Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
I hurriedly went downstairs with Mr. Pyaremohan where Mama-ji was waiting for me. Like any other adult woman I was very much conscious about my body movements after having sex. I was clearly feeling the known stickiness in my pussy and was involuntarily swinging my hips a shade more than normal as I walked. I was also feeling quite tight under my bra as my mammaries have grown in size after the intercourse. Though Mama-ji greeted me with a big smile and very normally, I was rather stiff from inside. I was wetting my lips time and again with my tongue to act normally and could as if still taste Mr. Pyaremohan’s lips on mine!

Mama-ji: Oh! You ladies take so much time in a sari shop and Bahurani you are no different… He he he…

Me: (smiling cutely) Yes… err… actually took some time to get my… I mean fittings right.

Mama-ji: Okay… okay! I was not bored at all, but your uncle could not stay any longer as he needed to get back home for some chores there. But don’t worry, he has paid the bill here… Ha ha ha…

I smiled wide as the counter salesgirl forwarded me the colorful carry bags.

Pyaremohan: Madam, thanks for visiting our store and please do come back when you are here again. He he he…

My whole body immediately got irritated listening to this man - again, but since Mama-ji was present there, I somehow controlled myself and nodded to him with a smiling face. The bastard was still eyeing my boobs as he talked to me and I was much relieved to get out of that shop, once and for all.

We left Parineeta Store and went to the jeweller. From that shop Mama-ji bought me a very nice pair of gold earrings. Of course like any woman I was extremely happy with the new gold ornament and moreover, I was already very contended at heart feeling rather light and buoyant after that sexy “shooting” that I experienced at Parineeta Store. We already were late and Mama-ji hurried for lunch. He speedily drove back home and packed lunch was waiting for us, as Mama-ji had ordered lunch from a Home Delivery service.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you go for a bath first while I will arrange the plates etc.

Me: Arre… no, no Mama-ji… Me being present why you should do all that!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you are my guest afterall … plus you are new here…

Me: Mama-ji… aap bhi naa! Whatever crockery etc. is required must be in the kitchen only… I will find the needful… you don’t worry at all.

Mama-ji: Hmm… That’s true. Okay then! Let’s do one thing! You use the toilet here while I will use the roof toilet. Then we can be ready for lunch simultaneously. I am pretty hungry already!

Me: (smiling) Yes, that can be done.

Mama-ji handed me a fresh dry towel and showed me how to get warm water if required and then went upstairs for his bath. I locked the door taking with me the towel and the carry bag in which my wet undergarments were there.

Me: Thank God!

I checked my bra and panty and they were more or less dry now! I was much relieved because I did not want to get back to ashram wearing some outside undergarments, as they were obviously not sterilized.

I quickly unclothed myself since I was quite eager to take the bath as my whole body had “impressions” of Mr. Pyaremohan’s touches! His long kisses, his profound fondling, his rude handling, his tight squeezes… everything was so vividly alive in my mind! As I watered my body I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths to get out of that spell. I soaped my body well and while doing that I realized there was still a great deal of pain in my left nipple, which Mr. Pyaremohan tweaked in a very rude way during that shooting episode. The scoundrel!

I looked down at my breasts and checked carefully and noticed that my left nipple undoubtedly appeared rosier and the surrounding areola also looked darker. I tried to soothe the area by lightly rubbing my nipple with my fingers, but it unfortunately had a boomerang effect! Instead of getting a soothing effect, I noted my nipples standing up again and I was feeling tightness at my breasts! I could realize that the hangover of that very prolonged erotic shooting was still very much on my body. I immediately stopped my action and just completed my bath.

Mama-ji: Oh great! You are done already!

Mama-ji had come downstairs after completing his bath and was wearing a fresh vest and a lungi. The hairy upper part of his body was visible through his baniyan.

Me: Yes. Am also quite hungry Mama-ji.

Mama-ji showed me the kitchen where the packed food was kept.

Me: You just wait at the dining table… I will get it ready in a minute!

Mama-ji: Okay Bahurani.

It hardly took five minutes for me to arrange everything.

Mama-ji: Good food, what do you say Bahurani!

Me: Certainly Mama-ji!

We quickly finished our lunch as we both were quite hungry.

Mama-ji: Try this mixed juice that they provide with their lunch packs… it’s a unique digestive drink.

Me (while gulping it down my throat) Umm… very tasty too!

I cleaned up the dining table and we sat on the balcony for a chat. Our discussion was mainly roaming on general topics like weather, city life, etc. and it was around 15-20 minutes that we had completed our lunch that I suddenly developed a headache! It was very strange because hardly did I experience a headache!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you seem to be in some discomfort… Are you okay?

Me: Yes Mama-ji… par… I mean I am having a headache…. Quite suddenly!

Mama-ji: May be the sun was too strong… and you could not bear the heat. Umm… I think you better go inside and take rest.

Me: Ye… yes, that might help!

I could realize the headache was increasing in intensity and I was not feeling completely okay. I followed Mama-ji and he prepared bed for me in his own bedroom.

Mama-ji: I think if you lie down here for a while, you will automatically feel better.

Me: Yes I also feel so…

Mama-ji helped me lie down on the bed, but I could sense that I was feeling more discomfort now other than the headache. I was feeling a sense of itch all over my body and had to rub and chafe my arms in order to feel comfortable. Within moments I started to develop itching on my legs also and I had to rise up and scratch my legs over my sari! Things were getting pretty worse and amazingly quickly! I could now even note some redness on the exposed portions of my hands down my blouse.

Mama-ji: What’s happening Bahurani? Is it some sort of allergy that you have?

Me: No… no I don’t … uff! (scratching my hands) …have any allergies!

Mama-ji: Then? There is clear redness on your hands… let me check…

He sat on the bed and took my right arm in his hands.

Mama-ji: You feel warm Bahurani! Are you developing a temperature or what?

Me: I don’t know Mama-ji… am clueless… I never had anything of this sort before!
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 14-02-2019, 12:13 PM
RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by behka - 29-01-2020, 12:35 PM

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