Kelly’s Plant - Copy
Early the next day, Keily was watching over Monica, who was still knocked out from her overwhelming exertions, and she noticed that her abdomen looked swollen. This didn't happen to the girls before her, but maybe it was because the worm was so big now. Soon, a tread of slime showed up on her lips and slithered down to the pillow. It was time. Monica coughed, waking abruptly as a gob of slime spilled from her mouth and the worm's head slipped through her lips. The whole thing crept out, not without an extreme effort from the young woman. For a moment, Keily thought that the teen was not going to make it. The worm was too wide and almost four feet long. Monica finally expelled the snake out of her body and fell flat on the floor, facing up. Her eyes were open but she was out of this world. Beth and Isabel tried unsuccessfully to bring her back to consciousness but even after several hours she was still comatose.

The worm had dragged itself under the bed and stayed there the rest of the day. The girls, including Keily, where too worried about Monica to take care of the snake.

Chapter Three: The Tendrils Pod

Later that night, Monica woke up, asking what had happened to her. She could not remember anything after she entered the Principal's office. Isabel explained the whole experience to the girl, and, far from being frightened she wanted to see the worm. Isabel insisted that she eat something first, and the girls went to the dinning room, Keily stayed behind, thinking. 

Keily was concerned about the worm. After the incident with Monica, the situation was getting dangerous and she didn't want to hurt anyone. She had to make a decision about the animal's fate. 

Keily found the worm under the bed, surprised to see that it had changed shape. It was shorter and stouter, with its length only two feet but now it was at least 6 inches wide. Keily pulled it out and placed it over the bed to study it. . Now the animal resembled a watermelon. The skin was different as well, displaying a pale pink color, partially covered by the usual layer of white slime. It smelled delicious, just like the plant it came from. The pod seemed to breathe, contracting its form like a lung.

A squishy sound caught Keily's attention as a small opening appeared in the upper side of the pod and a little tendril came out. It was very thin an about five inches long. Slowly, the tendril fattened and grew as more slime was pumped inside of it. Soon, it was nine inches long and two inches wide. It resembled the pink phallus from the plant; Keily's plant. It definitely looked like a penis waiting to be mounted and Keily got the message. Just the smell of the creature excited her. The girl stripped and jumped onto the bed, straddling the pod. The tendril detected the proximity of the girl's anus and aimed without delay. Keily gasped as she moved down and the tendril penetrated her sphincter. Immediately the fire started to increase in her body. The deeper the tendril went, the more she wanted inside of her. She could feel the tentacle expanding her rectum as it moved forward. She felt like she was in heaven as her ass cheeks finally rested onto the baggy pod and the full nine inches were impaling her body. The teen could feel it squirming around, rubbing and stretching her insides. 

Martha entered the room and looked at the strange scene. She got closer and Keily looked back at her with infinite passion in her eyes. She barely managed to say between pants, ; "It... has... change..." 

Martha was thrilled by the new form of the animal and soon realized that there was a phallus coming out of it and penetrating her friend's ass. When Martha was in reach, Keily grabbed her friend and pulled her closer, holding her tight. Martha felt Keily's erect nipples rubbing against hers, building her own excitement. Martha kissed her friend on the mouth, sticking her tongue inside. The moment their lips touched, and incredible rush overcame Keily's brain. Her body started to shake as the waves of pleasure increased. Her brain became too overwhelmed and her arms went completely limp. Only muttered grunts escaped her mouth. 

Martha broke the kiss recognizing that something was happening to her friend. She had to support Keily's feeble body. Suddenly, a huge surge of white fluid gushed out from Keily's mouth, spilling over her tits and belly. Keily looked vacantly at Martha, her mouth wide open and her tongue slightly sticking out. Then, the teen's eyes rolled back into her head as a wide tendril came out. Martha was only a few inches away from Keily's mouth and the tentacle reached out for Martha's lips. 

Martha opened her mouth hesitantly. The moment she felt the phallus go down her throat, all doubts disappeared and she opened wider to allow easier access. The thing went down fast and hard, just like Martha's self control. The teen felt it moving inside of her, pushing her insides outward. An incredibly rush crammed her brain. The tentacle's motion pulled Keily a little forward and Martha bent to meet her. Both girls' lips jammed together in a slimy kiss as the tendril slipped between them. It thrashed about inside the girl's bodies until finally, it came out of Martha's ass. When the teen felt her anus widen delightfully, she believed she had reached the greatest bliss possible, but she was wrong. The tendril twisted around and penetrated Martha's vagina, deeply and harshly. This was too much and her body exploded in a mind-blowing orgasm that drove her to unconsciousness. Martha fell forward, pushing Keily's body backwards until they were lying over the bed, one on top of the other, bonded together by one long tentacle.

Keily was vaguely aware of her friend's exertions as her own bolts of lights were blasting behind her eyes and her orgasm reached the core of her brain, staying there for long moments. Her body shook uncontrollably, pinned down by Martha's weak body. She wanted to scream out her pleasure but her throat was completely blocked out. Then, her mind went beyond its limits, fading out too.

Isabel and Beth walked into the room and saw her friends lying together, penetrated from top to bottom by the tendril. They tried to help them but the ravished girls needed no help. On the contrary, they wished to remain like that forever. Although, the living thing pumping below them had other plans, and proceeded to extract the tentacle from the girl's bodies. Lots of slurping sounds and flooding slime accompanied the process until the teens were freed and rolled off the pod to the side, barely cognizant. The pink slimy ball had grown again and its tendril waved around as it retracted inside its main body. 

The sight of that lubricated rod moving in front of her brought Isabel the necessary stimulation to strip down and jump over the bed. Needless to say the 'animal' wasted no time before plunging inside her rectum. Beth followed the nurse and soon enough, they were impaled just as her exhausted friends had been moments before. 

This set the tone for the following days. More girls were 'introduced' to the creature or to be more exact, the creature was introduced into them. In the following weeks, every girl that was old enough to endure the overwhelming sex, became part of the orgy. The pod was getting bigger every day and now it looked like a cocoon at least five feet long and three feet wide. It seemed to be packed with the same white slime that overflowed in and out of the girls but, there was something else in there. There was a barely distinguishable figure developing inside.

Chapter Four: The Newborns

More days passed. Connie, one of the younger girls, was mounted on the large pod. She had a wide tentacle buried in her ass and an even wider one entrenched in her pussy. She was hopping frenetically as her head bounced freely over her shoulders. Both phalluses were vibrating inside of her body, providing her exhilarating pleasure. She was bucking up and down, then back and forward so strongly, that it seemed the poor girl was going to break apart. 

Suddenly, the huge cocoon below her collapsed and gallons of white slime splashed across the floor. Connie fell forward but she didn't hit the ground. She landed over something... or someone. Upon hearing the loud noise, Keily rushed to the room. She removed the two tendrils from Connie's ass and pussy and helped her to stand up. The pod's broken skin was now dispersed all around the floor and on the young teen.

Keily looked down and saw someone else; a girl, lying on the floor, completely covered with a thick layer of slime. 

"Who is she? Who was in the room with you?" Keily asked. 

"Nobody. I was alone..." Connie answered, still bewildered from her interrupted bliss.

Keily wiped off the goo from the girl's face but she couldn't recognize her. She had never seen the young woman before. Suddenly, she knew! The girl was the mysterious figure developing inside the cocoon! She was the plant's offspring. 

Keily knelt down to see if she was alive and she noticed a fat tentacle buried in the girl's pussy. Keily grabbed the limb and tried to pull it out, but it was firmly attached to the young teen's body. Keily pulled harder and it finally withdraw a few inches, causing a slight spasm in the mysterious girl. Keily stopped for a second and then continued removing the tendril. Connie was astonished to see twelve inches had already slid out of the slim woman's body and there was still more to come. Keily kept pulling. Abruptly, the mysterious teen threw her head back and coughed, expelling a gob of white fluid from her lungs. Finally, after an incredible length of nineteen inches, the tentacle was completely out.

More girls walked in and Connie explained excitedly what just happened. They helped Keily to carry the plant's offspring to the bathroom. They cleaned the girl meticulously and brought her back to the bed. They all observed the teen carefully. She had acquired the best features of every girl that was fucked by the cocoon. She was the image of perfection with a slim body, perfect breasts, long legs ...everything was flawless.

The young girl started to wake up. She opened her big blue eyes and looked around. The girls were curious to see what the pretty teen was going to do. But she did nothing. Keily approached and helped her sit on the bed. The confused girl looked at everything intently, trying to learn about her surroundings. Keily encouraged her to stand on her feet but when she was almost up, the newborn lost her balance and fell backwards on the bed. Watching the girl, Keily quickly realized that the she was like a baby who would need to be taught everything.

Keily decided to name her Flower, which was appropriate considering her origin. In the following hours, Flower quickly learned how to walk. That night, the teen stayed in Keily's room while everyone went to their rooms to sleep. Keily was eager to teach the teen about sex. She already knew that Flower's body was different in some way. A normal girl could never fit nineteen inches of a long phallus in her pussy as Flower did. 

Keily also suspected that there should be a reason for Flower's existence. If sex was the reason, Keily was determined to find out. Keily stripped and laid on the bed next to the girl, admiring her perfect naked body. Keily caressed one of Flower's nipples and it immediately hardened. So far, so good. Then she moved her hand lower and touched Flower's pussy. It was warmer than normal and it was extremely wet. Flower's clitoris turned red and stood up significantly as the young girl looked lovingly into Keily's eyes.

The teen started to moan softly and her eyes turned hazy as Keily positioned herself between Flower's legs and inserted one finger into her pussy. It was not tight at all. She then inserted two, then three fingers. Flower was panting now and she responded by opening her legs wider. Keily tried to introduce her whole fist and it went in almost without effort. White slime was pouring out from Flower's pussy and lubricating the warm tunnel. Keily pushed harder and her hand penetrated deeper until it reached the teens cervix. This was amazing for Keily; she could feel the teen's muscles pressing softly at her hand and wrist.

When she tried to pull her hand out, Flower grabbed her arm tightly, encouraging her to stay there and then pulled her arm deeper inside. Keily understood the message and pushed harder. Her hand moved forward, past her cervix and into Flower's womb. She was buried up to her elbow. It felt so weird and so pleasant at the same time. Somehow, Flower's body was constricting Keily's whole arm rhythmically, like trying to squeeze juice out of it. She could even see the bulge on Flower's belly where her fist was. The mysterious girl was out of her mind, making strange noises, arching her back and her eyes rolled back into her head intermittently. Keily was truly amazed by the elasticity of Flower's body but the strong pressure that she felt in her arm was beginning to hurt and she pulled it out, not without a big effort. Flower was breathing heavily and looking down at Keily with adoring eyes.

* * * 

It had been several days since Keily last visited the plant. Several girls wanted to join her and she decided to take Flower along. Keily wanted to know how Flower would react when presented to her parent.

When they arrived at the plant's room downstairs and turned on the lights, Keily was staggered. The plant had grown too. The center phallus was now bright red and it measured at least twenty inches long and four inches wide. The room was saturated with the intoxicating plant odor and all the girl's bodies immediately showed signs of arousal with nipples swelling and vaginas moistening abundantly.

Keily approached the plant hesitantly, followed closely by Flower and the rest of the girls. Beth and Martha stepped just inches from the plant and inhaled its scent deeply. Then, both girls licked the gooey tube filling their tongues with the pleasurable taste. Their eyes were glassy as they dropped to the floor and began sucking and swallowing the substance that formed a puddle around the plant's base. 

Flower was spellbound looking at the plant just three feet away from her. Her pussy was leaking slime already, which glided down her inner thighs and legs to the floor. Keily became aware of this and it was then when everything started to make sense. Only a girl with the flexibility of Flower could fit a pole as big as the one displayed now on top of plant. 

Keily moved behind Flower and pushed her forward until she was standing right next to the plant. She made the girl step up over the big green sphere of the base and straddled the plant's phallus. The bulged head was positioned only two inches below Flower's dripping pussy. A few drops of white slime fell from the girl's cunt over the tip of the red tube and instantly the big ball below began to contract like a breathing lung, almost making the girl lose her balance and fall.

Keily grabbed Flower by the hips and forced her to sit down on the extremely wide phallus. The first inch penetrated through her pussy lips easily, extracting a loud gasp from the young girl. But as the rod got wider, it became difficult to slide in more of it. Flower was breathing heavily and she was eager to be fucked by her parent but she was afraid. She thought that the huge pole could hurt her. Keily pushed harder, almost letting her whole weight press down on the newborn. Flower's pussy adjusted slowly and stretched, letting the first seven inches fill and expand her vagina. The teen screamed but Keily knew she could handle more. The plant's oil was taking effect on Flower, replacing her fear with excitement and the teen began to moan as the fire in her pussy spread through her entire body. 

Keily asked Isabel to grab one of Flower's legs while she grabbed the other, and instructed the nurse to pull down hard. Flower's insides squished and an abundant river of slime poured from her pussy down the shaft. The slim body yielded to the large phallus as she was impaled deeply, past her cervix. Flower screamed in pleasure throwing her head back and clutching her abdomen is at accommodated the enormous mass inside her womb. Flower's belly was distended and the shape of the tube was clearly visible to the astonished girls sitting around on the sofas, their pussies dripping wet from their own excitement. Some of them joined Martha and Beth on the floor, satisfying their hunger for the tasty plant sperm.

When it was impossible to push the rod further in, Keily and Isabel released the teen's legs. Immediately, Flower wrapped her legs around the plant's base and started to move back and forth, or at least tried, since she was so deeply impaled that she could barely move. Her muscles were clasping down on the plant's penis, stimulating it. After several minutes of frenetic seizing of the girl's cavity, the plant began to shake, starting from the base and moving up. The girls were impatient to see what was next and they didn't have to wait for long. 

The big sphere at the base contracted hard as Flower opened her eyes wide and stiffened her arms and legs outwards. A loud spurting sound trembled across the room and a waterfall of a greenish fluid burst out of the teen's pussy as her belly bloated even more. A second spurt, and the teen threw her head back as a fountain of the same substance erupted from Flower's mouth, coating her chin and tits. Then another one. The girl's arms were limp now, dripping the slime that slipped from above. Her anus was dribbling the fluid too. Flower's eyes were blank and half closed, but she was still conscious. There were noises coming from inside the teen's body. She tried to moan but all she did was to spill more slime out of her mouth. Even her nipples were leaking drops of the substance that formed greenish lines down her perfect tits. Evidently Flower's body was completely saturated with the slimy goo.

The atmosphere was so intoxicatingly sexual, that the rest of girl began to caress and play with each other. Fingers were invading pussies and rectums. Tongues battled with tongues. The orgy lasted more than an hour and the whole time, Flower remained impaled over the huge phallus in a state of constant ecstasy. Finally, the plant tube bent forward and the teen fell to the dampened carpet. Her flexible body regained her slim form right away except for her belly, which remained distended, resembling a four month pregnancy. 

It was getting dark and Keily decided it was time to go back to their rooms. Four girls picked up Flower's flaccid body and carried her all the way to the dormitories, being careful not to be seen by the gardener, who was working nearby.

Flower's belly bloated noticeably the following days. Her mind was learning fast and soon she was able to pronounce the names of most of the girls. Strangely, she wouldn't eat or drink at all. Her pussy was frequently leaking white slime but except for this and the swollen belly, everything seemed normal. 

As the days went by, Keily noted that small bumps were forming and growing inside Flower's abdomen. On the forth day, something happened.

It was past midnight when Keily, who was sleeping next the Flower, was awakened by a loud sigh. She opened her eyes to see Flower in the middle of a violent orgasm. She was bending up and down, her legs were shaking and her belly was contracting with strong spasms. Then, with a squishy sound, a green globe the size of a chicken egg escape Flower's pussy and fell onto the bed. The teen recovered promptly from her previous bliss and grabbed the egg carefully with both hands. Keily was kneeling naked on the bed observing the rounded object presented to her. Flower moved the egg down and closer to her friend's pussy. Keily didn't move. Flower pressed the egg against Keily's pussy lips until they yielded and the green sphere slipped inside, stealing a moan from the teenager's mouth. Keily felt the small object move up her vagina, leaving of trail of incredible heat. The ball continued its journey past the teen's cervix, making her gasp, and then it planted itself inside her womb. Keily was rewarded with a mind-blowing orgasm that almost threw her off the bed. 
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