Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
We boarded the car and Mama-ji drove us through the busy roads to our destination. I was sitting on the back seat while Radheshyam Uncle was in the front seat along with Mama-ji. Within 15-20 minutes we reached the Parineeta Store, which seemed to be a decent looking shop.

Mama-ji: The sari section is on the upstairs.

As the gatekeeper opened the door I noticed he was looking at my firm tits and I quickly looked down and wrapped my sari pallu more securely, but actually in the process I unknowingly revealed the contours of my big breasts more as I tightly wrapped my pallu over my blouse.

The shop was spacious and I noticed the store had all sorts of ladies garments starting from salwar suits, kurta-pajamas, tops-skirts, lehenga-choli, ghagras and even shirts and ladies trousers which were decently displayed in the ground floor. As we walked past the cash counter to the stairs I could well realize everybody was watching me probably due to my unusual saffron sari. Radheshyam Uncle was obviously walking slowly due to his handicapped state and I was walking with him while Mama-ji climbed up the stairs ahead of us.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you go up, I will take time to climb up the stairs.

Me: Its okay Uncle. There is no hurry… (Afterall he was going to buy me the sari, how could I just leave him on the stairs and walk up!)

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Okay, okay… as you wish. Then do one thing… since the stair is narrow you climb up a couple of steps and then wait for me and then probably I can catch up!

Though apparently there was no problem in that he said, but as the stair to the first floor of the shop was fairly steep and it was narrow too, I realized that I would present a very indecent view of my hips for Uncle. But there was nothing I could do about it and I climed up two steps and waited for him. I tried to move sideways as much as I could as I waited for Uncle, but surely presented a rather luscious view of my sari-covered plump and round ass for him as he was looking up at me. Thankfully the flight of stairs ended shortly and we reached the first floor of the shop.

Like the ground floor, this area was also spacious and various saris were displayed at all corners of this big hall-type room with a wooden waist height counter running almost throughout the room. As I looked around I was extremely surprised that in that whole floor there was not even a single salesman at the counter though there were plenty downstairs! Mama-ji was talking to a “seth-ji type” person, very fat and round, and we approached them.

Mama-ji: Ahh… Pyaremohan Sahab, here is my Bahurani. She has come all the way from Delhi! Bahurani, meet the owner of this Parineeta Store, Mr. Pyaremohan Goyel.

It was difficult for me to hide a smile looking at this sort of a human structure – though he appeared middle aged, but due to his short height, spherical body shape, and with a significantly protruding belly, he presented more like a cartoon figure.

Pyaremohan: Welcome Madam to my small store.

Me: (Folding hands and suppressing my smile) Namaste! You say this s-m-a-l-l!

Pyaremohan: He he he… No, no Madam, it looks big, but not that big (he glanced very briefly at my tits)!

Did he mean? Oh No!

Me: Certainly this is a very large and beautiful shop. Very nice Pyaremohan-ji.

Pyaremohan: Thanks Madam. All due to customer’s grace. Madam, please come. Both Radheshyam Sahab and Arjun Sahab are very old customers of my shop.

Me: I see.

Pyaremohan: Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu also buys everything from us only.

Me: O! I see.

Mama-ji: Arre… Bahurani… What should I say! Pyaremohan Sahab released all his salesmen from here and said he himself would show you his Parineeta Store showcase!

Me: Ohh… (smiling and surprised as well) I am really… I mean honored.

Was that not a bit too much? May be he had great respect for his customers, Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle, but this definitely seemed to me a bit too odd.

Pyaremohan: Come Madam, come.

We now approached the counter and Mr. Pyaremohan went to the other side of it.

Pyaremohan: Madam, tell me first what sort of sari would you like to see and after that I will show you the exclusives of Parineeta Store. He he…

Me: I mean err… actually I do not have a concrete plan to buy any…

Mama-ji: Actually Pyaremohan Sahab we would like to gift Bahurani with something decent and which suits her choice too!

Pyaremohan: O I see. Then just relax and see our range.

As Mr. Pyaremohan was talking to us I could clearly feel his eyes were roving on my body. This is a sixth sense all women have by virtue of which we could judge a person’s intention easily. It was surely the last thing that I expected from his middle-aged obese shopkeeper. I saw his moving eyeballs halted for seconds on my obtruding boobs and then slipped on to the lower half of my body. Though this gaping was only momentary and hence I tried to ignore it and concentrate on the range of saris.

I sat on one of the stools that were kept at the counter and Mama-ji and Radhyshyam Uncle stood by my two sides.

Pyaremohan: Madam, I will start with our silk range, Mysore and Kota, and then switch to Gadwal and Bandhni. Okay?

I nodded.

Though Mr. Pyaremohan appeared rather obese, he seemed to be quite swift in getting the sari bundles off the shelf! He unfolded and presented before me one sari after another and I had to admit in my mind that the collection was quite impressive. Simultaneously I was having a feeling of great satisfaction getting this VIP treatment where the owner himself was engaged in showing me the sari range of his shop! I honestly got occupied in browsing the saris very early and in the constant chatter Mr. Pyaremohan was doing for me describing each sari.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani (keeping his hand on my shoulder), whatever you like in this set just keep aside so that when you finish browsing, you can decide on the sorted ones.

Me: Yes Uncle.

Surprisingly Radheshyam Uncle did not remove his hand off my shoulder and I could feel his fingers were clearly feeling my blouse and bra strap there. So I repeated my reply.

Me: Okay Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Fine Beti. Carry on.

I thought Uncle probably held me so that he could get better support while standing and hence I again immersed myself viewing the super silk, Badhni, and Gadwal collection Mr. Pyaremohan was offering. But that old fox surely had other plans!

Within moments I was alert and my attention wandered from the saris spread in front of me to Radheshyam Uncle’s finger movements on my shoulder. I could not turn my face or eyes to my shoulder obviously because that would look outrageously indecent, but I could well realize now that Uncle’s fingers were tracing my bra strap on my shoulder under my blouse and he even started tracing my bra strap on my smooth back!

I of course was very, very astonished at this action, but had to be silent such was the situation. Though I continued to glance through the saris, but I was getting defocussed because I could clearly sense Uncle shifting his hand from my shoulder towards my back. He placed his palm over my bare skin (the area of the U-cut of my blouse on my back). I had tucked my hair when we were coming to the market and hence it was all the more easy pickings for him. The warm feel of a male hand immediately made my senses as if ready to act! It was certainly not an elderly touch for support; the elderly man was clearly feeling my bare skin!

Within moments, I could feel his palm sliding down more and more towards my blouse covered back. If I say that I was not getting thrilled by his hand movement on my body, I would be lying and when his hand started tracing my bra strap and moved down, I could clearly feel my nipples raising their heads within my bra!


It was a precarious situation! I tried my best to resist emotions coming to my face and my lips naturally parted as I experienced the snake-like movement of uncle’s fingers crawling at my blouse-covered back. I looked at Mr. Pyaremohan. Did he realize anything? No perhaps. He must have felt that I was extremely impressed seeing the sari collection of his shop.

Radheshyam Uncle continued to feel my smooth scratch-less back over the fabric of my tightly stretched blouse and finally stopped just over my bra hook! I immediately had goosebump all over my body!

The sly fox…

Simultaneously within my bra also there was turmoil, as I could clearly sense my nipples becoming harder and pressing more on my bra cups probably in anticipation of something “more”! Fortunately, till then, Radheshyam Uncle’s fingers were only resting on my bra clip! I felt very timid and tongue-tied in that unfamiliar environment of the shop and was extremely stiff.

It was not that I thought of protesting, but I was confused as to whom to ask help from, as my own associates were groping me in a public place! Moreover, what exactly would I say as to object? I could not just start accusing such an elderly person who happened to be the best friend of Mama-ji too! The respect that I saw in the eyes of the shopkeeper also refrained me to create a scene here. I indeed felt “helpless” and had to succumb to this groping.

I could well make out that Radheshyam Uncle was a typical example of “frustuu” whom we females meet in crowded buses or trains whose sole aim remains to extract perverted pleasure touching our bodies. I did taste some of his perverts when I was with him in the toilet at Mama-ji’s residence. He must have been thoroughly enticed seeing a voluptuous woman like me!

Mama-ji: Oh! Let me sit and see the saris. It’s painful to stand like this for so long.

Pyaremohan: Sure sure! Take a stool. (Now looking at Uncle) Sir, you can also…

Radheshyam Uncle: No, no. I am perfectly okay. You know I have that leg problem, so it’s better for me to stand. Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Okay, okay. As you please… Madam, next you see this Gadwal. It’s a unique print, no other color combination for this. Let me unfold it for you…

As Mama-ji sat beside me, he positioned himself sideways and as if to keep balance he placed his elbow on the counter table where the saris were displayed while he placed his other hand on the backside of my stool.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, don’t think that you can buy just one sari. Radheshyam is afterall not so ‘kanjoos’! Ha ha ha… I feel you choose the ones you like and then in the end we can decide how many to buy. Okay?

Me: O… Okay Mama-ji. (I almost whispered)

Though I was somewhat baffled by Radheshyam Uncle’s actions, I indeed was glad to get this opportunity to add a few quality saris to my collection. I tried my best to shrug off Radheshyam Uncle’s moves by considering it as a frustration of his old age and tried to simply ignore it. I tried to concentrate again on browsing the saris.

But within a short period I realized that in my sitting posture my ass was touching something “new” on the stool. I became very conscious that that it was Mama-ji’s hand! I was in no position to look back and inspect because Mr. Pyaremohan was right in front of me. But now with each second, I could figure out that slowly and steadily Mama-ji’s fingers were touching and pressing on my ass flesh! I was naturally alert, but soon realized that I was thinking a bit too much because I was influenced by Uncle’s moves. Mama-ji’s hand just rested on the edge of my stool and it was stationary and surely had no foul intentions. So I just concentrated on the saris though Mama-ji’s fingers were touching the roundedness of my buttocks adequatley.

In the meantime Radheshyam Uncle had almost crossed all limits of decency as he was tracing my whole bra on my back with his busy fingers. I was getting a very mixed sort of a feeling – I was definitely getting aroused, but there was also my conscious effort to hide my expressions from the shopkeeper. Since Mama-ji was looking at the saris along with me no one could see Uncle’s “harkat”! I cursed my mother-in-law in my mind for having an affair with this sort of a “dirty” man!

All along I was hanging a smile on my lips before Mr. Pyaremohan who was right in front of me unfolding one sari after another and constantly babbling about how good the saris were. My lips were marginally clenching my teeth as I browsed the saris being very much aware of this groping in a public place.

Uncle was now awkwardly pressing near my bra hook with his fingers and I was honestly getting concerned that if somehow the hook opens up! I closed my eyes momentarily and tried to remain cool, but unfortunately could not demonstrate any protest to this action. This actually was making the situation even worse for me. I probably should have altered my posture or at least do something to make obvious that I disapprove these lewd moves, but since I decided to remain silent and behaved as if I did not realize his intentions, Uncle surely was pumped up!

“O…O My God! What was he doing?”, I blathered to myself.

I was absolutely convinced now that Radheshyam Uncle was trying to open my bra hook under my blouse!

What audacity!

His hand movements obviously signaled trouble for me and he was tactfully pressing my bra strap just adjacent to both sides of the hook!

Radhyshyam Uncle: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab, I think light green would suit Bahurani more, not this green.

Pyaremohan: Right Sahab, let me see if I get that exact color…

I was just a-m-a-z-e-d to see the normalcy of Uncle! He knew very well what he was up to, but he behaved as if… !!!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, just see that sari once more….

Me: Which… which one? (I had to behave normally, had no other way!)

Mama-ji: That one, there at the corner.

Me: O… okay.

Mr. Pyaremohan was untying a fresh bunch of saris and so I had to get the sari, which Mama-ji wanted to re-see, but it was in the far corner and I had to stretch myself to get that.


And as soon as I stretched myself to get that sari, two things happened simultaneously and I was absolutely dumbstruck! As I reached out for that sari, I had to lift my body off the stool just a shade and right at that moment Radheshyam Uncle, who had his hand on my bra strap for quite sometime now, suddenly pressed the hook in such a way that it simply popped open!

I honestly felt as if tranquilized by this! Automatically my lips parted wide and I almost uttered a shriek! I was stiff as a board and I was simply t-h-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-r-u-c-k!

Now that I had picked up the sari, I landed my base on the stool again only to find Mama-ji’s hand! I sat completely on his outstretched palm.

Me: Ouch!

Mama-ji: Uuuuuuiii… reee..!

Mama-ji as if cried out in pain!

Me: Oh! Sorry Mama-ji!

I immediately lifted my ass off the seat so that Mama-ji could take out his hand though he must have felt the tightness and roundedness of my gorgeous butts for a few seconds. I instantly realized that I should have been more careful about my movements as my heavy milk-jugs shrugged very noticeably inside my blouse and Mr. Pyaremohan was right in front of me!

Mama-ji: Uhhhuu… (inspecting his fingers) Oh! Bahurani, you have such a massive… Uff… you almost smashed my fingers!

At once my face was as scarlet as a cherry. Mama-ji’s comment (though incomplete) very evidently indicated about my gaand, and that to in front of this totally unknown shopkeeper!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Everyone has one, but Bahurani has a big one! Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan now joined the laughter and I was feeling so very ashamed sitting amongst these males who were laughing on my gaand.

Mama-ji: Actually I was taking out this small piece of paper (he indicated to the floor where I saw the paper bit was lying)… actually it was under your… I mean on the seat where you were sitting….

Me: O I see. Err… am sorry Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: It’s okay Bahurani (still shrugging his fingers).

Pyaremohan: But Arjun Sahab, how could you err… I mean get hurt? Its only flesh after all and not hard as a rock!

The shopkeeper (though standing right in front of me) was trying to look and assess my hips!

Mama-ji: No, no. That’s okay and for your information Pyaremohan Sahab, I might not have a wife, but I have some knowledge about female gaand! Ha ha ha…

A big round of laughter welcomed Mama-ji’s statement and I felt like a fish out of water sitting asmidst three “uncles”. My ears had turned crimson and emitting heat though already my condition was rather tight sitting with an open bra within my blouse!

Mama-ji: But in this case my hand was in an odd position…

Radheshyam Uncle: Had it been my Bahu you probably would not get hurt.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Why?

Mama-ji: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab! His Bahu is much thinner than my Bahurani…. You have seen her naa?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! Radheshyam Sahab’s B-a-h-u… y-e-s, y-e-s, I remember! She buys S/5. Right! She is much, much slender than Madam.

Mama-ji: Anyway, it’s okay (still shrugging his fingers).

Radhyshyam Uncle: But… what’s that “S/5” that my Bahu buys?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! That’s our shop code.

Radhyshyam Uncle:: But what’s that?

Mama-ji was also looking questionably at the shopkeeper.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Ye… err… but we do not disclose customer secrets to others Sir!

Mama-ji: Come on Pyaremohan Sahab! We will not spoil your business!

Mr. Pyaremohan: Hmm… True! Actually its nothing… err. S/5 is the panty size.

Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle both frowned at the shopkeeper. I was also taken aback when Mr. Pyaremohan shared such a private piece of info!

Mr. Pyaremohan: See Arjun Sahab, customers are like gods to me and I remember most of my steady customers by these codes, obviously not always panty size, but may be bra or blouse size or a specific type of sari etc. I remember Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu’s size because very few married customers who come to my shop buys S size panty.

I was absolutely tongue-tied to such an explanation. I could not even look into the eyes of Mr. Pyaremohan.

Mama-ji: Okay… S stands for small I guess?

Mr. Pyaremohan: Yes Sahab. It’s meant for women with comparatively small buttocks (He even showed the size to Mama-ji with his both hands; his palms curving to form the contours).

Radheshyam Uncle: Ummm…. But that’s a very naughty way to remember your ladies customers. Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan: Anyway, Arjun Sahab, if you want, you can apply some cold water to your fingers …

Mama-ji: Nehi, nehi! It’s okay. My fingers did not get under a steamroller afterall… Ha ha ha…

I was looking blankly at the counter table in utter dishonor. I was feeling completely out of sorts as the laughter echoed in the vacant hall of the shop.

Mama-ji: Lets get back to business. So Pyaremohan Sahab, are you complete with your…

Pyaremohan: Sahab, just a few more so that Madam can choose from the entire range.

Mama-ji: Okay, okay.

As I started looking into the various saris again, I started feeling a bit better though very much conscious of my open bra inside my blouse. Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a beautiful Gadwal, which had a stunning color combination, but as I was concentrating on it, I noticed the shopkeeper was enthusiastically looking at my breasts. Did he get the hint that my bra hook had opened? I tried to remain as stationary as possible. I knew very well that with the slightest movement my tits would juggle now and being a heavy-breasted woman it would be extremely tricky for me to restrain the movements of my bountiful boobs within my blouse.

Radheshyam Uncle: Pyaremohan Sahab, your shop has the best collection in this area… we all must admit. What do you say Arjun?

Mama-ji: Of course Radhe, that’s why naa… we brought Bahurani here only!

Pyaremohan: He he he…

As they conversed I could once again feel Radheshyam Uncle’s hand playing on my back. Now obviously the effect was more pronounced on me because since the tight embrace of the bra was not there on my breasts, I was getting more excited with Uncle’s warm touches on my back. Each time his fingers were touching my bare skin outside the periphery of my blouse, my nipples were responding energetically within my blouse. I was trying my best to look “normal” hanging a smile on my face, but undeniably was getting ignited inside. I could feel my trademark dryness on the lips, which I always experience at the advent of sensual feelings and I also started getting my familiar itch in the choot with this continuous groping. Though the shop was adequately aired by several fans, I had started sweating also. Every now and then I was adjusting my sari pallu and moving my butts on the stool so as to remain somewhat calm!

Pyaremohan: This is the last of the lot…. So Madam, you have picked for final selection?

Me: These…

Pyaremohan: Okay Madam. So…. (counting the saris) Six in all. Fine.

Me: I…err I will not take all this….I mean will choose from…

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes Madam. That’s perfectly okay.

Radheshyam Uncle: Good Bahurani (finally removing his “dirty” hand off my back). You are at least better than my Bahu. When I came with her once here, she picked around 15 saris to select from!

Mama-ji: (smiling) Pyaremohan Sahab, do you have anything else, something exclusive in your sari section other than these?

Pyaremohan: Sure Sahab! Let me just clean this area. Madam, when you take a look at our designer collection, you would want to take all. He he he…

Mr. Pyaremohan now kept aside the unfolded saris and took out a small bundle. I sat quietly and was thinking how could I fix my bra hook. It was impossible to do that in front of these males. But as I thought deeper, I came out with a solution. Being a garment shop, there had to be a trial room here. I looked around and immediately discovered that! I thought that this should be easy - as I would say to Mr. Pyaremohan that I would like to try one of the saris – then would go inside the trial room and fasten my bra. I indeed felt at ease appreciating my own plan in my mind.

Pyaremohan: Madam, these are mainly printed chiffon, jorget, and cbang designer collection. These are perfect party wears.

Being somewhat comfortable mentally having the ‘trial room plan’ in my mind, I was eager to have a look on this set, especially because I did not have any jorget or chiffon in my collection. But as Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded the first sari I immediately felt slightly hesitant. The reason was simple – the sari was just too transparent! It was not that I was not aware jorget and chiffon saris are diaphanous and thin, but this one seemed to be a bit too much! I obviously could not wear such a thing in front of my in-laws, but I thought Rajesh would surely love it. I smiled to myself.

In the meantime Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a few more and I was immensely impressed by the wonderful prints and decided to take one in spite of the revealing trait of these saris. I knew we hardly get a chance to go to a party where I could wear such an item, but what was the harm in keeping one in my collection and when someone else is paying! I again smiled to myself.

Pyaremohan: Madam (unfolding a very gorgeous jorget), this sea green would match your complexion very much. Just see…

Mama-ji: Wow! This is indeed very beautiful!

Pyaremohan: Madam, just feel the fabric, its so light and smooth, you will hardly feel that you are wearing anything!

Me: Hmm… (Though I simply loved the print, but I was visibly feeling tight inspecting this sheer fabric in front of these “uncle-like” males)

Radheshyam Uncle: (inspecting the sari with his fingers) Very nice… very nice. I am just asking one question, though I am very novice about these things… whatever I hear from my Bahu… The few times I went for shopping with her I always see my Bahu is very particular about a matching blouse… so are you giving that too with this?

Mama-ji: Bahurani, see, Radhe is doing half your job! Ha ha ha…

I also could not stop smiling hearing that exclusive feminine question from this elderly male!
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