Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Master-ji: Don’t talk like an idiot Deepak. He must be attending office or having a business. How can he touch her all day? Ha ha ha.

Deepak also joined the laughter roar to this crude low-grade joke and almost simultaneously both gave me tight squeezes on my gaand cupping my tight flesh from over my sari to make me pant like a traveler without water in the desert.

I was amazed to see the courage of these two males. Petty tailors - commenting like that! Moreover, freely cupping my hips at their will just because I was in a compromised state. If this was not the ashram, a tight slap would teach this Deepak a lesson. How dare he remark “He can touch this gaand all day, all night…”!

Me: Ah! Ouch!

My excitement was getting over my irritation time and again. The way these two males were pressing me at that very sensitive spot, I was behaving almost like a randi, pressing my boobs, shuffling, and also wriggling my heavy gaand under my sari. Both males were now at random poking and digging their fingers deep into the middle of my ass cheeks over my sari and petticoat to check the firmness of my buttocks. My lips were drying up every now and then and my nipples were extremely taut now eagerly waiting to be freed and twisted.

I closed my eyes visualizing the vulgarity the scene was exhibiting – two males in almost squatting position caressing my gaand over my sari and myself was swaying my ass and pressing my boobs and tracing my nipples over my tight blouse under my sari pallu. This bawdy affair went on for a few more minutes till Master-ji remarked, “Okay Madam, we are done”!

So kind of him, I thought.

Master-ji: Deepak, I think two and three quarter inch of additional fabric with elastic stitching on both edges will solve Madam’s problem.

Deepak: As you feel right Master-ji.

Both males stood up and I immediately took a step forward to get rid of the two hands till then constantly cajoling my ass flesh.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, at last we are finally done! I will be back with your dress and the undergarments by 09:00 p.m. here again. Since the Maha-yagya start time is around 11:00 p.m., we will have substantial time if you need any further correction in your outfit.

Me: Uff! Okay Master-ji.

I took a deep breath and my whole body was aching now because I got the male touch concentrated on my bottoms only for an extended period of time. I adjusted my pallu and straightened the sari over my buttock curve and tried to look decent. Deepak was quick enough to gather the tailoring bits and pieces into his bag and they bid me ‘good bye’ promising to get back by 9 at night.

Even after the tailor-duo disappeared from my room, I stood like a statue for some time trying to realize what I underwent in the last one hour or so and what’s in store for me additionally. I went to the toilet and washed my face, neck, and arms with cold water and tried my best to get out of my horny feelings. I did not even wipe my face and was back in the room and jumped into the bed. I allowed my pussy to discharge some fluids in my panty and then attempted to get myself out of these ‘hot’ feelings.

I was successful after sometime and then endeavored to be prepared mentally for the Maha-yagya. I closed my eyes and concentrated on it though I found it very hard. At one point I started feeling very sleepy and decided to sleep for a while. I just raised my waist from my lying position and inserted my hands inside my sari and petticoat and got out of my panty, which was having some wet spots in the front. I threw it to the room corner and went for the nap.

I did not know how long I slept, but my sleep was interrupted by knocks at the door. Nirmal was at the door.

Nirmal: Afternoon Madam. Sleeping at this hour?

I somehow resisted laughing looking at the face of this short-statured personality. I did not know why every time his very look made me amused.

Me: No actually got late with Master-ji giving the measurements, so…

Nirmal: I see. Actually Guru-ji passed you this book. Madam, you get fresh and I will bring tea for you. Then you can go through the book.

That was a good idea. I was still feeling somewhat sleepy and as I felt a slight itch around my pussy area, I instantly remember that I was not wearing the panty. I looked from the corner of my eye to the room corner to find it lying in a curled up fashion. Thank God! Nirmal had not noticed that. But certainly his eyes were roving along my bust-line under my sari pallu, though the fact remained that his height was such that his eye level was at my bust-line.

Nirmal: Madam, Guru-ji also told to inform you that you should be ready for the Maha-yagya by 11 p.m. Though that’s a lot of time from now, I still made you aware.

Me: Okay, thanks.

He went away and I immediately almost sprinted to the corner of the room to pick up my panty and kept it in the cupboard. I was feeling better without the panty and decided to remain pantyless, as I would be confined to my room only. Nirmal was back in a couple of minutes and by that time I used the conveniences. After I finished tea, I took the book and glanced through it. It had subjects like Linga Puja, Yoni Puja, Stree Puja and so on with their vivid descriptions and narration.

I was glued to the book for fairly long time and was engrossed in the detailed yagya processes, and was curiously reading the extracted verses from the Purana, like this excerpt, which I found pretty interesting:

Dialog between Parvati the great Goddess and Lord Shiva:
The Ten Mahavidyas, these are listed in the third patala of Yoni Tantra as Kali, Tara, Sodasi, Chinnamastaka, Bhagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhuvaneshvari, Mahalakshmi and associated with the different parts of the yoni. This list of the Mahavidyas differs from that in Todala Tantra.

One becomes Kalika’s son and renowned. Devi is at the base of the yoni and Naganandini is in the yoni. Kali and Tara are in the yoni cakra and Chinnamastaka in the hair. Bagalamukhi and Matangi are on the rim of the yoni. Mahalakshmi, Shodashi and Bhuvaneshvari are within the yoni. By worshipping the yoni one certainly worships Sakti.

The MahaVidya, mantra and preparation of the mantra do not bestow siddhi without worship of the yoni. One should bow thrice before the yoni with a flower, Mahesvari, else the puja of a man is useless even in 1000 lifetimes. Guru is clearly Siva and his partner is the true form of the goddess.

One should only couple with the yoni that bleeds.

Dearest, if by good fortune one is partner to a  girl, one should worship her yoni tattva. Otherwise, worship other yonis. When we speak of , her we speak about those who are  by birth based on Astrology, and not because one is born in a  home.

Candali, Lady of Hosts, the foremost one, is the center of the yoni. By worshipping in this way, one becomes my equal, most certainly. What use are meditations, reciting mantras, giving gifts or kula nectars? O Durga, without yoni worship, all are fruitless.

Seated on the peak of Mount Kailasha, the god of gods,the guru of all creation, was questioned by Durga-of-the-Smiling-Face, Naganandini. Lord, 64 tantras have been created. Tell me, Ocean of Compassion, about the chief of these. Mahadeva said: Listen, dearest Parvati, to this great secret. You have asked to hear this 10 million times.
Beauteous One, it is because of your feminine nature that you continually ask me. You should conceal this by every effort. Parvati, there is mantra pitha, yantra pitha and yoni pitha. Amongst these, the chief is certainly the yoni pitha, revealed to you from affection. Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara and Brahma---- the gods of creation, maintenance and destruction----all originate in the yoni.

A person should not worship the yoni if he does not have the Sakti mantra. This initiation and mantra is the deliverer from hell. I am Mityunjaya, beloved of your yoni. Surasundari, I always worship Durga in my heart lotus. This liberates the mind from distinctions such as Divya and vira. O Lady Goddess! worshipping in this manner, liberation is placed within a person’s reach.

A yoni worshipper should prepare the Sakti mantra. He gains wealth, poesy, wisdom and omniscience. He becomes the four-faced Brahma for one hundred million eons.

What is the use of talking! To speak of this avails naught. If a person worships with menstrual flowers, he also has power over fate. Doing much puja in this way, he may become liberated.

The fruit of doing puja to the great yoni, deliverer from the ocean of misery, is life and enhanced vitality. The yoni which has bled is suitable for worship. Do not worship a yoni which has never bled. Worshipping a yoni which has never bled causes loss of siddhi on every occasion

In the absence of the yoni of a maiden or a beautiful woman, worship the yoni of a sister or of a female pupil. Worship the yoni daily, otherwise pronounce the mantra. Do not perform useless puja without yoni puja.

ParvatÌ said: Ocean of Compassion, by what method should the yoni, which is the essence of the cosmos, to be worshipped? If you or a sadhaka should worship a yoni, how does it bestow grace? Speak of this to me! I want to hear all of this because of my great curiosity.
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 13-02-2019, 11:19 AM
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