Adultery The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED)
Update 40 - Om calls Vishal, someone came to see Aditi

Vishal also ordered Om that whenever someone comes to see Aditi when he is at work, to call him immediately on his cell. They exchanged numbers. He also gave Om 1000 bucks to keep all secrets and told him that he will get more if he does proper works for him. Om was happy that he was getting a part-time job to keep eye on Aditi plus he will get to fuck her! He thanked his destiny for that.
That evening Vishal was back home inside at the usual time he comes. He slept in his car in the underground till that time. And Aditi behaved as if nothing had happened, she was loving and caring to Vishal and showed no sign of any other things. Vishal wondered how cunning she is and how easily she could keep her cool after cheating on him for so many month/years!! Vishal was now feeling being fooled by her though he was happy to see what he had been longing from her since always, he never had ever thought that she would have cheated on him. He had always thought that he will ask her to do all that, he had only and always wanted that he would take her to that path and make her sleep with other men..... He had wanted that he would have guided her and she would NEVER do it without his consent...... but he was in a way somewhat affected by what Aditi had done to him.... but that pain was less compared to the joy he got by seeing her being passionately fucked by his father. At times he felt like bursting out and ask her everything, tell her to relate everything since when it all started.... But he again thought let the appropriate time come, not to precipitate things.
That night Vishal did not make love to her. And she did not ask for it, both fell asleep earlier than usual.
Few days went by. Om was waiting for Vishal’s green signal. Vishal was not yet ready for the plan. And one day by 1 PM Om called Vishal.
Om: “Sir, someone came to see your wife!”
Vishal: “What is his car number?”
Om: “No car Sir, he came on foot and has come several times before as well!”
Shocked Vishal said, “What the fuck? Who is this one now? How does he look?”
Om: “A young boyish type, not tall, short guy.”
Vishal shouted, “Darsheel?!! He too comes? Oh my God!!”
Om: “Who is Darsheel Sir?”
Vishal: “Oh no no its okay, is he already in?”
Om: “Yes Sir. Five minutes ago he went in.”
Vishal: “In your register, you do not mention the names of people who come to see someone?”
Om: “No Sir, we only ask whom he/she wants to see. The rule here is only to take all vehicles numbers only not the persons’ names.”
Vishal: “Okay, thanks Om I will be there soon. Thanks again, my dear. Keep informing me same way always.”
Vishal visualised the way Darsheel had hugged Aditi when they had been there for the harvest festival. Being short in height his head was on Aditi’s cleavage when he had hugged, her boobs were pressed on his cheeks......Vishal felt excited thinking all the men of his house have tasted her already!! He pretended to feel sick and took half day leave and left the office.
Speeding he reached in the compound quick, parked his car in the underground leaving everything inside his car he took the lift and went up to find Om placing his ears on his apartment’s door trying to listen what is going on inside. Both talked in whispers, Om said, “They are in the bedroom I think, they were talking here in the lounge a minute ago!” Vishal asked still in whispers, “What did you hear them talk?” Om said, “He was addressing her as ‘bhabi’ and she was calling him beta..... strange.....” Vishal insisted, “Tell me what did they say to each other?”
Om said, “Nothing much Sir, I only heard she said, “Why did you escape your studies beta, you must study hard, forget me for a few days and concentrate in your studies, my dear!” And he answered, “I can’t bhabi, I miss you a lot, I think only of you night and day... Leena teases me a lot!”
Vishal shook his head and inserted the key with many precautions in the keyhole not to make any sound and clicked. As the door was unlocked he asked Om to return back.
Once inside Vishal’s heart started beating fast and taking a deep breath he walked very slowly. He was like a thief in his own house. He stood to listen if he could hear their voices. And he made it out that they were both in the kitchen talking. He did not know what to do now...... If they would return from the kitchen to get into the bedroom they would see him in the lounge... where to hide? He was worried...and he ran to get inside his bedroom...... then where to hide now? There was no space... he got out, ran to the lounge again and hid behind the sofa set by sitting on the floor.... His heart beating too fast he prayed that they do not come in the lounge to sir on the couch..... He could feel and hear his heart thumping in his chest. He sweated..... He was afraid what if he gets sneeze or a cough!! He was panting... placing one hand on his chest he tried to lift up his head to look at his bedroom’s door...... his heart was beating so hard that he could not hear their conversation but only his own heartbeats.
After some 5/10 minutes, he heard the voices nearing in the corridor. The voices were approaching him..... He started praying that they get into the bedroom and do not come in the lounge.... It was around 1.45 PM in the day, daylight spread in the whole lounge, everything was seen clear like crystal and he would very easily be seen if they came in the lounge. And Aditi and Darsheel walked holding each other’s waist and stopped just near the bedroom’s door and continued talking. Vishal prayed and prayed that they open the door and get inside..... But they were not going in but talking holding each other..... Aditi was in a beautiful skirt and blouse, looking gorgeous. This is how she looked and she posed several time like this for Darsheel before Vishal came in:
Now friends who can ever resist such a babe, with such fleshy thighs and boobs... such a splendid body ready to lay on bed??
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The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 17-03-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by pro10 - 17-03-2020, 09:16 PM
RE: The Innocent Wife ... (COMPLETED) - by usaiha2 - 18-03-2020, 05:53 PM

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