my breasts a bit too tightly and the movement of my firm breasts due to my breathing was pretty much evident. I immediately loosened the pallu subtly before Dr. Desai looked up at me.

Dr. Desai: Madam, your name please…

Me: Anita… Anita Singh.

Dr. Desai: A-n-i-t-a… Singh (as he scribbled on his prescription pad)… Oh! You know, my wife’s name is also Anita… (he smiled looking up at me)

Me: O! I see! (I smiled back too)

I was still having that terrible itching and feeling of mild chest tightness, but tried my best not to do the scratching at least in front of the doctor.

Dr. Desai: Age?

Me: Twenty… 28.

Dr. Desai: You are married I guess?

Me: Yes doctor.

Dr. Desai: Any issue?

Me: No… not yet.

Dr. Desai: Okay. Are you on any medication right now? Any… I mean any cough and cold preparations or digestive syrups that you take?

Me: No, none.

Dr. Desai: Hmm… Any birth control pill that you are on?

He looked directly at my eyes and I naturally blushed hearing that question and nodded negatively.

Dr. Desai: Actually I need to know these to do the diagnosis correctly. Umm… Mrs….. Singh… right? Can you please brief me regarding your present discomfort?

Me: Yes… Actually it all started as Mama-ji stated about 15-20 minutes post lunch with a mild headache. Then the headache became severe along with itches on my hands and legs, which quickly spread to my whole body and I started noticing redness and a burning sensation on my skin.

Dr. Desai: Okay…

Me: Alongside I developed a feeling of tightness in my… (I pointed to my breasts). Though it’s not too much severe, but a sense of uneasiness is there due to this. And… as you can see the red patches here on my hands and the itching… it’s intolerable… lightly rubbing the area is helping, but…

Dr. Desai: Fine…. I understand. Mrs. Singh, this is definitely an allergic reaction to something, which I need to find out, but since you did not consume any egg or prawn or any street food, it’s unlikely to have triggered out of food. Still… you never know…Actually the problem with allergies is they are of various types and I need to pinpoint the exact type before treating you.

He kept his pen and prescription pad aside and took the stethoscope. Mama-ji had gone to the other side of the bed probably to give more room to the doctor. Dr. Desai had put the stethoscope to his ears and approached me. I naturally was anxious, which had been my history always, to get examined by a male doctor. Though I knew very well that this was just a routine check (and not any gynecologic evaluation), I started having butterflies in my stomach!

Mama-ji: My Bahurani will be cured naa…? She needs to get back to her place by this evening doctor. That’s why I am more concerned…

Dr. Desai: Oh sure! Don’t worry at all. Mrs. Singh, just be rest assured that you can get back to your place in normal state. In fact Sir that’s why I am not administering a general anti-allergic right away. Just give me some time…

Mama-ji: Sure doctor, sure! Please take you time. Since you have said that she can get back by evening, am much relieved. What do you say Bahurani?

Me: Of course Mama-ji.

I was equally concerned like Mama-ji to get back to the ashram by evening time and once the doctor said with confidence that I could get back by that time in normal condition, I was of course quite happy.

Dr. Desai: Don’t worry, don’t worry! (Dr. Desai stood up from his chair and took the stethoscope for examining me) Sit up please…
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-02-2019, 12:14 PM
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