Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
We proceeded now to the ashram building again and reached the Puja-ghar. The Puja-ghar was illuminated by a big “yagya agni” and much heat was also emitted by it. Guru-ji was sitting right in front of that. His face and upper body glowed in the orange-yellow light of the fire; he was chanting mantras and throwing flowers etc. into the fire, and his large body habitus honestly looked rather ominous in that setting. I noticed that Uday and Rajkamal were already present in the puja-ghar and now Nirmal and Sanjeev also joined with me.

Guru-ji: Welcome Anita! By the gace of Linga Maharaj and Chandrama you have reached the pinnacle of your yatra in the ashram. Jai Linga Maharaj!

There were “asana” placed just beside where Guru-ji was sitting. He indicated to take my seat there. All the other four males kept standing facing us. I sat on my knees so that I did not make an unnecessary upskirt show to the men who were standing just opposite to me.

Guru-ji: Beti, I require paramount concentration from you in this session and you have to be absolutely inhibition-free while attending it, otherwise the whole effort will go as a waste. Okay? And do respond from time to time so that I can understand you can grasp what I say. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: I will discuss the aspects of this Yoni Puja and will interact with you as needed so that you can grasp the whole idea and every bit of the dialogue is effective for your future pregnancy.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Fine. Let me proceed then. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I tried to concentrate hard on Guru-ji and in fact the milieu was such that my entire focus was in fact on the Godman!

Guru-ji: You know Anita, Yoni Puja has been practiced from long ago, mainly as a part of “tantra”. I have acquired this skill from my Guru. He is no longer alive today. I will pass on this special skill to one of them who in turn will carry on.

Guru-ji looked at his disciples. Sanjeev, Nirmal, Rajkamal, and Uday – all were listening to him with great concentration.

Guru-ji: Yoni Puja… the basic idea is rather than worshipping the 'Yoni' in the symbolical form, using for example a statue or a painting, we do a "live" worship. This is also called "stri puja" which indicates that worship is directed to a living Yoni of a real woman. Getting what I mean to say?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good. And today YOU are the goddess whose Yoni will be worshipped so that your womb is blessed with a child.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: You must remember that the whole process of Yoni Puja is a secret process and that’s why I could not call any of your family members in this. Moreover, the effect and preparations for this ritual include means of heightening mental and physical responsiveness to erotic stimulation, some of which you have already passed through and of course you would not have been comfortable doing all that in front of your family members or husband. Isn’t it Beti?

Me: Yes Guru-ji. Absolutely.

Guru-ji: Even this Maha-yagya dress would not look decent to them… isn’t it? That’s why it’s done secretly and privately.

Guru-ji paused for a while only and then continued again.

Guru-ji: Beti, you know, in “tantra” Yoni is the symbol of love and worship. That’s why in order to plunge deep into the Yoni Puja, you must be aware of the love tips and tricks as you are a married woman.

He paused again but only for 2-3 seconds.

Guru-ji: Do you agree that a marital relationship broadly rests on the physical relation between the husband and wife?

Me: Yes.

Guru-ji: Then do you agree that you must know the proper ways to execute love making with your husband?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good. Anita, you might find the questions that I put forward now a bit offending or a bit too personal, but if you do not share you will not be able to know the right keys to your love making success. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: The first and foremost thing is the venue? You must be having sex in your bedroom Anita?

I was a bit taken aback by the question. It was too straight. Especially considering that I was answering in front of four other males!

I nodded.

Guru-ji: Can you briefly describe your bedroom?

Me: Yes… I mean… it’s just like any other bedroom, nothing special Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: You did not get me. I want to know the position of the bed, how many windows and doors are there in the room, fans and lighting arrangements, toilet is attached or not…

Me: O! I see. Okay Guru-ji. In my bedroom there are two windows and one door. There…

Guru-ji interrupted.

Guru-ji: When you meet your husband do you keep the windows open?

Me: Ye… err… I mean mostly yes. They are of course curtained.

Guru-ji: Ha ha ha… That’s expected Anita. No need to mention that.

I smiled shyly. And there was a slight roar of laughter from the audience – Sanjeev, Rajkamal, Nirmal, and Uday.

Guru-ji: Anyway, continue.

Me: The bed is in the center of the room and the fan is also just above it. A small toilet is attached to my bedroom though it’s newly constructed.

Guru-ji: Okay so it seems that you have a cozy and convenient environment while meeting your husband on bed.

Me: Yes, mostly.

Guru-ji: And the attached toilet is a positive step towards lovemaking. What about the lighting arrangements?

Me: You mean…?

Guru-ji: Yes, when you are on bed with your husband how much illumination the room has?

Me: Err… the night lamp…. I mean the night lamp is only switched on.

Guru-ji: Beti, I asked you how much illuminated the room remains?

I started feeling nervous as I was unable to figure out what exactly he wanted to know.

Me: Err… its…

Guru-ji: Anita! Are you not getting me? I want to know are you able to see your husband very clearly?

Me: O! No Guru-ji. Of course not with the night lamp.

Guru-ji: Hmm… Okay. Whatever information I gathered from you it seems other things are pretty okay except for the light. Let me brief you on this.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: The bed position seems okay, just below the fan, the windows must also remain open while you are engaged in sex. Attached toilet is a plus as I said. Regarding illumination it is important to have proper lighting for passionate and interesting lovemaking. You of course don’t want to make it a routine job, isn’t it Anita?

Me: Of course not Guru-ji, but its getting to that end only.

Guru-ji: That’s why I am elaborating on these things! Use something brighter than the night lamp if you want to excite your husband.

I was keenly listening now as there has been some ebb in our lovemaking in recent times.

Me: But Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: I know what you will say. You will feel shy to be naked in more light. Right?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: I am not asking you to be naked under the tube-lights of your room Anita! Use an amber tint if possible and it would be best if you can put it in a bedside lampshade.

Me: O-k-a-y!

Guru-ji: That will help you both to see each other clearer and the light effect will surely heat up the session.

I nodded.

Guru-ji: And another point to note for you - spread only yellow or cream-colored bed sheets so that the light reflects off your bed giving an exciting effect.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will remember that.

Guru-ji: These points might sound simple enough, but it actually helps you to open up to more love. Love demands shamelessness after marriage. If you are bold and creative, your husband automatically will remain glued to you. And when I discuss other techniques, you will yourself know that once your husband feels that love, he will be more open to you sexually and will want to make love more often.

I was mesmerized to his explanations. I loved the way he explained and was surely getting keen to know more.

Guru-ji: Additionally occasionally if you can keep flowers in the room, it also will add to the effect, but mind you Beti, do not try too many things at a time, it will make the setting artificial and uncomfortable for your husband. Can you tell why?

I fumbled, as I was not prepared for a question.

Me: Err… I think… err… I mean… Guru-ji I think…

Guru-ji: Let me explain though you should have been able to reply this Beti being married for three years and well experienced in sex life.

I blushed and lowered my face.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev can you tell?

Sanjeev: Yes Guru-ji. Madam’s husband is habituated to have sex with Madam in a specific setting of their bedroom since they are married for some years now. Suddenly if Madam tries to decorate the room on the days when she meets her husband, he might be apprehensive and uneasy. If Madam was a newly married lady, she could have tried these alterations.

Guru-ji: Good Sanjeev. Anita, did you get it?

Me: Sure Guru-ji.

I nodded as an obedient student of this sexual awareness class! Myself being nearly 30 years of age and married for 3 years was getting education about how to create an exciting atmosphere for my fuck!

Guru-ji: Next is the second most important thing after the ambiance.

Me: What is that Guru-ji?

I asked hurriedly in my keenness to know more and simply looked like a fool in front of these males when Guru-ji replied.

Guru-ji: Obviously your dress code Anita. What you should wear and what not when you go for sex with your husband.

Me: Oh!

I swallowed a breath and immediately felt my exposed state in my current Maha-yagya dress code. I was giving a hefty cleavage show and my rotund legs and thighs were also shamelessly exposed. The very next question made me coil like a snail within myself.

Guru-ji: First let me hear Beti from you what you wear on days when you have sex with your husband?

Me: I mean Guru-ji… normal… I mean nighty.

Guru-ji: Okay, so nothing special on weekends etc.? You always wear nighty while going to bed.

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay and what about your inner wears?

I could feel my palms had started sweating as I was replying to these intimate questions. I licked my lips once so that I could remain composed.

Me: Err… nothing… I mean like all women while going to bed …

Guru-ji: Okay Beti, I got it.

I just nodded. I felt very uneasy to share these facts in front of so many people. If it was Guru-ji alone, I would not have probably felt so odd, but the presence of that clumsy dwarf Nirmal and teenage Rajkamal were making me feel rather shy.

Guru-ji: This is another aspect where you need to correct yourself Anita. Since you are only wearing a nighty, you are actually depriving your husband from a longer foreplay. Do you realize that?

I did not quite get what Guru-ji meant. How was I depriving Rajesh if I was wearing nighty on bed without my inner?

Me: Err… no Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, can you explain why to Anita?
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