Adultery Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na
Oh! My God!

Both my nipples were swollen to their full size and their impressions were clearly perceptible through the fabric of my nighty. I blushed seeing myself like that and understood that the reason for Nirmal’s staring and unhappy face. I pulled my nighty over my breasts a little so as to conceal my nipples impressions, but as soon as the fabric touched my globes, my erect nipples again showed up and definitely I looked quite sexy and alluring like that. It must have been the effect of the dream. As I got out of the toilet, I was smiling within me thinking about my husband’s hug and the time I spent with him in my dream. I went back to bed and grabbed the pillow between my thighs and closed my eyes and tried to recap the dream. Alas! I could not reconstruct it properly and after some time got up dejected and had my lunch.

Wearing a fresh set of sari, blouse, and petticoat with a fresh pair of undergarment, I was almost ready to meet Guru-ji in his room when there was a knock again. I opened the door and Nirmal again stepped.

Nirmal: Guru-ji is calling if you are over with your lunch.

Me: Yes…

He did not allow me to complete.

Nirmal: Oh! You are already! Madam, Sanjeev asked if there is anything to give for washing.

Me: Yes, but…

I checked myself, as I knew I had my yesterday’s dress to be given for a wash, but honestly I did not want to hand it over to this dwarf because not only my yesterday’s sari would go for a wash, but also my blouse, bra, and panty.

Nirmal: But what Madam?

He inquired innocently. The nitwit. I quickly thought of telling him a lie to avoid handing him over my dress.

Me: Oho! Actually in the morning I handed them already to Sanjeev.

Nirmal: But Madam, I checked the boiling herbal water and there was only Meenakshi’s few clothes, no other female-wear.

I was in a fix now, what to reply?

Nirmal: Today actually Sanjeev has taken off and I am doing his duties.

I could very well understand that my lie was caught by Nirmal and hence I had to try an alibi.

Me: Oh! No. I mistook with yesterday. You are right. I did not hand over my laundry today.

Nirmal smiled and I also artificially smiled back.

Nirmal: Madam, if you tell where they are, I can pick it up. You don’t have to then touch yesterday’s items again.

I did not know what to say and agreed to him, as there was no logical way out now.

Me: Okay thanks. They are in the toilet, right corner.

Nirmal smiled again and went to my toilet. I followed him though there was no need to do that. The dress I wore yesterday to Mr. Yadav’s house was lying in a heap at the toilet corner. I was feeling so clumsy in that situation. Thankfully I was standing at his back. Nirmal readily started picking up my bunched sari from the floor along with the petticoat. He kept my sari on his right shoulder and my petticoat on his left. I was watching him from the toilet door. I was feeling so awkward and released a sigh, as now even a blind man could see my white brassiere and panty resting on the toilet floor in an entangled form along with my blouse. Nirmal bent down and picked up the whole lot and turned towards me. I was not prepared for that and was so, so irritated by his teeth coming out seeing my inner wears. He faced me and was trying to take out my bra from its jumbled position with the blouse.

The crook! He had to do all that before me!

I could see my bra strap somehow got tangled with a blouse hook and not realizing that he was trying to pull my bra off. I had to step in.

Me: Hey, what are you doing? This way you will break the hook.

Nirmal looked amusingly at me though I was least amazed. He probably realized the problem and then took out my bra strap off the blouse hook and said something, which irritated me from my nose to toes.

Nirmal: Madam, actually I did not realize that your bra was struck in your blouse hook. You cautioned me timely Madam, otherwise I would have unknowingly torn your blouse hook.

Saying that he held my bra in one hand and my blouse in the other as if showing me that he had safely separated them from the tangle. Nirmal made things even worse for me because while he was separating my bra from my blouse, the panty slipped from his left hand to the toilet floor.

Nirmal: Oh! Sorry Madam.

Out of reflex action I bent to pick that up and I was feeling so very clumsy handing him over my rolled up panty. Before coming to this ashram, hardly had I came across such a situation where I have to hand over my undergarment to a male. In my residence I always wash my own undergarments, which was one good habit grown in me by my mom from my teenage years. So the question of handing over my inner wears to the dhobi never arose. Even I never ask my husband to hand me over my undergarments from the wardrobe or even after sex on bed I make sure that my used bra or panty are in the toilet first thing in the morning so that my husband do not get a chance to inspect them. On the first day in the ashram I remember I had to hand over my washed undergarments to Sanjeev for a herbal wash. That was still acceptable, but this dwarf’s behavior was irritating me to the limit.

Nirmal now looked at my panty closely. Actually it had rolled up like a twisted thick rope, which happens majority of the time not only for me, but also for other females. And as it was due for a wash, I did not care to straighten it after I had open it in the morning after coming back from Mr. Yadav’s place. Never in my wildest dream did I think that Nirmal would pose things so awkward for me.

Nirmal: Oh! Madam. It’s all rolled up.

I had nothing to say to this deliberate indicative remark and simply lowered my eyelids and was biting my lips with my teeth in shame.

Nirmal: Let me straighten it, otherwise it wont get properly cleaned. Madam, can you hold these for a moment?

I was simply dumbfounded and speechless. A man was asking me to hold my bra and blouse while he intends to straighten my panty! I just involuntarily put forward my right arm and held my blouse and bra. Nirmal now with both hands was getting my rolled up panty to its proper shape. Seeing that I felt like dying.

After some more embarassesing moments, Nirmal completed his noble task of straightening my used panty and was at last out of the toilet.

Nirmal: You can go to Guru-ji now Madam. He has completed his lunch.

He departed the place with an equally irritating smile holding my undergarments in his hands. I also followed him closing the door of my room to Guru-ji’s room.

Me: May I come in Guru-ji?

Guru-ji was sitting on a couch and Sanjeev was also there in the room.

Guru-ji: Come in Anita. I was actually waiting for you.
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RE: Guru Ji Ka Treatment by Mai Hu Na - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-02-2019, 10:39 AM
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