Incest Rinku and cancer mummi
Hi friends , this is Manorama sharing her true story with you. Let me start with my family. I am a happily married mother of two children, a boy and a girl and a wife to my husband, Sudarshan, who works in a private company. I stay at my home in a village while my husband works in the city and he is out most of the year. My husband is a regular man with a sharp nose and a regular haircut and he usually dresses up in formal clothes. I am tall and slim, though I have accumulated some meat over my buttocks and my breasts are also more than average size. I dress up in sarees at home.My son rinku is a handome grown up boy of 22 years while my daughter , Jyoti,who has taken over my looks is of 19 years of age. Rinku is doing his BA from  the nearby college and he goes to his college by bus while my daughter studies in the village school in the 12th class. Both my children are very obedient and nice to me. My husband has started earning good recently so our living standard has gone up. He gets us beautiful clothes from the city and our neighbours often ask us where we got such nice clothes from. We had a joint family but my saas sasur have expired since some time and we are the four members in the family. We have a spacious house with a cattle shed where I have domesticated a cow for our milk needs. I tend to her with the help of my daughter. We have plenty of land too in the village.
We were leading a normal life when one day I fainted in the bathroom with pain. The pain had originated in the breast area. Though that day , I didn’t attach much importance to it but then gradually I started feeling it more and more. It was so intense that I began crying. My daughter slept with me at night to help me with water and other necessity if any. I tried all indigenous formulas, went to the local vaidyaraaj ( we didn’t have any doctor in the village and there was a medicine man who helped in cases of minor health problems ). The vaidyaraaj gave me certain potions but they were not helpful as my pain would recur after certain intervals. I was short of options now so I told my son to call my husband from the city.
My husband, Sudarshan, rushed to the house the same day he heard of my malady. He took me in his arms and he had tears in his eyes. He took me to the local hospital which was 25 kms from my village but there the doctors said that we need to go and check up in a bigger hospital in Dehradun. We went there and various tests were performed and the doctors asked me all kind of questions regarding my pain etc. when the doctors were unable to detect my disease, they asked me for certain tests which would cost some money. My husband had got money for emergency and we went ahead with these tests. But, when the result came out , the wind was taken out of our lungs.
Cancer- yes, I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The world broke apart and I started weeping on the shoulder of my husband who in turn was weeping too. The doctors patted my back, one doctor was particularly young and he took the opportunity to rub my bare back, and said that its curable and just that it would cost more money. He told my husband that I had to undergo chemotherapy now and that it would cost lakhs of rupees. Though my husband was earning good by the village standards but it was meager when it came to be compared with the cost of the treatment. We made a crestfallen face as the doctors told us to come when we had the money. The doctors also told that since it was stage one , I still had 2-3 years to live but if they did chemotherapy then I could live more. We boarded a bus and moved towards our home.
In the bus, I remembered the doctor’s words.They said it was hereditary and then I remembered that my  chachi had it. My chichi was also my maasi. They were sisters married into the same family. I recalled to my mind that chachi had quite humoungous breasts and her husband, my chacha , had ran away from the house leaving her with three daughters. My chachi was alone for most of her life and she had taken pleasure with a boy, Amit,who was young enough to be her grandson. I had seen them fornicating when I had gone home to meet her after my marriage.There was no one in the house. They were lying on the cot in the open courtyard while I saw them from the back window of my room. Amit had her maasive tits in his hands and he was mauling them like he was kneading the dough. My chachi was moaning ‘ hai hai’ all the while. Chachi’s old and crumpled suit made up for the bedsheet and they were stark naked. Chachi had fat buttocks and Amit’s hand reached down on them too slapping them nice and hard. Chachi even had white hair on her head but he was having fun like an eighteen year old with Amit.I had got so turned on that I had rubbed my pussy over my saari standing there. I recalled how crestfallen Amit was when he learnt that chachi had cancer and then chachi lived for one year and left this world. It all came back to me and I could understand that it had come to me from my aunt. But , there was no way out now ! If I didn’t get proper treatment , I didn’t have much longer to live.
When we came back, we could hold it from our children. My son Rinku fell on my bosom and started crying. He started hauling, ‘ No maiya, it can’t be. How can God do this. No God no. Holy Shiva ! Holy Rama , what have you done to my mother. I can’t live without her’ seeing this my daughter also got sentimental and she came to me too. We cried our hearts out.
In the evening, my husband Sudarshan started counting his savings. It all amounted to 2.5 lakhs. The rest he had spent in building the house, getting us expensive gifts ( he had brought me expensive nighties and innerwear I hadn’t used so far ! )from the city and paying for the fees of our children. 2.5 lakhs was not enough. It woulkd just amount to one session of chemotherapy. What about the rest ? the doctors had said that I needed at least five sessions. He hung his head in desperation. He told me that he would go to the city tomorrow and arrange for some kind of loan from somewhere. He left early morning and promised me that he would be back within a month. I told him not to worry, God will show us some way.
After nearly a week when he had gone, a friend of mine had come to our house and she told me that she had heard of a sadhu who cures the patients due to the blessings of god. He was a hermit and he had sadhana for a long time and he had attained some siddhis where he could divine the disease of the patient and recommend his cure accordingly. He had cured many patients and his fame was travelling far and wide. I told her that I had cancer and it could only be cured through medical science and not my some traditional mumbo jumbo. But she convinced me to go and try once at least. Since, it was supposed to be a visit and I had nothing to lose, I decided to go to him.
I set out to his ashram early in the morning the next day after asking details of his accommodation in the jungle. I packet some bhaturas and pickle, dressed up in an orange sari and left in a bus with my son. I had sent my daughter to school and had asked my son to stay back so that we could go together. He asked me where we were going but I didn’t tell him much since I thought it was just going to be a normal visit.
After getting down from the bus, we travelled on foot for about 3 kms and then reached a place on the top of the hill. There were a few people sitting outside the ashram. In fact, it was just two rooms made of thatch and smoke came out from a large log of wood lit in the center of the room. The hermit was talking in the other room while the people warmed themselves wwith the fire from the wood and chatted noisily and waited for their turn. My son was looking at me when I told him that this person cures all kinds of diseases and that’s why we have come to him. After waiting for half an hour, an attendant in saffron robes came towards us and told us that we could go inside the hermit’s room.
The sadhu had a nice beard and he was wearing saffron robes. Right next to him, was an asana where probably his patients sat for therapy. He asked us who had the disease. When I nodded , he beckoned me to come to him. He asked all others to leave. Now it was just my son, sadhu and me. He asked me my daily routine and my tastes and preferences, the kind of food I liked and my dislikes. He asked me in details about everything. Then he said that he wanted to see the spot where I felt the pain. I showed my suit covered left breast to him and he smiled. He said if he could touch that area and understand it more intimately. I felt a little awkward as it meant undressing from the top in front of my son and also because I had undressed in front of nobody except my husband. He told me that he needed to touch the place in order to divine it and that I should not feel ashamed. Though I shied a little bit , but then I took the pallu of my saari down, raised my hands and opening the hooks of my petticoat. Underneth I had been wearing a padded lacy pink bra which just put my chuchies poked right in front. The sadhu and my son looked at this lewd show and then I unhooked my bra from the back.  I removed my choli and my bra totally and I saw nude from the top in front of them both. I went close up to sadhu. He asked me to put my hand on the spot where I had I pain. I put my hand on my left chuchy, he put his on mine and pressed my hand. I squirmed with delight and my pussy gasped. Then he asked me to remove my hand. Now he started touching my breast with his pious hand. He lightly touched my nipples. Under my legs , I was feeling a little wetness now. He played gently with my left breast and then told my son,
’ look beta ! I have examined your disease. Don’t worry. I will give you some sacred ash. You will have to put it there everyday and rub it nicely for at least 10 minutes. It must be done daily morning and evening. Then, it will get blessed and the disease shall be cured. And my lady, I have come to the conclusion that you lead a lonely life and therefore an imbalance has been created. Your sattva bhava is less than your tamas bhava and you are not in the rajas bhava. This rajas bhava is responsible for your enjoyment and lovemaking. You need nourishment for blossoming. This deficit has to be filled. My ash will work faster then. And lastly, remember, a male must put the ash on your breasts else the magic won’t work. You must chant properly as I have instructed. You must invoke the incestual gods by chanting.’. I implored him that my husband lived away and it was not possible. Then he smiled and looked at my son. ‘ Can you help your mother, my dear rinku. Your mother has taken your name so much that I have come to the conclusion that it is you whom she needs the most.  Won’t you rub the ointment on her breasts. Are you ashamed . tell me . won’t you do it’ he looked at my son. My son looked at me as if for approval and I nodded my head. ‘yes’, he said, ‘swamijee , I will do it,. ‘well then, the swami said, ‘ come to me after twenty days. By then, the magic shall have worked. Don’t talk to anybody what I have told you to do. Remember, its all secret. You can go now.’
Before leaving he called my son close and said something to him in the ear. My son smiled, nodded and touched his feet and we moved out. I was wondering what it could be
We left the ashram and I had mixed feelings about the whole things. Somehow, we reached home and didn’t exchange a word with each other. The night came and we all had a light dinner. My daughter and son slept in the other room while my husband and me slept in the main kingsize bed. I went to my  son’s room and told my daughter that tonight rinku will sleep with me as he has to rub ointment over me. My daughter said ok mother and went to sleep shortly. My son came to my room . I had changed into a nightie then. I had worn it in order to help him rubbing there. I looked at the mirror at myself and I saw myself looking sexy for the first time . my breasts were hidden in a red bra and my pink nightie had yellow border of lace which fell right upto my knee. I had worn a small fiery red panty beneath. I had neatly done my hair and put some jasmine oil in them. It had been done on habit and not on purpose. I asked my son to sit down . then I brought the packet containing sacred ash and untied it.
Will you do it son
Yes mother I will do
Then he took some sacred ash and looked at me. I told him that he must first untie me and then put it. I turned my back on him. He started opening the hooks of my red satin bra. His nimble fingers were shaking. He set the fiery red bra open. Now it was hung on my silky pink nightie. I asked him to lift the nightie and flip it away. He slowly took my pink nightie off my  white skin. I still had my back to him. I asked him to remove my banyan, as I called bra in local language, from the front. His hands moved on the front and he took the bra completely off my body. Told him to take the ash now and smear it on my chuchies in that position. He took the ash in his hand and gently reached out for my globes. He started smearing on the left only. I told him that the saint had said that it must be done in both the breasts. He now took both his hands and started rubbing the ash on my white body. His muscular hands were nicely cushioning my well used babymaking breasts. I gasped as he rubbed the both mountains. My pussy was getting wet now and I could feel my panties sticking to my puss now. He kept rubbing the ash for  ten minutes and then disengaged. I was suddenly brought alive to the real world from the pangs of lust. I told him that he can wash his hands and sleep next to me on the bed.
Next morning, when I got up , my nighty was all disheveled and it was raised upto my back. My sheer panties were visible and I was sure my son must have seen them.  Somehow, I got up and went to the kitchen to make tea. I had a lot of energy that morning. My body was fresh and I could still feel the strength of my baby’s hands on my breasts. My legs were getting tipsy as I imagined that I had another session in the morning. I came back and offered him the tea. I had not untied the bra after yesterday night’s session and as I bent down to offer him tea, he couldn’t keep his eyes off my cleavage. Without my bra, both my chuchies were nearly falling out on to his face. only the tip and areaola were covered. He licked his lips and looked naughtily across my face. he sipped the tea nervously and looked at me. I brought the thali of sacred ash again and laid it in front of him. Without waiting for a second, he moved behind me and started to uncover my breasts from the front. His soft hands were daintily opeing the folds of pink nightie. Daylight was peeking in and now he cupped my breasts with his hands. There was no sacred ash on them. He was going on his own accord. He pressed them a bit and then took some ash and smeared it and then played and rubbed with them for 10 mins. After that, I kept the tray away and it became a ritual with us. We kept repeating it day after day. And surprisingly after 15 days , all my pain was gone. I remembered swamijee had called too. So I went to him with my son, the next morning.
When we reached swamijee’s hut, not many had gathered and we were quickly guided into his room . he asked us how the experience has been and whether there is any improvement. He asked me to remove her clothes not only from the top but also from the bottom as he needed to know more about the rajas bhava of my body. i once again looked at my son for approval and he said yes, i could go ahead as swamijee was a man of religion. He could be trusted.I mother was wearing a green suit that day. I undid her top first and as I removed her kurta , my nice toned shoulders came into view from where dangled my most beautiful and voluptuous mounds dangled in a white nursing bra. The holy man and my son leered at my breasts although most of them were concealed. Then I stood up and undid the cord of my pyjamas which fell to my feet and I revealed my red polka dotted black panties. My husband had brought them from some good store. There were only two of them and I wore them outside my house. Little did I know, they would come in handy to raise my son and a holy man to erection. The holdy man smiled at me and asked me to come to him. He opened the hooks of my bra and took my chuchies in his hand and said that there was a lot of improvement there and I was getting well. But he said that he need to know the loneliness part so he would have to touch my yoni. I demurely looked at my son and said yes, he could go ahead. He came near my crotch as pushed my panties to one side and pushed one of his finger gently in my pussy. He parted my pussylips with his palm and took a bit of gel from under his bedsheet and put some there. He waited for a second and then he rubbed my pussy again. It was getting so hot for me. I told him that I can remove my panty so that he could do it comfortably. He said that I should remove them at home to my son since it is he who has to do this ritual to make me well.  He then winked at my son and my son smiled , ‘naughty boy ! he said’ He then asked us about various other things regarding the ritual. He listened patiently to our responses and then told us, ‘ look ! listen carefully now , since what I am going to tell you was told to parvati by lord shiva. It must never be told to anyone. It is called as charaka kaam samhita.’
‘ every mother can win over all the diseases of the world. Just like the breastfeeding  from mother keeps the baby healthy for all his life, similarly a son’s energy flowing back at the mother cures her all the diseases of the world. Tell me , sushma, have you not enjoyed the touch of your son’s hands on your chuchies or you , rinkey, have you not loved your mother’s breasts’ said swamijee and looked into our eyes. My eyes fell on my child and we both smiled feebly. ‘ look !’ , swamijee continued,’ when I saw your condition, it took me no time to understand that all this is happening to your body since your husband stays away most of the time and your body  was not getting proper fulfillment. But, then , I suddenly realized that you have a grown up son at home. Then , I thought I will initiate you into this secret tantric practice. Today , I will give you more secrets. But , only the word should not go out. You talk about it to someone and its power is gone, remember’ swameeji looked into our eyes and said,
 My son reassuringly muttered, ‘ no swamijee, its between you and us, say what you want to say’
Swamijee called my son by  his side and said, ‘ my child ! let this never be discovered by anybody, for what I am going o tell is you is profane by the standards of this world but its , when practiced, the most holy and liberating of all worlds , for it can be performed between a mother and son only. No only, it will cure your mother of all the diseases but it will also  develop the most holy of all other bonds of the universe. Tell me you are ready for it.'
 to be continued...part II in the offing
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Rinku and cancer mummi - by lotoffun768 - 06-03-2020, 10:21 PM

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