Adultery Indian Wife & Boss by tantrik721
Indian Wife & Boss Ch. 04

Ravi felt guilty as he blamed himself for everything. Meena showed no pity on him rather creates situations where he feels even more remorseful. He was more caring, more loving towards Meena. He took care of most of the household chores and stopped bugging her for being late from office. Meena was enjoying this new found freedom.

Kripa called her the next evening; Meena was so enchanted listening to his dominating voice that she unknowingly touched herself. Kripa laughed his ass off when she told him how she handled Ravi.

"Serves him right," he said, "he is a sissy boy."

She was so much fascinated with Kripa that he forgot everything else. Day and night she dreamt about the night spent with him and longed for his dominating touch. Her body ached for him to take her forcefully and screw her brains out. She waited for him to call her, to ask her to come to him, to fuck her, but he didn't call. It was frustrating; she thought of calling him but didn't want him to know how desperate she is.

Gupta called her many times and wanted to meet her but she was not interested. She lost interest in her boss as well and didn't allow Ravi to come near to her. Salim and Pradeep the guards at her office continued to pester her, asking her to come to the basement, but she ignored them.

One day in the office Pradeep bumped into her and started to threaten her but she laughed him off.

"Send me the pics or send them to my hubby," she teased him, "I don't care, now go fuck yourself," she snarled. Pradeep was taken aback he cannot believe such a nice fuck toy was slipping out of his hands.

Then one day she received a parcel at her office. She curiously opened it and found a dress in it and a letter. It was from Kripa. She looked around and finding no one around she hid the dress in her drawer and opened the letter anxiously.

"Wear it on Saturday night; I will pick you up from your house."

Saturday is today, her heart started to beat faster and her face blushed like a teenager first time in love but then she panicked, how can he come to my house, Ravi would be there. She picked up the phone and dialled Kripa.

"Yes sweet heart, I was not expecting your call, I was expecting to see you at 6 O Clock sharp" he spoke.

"You cannot come to my house, Ravi would be there, you know what I told him about that night," she spoke quickly.

He laughed out loud, "As if I care about him, but don't worry I won't come to your flat I will be waiting for you in my car downstairs at sharp 6 O Clock and listen," suddenly his voice was stern, "I don't want you to question my command or disobey then in any way, If you call me again or disobey me in anyway, then you need not come at all," he hung the phone.

She was stunned and felt blood drain out of her body. She breathed hard; with shaking hand she put back the phone. She felt like a little girl who has just irritated her daddy. She felt upset but vowed to herself that she will not do this mistake again.

She could not concentrate on the work and kept thinking about the meeting and what she should do. She felt itching in her pussy and realized that her panty was soaking wet. She came home around three. Ravi was home as it was his off day.

"Hello dear," he greeted him. She nodded slowly but didn't speak and quietly moved to the bed room. Ravi sensing her bad mood walked behind her.

"What is it dear," he looked concerned, "is everything OK?"

"No, everything is not OK, Kripa has been calling me and threatening me, he wants to see me tonight."

"What!" he was shocked, "but why?"

"He told me he will return me the pics," she spoke slowly with her head down.

"I cannot trust him that he wanted to return the pics," he mumbled, "where he wants to meet you."

"At his residence, he will send the car to pick me up."

"What if he tries to do something with you," he was concerned.

"What else he could do, he had already bangd me, I can handle him," she spoke.

"I will come with you," he was furious.

"Please, Ravi I don't want you to come with me and create any problem, I will handle it and finish it once and for all," she spoke.

He looked hurt, "he may try to take advantage of you."

"That much I can figure out, he is not calling me to say sorry to me and hand me over the pictures, he will definitely try something, but I can negotiate and this threat of blackmail can be solved," she tried to reason with him.

Ravi almost lost his balance; he was dumbfounded and held the edge of the bed to support him. He looked at Meena who was scared like a deer caught in the spotlight.

"He can't, I will kill that bastard if he dares...," he was shaking with rage.

"No, you will not do anything," suddenly Meena spoke in a firm voice, "you will stay home and wait for me."

"No, I will not," he was adamant.

"What if he hits you again... bangs you," he was shaking, imagining Meena with that man, "let us report to the security officer."

"Shut up," Meena shouted taking control of the situation, "enough of your nonsense, it was you who never trusted me and you suspicious nature lead to all this, do you know what kind of life it would be after you report to security officer. Nothing is going to happen to Kripa he has got good connections and everyone in my office and your office will come to know about it, OUR life will be miserable. The security officer will ask so many dirty questions, why I went with them to the bedroom? Who opened the blouse? Why didn't I raise alarm? Why your hubby watched it and did nothing? Why didn't you report it immediately?"

Again Ravi had no answer. He fidgeted tried to think of something but nothing came to his mind. Meena pushed him out of the bedroom and closed the door and sighed.

She was having butterflies in her stomach as she opened the package and pull out the dress. Her jaw dropped, it was a brown skirt and a white shirt. "A college dress!" It was a kind of dress she had not worn in ages and how could she go out in this dress. She fell on the bed like a deflated balloon. All her bravado vanished and she felt her body trembling. How can she wear it and walk out in front of her hubby. "What if any neighbour sees me, what am I going to say," she thought. She cannot do it, I will wear something normal, but then she remembered the afternoon conversation with Kripa and her body trembled.

Nervously she tried it and found it a perfect fit. She found that the white shirt was quite transparent and whatever she wears inside will be visible. It snugs tightly over her soft breasts; the skirt was pleated and was reaching just below her fleshy round hips. She looked in mirror and shivered at her sexy image. Lot of her shapely thighs were revealed. With a sigh she took it off and went to take shower to get ready for the evening. Her heart was pounding in anticipation.
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RE: Indian Wife & Boss by tantrik721 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-02-2019, 01:55 PM
RE: Indian Wife & Boss by tantrik721 - by pcirma - 12-02-2019, 04:40 PM

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