Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Mama-ji: He was saying that you just completed the first half of the Maha-yagya yesterday night…

A tremor as if passed through my whole body. How much has Guru-ji revealed to Mama-ji? My Goodness! It would be very, very shameful for me if Mama-ji happens to know what were the steps in the Yoni Puja, which I had to undertake. Would Guru-ji reveal ashram secrets to outsiders? Probably not, but still I was having a dry throat in my anxiousness.

Me: Ye… yes. I am also hopeful that my wish would… would come true after...

Mama-ji: By the way Bahurani, what’s actually this Maha-yagya? How different is it from other yagyas?

Seems Mama-ji was not aware of everything that goes on behind the closed doors of the ashram. I breathed easy.

Me: Nothing… not much difference Mama-ji… It’s all about… about rituals, off… err… offering etc. but in great detail.

Mama-ji: Guru-ji was saying it’s very strenuous …

Me: Yes… yes…. Very tiring… actually you need to sit for very long hours. L-o-n-g prayers also.

I tried my best to cut discussions regarding ashram short - firstly because he was a male, moreover quite elderly, and most importantly he was a relative of mine from my husband’s side. So, if by any chance he gets to know of my “acts” in the ashram, I would stand nowhere in my “sasural”. Hence very consciously I deviated the topic.

Me: Mama-ji, one thing I must admit… you look pretty fit even at this age… What’s the secret? (I asked smiling cutely)

Mama-ji (immediately happiness flushed on his face) He he… I do exercise regularly Bahurani and you know also sticks to a restricted diet.

Me: O! That’s really good to know. You should give some tips to Rajesh… He’s so lazy…

Mama-ji: Ha ha ha… Lazy? Even when you are around? Ha ha ha….

He started laughing very loudly at his own double-meaning comment and I also pretended to have felt very shy.

As I lifted my chin up and looked through the windscreen suddenly I noted that there were a few boys and girls standing at some distance on the road and waving their hands to us! I was obviously curious and as I turned towards Mama-ji and he also had noticed them.

Mama-ji: Must be in trouble. Seems their car has a flat tyre!

Within moments we reached where the boys and girls were standing and Mama-ji stopped the car.

Mama-ji: What’s up?

One of the boys came near and briefed that their car had a flat tyre and they did not have a spare one and he requested for a lift to some place called “Shekhapura”. I noted that there were individuals (two boys and three girls), all appeared to be college students, and very evidently city-based (from their modern outfits).

Mama-ji agreed to provide them the “lift” and I also gave the nod as I thought how long would they remain stranded like that on this road!

Mama-ji: One of you come to the front and rest can sit at the back…

Girl-1: Sure Sir, no problems at all. Pinky, you sit in the front.

The girl named Pinky came and sat beside me. She was slightly overweight and since she was wearing a fairly tight skirt and top, her breasts and hips looked very prominent. The other two girls were wearing jeans and short kurti.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do one thing, you keep one leg on each side of the gear… then you both can sit comfortably…

Mama-ji remarked seeing that neither that girl nor myself was unable to sit properly due to our macro-sized bases.

Me: O… okay!

I shifted towards Mama-ji and guided my right leg to the other side of the gear. Now the gear was exactly between my legs and I could jolly well feel that it was a “suicidal” idea for any female to sit like that in a moving car, but there was hardly anything I could also!

I had shifted significantly towards Mama-ji in accommodating that girl Pinky. She had a significantly large and round ass for her age and now the right side of my body was touching Mama-ji’s body.

Mama-ji: Okay, can we start?

The boys and girls from the back chorused: Sure sir!

Mama-ji started a casual chat with the crowd in the car, but I was very conscious of my condition due to the dangling gear in between my thighs! As Mama-ji was changing the gear, each time his left hand brushed my thighs and not only that as and when he was lowering the gear it was aiming almost my choot!

My whole body got stiff each time there was a change in gear position.

The new thing that added to my misery was with each turn on the road towards left, as Mama-ji turned the steering wheel, I felt his elbow nudging and pressing on my firm right breast. I could not even use my arm to protect my boobs because that would look very rude.

The girl beside me (Pinky) was talking to me (just formality chat) and I was replying to her, but I was very conscious as Mama-ji was frequently changing the gear. I was trying to manage somehow, but as I looked towards that girl from her right side, I noticed that her breasts protruded so very prominently through her tight top that anyone could make out the size and shape of her twin peaks! I wondered how could a grown up girl wear such a thing! Was she not aware that everybody would look at her tits, as they were so very evident through her dress? Not only that, the fabric of the top she was wearing was also not very thick and decent, and hence if anyone sees a bit minutely could easily trace her bra position inside her tight top! How shameless these city girls are!

Just then there was a sharp U-turn and I had no other option but to clench my fist and close my eyes because as Mama-ji rotated the steering wheel, I immediately felt his elbow digging deep in my firm boob flesh and when he kept the wheel in one constant position for the turn, he was actually poking my right boob in a very offending manner. Mama-ji’s left elbow remained tightly pressed on my breast and it was indeed a tongue-tied situation for me in the literal sense.

I looked from the corner of my eye towards Mama-ji, but he seemed very attentive towards driving though his elbow was constantly pushing my breast! Was Mama-ji so ignorant? Couldn’t be! I was a bit puzzled. Since I was wearing one of those brassieres, which fitted very tightly on my tits, the firmness and sponginess was of course more today. I was not a teenager that he could just ignore, I was a matured lady… How could Mama-ji totally ignore that?

Could it not be that he treated me like his daughter and hence it was just a situational occurrence? I rebuked myself and was sure that Mama-ji did not do that on purpose and it was purely coincidental. Hence I slowly started accepting Mama-ji’s elbowing in a more free mind. I tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, but unfortunately this road had so many turns that it became quite impossible for me to remain just nonchalant.

As time passed I could feel Mama-ji’s elbow digging in deeper and with time more decisively into my boob as he turned the steering wheel. I was definitely feeling wet inside my pussy and my boob flesh started getting hugely taut. Mama-ji was absolutely ignorant, but my face had turned crimson, as the process was quite regular supplemented by the gear action in between my sari-covered thighs.

The initial chat etc. had stopped and everybody was silent as the car raced on at a decent speed. The girl next to me was already in a semi-slumber, there was no sound from the back seat also, and Mama-ji as usual was all focussed on driving. Just then I happened to raise my eyes and looked through the viewfinder just above my head inside the car.

My mouth simply opened wide! From my angle I could see only one girl and one boy on the back seat. I saw that the girl was sitting with her head on the boy’s shoulder and the boy had one of his hands encircling her over her shoulder. This much was okay, but I did notice that the upper two buttons on the girl’s top was open and the boy’s hand was freely moving on her chest area!

I was already somewhat aroused by Mama-ji’s “driving” and gulping that scene my heart started racing faster immediately. For the moment Mama-ji’s touched remained obscured from my mind and I was keen to watch more. The boy was also lightly kissing the girl’s cheeks and hairs and once I saw he cupped the girl’s perky breast fully with his hand coming from above her shoulder. He gave it a long, tight squeeze and naturally the girl had her eyes closed and was enjoying the whole thing.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, am having hindrance to guide the gear… if you can just keep your legs a bit more spaced out…

Me: Uuuh? Oh! Okay Mama-ji…

I was so keen watching the viewfinder that I readily agreed to what Mama-ji said, but unfortunately since on one side Pinky was sleeping with very much parted legs and Mama-ji sitting on the other side, there was not much space for me to spread my thighs.

Mama-ji: (Seeing that I was unable to do it properly): Let me help you…

Mama-ji now himself grabbed my right thigh over my sari and pulled it towards him trying to create space for the gear to move freely. No way did I expect that, but seeing Mama-ji’s expression I realized it was an honest effort from the elderly person.

Mama-ji: Now it’s okay. I hope you are not uncomfortable Bahurani?

Me: No… no.

In the process my right thigh was pressed more tightly on Mama-ji’s leg and he must be feeling the smoothness and silkiness of my plump sari-covered thigh. I was eager to look up at the viewfinder again and the scene there had of course heated up! I saw the boy had glided his hand through the open buttons of the girl’s top and was massaging her breasts inside her brassiere! The girl now was sitting more close to him, almost on his lap!

Suddenly I felt a pinch on my firm thigh flesh and looked very surprisingly at Mama-ji.

Mama-ji drove the car into the portico of the house and garaged it beside the garden. It was a nice small one storied bungalow type house, quite well maintained.

Mama-ji: I do all this gardening and landscaping myself.

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

We entered the house and honestly I was feeling a bit odd being alone only with Mama-ji in the house. There was no other person present. Even the maid was missing as she was on leave. Mama-ji showed me the interiors, which comprised of one bedroom, a dining space, a library, a kitchen, a toilet, and a verandah. I kept my carry bag in Mama-ji’s bedroom and used the conveniences.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, garma garam chaye!

Mama-ji placed the tray on the center table. He had brought some cakes and sweets also.

Me: How could you prepare so quickly? (I was visibly surprised)

Mama-ji: Ha ha… I had prepared before I left and kept it in the thermos.

Me: Oh!

The couches that were there in the dining space looked rather odd to me and as I sat on one of them I realized the problem. It was okay for relaxing but for any female to sit like that was pretty odd. The cushion of the couch was unusually soft and spongy and naturally for a heavy bottomed woman like me, I just dug deeper and deeper into the couch. I grabbed the hand-rests of the couch for balance, but my hips descended so much inside that I looked horrible in that posture!

Mama-ji: Uhu! Not like that Bahurani. Sit in a relaxed manner! Like this… These are imported settees. Very comfortable, but you must release your body fully on the backrest. Aaah!

Seeing Mama-ji, I gently released my body weight to the backrest and yes, definitely I felt at ease, but the sitting position was honestly rather awkward for any female, especially in front of any male. It was okay that Mama-ji was my relative, but still…

My heavy ass dug so deep into the seat that it made my legs lose grip off the floor and they hung in the air and my head rested back. Generally we females tend to sit with our legs closed or crossed when we are in an unfamiliar environment, but this couch was made in such a way that it was extremely difficult to keep legs together just because the hip was going so deep down. My legs also remained parted (must have been looking rather indecent as Mama-ji was sitting directly opposite to me) as I leaned back significantly due to the backrest.

It was okay for any male to sit like that as Mama-ji was relaxing and sipping the tea, but for a woman to sit like that was cumbersome. Mama-ji probably read my mind.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you have just traveled some good kilometers, so just relax now and have the tea. I know when one first sits on this couch, he or she remains a bit stiff, but if you enjoy the sitting, you will surely like it.

Me: Ye… yes Mama-ji, but it is quite…

Mama-ji: Yes, I know Beti… But unless you slacken your muscles a bit, you will not feel the… .

Me: O… Okay….

I obeyed Mama-ji and loosened my muscles and as a result my sari-covered round fleshy bottom dug an inch or tow more into the cushion and my knees separated (which I had been keeping together) as I supported my head on the backrest. I was slowly getting accustomed and after a while as I sipped the tea my legs spread apart inside my sari as I relaxed on that unique couch.

Mama-ji: How’s the tea Beti?

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Ha ha… Good. You know it feels so good if someone comes here, like today you have come…. But alas! All of my blood relations have scattered out… and there is hardly any time for this old man…

Me: Don’t say like that Mama-ji… Actually since you leave alone, you sense that a shade more.

Mama-ji: Hmm… may be! I pass my days now with two or three friends here who are almost my age and also by giving tuition to the boys and girls of our locality.

Me: In which subject do you give tuition Mama-ji?

Mama-ji: Why? Will you take my tuition? Ha ha ha…

We both were smiling.

Mama-ji: Mainly mathematics, but not lower classes, I don’t have the patience now… so I restrict to only classes XI and XII.

Me: I see.

I was feeling slightly uncomfortable now as my panty borders had shifted a bit and were cutting marginally on my groins. Though it was not an intolerable situation, but since I had been sitting in the car in a stiff posture for a prolonged period of time, it must have happened. Mama-ji was right in front of me, so obviously there was no question of me trying to adjust my panty. I continued like that though could clearly feel that the edges of my panty were pressing on my groin.

Mama-ji: Anyway, tell me how’s Rajesh’s business going? I hope all is well?

Me: Yes Mama-ji, his business is going okay, but he has to spend a lot of time in it.

Mama-ji: Ha ha … Shall I consider it as a complain?

Me: (blushing) No, no.

Mama-ji: Still I got the message the way you said it. Ha ha… Anyway, he is staying at night with you naa… Ha ha ha…

I smiled, blushing again.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, whatever you say, you are looking extremely odd in this saffron sari within the house. Seems like some Sanyasini has come …. Ha ha ha..

Me: Yes Mama-ji I know, but I should not break the ashram code.

Mama-ji: But unlike the ashram no one is vigilant on you here!

Me: That’s true. But…

Mama-ji: Okay, but tell me do you always wear this outfit there? I mean even while sleeping also?

Me: No, no Mama-ji. I wear a nighty, but that too is given by the ashram.

Mama-ji: O! I see. But anyway Bahurani you saved me from getting into an awkward situation… (he was smilingly mischievously)

Me: (amused) How?

Mama-ji: If you wished to change your sari, I am not in a position to give you a spare one. Obviously there are no female garments in my house. Ha ha ha… I only have shirts and trousers to offer you. At most I can give you a vest and a pajama to wear…. Ha ha ha…

I smiled back to him with a crimson shade on my face.

Mama-ji: Though there are some saris etc. of my maidservant kept here for emergency purpose, but obviously I can never offer that to my Bahurani.

I smiled again and sipped the tea. Just then Mama-ji stood up from the couch. He has finished his tea. He came near me. I was definitely feeling a bit uncomfortable as he came very near to me and looked down at me while talking. I was sitting in a clumsy fashion in that couch - both my legs were spread and since my buttocks had sunk deep my sari stretched on my thighs making them more prominent and my twin tits appeared like two small hillocks on display as my upper body leaned back on the backrest of the couch.

Fortunately I was wearing a sari; had I been wearing a salwar-kamiz and sitting in this couch, surely it would look rather obscene because from the opposite low angle Mama-ji certainly would have been able to peep into my kamiz from below due to my parted legs. Simultaneously the thought of myself wearing the Maha-yagya paridhan and sitting on this couch came to my mind and I instantly blushed and smiled within myself thinking of the outrageous upskirt view I would have provided to Mama-ji sitting opposite to me!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I will just take a break for 15-20 minutes, as I have to attend some urgent garden work. Till such time you can have a look at the house and also go to the roof if you like. Otherwise you can just relax here also … okay?

Me: Ji… ji Mama-ji.

I completed the tea and took a couple of sweets, which tasted really nice. As Mama-ji went outside to the garden, I stretched myself and tried to feel more relaxed and automatically now my legs got parted even more (I wondered what would happen to a girl if she sits in this couch wearing a knee-length skirt!)

However, as I continued to relax on that couch, I had to admit in my mind that it was extremely comfortable because once I released my full body weight onto it and was not stiff any longer, it really was a great feeling! At the same time I concluded that this sort of couch should not be kept in the dining, but rather in a private place (like bedroom or a somewhat closed verandah) so that females could also use it effectively. The backrest was so awkwardly deep that when I released my body fully to lean and rest on it, my big boobs looked like two floating balloons under my sari! By no means it could be termed decent for a matured woman to sit and relax on this sort of a couch (especially in front of any male).

After a while, I got up and thought of taking a walk within the house. Mama-ji was outside working in the garden. I started with the kitchen, which was substantially big and spacious. All the utensils, plates, cups, spice bottles, etc. were kept very neatly and I appreciated Mama-ji’s maid’s work in my mind.
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