Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
My heart started pounding in anxiousness. What did he mean? I noticed that he was checking the dresses I tried. I surely would be caught! What an embarrassment! Had he discovered my naughty act of wiping with those new dresses? O God!

Pyaremohan: Madam, these stains were surely not there when I unpacked the dresses for you?

Me: I … I… I mean how would I know? (I tried to remain as cool as possible)

Mr. Pyaremohan was checking the stains on the babydoll nighty very closely. He was trying to figure out what it was and in the process started sniffing it just like a dog! What a shame! The shopkeeper was in effect sniffing my vaginal juices on that fabric.

Pyaremohan: Uhu! Madam! Surely these are fresh… I find the same stain on this panty also! This you… I mean… you just tried this Madam!

He for once looked directly at my sari-covered choot and then looked up at me questionably obviously trying to suggest that the stains were my pussy juices and nothing else! Naturally I had to protest, but was feeling terribly awkward inside.

Me: No, no. How can that be? Let me see!

The shopkeeper handed me the panty (a part of the 5-piece nighty set) I just tried.

What a scene!

I was inspecting my own panty and it was visibly spotted with my vaginal juices.

Pyaremohan: Madam, I am sorry to say… but these are your… I mean err… you probably was not fully aware that you were WET…

Me: Err… what? I mean…

My face started getting in shame – afterall he was just a shopkeeper and was a complete stranger to me. I felt like a stupid asshole standing in front of him caught red handed still trying to inspect the panty!

Pyaremohan: Madam, let me be very clear. You saw that I had reservations about the trial, but you and your relatives insisted and hence I agreed. I cannot sell these used products. I mean… You… you have to buy the whole lot.

He uttered the last few words very discreetly and in a steel cold voice. My heart was pounding and my hands and feet were already cold like an ice cube!

Pyaremohan: Madam, you will have to take this Babydoll nighty along with this 5-piece set and just see… the skirt of this 3-piece nighty also have those stains… the marks are so fresh! (He sniffed again) You have to take all these 3 sets Madam.

I got so nervous that I was not even getting the strength to talk with the shopkeeper. First and foremost thing was I had no money with me. If I were to buy these, I had to take help of either Mama-ji or Radheshyam Uncle. And then, of course I would have to confess to those males that while I was trying these dresses my pussy juice spoilt the fabric.

How could I tell that! Issssssh! What a shame!

Moreover, I was pretty much certain that the episode would not stop there - the inquisitiveness that I had seen in Mama-ji - he would surely question me thoroughly about how the skirt and the babydoll nighty got those stains even if he gets convinced with the panty part!

I could realize then and there that it would be a very cumbersome and embarrassing experience for me to reply Mama-ji; hence immediately I dropped that idea of informing him for buying these nightdresses.

But… then what was the alternative?

I had no clue! Beads of perspiration were already crowning my forehead and my palms also started to sweat. I was having my usual dry lips, but this time purely due to nervousness.

Pyaremohan: Madam, shall I pack them all and inform your…

Me: No, no. You need not inform them.

Pyaremohan: You will then pay separately Madam?

Me: Err… I mean…

Pyaremohan: It will amount to umm… the Baby doll is 450/-, the 3-piece is 650/-, and the 5-piece is 900/-…. umm… totalling to 2000/- Madam.

Me: What? T-w-o t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d!

Pyaremohan: Come on Madam! Afterall these are imported items directly coming from foreign countries!

Me: But… but that’s… that’s too expensive!

Pyaremohan: But Madam you have to take them… I can’t keep these “stained” items in my stock!

I saw that there was no other way but to tell the truth to this man.

Me: Pyaremohan Sahab, I mean… err… actually I do not have money with me and … and its not that I can pay later because I do not stay here. Please consider my case!

Pyaremohan: Madam how can I consider Rs. 2000? Yes if it was a 100-200 rupees I definitely would have considered because afterall you are my customer, but 2000/-… No way I can consider Madam!

I was literally in a catch 22 situation and felt so helpless! I requested again.

Me: Please Pyaremohan Sahab! I am like your sister. Can you not con….

Pyaremohan: Madam, no sentimental strings here! I am a businessman. I cannot sell these. (again he lifted the panty to show me the stain) Either you or your relative must pay.

Me: But I have nothing with me and I cannot tell them. P-l-e-a-s-e try to understand my condition. I… I can do one thing… I will money order you as soon as I get back home.
Pyaremohan: He he Madam… no such cock and bull story will do. You need to pay here. Don’t waste my time. (His voice was very stern this time)

I tried to persuade him for some more time, but in vain as he was quite adamant on his point and finally I surrendered.

Pyaremohan: Madam, look, this is not a restaurant that if you cannot pay the bill, you can clean and wash crockery and repay me. I need reimbursement for my Rs. 2000/-.

The situation was going towards a hopeless end and to plead to like that to a shopkeeper was even more awkward for me and therefore I desperately wanted to get out of it.

Me: I told you already… I mean I have nothing with me. Then… I mean tell me if I can … I mean if I can do any favor for you so that this money is compensated.

Pyaremohan: What favor?

Me: Tell me straight what you want me to do to pay damages for that 2000/-. I have never been in such a clumsy situation in any shop ever!

Pyaremohan: Madam see that’s not my problem and I don’t want to hear what you have done in other shops. (He was evidently getting rude to me) You have spoiled these and you have to pay.

Me: Okay, okay. Tell me naa what you want from me?

I was trying to get straight to the shopkeeper.

Pyaremohan: Umm… let me think… Okay! Yeah! There is .. there is one way… but… you don’t … Ummm! Can you do it?

Me: (my face as if glowed up seeing a ray of hope) What? Sure! I can do it! Tell me!

Pyaremohan: See Madam I am telling you frankly… we had planned a couple of ads for our products on cable TV and had fixed a model for Rs. 5000/- to act in that. Now… if you can do it, I will surely save 2500/-... actually I have booked her for two ads. But… …umm…

Not knowing any details I just jumped on the proposal as that Rs. 2000/ was playing heavily on my mind.

Me: Err… No problem Pyaremohan Sahab. I will do it.

Pyaremohan: That’s okay, but…

Naturally I was getting impatient.

Me: What’s the problem now?

Pyaremohan: Madam, see there are two problems. Since this was planned for next week, I do not have the male model right now and… umm…

Me: And what?

Pyaremohan: Well Madam, the director is … I mean very ill tempered and rude… so…err… I was thinking whether you would be… I mean whether you would be able to tolerate him or...

Me: In recent times I am tolerating many strange things, which I never dreamt of tolerating! So, you better not think on that.
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-02-2019, 01:39 PM
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