Adultery Sexy Shyamala

Types of Yoni based on time of Birth
It is amazing to know that various women have different types of yoni depending on their time of birth irrespective of their Zodiac sign. Earlier I have written to you about the twelve categories of women. Depending on the time of birth and Nakshtra, women are classified into twelve types. Hence it can be seen that there are one hundred and forty four types of woman. The type of yoni is determined by how the Moon is placed in the sky at the time of a female's birth. The Constellation in which the Moon is located at the time of birth is also considered.
The four orders of women, Padmini, Chitrini, Shankhini and Hastini, may be subdivided into three kinds, according to the depth and extent of the Yoni. These are the Mrigi, also called Harini, the Deer-woman; the Vadava or Ashvini, Mare-woman; and the Karini, or Elephant-woman.
The Mrigi has a Yoni six fingers deep. Her body is delicate, with girlish aspect, soft and tender. Her head is small and well-proportioned; her bosom stands up well; her stomach is thin and drawn in; her thighs and Mons Veneris are fleshy, and her build below the hips is solid, whilst her arms from the shoulder downwards are large and rounded. Her hair is thick and curly; her eyes are black as the dark lotus-flower; her nostrils are fine; her cheeks and cars are large; her hands, feet, and lower lip are ruddy, and her fingers are straight. Her voice is that of the Kokila bird, and her gait the rolling of the elephant. She eats moderately, but is much addicted to the pleasure of love; she is affectionate but jealous, and she is active in mind when not subdued by her passions. Her Kama-salila has the pleasant perfume of the lotus-flower.
The Vadava or Ashvini numbers nine fingers depth. Her body is delicate; her arms are thick from the shoulders downwards; her breasts and hips are broad and fleshy, and her umbilical region is high-raised, but without protuberant stomach. Her hands and feet are red like flowers, and well-proportioned. Her head slopes forwards and is covered with long and straight hair; her forehead is retreating; her neck is long and much bent; her throat, eyes, and mouth are broad, and her eyes are like the petals of the dark lotus. She has a graceful walk, and she loves sleep and good living. Though choleric and versatile, she is affectionate to her husband; she does not easily arrive at the venereal spasm, and her Kama-salila is perfumed like the lotus.
The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-tinged; her face is broad; her hair is thick and somewhat blackish; her feet, hands, and arms are short and fat; and her teeth are large and sharp as a dog's. She is noisy when eating; her voice is hard and harsh; she is gluttonous in the extreme, and her joints crack with every movement. Of a wicked and utterly shameless disposition, she never hesitates to commit sin. Excited and disquieted by carnal desires, she is not easily satisfied, and requires congress unusually protracted. Her Kama-salila is very abundant, and it suggests the juice which flows from the elephant's temples.
The wise man will bear in mind that all these characteristics are not equally well defined and their proportions can be known only by experience. Mostly the temperaments are mixed; often we find a combination of two and in some cases even of three. Great study, therefore, is required in judging by the absence or presence of the signs and symptoms, to choose the Chandrakala and other manipulations proper to the several differences, as without such judgment the consequences of congress are not satisfactory. Several distinctions of Padmani, Chitrini, Shankhini and Hastini; of Shasta, Vrishabha, and Ashva, and of Mrigi (Harini), Vadava (Ashvini), and Karini are seldom found pure, and that it is his duty to learn the proportions in which they combine.
Before proceeding to the various acts of congress, the symptoms Of the orgasm in women must be laid down. As soon as she commences to enjoy pleasure, the eyes are half closed and watery; the body waxes cold; the breath after being hard and jerky, is expired in sobs or sighs; the lower limbs are limply stretched out after a period of rigidity; a rising and outflow of love and affection appear, with kisses and sportive gestures; and, finally, she seems as if about to swoon. At such time, a distaste for further embraces and blandishments becomes manifest; then the wise know that, the paroxysm having taken place, the woman has enjoyed plenary satisfaction; consequently, they refrain from further congress.
The Twelve Types of Yoni in general terms are described below:
       1.            Gaja Yoni/ Elephant Yoni
       2.            Mriga Yoni/ Deer Yoni
       3.            Ashva Yoni/ Horse Yoni
       4.            Maarjaat Yoni/ Cat Yoni
       5.            Mesha Yoni/ Ram Yoni
       6.            Sarpa Yoni/ Snake Yoni
       7.            Vyaghra Yoni/ Tiger Yoni
       8.            Vaanar Yoni/ Monkey Yoni
       9.            Maheesha Yoni/ Buffalo Yoni
    10.            Chaga Yoni/ Sheep Yoni
    11.            Shawan Yoni/ Dog Yoni
    12.            Mushaka Yoni/ Rat Yoni
1. Gaja Yoni/ Elephant Yoni -  Elephant or Cow
Native is said to be very chaste with occasional but strong sexual performance. Generally considers sex as a moral duty or for procreation. Sexual pleasure is secondary consideration for this type of personality. Takes longer time for preparation and for penetration. But when on the job, the Yoni enthralls the male for long time.
Body Elements: Earth & Air 
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage and deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Revathi or Bharani has this yoni. A person born in this class, is honored by authority, is powerful, a sensualist and an enthusiast.
2. Ashva Yoni / Horse Yoni: -  Camel (cow)
The native looks like not interested in sex but in fact has very strong sexual urge and performance. Sometimes experiences dual orgasm like a camels humps and hence the name of the yoni. Either yoni takes cosmic energy during hot environment and performs sex during cold time or takes in cosmic energy during cold environment and performs sex during hot time. Takes longer time to satiate this yoni and the male sexual organ must be aptly suitable. During sex there would be little talking only.
Body Elements: Earth & Water 
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage and shallow base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Ashwini or Satabisha has this yoni. A person born in this yoni, is independent, full of qualities, has expertise in playing musical instruments and is a great devotee.
3 Ashva Yoni/ Horse Yoni- Horse (Mare)
Native with type of yoni has strong sexual urge and performance. She would be very active during spring and summer than winter. Her dominant yoni with a pliant man makes the most satisfying and rewarding sexual partners. Here the mare initiates signals and showers with pats and kisses so that the man is excited. Due to high libido levels the mare will expect longer play. Some men cannot manage a mare in sex.
Body Elements:Air 
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Uttaraphalguni has this yoni. A person born in this class, is valiant, loves battle, is wealthy and benevolent.
4. Vyaghra Yoni/ Tiger Yoni - Tiger (tigress)
The tigress is known for strong and ferocious sex. But initially the tigress takes ages to get into high libido. Some by 24 years and many others do so by 32 years of age. Thereafter, sex urge never falters; might lasts for 3 to 4 decades. Sex performance on each occasion extend to more than an hour for a number of days. Lot of purring but little talking during copulation would be found. If the male is satisfying then the tigress responds if not, she goes in search for another satisfying partner.
Body Elements:Fire 
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage and deep base. : Person whose birth Nakshtra is Chitra or Vishakha has this yoni. A person born in this class is of independent nature, efficient in accumulating wealth, receptor of virtuous preaching and is full of self praise.
5.  Shawan Yoni/ Dog Yoni -Dog (bitch)
This yoni never lets go once the man is with her both in sex and in life. You are tied to her forgetting your roots and relations. Your lingam is completely swallowed and covered by the bitch yoni during sex that you cannot easily extricate after ejaculation. Sex is very high and can reach zenith during hot summer. If lingam can match with yoni, sex would be good, else it is worse for the relationship. Yoni will go for alternate partners. The opening of the yoni is soft at the commencement of sex, but once the male organ is inside the opening contracts and tightens.
Body Elements: Earth
Yoni Features: soft and tight opening, narrow passage and deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Mool or Ardra has this yoni. A person born in this class, is enthusiastic, a rebel of his caste, a devotee of his parents.
6. Maheesha Yoni/ Buffalo Yoni - Ox (cow)
This represents a dutiful and loyal yoni. Preferring strong males this yoni gives in cajoling the partner and making sex very sweet for him. If the males are not strong, the cow does not complain. On average sex is sparse, but when on the job this yoni goes for a long play. Prefers orthodox manner of having sex and in silent nights.
Body Elements:Water
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage and shallow base
Person whose birth Nakshtra is Hasta or Swati has this yoni. A person born in this class is a fighter and warrior, lusty, has many children, religious and has excessive wind element in his body.
7 Mriga Yoni/ Deer Yoni -  Deer (doe)
This yoni is a faithful house-wife that gives pleasure to partner. After the mare deer is the most sought after yoni. She does not worry even if you go out with other yoni. Deer suppresses her sex urge for the family benefit. However, she is ready at all seasons; she can have sex both in mornings and evenings; she never fails to make the male ecstatic and happy throughout life.
Body Elements: Spirit
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Anuradha or Jyehsta has this yoni. A person born in this class, is of independent nature, earns her livelihood with excellent means, always speaks truth, has love and affection towards his dependents and is brave.
8. Maarjaat Yoni/ Cat Yoni-8 Cat (tabby)
This type of yoni requires longer foreplay. Penetration, however, is spottier. The cat would want the male organ to be withdrawn and again inserted several times during copulation, because orgasm takes long time to be reached. The cat wishes the partner to caress and hold her by the neck. She wants the act to be soft and slow. In many cases, men cannot have the patience to go along and ejaculate faster. In that event the cat washes her yoni with water to cool down her anger and frustration.
Body Elements: Fire & Earth
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Ashlesha or Punarvasu has this yoni. A person born in this class, is efficient in his occupation, loves sweetmeats and is unkind.
9  Sarpa Yoni/ Snake Yoni
This yoni makes a very faithful sex partner. The duration of sex ranges less than an hour to about 2 to 3 hours at a stretch. The snake wants more foreplay by curling and twisting around the partner. Often snake raises the legs to allow the male organ to go inside or prefers penetration from behind. This method makes yoni to reach orgasm easily. The snake would not allow the male organ to be withdrawn once inside.
Body Elements: Fire & Air 
Yoni Features: tight opening, narrow passage & deep base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Rohini or Mrigsira has this yoni. A person born in this class is angry, cruel, unfaithful and misappropriates others' wealth
10  Vaanar Yoni/ Monkey Yoni
This type of yoni wants to be the dominant partner, otherwise whole hell will break down. Monkey needs lots of pleading by the male for sex, lot of gifts and favours not to mention praise. Monkey needs care and caressing more than any other type of yoni. Generally the sex act will be shorter but much happier for both. If the male does not play by the rules then monkey will shut-out sex giving an excuse of the care and welfare of family and children.
Body Elements: Fire & Spirit 
Yoni Features: tight opening, wide passage & deep base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Poorvashadha or Sravana has this yoni. A person born in this class is of restless nature, loves sweetmeats, quarrelsome, lusty and has good, obedient children.
11 Hare
This type of yoni is for all seasons and generally prefers nocturnal copulation. The hare is ready to make sex in different postures and places. Both yoni and male must have equal aggressiveness for happy sex. One party's low libido level can mar satisfaction. The actual penetration and subsequent orgasm is much shorter when compared to the other yonis.
Body Elements: Air & Water 
Yoni Features: soft opening, wide passage & shallow base Person whose birth Nakshtra is Kritika or Pushya has this yoni A person born in this class, is a flirt, an enthusiast, expert in conversational skill but has a short life.
12  Mushaka Yoni/ Rat Yoni
Rat type of yonis like to have sex anytime and has great cunning in selecting places and postures. So much so rat can have sex in the presence of children without them ever knowing what the parents are up to. If the male is dominant over yoni, she selects the same male otherwise opts for another. Social ethics are thrown into the wind by the rat
Body Elements: Air & Spirit
Yoni Features: soft opening, narrow passage & shallow base. Person whose birth Nakshtra is Purvaphalguni or Magha has this yoni. A person born in this class is intelligent, wealthy, always ready to do his work, and a skeptic.
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RE: Sexy Shyamala - by xyshiva - 09-01-2021, 05:20 PM

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