13-03-2020, 10:40 PM
(13-03-2020, 10:35 PM)sanjaysara Wrote:She was surprised at the effect she was having on him, when she handed him the juice, making sure that their fingers touched during the exchange.her eyes fixed on his, Continuing to study his face, trying to discern his thoughts, This was an opening, a way to test a little further before committing herself.
Kajal : "What happen Rahul, you look so uncomfortable "
( ur fingers were nice smooth silky manicured uff and i felt that sft touch made my spine shill)
( as i was not looking at u i was looking straight ahead holding the juice glass but with my eyeballs i was peeping to the right side and i can see u are looking at my facial expressions and i was vibrating with nervousness and i tried to get up aswell as ur thighs were sticking with mine and i was feeling weird)
( but as u asked the question i thought i should show confidence)
( with a fake sarcasmic confience face i looked tuned my neck to the right looking at u )
uncomfortable hahah why maam ( the sweat on my forhead drops down making a strand on forhead)
this is a nice house hehe why should i be uncomfort...b..( i took a glimse of ur sleveless arms and the flesh at the arm armpit intersection) ble
umm so umm..when willu teach ( i tried drinking the juice but my hands were vibrating and shaking slightly so i hold it down sitting staright like a statue)